Nasal congestion in a child is a fairly common and widespread phenomenon. If the pathological process continues for a long time, then this negatively affects the general condition. Infants with congestion refuse to eat, as they have nothing to breathe during feeding, which leads to weight loss and weakness of the baby. In older children, sleep is disturbed, or they breathe through their mouths at night, which opens access to pathogens to the tonsils. As a result, this can lead to more serious he alth complications. Therefore, it is worth figuring out if the child’s nose is clogged, what parents should do and how to alleviate the baby’s condition.

If the child's nose does not breathe and there is no snot, then this indicates congestion, which prevents the baby from breathing normally. To eliminate it, it is important to find out the main cause that could provoke the pathological process. Nasal congestion is not a disease, but only a concomitant symptom indicating the initial developmentpathology. If the provoking factor is not identified, then it will appear regularly, causing serious discomfort to the child.
Common causes:
- cold;
- infection;
- hypothermia;
- allergy;
- teething combined with bacterial infection;
- adverse environmental conditions;
- artificial feeding.
In addition to the above reasons, other factors can provoke congestion when the nose does not breathe in a child and there is no snot for a long time:
- Congenital deviated septum.
- A bruise that provoked damage to the nasal septum.
- Foreign body in the sinus of the nose.
- Adenoids or polyps.
- Congenital anomalies of the respiratory system.
If only at night the nose of the child is clogged, and during the day breathing is normal, then the reason for this is the dry air in the room where he sleeps. Therefore, parents should pay attention to any manifestation of congestion, which can ultimately make the doctor correctly diagnose and find the provoking factor.
The child has a blocked nose, what should I do?
There are many ways to deal with the problem. But since it is much more difficult to treat congestion in a child than in an adult, not all methods of therapy can be used.
Initially, you should contact your pediatrician, who can prescribe the following types of treatment:
- drug therapy;
- regular nasal lavage;
- inhalations.
Medic altreatment

This treatment method involves the use of drugs to eliminate the underlying cause of congestion. If the pathological process is caused by an allergy, then the doctor prescribes additional antihistamines to reduce inflammation of the mucosa.
Most often, vasoconstrictors are used to eliminate congestion, helping to narrow the blood vessels. In addition, they eliminate the swelling of the mucosa, improve breathing. The positive effect is noticeable within a few minutes after spraying the product. The advantage of nasal sprays and drops is that they act pointwise at the points of spraying. Therefore, the active component is not able to be absorbed into the blood in larger quantities, which means that it does not have a negative effect on the baby's body. This type of medication should not be used for more than 5 days, as this can lead to the opposite effect of therapy.
If a child has a clogged nose, how to treat? This can only be determined by a doctor on the basis of an examination and a survey of parents. Self-medication can lead to complications.
The most common vasoconstrictor for children is "Dlyanos". The release form of the drug can be in the form of a spray (from 6 years) and drops (up to 6 years), so you can choose the most suitable option.
"For the nose" for children: instructions for use
Drops and spray of the drug are intended for intranasal administration:
- Spray 0.1% (from 6 years). If the child has a stuffy nose and no snot, it is necessary to carry outinjections up to 4 times a day. To perform the procedure correctly, it is recommended to hold the medicine bottle vertically so that its nozzle is directed upwards. Gently insert the sprayer into the nostril and press sharply, then remove the nozzle without opening it. This will allow an even distribution of the solution on the nasal mucosa. Repeat the procedure with the other sinus.
- Drops 0.05% (up to 6 years). The drug is injected into each nasal cavity 1-2 drops with a pipette. Regularity of application - no more than 3 times a day. Use to eliminate congestion no more than 5 days.
Vasoconstrictive drops should be considered as an addition to the main treatment. They help to alleviate the condition of the child and improve air permeability through the nose. But this group of drugs is not able to cope with the main cause.
If a child has a stuffy nose and the drops do not help, you can help the baby with home washes.
Sinus Flushing

This therapeutic method should be used if the child's nose is constantly clogged, and not just at night. The procedure helps to improve air permeability and reduces swelling of the mucosa.
Flushing the sinuses helps remove dust and allergens, so pediatricians recommend this procedure for preventive purposes, which reduces the likelihood of developing diseases.
For the procedure, you should use special solutions that can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. The components included in their compositionpromote uniform moistening of the nasal cavity and prevent the appearance of microcracks through which the infection can enter the child's body. But before using this method of eliminating congestion, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation, as well as study the existing restrictions.
Contraindications for the procedure
There are certain situations when nasal irrigation is not recommended.
Main contraindications:
- complete obstruction of the nasal passages;
- neoplasms on the nasal mucosa;
- congenital or acquired deformity of the nasal septum;
- otitis media;
- predisposition to bleeding.
To exclude the presence of complications in the child, you should visit an otolaryngologist.
Flushing products
To wash the nose of a child, you can use different types of funds. Each of them is applied depending on the complexity of the problem.
Types of solutions:
- Boiled water. This component is used when the child's breathing through the nose is disturbed due to dried crusts. Therefore, there is no need to use special saline solutions.
- Sterile saline. The remedy is used for colds, allergies, sinusitis. Saline can be purchased at a pharmacy. In fact, it is a saline solution based on sodium chloride. The product is available in ordinary glass containers, so you need to purchase an additional pipette for washing.
- Solutions of sea water. The advantage of the tool is thatin addition to s alt, it contains minerals that improve the hydration of the nasal mucosa and the function of small capillary vessels in it. In addition, this solution relieves swelling, inflammation and has antiseptic properties.
- Special sprays based on sea s alt. This group of drugs is available in 2 types: isotonic and hypertonic. In the first case, the s alt concentration in the solution is 0.9%, which is as close as possible to blood plasma. Therefore, the use of isotonic sprays is recommended both for the treatment of congestion and as a preventive measure. They contribute to the restoration and maintenance of mucosal function. In the second case, the s alt concentration reaches 2.1%. Therefore, it is recommended to use hypertonic sprays or drops purely to eliminate congestion when the child's nose is clogged and does not blow out. They effectively remove swelling, thin mucus and promote its removal, and also have bactericidal properties.
In addition to the above funds, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula), "Furacilin", soda, iodine, "Miramistin" for washing. But the use of these components should be agreed with the pediatrician, since only a doctor can determine the degree of risk to the child.
Rinse the nose for babies
Before proceeding with the procedure, you should figure out how to wash your child's nose at home, depending on his age.
To eliminate congestion in a baby, you need to be patient. Therefore, pediatricians advise to carry out a therapeutic procedure,when the child is in a good mood, it will help reduce discomfort.
Sequence of actions:
- Lay the baby on his back.
- Prepare cotton flagella by soaking them in boiled water.
- Clean them (as far as possible) of the nasal cavity.
- Drip 1 drop of sea s alt solution into each nostril.
- Wait a few minutes for the liquid to dissolve the crusts in depth.
- Using a special aspirator pear, draw out the soaked contents.
You can repeat the procedure no more than 3-4 times a day for a week. For babies, you can use both drops and sprays based on sea s alt. Many of them are sold with a soft nozzle that prevents deep insertion.
Children under two years old

The procedure for washing the nose is much easier if the child is already confidently holding his head and standing on his feet. At this age, the baby is already aware that this procedure brings relief and improves breathing through the nose.
Washing is carried out as follows:
- Place the baby in front of the basin so that he is in a purely upright position and tilts his head slightly forward.
- With cotton swabs dipped in boiled water, clean both nasal passages so that all crusts can soften.
- Dial prepared saline solution into a soft bulb or syringe without a needle.
- Push the tip into the nostril and gradually drain the liquid without pressure.
- The baby's mouth duringprocedures must be opened.
- Repeat the procedure with the other nostril without allowing the child to raise his head.
- At the end of washing, ask the child to blow his nose, alternately pinching one or the other nasal passage.
When the baby gets used to the therapeutic procedure, the jet of the solution can be made a little stronger. Don't forget to reward your child with a new toy or tasty treat. This will smooth out the baby's unpleasant associations.
Rinse the nose for schoolchildren

Nasal lavage for school-age children is not difficult. They can already explain the importance of this procedure and the need for it.
To clean the nasal cavity, it is recommended to use special teapots with a long spout. This container is filled with saline. The child should stand in front of the washbasin, tilting his head slightly to one side and forward. The tip of the teapot is inserted into the upper nasal cavity and the liquid is gradually poured out. In this way, the nose is washed completely, as the solution will pour out of the other nostril.
Repeat the procedure if the child's nose is blocked and there is no snot, it is necessary at least 3-4 times a day, alternating between nasal sinuses.

If a child has a stuffy nose, what to do and how to help the baby if it is not possible to wash? In this case, inhalation can be used. This method of therapy is based on warming the upper respiratory tract. It can only be used forin agreement with the doctor, when the main cause of prolonged congestion is precisely established.
For inhalation, you need to purchase a special device at the pharmacy - a nebulizer. This will greatly simplify the procedure. The temperature of the saline solution should be 37-38 degrees. The child should bend over the device and breathe into it for about 10 minutes.
Repeat inhalations are recommended every 3-4 hours.
Preventive measures

If a child has a blocked nose, what to do in this situation has already been figured out. It remains to familiarize yourself with some prevention rules that will help prevent the recurrence of congestion:
- Regularly ventilate the rooms and humidify the air in the baby's room. This is especially true in winter, when the heaters are on.
- When identifying an allergic cause of congestion, use antihistamines in advance during especially dangerous periods of the year.
- Timely treat ENT diseases so that the pathology cannot develop into a chronic form.
- Stay outside regularly.
- Clothes should be selected according to the weather so that the child does not get cold or overheat.
- The baby should drink enough water so that the nasal mucosa does not dry out.
The child has a stuffy nose. What to do? The main thing for parents in this situation is not to panic and not experiment with untested methods, since the baby cannot always tell about his problem himself. Onlyattention to the he alth of the child and the necessary care will help the baby recover quickly. It is also worth remembering that any medications and therapeutic procedures should be used on the recommendation of a doctor.