Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a very common disease, which is popularly known as "sciatica". The disease is accompanied by pain attacks, which become more frequent as the pathological process progresses. Patients with a similar diagnosis need timely medical care. Of course, many people today are looking for more information about pathology. Why does sciatica develop? Symptoms and treatments, diagnostic measures, and home therapies are important things to look into.

General information about the disease

Unfortunately, many people are faced with such a problem as inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms and treatment are important information. But first, it’s worth understanding the general data.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. Its function is the innervation of the lower extremities. The nerve originates in the sacrum, passes through the coccyx, after whichfollows along the back surface of the pelvis and both lower extremities to the very feet. That is why its inflammation is accompanied by severe pain in the entire lower body, which brings a lot of discomfort to the patient's life, significantly limits physical activity, and, if left untreated, can lead to disability.

So why does sciatica develop? How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve? We will consider the answers to these questions in more detail.

The main causes of the development of the disease

According to statistics, inflammation of the sciatic nerve is rarely an independent disease. In most cases, a similar problem appears against the background of other pathologies.

  • The cause may be the herpes virus, especially if its activation leads to the development of shingles. The inflammatory process in this case can capture the sciatic nerve.
  • Osteochondrosis and spondylosis are accompanied by degenerative changes in the bone tissues of the spine, which sometimes leads to nerve infringement. A herniated disc can lead to the same result.
  • Inflammation of the sciatic nerve often develops against the background of gout.
  • The list of causes includes stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal.
  • Potentially dangerous are injuries to the organs or muscles of the pelvis.
  • Sciatica can be the result of the formation and growth of tumors.
  • Injury to the sciatic nerve is often observed against the background of spinal injuries.
  • Women often face a similar problem during pregnancy. Inflammationsciatic nerve can be the result of gynecological diseases, as well as injuries received during childbirth.
  • The cause can also be called the so-called piriformis syndrome, a reflex, involuntary contraction of which is often accompanied by excessive compression of the sciatic nerve, which leads to inflammation.
  • Other causes include toxin poisoning (sciatic nerve damage is often associated with arsenic or mercury poisoning), Reiter's syndrome, Lyme disease, lumbar sciatica, diabetes mellitus, fibromyalgia, thrombosis of large and medium vessels.
Causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve
Causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

In addition, the disease can be aggravated by exposure to certain risk factors:

  • Severe hypothermia, prolonged exposure to cold air flows - all this can provoke the development of an inflammatory process. By the way, according to statistics, most often this happens in a relatively warm period of the year, when the lower back is not covered by clothes.
  • Risk factors include frequent infections.
  • Sciatica can develop as a result of excessive physical exertion, heavy lifting. This can lead to deformation of the muscular frame and infringement of the nerve roots emerging from the spine.

Of course, during the diagnosis it is very important to determine the causes of sciatica. Sciatica is much easier to treat if the risk factors are addressed first.

Which symptoms to look out for?

Many people wonder why sciatica develops. Symptoms and treatment are just the kind of information worth considering, as they are interrelated. The clinical picture in this case is characterized by a number of disorders.

  • The main symptom of inflammation is pain. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, occur in the lumbar region, after which they spread to the thighs, calves and cover the limbs up to the tips of the toes. The pain may be sharp, burning or aching. Some patients complain of constant discomfort. Nevertheless, in most cases, the pain is paroxysmal in nature - an outbreak of soreness ends with temporary relief. Sometimes the discomfort is so strong that it leads to temporary paralysis of the limbs - during an attack, a person simply loses the ability to move.
  • When you lean forward, the pain tends to be less intense as the pressure on the nerve is relieved. But the attempt to turn the body increases the discomfort.
  • During a pain attack, the patient cannot lean on the affected limb - walking becomes temporarily impossible. Discomfort appears or increases during physical activity.
  • The sciatic nerve is to some extent responsible for the innervation of the pelvic organs. In especially severe cases, the pain attack is accompanied by involuntary urination and / or defecation.
  • Sometimes the skin along the nerve swells and becomes reddish.
  • Seizures can appear with different frequency. Atsome patients they occur several times a year, others - several times a week or even a day. If we are talking about a chronic process, then progressive muscle atrophy is possible.
Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve
Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Treatment of sciatica should be started as soon as possible - this way you can speed up the healing process and avoid complications.

Diagnosis of sciatica

Diagnosing inflammation of the sciatic nerve is rarely difficult, because the symptoms of the pathology are very characteristic. However, they are sometimes blurred and a number of studies are needed to make a diagnosis:

  • To begin with, a general inspection is carried out. The Lasegue test is informative. The patient is asked to lie on his back and raise his leg up without bending it at the knee. If during such a manipulation pain appears along the nerve, which subsides after the person lowers the leg, then this indicates a lesion of the sciatic nerve.
  • In fact, there are many more such tests. For example, Valsalva's test is informative. The patient needs to close his mouth and nose, and then create forced breathing. Such manipulations lead to an increase in pressure in the chest and abdominal cavity. Pain subsides for a while, but other neurological symptoms appear, such as impaired motor activity of the foot, weakened knee jerk, decreased skin sensitivity, etc.
  • Electroneuromyography. This procedure allows you to measure the speed of propagation of nerve impulses during nerve stimulation (in this caseischial).
  • Of course, other examinations are also carried out. For example, patients take blood tests. They are sent for x-ray studies, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Such procedures allow not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to determine the cause of the development of inflammation.

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Drug treatment in this case helps to cope with the main symptoms of the disease.

In most cases, doctors use drugs from several groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective, in particular those containing ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol, diclofenac. It should be noted that long-term use of such drugs is dangerous, as it can lead to the development of diseases of the digestive tract (for example, stomach ulcers).
  • For severe pain, steroid drugs are used, which have more pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Substances such as cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone are considered effective. Sometimes medications are given through an epidural injection to relieve pain almost instantly.
  • Complexes of vitamins (in particular, group B) must be included in the treatment regimen. They are necessary in order to restore the functioning of the nervous system and damaged nerve fibers.
  • In combination with other drugs, sedatives and antidepressants are also used. These remedies help to normalize the emotional state.patient, improve sleep and well-being.
Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve
Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Of course, all of the above drugs can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor. They help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This is followed by a period of rehabilitation.

Effective ointments for sciatica

In addition to tablets and injections, drugs are also used for external treatment of affected areas. Only a doctor knows how to treat sciatica. Properly selected ointments by a specialist will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms, as well as restore the normal functioning of tissues:

  • Effective analgesic ointments are considered "Finalgon", "Nicoflex", "Efkamon". Such funds increase blood circulation in the tissues, providing them with a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. According to reviews, the drugs are most effective if the inflammation of the nerve is associated with compression or hypothermia.
  • Chondroprotective ointments help with osteochondrosis, which also leads to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Such drugs as "Chondroitin", "Teraflex M", "Chondroxin" are considered effective.
  • Sometimes anesthetic ointments are used, which contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. These medications help relieve inflammation and relieve pain. In medical practice, drugs such as Diclofenac, Voltaren, Diklovit, Fastum-gel are often used.
  • Sometimes homeopathic ointments are used, such as Target T andTraumeel S. It is believed that such drugs increase local immunity, improve metabolic processes in tissues, and also relieve pain. However, they are only used as aids.

Massage for healing

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve necessarily includes massage. Of course, such procedures are carried out after the acute phase of sciatica. Massage should be performed by an experienced, qualified professional. Trying to do it yourself can only make matters worse.

Massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve
Massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Properly performed massage helps relieve muscle spasm, improve blood circulation, trophism of tissues and nerve fibers. The course of treatment consists of approximately 11-15 procedures. According to reviews, massage really helps to recover faster after an attack of sciatica.

Therapeutic gymnastics

As soon as the main symptoms of exacerbation of sciatica disappear, doctors recommend doing special therapeutic exercises. The first few sessions are best done under the supervision of an experienced physiotherapist. Properly selected exercises will help improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm, which often causes nerve infringement.

  • First you need to lie on your back (preferably on the floor). Raise your legs, supporting your buttocks with your hands, and pull your knees to your chest. In this position, you need to hold out for about 30 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated at least 10 times.
  • Staying on the floor, roll over onto your stomach. Lean your hands onfloor and try to raise your upper body as much as possible. The feet remain on the floor. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Bends of the torso in different directions (in a standing position) are considered useful. Remember that all movements must be neat and slow. Too sharp jerks can only aggravate the situation.
Gymnastics with inflammation of the sciatic nerve
Gymnastics with inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: how to treat at home?

Many people with this diagnosis are interested in questions about whether it is possible to do something on their own. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home is possible only with the permission of a doctor. Traditional medicine offers several remedies to combat sciatica:

  • Effective are ointments and alcohol tinctures from horse chestnut. They need to treat the skin along the affected nerve.
  • Some folk healers recommend cupping massage. During the procedure, you can use an anti-inflammatory ointment or any warming cream.
  • To help cope with pain and muscle spasm and applications of natural, heated beeswax.

Prevention measures

You already know why the symptoms of sciatica appear. Treatment at home, features of drug therapy - this is important information. But it is worth learning more about prevention, because it is much easier to avoid the development of an ailment than to worry about treatment later. Doctors recommend taking some precautionsPrecautions:

  • It is worth avoiding physical overexertion and excessive stress on the spine, especially if we are talking about a person who does not play sports constantly.
  • Doctors recommend avoiding hypothermia in the lumbar region, as quite often inflammation of the sciatic nerve is associated with this.
  • It is important to keep fit. Trained muscles and strong ligaments of the back reduce the likelihood of damage to the sciatic nerve.
Pain with inflammation of the sciatic nerve
Pain with inflammation of the sciatic nerve

When the slightest symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist knows how to deal with inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Home treatment cannot replace full medical therapy.
