Cystitis after intimacy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cystitis after intimacy: causes, symptoms and treatment
Cystitis after intimacy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cystitis is a long-term inflammatory process that occurs in the urinary tract. The advantage of this disease appears in women, and especially after intimacy. What is cystitis after intimacy, how to prevent it and how to treat it - the main questions to which you will learn the answers.

cystitis after intercourse
cystitis after intercourse

Main symptoms of cystitis (after sex)

Cystitis after intimacy is significantly different from ordinary acute cystitis. Symptoms can be felt almost immediately after intercourse.

Symptoms of cystitis after intimacy:

  • severe pain when urinating;
  • after emptying the bladder always feels full;
  • feeling of cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • admixture of blood in the urine;
  • body temperature may rise;
  • increased urge to go to the toilet;
  • Intimacy is fraught with unpleasant sensations (a woman cannot achieve orgasm due to discomfort).

At firstsymptoms, you should visit a doctor, and especially if pain is immediately felt after sexual intercourse. If cystitis is not treated in a timely manner, then inflammation of the appendages, a violation of the kidneys may develop. All diseases that appear in the future can lead to protracted long-term treatment.

cystitis after intimacy causes
cystitis after intimacy causes

Cystitis after intimacy: causes

The most important cause of the appearance and progression of cystitis immediately after sexual contact with a partner is an infection: pathogens from a man instantly penetrate into the woman's bladder. Why does cystitis appear after intimacy? The reasons for its occurrence are:

  • anomaly of human physiological development;
  • A woman's urethra is close to the exit from the vagina, so bacteria are "open" to the bladder;
  • if the rules of personal hygiene on the part of a man and a woman were not observed at all, then bacteria from the genitals or hands can enter the genitourinary system, provoking an inflammatory process;
  • when combining anal and vaginal sex in one sexual intercourse;
  • use of a condom that contains spermicidal lubricant (for example, spermicidal contraceptives and special creams can injure the mucous membrane of the urinary tract);
  • non-traditional sex positions that can cause injury to the urethral mucosa (the most dangerous position is missionary);
  • when engaging in sexual intercourse withuntreated cystitis from previous sex appears recurrent cystitis.

Cystitis after intimacy can occur due to the presence of a sexually transmitted disease of one of the partners, as well as rough sex and lack of natural lubrication. So, any kind of damage to the mucous membrane can lead to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora and inflammation.

With rough sex, there is little lubrication and the genitals are not sufficiently prepared for intimacy. Therefore, cystitis appears immediately after sexual intercourse is over, against the background of an injured urethra in the form of cracks and erosive lesions.

What is pathogenesis?

Pathogenesis is the process of origin and further development of a disease. With cystitis, a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms enter the bladder through the urinary canal. This path of the disease is called urethral, simply speaking, ascending.

Cystitis after intimacy appears due to the fact that bacteria enter the body. However, in order to provoke inflammation, a “push” is needed. In other words, cystitis develops if all the predisposing factors are present:

  • lowered immunity;
  • impaired bladder emptying activity.

Cystitis in women after sex

This disease most often affects women. There is only one reason - the specific structure of the genital organs in women. This is the main difference between the male and female structure of the reproductive system. In a woman, the urinary canal is much wider andshorter than men. That is why bacteria easily enter the bladder and multiply there.

The problem of cystitis after intimate sexual contact is quite common among women. That is why they should know what causes inflammation and what preventive methods should be applied.

symptoms of cystitis after intimacy
symptoms of cystitis after intimacy

Cystitis in men after sex

This disease is fraught with an ascending route of infection. In other words, the infection penetrates the urethra into the bladder, after which the development of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. It is for this reason that this disease practically does not occur in men. However, prevention and treatment are no different.


Cystitis after intercourse? Treatment should begin without delay. Diagnosis is immediately necessary so that the doctor can prescribe special drugs. It is important that the course of treatment is selected individually, because the causative agents of the disease are different for everyone. So, the doctor should refer the patient to the following tests:

  • complete blood count;
  • general urinalysis;
  • crop urine for microflora;
  • ultrasound examination of the bladder;
  • vaginal swab;
  • determining the location of the vagina and urethra.
cystitis after intimacy how to prevent
cystitis after intimacy how to prevent

Complications and consequences

If you ignore the first signs of the disease, cystitis can become severe. Accordingly, the course of treatment will need enhanced. In addition, avoiding the appearance of complications will not be easy. Infection from the bladder can affect other organs, provoking an inflammatory process in the kidneys. Also, if cystitis appears immediately after having sex, then a woman may completely lose her sexual desire.

Psychological problems cannot be avoided: low self-esteem, nervous tension and disagreements between a man and a woman. Today, more and more women are self-medicating. Knowing their problem, many immediately after sex take antibiotics. They "block" the problem, but only for a short time. In addition, the constant use of antibiotics causes serious he alth problems.

Antibacterial resistance can be directly observed, in which the drug will be powerless in the fight against microorganisms. Pregnant women should never take antibiotics. Cystitis, in turn, can provoke spontaneous abortion, fetal development arrest and premature birth. That is why specialists from all over the world have come to a consensus: a full professional treatment is needed.

Cystitis after intimacy: treatment

The success of treatment directly depends on the timely visit to the doctor. Therefore, if you feel the first symptoms of cystitis, then you should immediately go to the urologist. The inflammatory focus in the vagina can be eliminated with the help of special antifungal and antibacterial medications. If a sexually transmitted disease is detected, each of the partners will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Treatment aims to blockthe spread of the infection. If cystitis is caused by bacteria, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics - Ofloksin, Manural, and for a viral infection - Cycloferon, for a fungal infection - Fluconazole. In the inflammatory process, doctors recommend administering antiseptics through the urethra.

Warming up, diet, special gymnastic exercises and plenty of fluids also help. In addition, when all recommendations are followed, doctors advise taking a course of immunostimulating drugs, herbal remedies and vitamins. A full course of treatment is required. Otherwise, the disease can develop into a chronic stage. But it will be difficult to cure the pathological form.

prevention of cystitis after intimacy
prevention of cystitis after intimacy


If the doctor has identified the anatomical features of the urinary system, then it is possible to use an operative method of treatment - transposition of the urethra - raising it above the level of the vagina. The remnants of the hymen contribute to the retraction of the urethra. That is why the surgeon excised these remnants.

Recovery after such an operation lasts from 7 to 15 days. In almost 90% of cases, with the help of surgical intervention, a woman forever forgets what cystitis is after intercourse.

Treatment with folk remedies

Cystitis with blood after intimacy can be cured with traditional medicine. However, you can use certain recipes only after prior consultation with your doctor. Many urologists believe that the traditional method of treatmentsupplementing folk is not only possible, but necessary. However, one should not forget that the causes of cystitis after intimacy, the treatment of which requires the complex administration of antibiotics, antispasmodics and other drugs, must also be eliminated. One of the effective ways in folk medicine is warming up with a hot brick.

Red brick, preheated over a fire, is placed in an enameled bucket. Then you should sit on a bucket, wrapping your whole body with a warm blanket or blanket. The procedure should last up to 20 minutes. Wet areas should be wiped well and go to bed. For an enhanced effect, you can drip birch tar onto a hot brick. Among non-traditional (folk) methods of treatment, both infusions and herbal decoctions should be distinguished. St. John's wort, horsetail, hernia and common aspen effectively help to relieve inflammation and unpleasant symptoms.

how to avoid cystitis after intercourse
how to avoid cystitis after intercourse

If a chronic inflammatory process is detected, it is recommended to drink a decoction of St. John's wort. It will take 15 g of St. John's wort and 250 ml of boiling water to boil for 60 minutes. After which it should be filtered. It is necessary to use such a decoction 125 ml four times a day.

With self-treatment at home, you can only help yourself with a diet. It is necessary to exclude everything spicy and spicy from your diet. Also tea/coffee will not bring any benefit. It is advisable to replace them at least for a while with herbal infusions or plain water. Cranberry juice is effective. Cranberry is considered a natural antibiotic and quickly acts on bacteria thatcan cause cystitis.


Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the number of symptoms of pain after sexual intercourse. In addition, these drugs help to eliminate various infections of the genitourinary system. The choice of a particular drug directly depends on what symptoms are clearly manifested. If there is a burning sensation, pain with frequent urination, then the Spanish fly is effective. This drug is usually used if, against the background of an inflammatory process in the body, a woman becomes irritable.

You should be aware that the manifestation of symptoms is aggravated by the use of coffee, alcoholic beverages, etc. When treating with Spanish fly, warming up, warmth and plenty of fluids are required. Barberry is used if the pain is sharp and burning. The choice of this homeopath is due to the apathetic state of the patient, fatigue and poor concentration. Doctors prescribe caustic soda when the patient constantly experiences not only strong, frequent urge to go to the toilet, but also when there are problems with urination.

How to prevent cystitis after sex?

Prevention of cystitis after intimacy is simple tips:

  • if partners lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it is necessary to exercise 2 times a day (morning and evening);
  • cannot be tolerated, hold back urination;
  • during the day you need to drink as much liquid as possible, this will speed up the removal of infections from the body;
  • during menstruation, you need to limit yourself in sexual intercourse (ifif sex continues, it is recommended to observe increased hygiene);
  • in the presence of diseases in the oral cavity, oral sex should be completely abandoned;
  • anal sex should only be done with a condom;
  • use condoms that are not formulated with spermicidal lubricant and lubricant;
  • avoid sexual positions that irritate the urethra whenever possible.

How to avoid cystitis after intimacy? The answer is simple: most importantly, before and after sexual intercourse, be sure to thoroughly wash the genitals.

cystitis with blood after intimacy
cystitis with blood after intimacy


In the presence of a disease such as cystitis after sexual intercourse, the prognosis is usually favorable if you start treatment in a timely manner from a specialist.

Initiative in treatment, and directly taking antibiotics after each sexual intercourse, sooner or later can cause an undesirable reaction of the body.

The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner you can say goodbye to cystitis once and for all. Timely effective treatment will help to return to normal life and intimacy unclouded by any external factors.
