Toe fungus in children: causes, symptoms, treatments, drugs

Toe fungus in children: causes, symptoms, treatments, drugs
Toe fungus in children: causes, symptoms, treatments, drugs

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a fungal infection of the nail plate. This disease occurs in both adults and children. The main causative agents of onychomycosis are dermatophyte fungi. Left untreated, the fungus spreads to the skin and can cause complications.

Itching with fungus on the legs
Itching with fungus on the legs

Classification of onychomycosis

Like any other disease, onychomycosis has its own types and forms. Types of nail fungus are as follows:

  1. Normotrophic. The color of the nail plate changes, white spots or stripes appear. However, the gloss does not disappear and the thickness does not deform.
  2. Hypertrophic. Also, the color changes, the shine disappears, and the nail plate noticeably thickens. Along the edges of the nail may collapse.
  3. Atrophic. Atrophy sets in and the affected nail separates from the nail bed.

By location, onychomycosis is divided into four forms:

  1. Distal (the nail is affected at the free edge).
  2. Lateral (lateralsides).
  3. Proximal (posterior ridge affected).
  4. Total (the nail is completely affected).

In order to establish the main cause of infection, the type and form of the fungus, a thorough examination will be required.

Diagnosis and examination
Diagnosis and examination

Causes of disease

Fungal spores can get under the nails and on the skin due to the presence of scratches or other minor damage. Infection can also occur after using other people's towels or open shoes. Do not think that if one of the adult family members has a fungal disease, then it will not spread to the child. Due to their age, children with a still weak immune system get sick much more often than adults. Many diseases, including fungal diseases, can develop much faster and have a negative impact on the he alth of the child.

The most common causes of toe fungus in children is walking barefoot on the street, beach, pool or kindergarten. In the absence of proper sterilization of premises, fungi actively multiply and the risk of infection increases even with the slightest contact.

If there are animals in the house, parents should be careful and not allow the child to walk barefoot. It is desirable to reduce or completely eliminate open interaction with the pet. There are a huge number of various harmful microorganisms on the paws, and fungus spores are no exception. Infection occurs not only through contact with the surface of the floor or carpet. For example, cats canspread parasites on furniture (bed, table, etc.), bed linen (especially for children), therefore, if possible, it is necessary to control the movement of the animal and carefully monitor its hygiene.

If a child is diagnosed with immunodeficiency, avitaminosis, common flat feet, or there are metabolic disorders, then the risk of developing onychomycosis and skin lesions increases.

Onychomycosis in children
Onychomycosis in children

Symptoms and manifestations of foot fungus

Very often, parents do not attach much importance to the primary signs of fungus on the toes in children. Such inattention can lead to subsequent complications, as parasitism progresses rapidly. In the absence or ineffective treatment in the future, the child may develop severe allergic reactions and a general decrease in immunity.

The main symptoms of toe fungus in children include:

  • initially, the fungus is localized between the toes, then it can go to the nails and foot;
  • small transparent blisters that gradually turn into intensely itchy ulcers;
  • the skin of the affected area becomes bright red;
  • there is severe itching and slight swelling in the nail area;
  • skin cracks and peels off;
  • pain when walking.

If a child is at an age when he can tell his parents what is bothering him, then it is imperative to contact a dermatologist for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Diagnosis of onychomycosis

To establish the diagnosis, the doctor initially performs a visual examination of the affected area. Usually examining the infected skin is enough to make a diagnosis. However, to be sure, a scraping is done to analyze the horny masses of the nail plate for the presence of parasites. After studying the results of the study, the dermatologist will be able to develop treatment tactics.

Examination for onychomycosis
Examination for onychomycosis


Uncomplicated fungus in children is treated with effective foot antifungals. Most often, these are antimycotic oral tablets, ointments and special solutions for baths or compresses. Treatment is systemic and is carried out in a course, depending on the form of fungal infection. In the presence of complications, complete or partial removal of the affected nail and tissues is required. That is why you should not postpone a consultation with a doctor.

Medicated treatment

Special preparations are used to treat most fungal infections. An effective antifungal drug is Griseofulvin. In the instructions for use of "Griseofulvin" for children, it is written that the drug has a fungistatic effect to stop the reproduction of microorganisms. Destroys parasitic fungi that cause skin diseases. The instructions for use of "Griseofulvin" for children also indicate that the drug is prescribed for children weighing over 25 kg at a dosage of 10 mg / kg before meals, 2 times a day. Tablets are taken orally (by mouth).

Diflucan is good toohelps in treatment. The drug is intended to prevent the development of fungal diseases. "Diflucan" against the fungus is available in the form of capsules, powder and solutions for infusion therapy. The active ingredient is fluconazole.

"Naftifin" is an antifungal agent of the allylamine class. The active ingredient is naftifine hydrochloride. Its effect is associated with inhibition of the action of ergosterol. This drug has a positive effect on adults. According to reviews, it is better not to use Naftifin from a fungus for children, as there are cases of overdose and inefficiency.

"Terbinafine" is an antifungal agent with a wide spectrum to combat various fungal diseases. Available in the form of tablets, spray and ointment. Its impact is minimal. The instructions for use of the Terbinafine ointment indicate that it is recommended to apply the agent to the affected areas 2 times a day, rubbing lightly. The average course of treatment is 4 weeks. After you need to consult a dermatologist.

The attending physician should deal exclusively with the selection of medicines and the preparation of a course of treatment. Self-medication is prohibited, as the wrong choice of means will lead to the development of complications that will be harder to eliminate in the future.

Foot fungus in children
Foot fungus in children

Traditional medicine

If parents decide to resort to folk remedies that can eliminate the fungus on the toes in children, then this must first be agreed with the doctor-dermatologist. If approved, several of the safest prescriptions for the child can be selected. These include:

  1. Aloe leaves. Grind fresh leaves to a state of gruel and apply to the affected areas, apply a sterile bandage. In this case, it is desirable that the child lies down, since the bandage will not hold when walking. After 30 minutes, remove and wipe with fresh aloe juice.
  2. Apple cider vinegar. Take cotton socks, soak them in vinegar, wring out well so that they are damp, and put them on overnight. Pre-wipe the affected area with vinegar diluted with water.
  3. Tea tree oil. It should be natural, without impurities. First you need to make a foot bath with the addition of oil, then apply oil to the affected skin and nails, rubbing it in lightly. Best done at night.
  4. Decoction of calendula and chamomile. Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and calendula flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 2 hours. After the broth, pour into 3 liters of hot water, bring to room temperature and make a bath, lowering your legs for 20 minutes. Pat your feet dry with a clean towel and put on cotton socks.
  5. An effective remedy for fungus on the toes is a bath with potassium permanganate. Manganese has an excellent disinfecting effect. Such baths help eliminate itching. It is advisable to take manganese in the form of capsules. Dissolve 1 g in 2 liters of water at room temperature. The color of the solution should be pale pink. Lower your legs for 25 minutes, then wipe dry with a towel.
  6. Toe fungus in children
    Toe fungus in children

Disease prevention

After recovery, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to adhere to proper personal hygiene. Parents should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the premises, bed linen, shoes, clothes, towels, etc. If the child is small, then avoid contact with animals, especially street animals. Do not allow walking barefoot on the street, as in this case, infection with a fungal infection cannot be ruled out.

The most important thing is to contact a specialist in time at the first sign of foot fungus in children. In no case should you self-treat a disease unknown to your parents.

Fungus on the feet of children
Fungus on the feet of children


In most cases, the prognosis for recovery from onychomycosis and other fungal skin diseases is favorable. If the appeal to a medical institution was timely, then the recovery lasts smoothly and without complications.
