Tonsils or tonsils (in Latin - tonsillae) is a lymphoid tissue that is located in the nasopharynx and oral cavity and has an oval shape. Pathological processes of the organ are the most common among the population. They are both acute and chronic.

Types of tonsils
There are two types of tonsils:
- paired;
- unpaired.
The first type of tonsils is divided:
- on the first and second tonsils located in the pharyngeal ring (between the soft palate and the tongue);
- on the fifth and sixth, which are located in the zone of the opening of the pharynx and the auditory tube.
Unpaired tonsils are represented by:
- the third tonsil (pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal), which is located in the zone of the arch and in the region of the posterior wall of the pharynx (its pathological change is called adenoids);
- fourth gland (lingual), located under the tongue.
Most often with a hypertrophic process inpalatine tonsils, this organ is removed along with a part of the connective tissue (tonsillectomy).

Structure and functional features
Located on 2 sides of the throat, the tonsils prevent the pathogenic agent (bacteria and viruses) from entering the body through the pharyngeal ring from the environment. That is, they are a kind of "filter". Tonsils are an important component in maintaining normal immunity, performing hematopoietic function.
The difference between the palatine tonsils is that they are represented by a porous structure, the so-called lacunae (depressions). They are a trap for pathogenic microflora. Each amygdala consists of 10-20 lacunae. The entire surface, as well as the depth of the organ, contains follicles. Their role is the production of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells, which "fight" with foreign microorganisms. It is the development of a non-specific immune response of the body to a foreign microflora that T and B lymphocytes (the formation of white blood cells) respond to.
The outer surface of the tonsils is a capsule in the form of a mucous membrane and peri-almond tissue behind. The appearance of pus in these areas from follicles and lacunae leads to the formation of a purulent abscess (peritonsillar process).
The tonsils are wrapped in a network of the nervous system. Therefore, with inflammation of the tissue, the patient feels severe pain in the throat. They are also well washed with blood from the carotid artery. With purulent complications, with a breakthrough of a purulent abscess, there is a risk of infection with sepsis,Lemierre's syndrome, streptococcal meningitis.
Causes of tonsillitis
Inflammation of the tonsils can develop for various reasons:
- the presence of an infectious beginning in the body (caries, staphylococci and streptococci);
- hereditary predisposition;
- frequent hypothermia;
- decreased immunity.

Symptomatic manifestations of inflammation of the tonsils
Inflammatory processes (tonsillitis) in the tonsils, as a rule, are a common disease. More common in preschool children (from 3 to 6 years), occur in the form of tonsillitis. If a sore throat is severe and often manifests itself, the doctor will advise cutting out the tonsils. After all, angina is a fairly serious disease. At the same time, it proceeds quite hard, has the following symptoms:
- increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above;
- severe sore throat, especially when swallowing;
- characteristic plaque on the tonsils (white or yellow, depending on the type of tonsillitis);
- swollen cervical lymph nodes;
- severe intoxication of the body;
- fever;
- nausea;
- enlargement of the first two palatine tonsils;
- weakness;
- lack of appetite.
After quality treatment, the disease goes away and does not appear again. With frequent tonsillitis (from 3 times a year), the pathological process becomes chronic. And this focus is a hotbed of infection. This affects the internal organs. The presence of a permanent chronic focusleads to the development of complications (rheumatoid arthritis). That's when you need to cut tonsils accurately and without much thought.

Tonsillectomy: indications and prescriptions
If drug therapy for tonsillitis does not give positive results, and the tonsils do not perform their function, then the doctor prescribes a tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils).
Here are the cases when tonsils are cut out:
- frequent relapses of tonsillitis (from three or more times a year);
- adenoids;
- presence of complications (appearance of pathological processes in other organs: heart, kidneys, joints);
- not effective therapeutic treatment;
- nasal airway obstruction;
- apnea (may occur with overgrowth of lymphoid tissue);
- snoring;
- decreased immunity due to frequent relapses;
- peritonsillar abscess.
Diagnostic measures
Before the tonsils are cut out for adults and children, preparatory measures are taken: taking tests, ultrasound of the tonsils, a favorable period is selected. A prerequisite for its implementation is that the patient must be in remission (no symptoms of inflammation).

Deletion methods
How to cut tonsils, the question is quite relevant. Currently, there are various methods for performing tonsil removal that meet all modern requirements. Tonsils can be "pulled out" quickly and efficiently, while the rehabilitation period will be minimal.
Tonsillectomy involves the use of a laser beam. If you are tormented by the question of how it does not hurt to cut out the tonsils, this method is for you. A sintering and destructive effect on the tissue of the tonsils is carried out without bleeding. The procedure takes from 22 to 26 minutes and is performed after preliminary local anesthesia. In this case, there is no open wound, a short recovery period occurs with a low level of infection.
Use allowed:
- infrared laser - conducts tissue separation and bonding;
- holmium - removes inflammation without damaging he althy tissue;
- fiber optic - total organ removal;
- carbon - removal of an infected focus by evaporation.
This type of intervention in the body has disadvantages:
- perhaps not complete removal of tissue, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process;
- there is a risk of burning a he althy mucosa;
- high price for the procedure.
Remove using radio waves
In the question of how to cut out the tonsils, the use of radio waves will help - the effect on the tissue of thermal energy converted from radio waves. This allows you to destroy the alien microflora, while damage to nearby he althy tissue is minimal. The duration is 18-20 minutes. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. The recovery period is from 5 to 7 days with a minimal risk of complications.
The disadvantage of the operation is recurrence, which may occur later, since the organ is not removedcompletely, only partially. The high qualification of the doctor is very important here.

Using cryosurgery
The procedure is carried out by freezing the tonsils with liquid nitrogen on an outpatient basis. Exposure temperature: -196 C. Preliminary local anesthesia is used. There is no bleeding. Duration of the procedure: 16-22 minutes. Short rehabilitation period. After 14 days, detachment of dead tissue is observed.
Disadvantages include the possibility of incomplete removal of damaged tissue, the appearance of bad breath and discomfort during detachment. This procedure has a high cost.
Removal by excision of tonsils
Removal of tonsils by excision: the tissue of the tonsils is cut out with a scalpel or loop (classic method). Does it hurt to cut tonsils in this way? This shows the use of general anesthesia. The method is recognized as the most radical, since the source of infection is completely removed. This requires a longer recovery period. The duration of the procedure is 40-50 minutes.
This type of operation has disadvantages:
- bleeding for 7-10 days;
- the presence of tissue edema after the removal procedure (leaves in a day);
- long recovery after surgery;
- there is a risk of infection (the entrance gate is an open wound);
- patient is in severe pain.
Tonsil excision can be performed at any age due to modern hightechnical equipment. Surgery is recommended for young children (2 years of age and older) and the elderly.
Contraindications for surgery
You cannot remove tonsils if:
- there are diseases of the internal organs, especially their severe course (presence of severe renal and heart failure, diabetes mellitus);
- active tuberculosis;
- vascular anomalies of the pharynx (aneurysm);
- diseases of the nervous system (severe);
- blood diseases (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, etc.);
- oncological diseases (leukemia);
- development of an acute process in the tonsils (tonsillitis);
- presence of menstruation in women;
- pregnant (over 26 weeks).

Rehabilitation period
Knowing in which cases tonsils are cut out, you need to familiarize yourself with the postoperative period. After all, after a surgical intervention, it is important to behave correctly, follow all the recommendations of the doctor:
- it is necessary to spit blood after the operation, lying on your side;
- don't talk and move a lot during the first day of rehabilitation (body temperature may rise);
- first fluid intake (water) allowed after 4-5 hours;
- you can eat on the second day in the form of liquid puree (not hot diet food);
- do not gargle for 2-3 days after the procedure (strictly prohibited!);
- shows the use of painkillersfunds;
- in the presence of a painful syndrome in the throat, antibiotics are prescribed;
- must limit physical activity (within 14-21 days);
- avoid stressful situations.
What are the complications?
After surgery, the patient's condition may worsen. At the same time, there is a risk of development:
- bleeding within 14 days after surgery (in this case, you need to call an ambulance);
- severe pain syndrome, uncomfortable condition in the pharynx (special lozenges are recommended);
- increase in body temperature (37.1-37.2, lasts for several days, at 38.0-39.0 - see a doctor).
Tonsillectomy is the main treatment for chronic processes in the tissues of the tonsils, since in this case the disease does not respond to the main drug therapy, complications may develop due to the constant pathogenic microflora. These include allergic reactions, diseases of the joints, heart, kidneys.
According to statistics, the frequency of postoperative complications is quite small. The correct behavior of the patient before and after the removal of the tonsils, high-quality preparation, the use of modern methods and means helps to avoid complications.
Should I cut tonsils?
Doctors-otolaryngologists offer patients to keep palatine tonsils, if there are no special indications for this. Antibiotics, local antiseptics, collections of medicinal plants, physiotherapy are prescribed. Also an important influence on the treatmentchronic process has nutrition. Strengthening the body through physical activity and vitamin complexes.
The presence of palatine tonsils in the human body helps to maintain immunity at a high level. And after the removal of the tonsils, the immune system becomes susceptible. Here it is important to carry out general strengthening therapy, to raise the protective properties of the body to a higher protective level. Only then will the body cope with the negative effects of bacteria and viruses.
Otherwise, if the infection gets into the nasopharynx, it will fall on the vocal cords, then lower - in the bronchi and lungs. There is always a risk of getting pneumonia, bronchitis or pharyngo-tracheitis.
Before agreeing to surgery, especially if you want to cut out the tonsils from a child, you need a thorough examination, consultation of an ENT doctor and a therapist. Here it is important to weigh, as they say, all the pros and cons. After all, the operation, although minimal, is always a risk to human he alth.
The answer to the question is yes, is it possible to cut tonsils. Surgical intervention can and should be carried out if the organ does not cope with its function, but is only a source of infection. Other organs suffer from this. Immunity decreases, and the body is depleted from a constant inflammatory process. There is a risk of developing serious pathological conditions that can lead to death.