With a prolonged cold, dysfunction of the respiratory tract occurs, which entails respiratory failure. A stuffy or constantly flowing nose leads to a violation of appetite, decreased performance, poor psycho-emotional state, lack of proper sleep. A complex of symptoms without proper treatment has a cumulative effect. Usually a runny nose joins the clinical picture, and a headache in the forehead area.
Development of pathology
For various reasons, pathogenic microflora enters the nasal passages. In the process of vital activity of a pathogenic infection, the development of edema is provoked. Such an effect has a bad effect on the respiratory function. Oxygen does not enter the body in full, disrupting the supply of the vascular system with nutrition and oxygen. The result of dysfunction is a breakdown, weakness, dizziness. This partially explains why the forehead hurts with a runny nose.
Complicated course of the disease can lead to chronic swelling of the mucous tissue with additional hyperthermia, chills or fever. In such cases, it is not worth expecting that the disease itself will pass. There isit is likely that the immune system will suppress the action of microorganisms, but most people who dismiss the problem develop new, more serious pathologies.

Headache provocateurs
Snot, accompanied by severe headaches, indicate that no one was involved in pathology at the initial stages. The symptom tends to appear after a series of symptoms. If the patient has a runny nose, it hurts and presses his forehead, this indicates signs of poisoning with toxins released by pathogenic microflora. At this stage, the work of the doctor becomes much more complicated, since the symptom may indicate a number of pathologies that have begun.
Headache in the forehead and runny nose are signs that are caused by certain causes of a pathological nature. It is important to find out what exactly served as a factor and make efforts to eliminate it. Understanding which pathology is progressing makes it easier to design a treatment regimen.
It is difficult to say unequivocally what exactly leads to the fact that the forehead hurts with a runny nose. Possible reasons:
- Cold.
- Hypertension.
- Rhinitis.
- Tit.
- Infectious diseases.
An advanced form of any illness that includes a runny nose can cause intense headaches.

Location location
- If the pathology is accompanied by discharge from the nose? forehead hurts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows - this is a sign of severe complications occurring in the bodydiseases.
- Pain in the forehead with a runny nose in the nose - a possible development of sinusitis.
- Inflammation as a result of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora provokes pain in the forehead, indicating sinusitis, otitis media.
It is worth noting that there may be signs of a cold with swelling of the nasopharynx, pain, nasal congestion, but without snot. If the bridge of the nose and forehead hurts, but there is no runny nose, then there is a logical explanation for this phenomenon:
- Head pain due to injury, result of fracture, bruises.
- Neurology of the nasociliary nerve due to infectious etiology (Charlin's syndrome).
In case of changes in the state of he alth with a headache, it is important to urgently contact a medical institution in order to exclude dangerous ailments and begin timely treatment to prevent complications.
Viral infections
Viruses, having invaded the body, produce toxins in the course of their life. Usually banal ARVI occurs with intense discharge from the nose and spasms in the head. Forehead pain in the area of the eyebrows and a runny nose are present in the body during the entire illness until complete recovery.

If the disease proceeds with hyperthermia, the forehead hurts, there is a breakdown, weakness, bouts of nausea, migraines, then we are talking about a cold caused by hypothermia.
With a severe runny nose and signs of a cold, the cause of a headache is a jump in blood pressure indicators up. The reason for this phenomenonthere may be vasospasm or drug treatment of a cold. It should be understood that vasoconstrictor drops in the nose can affect the level of arterial indicators of the tonometer. If you are predisposed to hypertension, you should carefully read the instructions for the drugs used, but it is better to seek help from a doctor.
Rhinitis with different course
Nasopharyngeal inflammation provokes swelling of the sinuses. Overlapping the ability to fully breathe leads to hypoxia. Lack of cerebral respiration leads to headaches. A severe runny nose is fixed and the forehead hurts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows. The head may begin to hurt due to frequent blowing your nose. The pressure on the sinuses continues for a long time, accompanied by migraines and severe discomfort.

In this disease, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. Air must enter them, but in case of pathology in a patient, negative irritants from the external environment (cold, dust, toxic compounds) enter the nasal chambers. After the inflammation process has begun to progress, pus accumulates in the sinuses.
If your head hurts in a special way, pressing and bursting, you can try to ease the signs of sinusitis by taking a comfortable body position (lying on your back).
Other symptoms of this disease are:
- Hyperthermia.
- Thick, foul-smelling pus that oozes from the sinuses.
- Pain in the head when leaning forward.
- Eye irritation - conjunctivitis.
- Depressed state.
- Pain when pressing on the sinuses.
Treatment of sinusitis requires a serious approach, as complications can be very serious.
Complication caused by sinusitis with inflammatory processes of the frontal paranasal sinuses, proceeds with severe pain, which becomes more intense if you move your head or try to lie down. Specific Features:
- Swelling on the forehead and eyelids, painful cramps when pressed.
- Loss of smell, taste.
A confirmed diagnosis requires emergency treatment, as the pathology can become chronic. Without adequate treatment, a brain abscess develops.

This type of sinusitis occurs with inflammation of the mucous tissue of the ethmoid bone. The pain envelops large areas of the forehead and temporal zones. Specific Features:
- Severe swelling of the nose in the bridge of the nose.
- Sharp pain when pressed.
- Headache.
- Difficulty breathing.
As the disease progresses, the following symptoms may be added:
- Violation of visual function (vision falls).
- Increased body temperature.
- Destruction of the bone tissue of the septum.
- The eyeball moves.
- The eyes feel pain.
The first signs indicating this disease require special attention and a serious approach to treatment. A complication can manifest itself as a complete loss of vision. Treatment is carried outconservative.
The inflammatory process proceeds with inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. Since it is located behind the orbits, the pathology is accompanied by a severe headache. The location of the spasms is the crown and frontal region. The following symptoms are characteristic of sphenoiditis:
- Hyperthermia.
- Purulent discharge from the nose.
- Lack of energy, lethargy.
- Loss of odor recognition, decreased function of taste buds;
- Sometimes partial or complete dysfunction of the visual apparatus is fixed.
It should be noted that the pain of the head in this disease occurs so severe that the effect of antispasmodics is reduced to zero. The disease is treated in a hospital, as the patient may lose sight and smell.

Otitis media
With otitis, a severe runny nose is possible. Inflammation in the middle ear provokes the appearance of hyperthermia and weakness. The disease usually does not lead to serious consequences, it can rarely cause headaches, but treatment is required without fail.
Meningitis has an infectious nature, is a dangerous disease with vivid symptoms:
- unbearable pain during physical activity;
- sudden temperature fluctuations;
- nausea, vomiting;
- skin rashes;
- unconscious.
The appearance of such symptoms requires urgent admission of the patient to the hospital.
Conservative treatment
At firstsigns of a cold should visit a doctor. It is forbidden to self-diagnose and prescribe treatment methods. When the forehead hurts, what to do with a runny nose, the therapist determines after the examination. The doctor should choose antiviral drugs or antibacterial agents. In addition, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed, and when pus is discharged, sinus lavage is practiced. For swelling and excessive pain are shown:
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Anspasmodics.
- Medicines for thinning mucus.
- Antibiotics.
- Corticosteroids.
In the absence of the expected result, it may be necessary to pierce the sinuses, surgery.
If your child has a runny nose and a sore forehead, don't waste time. The first symptoms of the disease are a reason to visit a pediatrician for further coordination of actions.

Alternative Medicine
Non-traditional therapies are very popular. For colds with headache use:
- Menthol oil - to lubricate the temples and forehead in the pain centers.
- Elderberry is taken in the form of an infusion (half a teaspoon per glass of boiled water). You need to drink 100 grams of funds three times a day.
- A mixture of mustard powder with honey, taken three times a day, 1 tsp, when a runny nose appears and a headache, forehead. Mustard powder is taken 1 tsp, and honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Home recipes give good results when included in complex conservative therapy regimens. howindependent methods they are not very effective. They can reduce the symptom, but it will not work to cure such serious pathologies as sinusitis and meningitis only by folk methods. Any adjustments in treatment and additions in the form of medicinal herbs are allowed only after consultation with the attending physician.