psoriasis The main symptom, which distinguishes this pathology, is the appearance on the body of a specific rash, “plaques”.
Such spots appear due to the fact that due to the main genetic predisposition, skin cells begin to divide intensively in some areas. This leads to the fact that special chemicals are produced in these places that exacerbate inflammation. Because of this, the focus begins to secrete another component that attracts lymphocytes there. And by themselves, these cells further enhance the division of skin cells.

How psoriasis starts: symptoms
Most often, the disease appears after stress, hypothermia, an infectious disease, the introduction of a certain drug in a person who has a violation in the structure of the gene responsible for the division of skin cells. Pathology can develop at any time, but more often it occurs at a young age. Men get sickand women equally often, in women the disease begins to develop earlier.
Psoriasis has a very characteristic symptom that points to it: it's a plaque. It looks like a patch of pinkish or red color raised above the level of the skin. It may itch, but does not hurt, covered with silvery-whitish scales, prone to merging with other elements. It can be in the form of a drop, a coin, less often it looks like a wart or a yellowish seborrheic crust.
Such plaques appear first, usually on the elbows and knees, may be in those places where the skin was injured. Less commonly, a characteristic rash appears in the axillary fossa, femoral folds, and anogenital region. There are also specific forms of the disease, when elements that already bear little resemblance to the plaque described above are located on the soles and palms. These are the initial symptoms of psoriasis.

The lesion can also affect other areas: the scalp, nails.
How do you know if it's psoriasis?
Symptom-pointer checked by a dermatologist. For this, a clean glass slide is used. They need to lightly scrape the plaque.
- At first, it looks like a stain that would form if stearin was dropped on the skin from a candle.
- If you scratch it a little more, the "stearin" will be erased, the plaque will become reddish and shiny.
- If you rub a little more, red bloody dots will be visible - the "bloodstain" phenomenon.
Sometimes a person does not even know that he haspsoriasis: its main symptom - a plaque - is not located in a prominent place or does not suggest the idea of \u200b\u200bthis disease, itching is not particularly felt. At the same time, he can feel pain and discomfort in the region of various joints, especially small ones located between the phalanges of the fingers on the feet and hands. They swell, movements in them become painful. It could be a type of psoriasis like arthropathy or psoriatic arthritis.
There is also such a complicated form of the disease as psoriatic erythroderma, which occurs when the hormonal drugs used to treat psoriasis are abruptly canceled, or when antipsoriatic drugs are used inappropriately. In this case, the plaques merge into large foci, tend to spread over a large area. The skin on the affected area turns red, swells, becomes tense and painful. The general condition is disturbed, the body temperature rises. The doctor examining such a patient, after a short period of time, does not see the elements characteristic of psoriasis. Therefore, it is very difficult for him to make a diagnosis.

Thus, to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you need to consult a dermatologist. You should not risk your he alth by choosing therapy for yourself, on the advice of friends and colleagues. Psoriasis, if left untreated or if it is incorrect, can be complicated by erythroderma, and also not go into remission for a long time, which is very important for a person suffering from it.