Health 2024, October

Effective treatment of the common cold at home

Effective treatment of the common cold at home

Millions of children and adults face the problem of the common cold every year in the world. Despite the fact that rhinitis seems to be a harmless disease, if left untreated, it will lead to the development of serious complications. There are several ways to treat it. What is the treatment of a runny nose at home to carry out in order to speed up recovery?

Symptoms and effective treatment of scabies at home

Symptoms and effective treatment of scabies at home

Treatment of scabies at home is carried out using both folk methods and conservative treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are different, but basically the disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the head and neck, dizziness, discomfort in the neck. If cerebral circulation is disturbed, then pressure drops and weakness can be observed. When the first signs appear, you need to consult a doctor for advice and subsequent treatment

Insulin coma: possible causes, treatment options, prevention, diagnosis

Insulin coma: possible causes, treatment options, prevention, diagnosis

In the case when the body is in good he alth, the glucose and the hormone are in balance, but in diabetes there is a disorder of metabolic functions in the body. In the event that diabetes is not treated, most likely, the appearance of insulin shock is inevitable (which is also called a hypoglycemic coma, or a sugar crisis)

Bronchial asthma: formulation of the diagnosis, features

Bronchial asthma: formulation of the diagnosis, features

One of the most common diseases over the past few years is bronchial asthma. The number of cases in just the past year has increased by 20%. What symptoms should we know in order to diagnose the disease in a timely manner?

Lumbar sciatica: causes, symptoms, treatment

Lumbar sciatica: causes, symptoms, treatment

Lumbar sciatica is a disease of the peripheral part of the nervous system. It is accompanied by sharp pains in the lower back, which spread to the back of the thigh

Tremor of limbs: diagnosis and treatment

Tremor of limbs: diagnosis and treatment

Tremor of the limbs can be both a hereditary disease in people of different ages, and a harbinger of the more dangerous Parkinson's disease in the elderly

Pathology is What you need to know?

Pathology is What you need to know?

The word "pathology" in the medical record is very common. It is not clear to everyone, so someone may be scared. In fact, this word has no terrible meaning

Neurological syndrome: types, description, symptoms and treatment

Neurological syndrome: types, description, symptoms and treatment

The article contains information about such a common problem as a neurological syndrome. Attention is also paid to its varieties and features

Partial seizure: signs, symptoms and treatment

Partial seizure: signs, symptoms and treatment

With epilepsy, metabolic processes in the patient's brain are disturbed, and this leads to epileptic seizures. Seizures are divided into generalized and partial. They differ in clinic and mechanism of development. An attack occurs when pathological excitation in the brain dominates the processes of inhibition

Internal varicose veins: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Internal varicose veins: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

If a person's veins are in a normal state, they will not be visible on the surface of the skin, no matter what color your skin is. However, if they begin to bulge and squirm, this may indicate the presence of such a dangerous disease as internal varicose veins. Once this pathology begins to develop, it is not so easy to notice its symptoms

What disease is called infective endocarditis?

What disease is called infective endocarditis?

Infective endocarditis is a lesion of the heart valves and endocardium. This is caused by bacteria. As a rule, these are streptococci. But sometimes the causative agents are fungi

Symptoms and treatment of varicose veins

Symptoms and treatment of varicose veins

What are the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs, arms and other parts of the body? The first signs of the disease are very important to know. Since the effectiveness of all subsequent treatment depends on a timely diagnosis

Aortic valve: structure, mechanism of operation. Stenosis and insufficiency of the aortic valve

Aortic valve: structure, mechanism of operation. Stenosis and insufficiency of the aortic valve

Congenital and acquired heart defects adversely affect the general condition of a person. Severe damage to this vital organ often causes death. What is the cause of this pathology and how to treat it?

Skin melanosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Skin melanosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Skin melanosis is an excessive deposition of melanin pigment in the epidermis. This substance is produced by special cells (melanocytes) and is designed to protect skin cells from the sun's rays. In fair-skinned people, this pigment is produced in smaller quantities than in dark-skinned people. Normally, melanin is activated only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In this case, a tan appears on the skin. If this pigment is deposited in large quantities, then a disease occurs - melanosis

Infective endocarditis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Infective endocarditis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Infective endocarditis is a lesion of the tissue of the valvular apparatus of the heart and endothelium by various pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens. Most often, this pathology affects the heart valves

Skin neoplasms: types, causes of development, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Skin neoplasms: types, causes of development, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Skin neoplasms are the result of intensive cell division of the epidermis and by their nature can be benign or malignant, capable of very quickly developing into cancer. Many people have nevi, papillomas, moles on the skin

Enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart: possible causes and treatment

Enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart: possible causes and treatment

Cardiovascular diseases are consistently linked and gradually exacerbate each other's severity. So, atherosclerosis gives rise to coronary disease, and hypertension - an increase in the left ventricle of the heart. These conditions simultaneously accelerate the development of heart failure, increase the likelihood of developing a myocardial infarction or angina

Aplasia (agenesis) of the kidney: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Aplasia (agenesis) of the kidney: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Without the excretory system, it is impossible to imagine the work of the human body. One of its components are the kidneys. This is a paired organ, the main task of which is to remove fluid and water-soluble elements. It is also directly involved in metabolism and regulation of acid-base balance. Both kidneys are present in the body of an absolutely he althy person. 2.5% of newborns have defects. And although rare, there is an abnormal absence of a kidney

What is mononucleosis and why is it dangerous? Symptoms in children, causes and treatment

What is mononucleosis and why is it dangerous? Symptoms in children, causes and treatment

Mononucleosis is a viral infectious disease. For the first time, Dr. Filatov pointed out its infectious nature in 1887. A little later, in 1889, the scientist Emil Pfeiffer wrote about similar clinical manifestations. For a long time, experts have thoroughly studied mononucleosis. Symptoms in children were almost identical: all had fever, acute tonsillitis, swollen lymph nodes, spleen and liver

Renal resection: indications, operation, rehabilitation

Renal resection: indications, operation, rehabilitation

From the article you can find out how a kidney resection is performed, what complications can occur after surgery, how long the recovery period lasts

Peripheral paresis (paralysis): definition, causes, classification, symptoms of the disease and treatment

Peripheral paresis (paralysis): definition, causes, classification, symptoms of the disease and treatment

Everything you need to know about peripheral paresis: description, features of the course of the disease, causes and main symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment methods and prognosis

Pick's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Pick's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Senile dementia, or dementia, is a serious pathology that brings a lot of suffering to both the patient and his environment. There are many reasons for its development

Slurred speech: causes and features of treatment

Slurred speech: causes and features of treatment

Complexity of speech is a disorder of speech activity, due to which normal communication and social interaction of people with society is impossible. One of the defects is slurred speech, which makes it difficult for a person to communicate

Obesity of the heart - the scourge of our time

Obesity of the heart - the scourge of our time

The modern world is increasingly faced with the problem of obesity. Fat people suffer from various ailments and more serious diseases, which include obesity of the heart. How to prevent the disease will be discussed in this article

Inflammation of the renal pelvis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Inflammation of the renal pelvis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

What is inflammation of the renal pelvis. Characteristic symptoms and main causes of the disease. Diagnostic measures and features of therapy. Practical recommendations and the course of the disease in men, women

Thrusts in the heart: causes and treatment

Thrusts in the heart: causes and treatment

Many people experience sudden jolts in the heart. This unpleasant sensation most often occurs after emotional experiences. It always causes panic in patients. There are disturbing thoughts about severe cardiac pathologies. With what such symptomatology can be connected? And how to get rid of tremors in the chest from the inside? We will answer these questions in the article

Lump near the anus: causes and treatment

Lump near the anus: causes and treatment

Types of diseases that can cause bumps near the anus. Hemorrhoidal bumps: symptoms and treatment

How to stop a runny nose quickly: effective ways, methods and recommendations

How to stop a runny nose quickly: effective ways, methods and recommendations

No one can protect themselves from such an ailment as a runny nose. This problem is a huge inconvenience

How to develop memory in an adult: exercises for training. Review of the best memory development techniques

How to develop memory in an adult: exercises for training. Review of the best memory development techniques

How to develop memory in an adult? Forgetful people ask themselves this question from time to time. And those who not only look for an answer, but also begin to implement all the recommendations in life, eventually notice an excellent result

Herpes on the head in the hair: treatment, causes, symptoms, prevention

Herpes on the head in the hair: treatment, causes, symptoms, prevention

The herpes virus is one of the most well-known and easily transient. According to statistics, eight out of ten people are carriers of the infection. In about 50% of those infected, the virus is inert, and people do not even suspect its presence in their bodies. But the other half is constantly experiencing an exacerbation of the infection. Therefore, herpes today is a rather serious problem

Skin infection: causes, symptoms, treatments, photos

Skin infection: causes, symptoms, treatments, photos

Skin diseases become the cause of human suffering, as they differ from other diseases in that they manifest themselves externally. However, diseases such as skin fungus, shingles, various bacteria, streptoderma or demodicosis are perfectly treated in our time

First signs of type 2 diabetes in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

First signs of type 2 diabetes in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

Diabetes mellitus occurs due to impaired insulin production, which greatly affects the human endocrine system. It is known that the considered disease of the second type is most often diagnosed in women, since much depends on changes in the hormonal background. Type 2 diabetes leads to obesity

Pain behind the ear on the right: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Pain behind the ear on the right: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

As a rule, pain behind the ear on the right when pressed may indicate that the patient is developing a process of inflammation or infection. In addition to such symptoms, patients often have signs such as swollen lymph nodes and the appearance of bumps. They can cause unbearable pain at every touch. This article provides information on how to treat and prevent such manifestations

Nutritional anemia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Iron deficiency in the body: consequences

Nutritional anemia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Iron deficiency in the body: consequences

Anemia, or anemia - a condition characterized by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in a unit of blood size compared to the norm. It is widely distributed in absolutely all natural and climatic regions, more in conditions of industrial technology. The disease develops quickly

How to remove pus from the tonsils? Causes of purulent plugs in the tonsils and treatment

How to remove pus from the tonsils? Causes of purulent plugs in the tonsils and treatment

There are several ways to remove pus from the tonsils. First of all, it is necessary to start therapy of the affected area. The drugs that are used for it will help to effectively overcome this problem and not cause consequences

Spine numb: reasons to see a doctor

Spine numb: reasons to see a doctor

The back goes numb in people regardless of age and for many reasons. The causes of the problem can be quite different. Treatment depends on them, which should be carried out immediately so that the disease does not worsen

Lymphoma: treatment with folk remedies, traditional methods of treatment, diagnosis, doctor's consultation and patient reviews

Lymphoma: treatment with folk remedies, traditional methods of treatment, diagnosis, doctor's consultation and patient reviews

Everyone knows the fact that the best treatment for lymphoma is chemotherapy. But not everyone knows about the benefits of folk remedies. Of course, they cannot be called a 100% panacea. But as an addition to the main treatment, they are indispensable

Sore on the inside of the lip: description with photo, causes, doctor's consultation, treatment and prevention

Sore on the inside of the lip: description with photo, causes, doctor's consultation, treatment and prevention

When a sore is found on the inside of the lip, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to start the right treatment. Self-medication is not worth it, since a sore in the mouth can indicate the presence of many diseases in the body, which cannot be determined independently

Hormonal rash in infants: description, causes and treatment

Hormonal rash in infants: description, causes and treatment

Often, a hormonal rash appears in infants. Young parents do not always know what to do in this case. The main thing is to diagnose that this is a hormonal rash. After proceeding to treatment, which is based on the observance of hygiene rules