Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ovarian cyst (ICD -10 N83.0) is a benign neoplasm that looks like a special cavity filled with fluid. In fact, this is a fairly common disease that can occur both in the ovaries and in any other organ. More often, functional cysts initially form in a person, they can be asymptomatic and disappear over time. Although, if they form in the ovaries, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus.

It is important to know: if a cyst begins to develop in an organ filled with blood vessels, an outpouring into its cavity may occur and a hemorrhagic form may form. In most cases, tumors of this type form on the ovaries. If the disease develops more actively, urgent surgical treatment may be required.

In medical terms, a hemorrhagic cyst is a follicle (fluid capsule) thatdidn't burst. Normally, on the 12-14th cycle of menstruation, it should break and release a mature egg from itself. But if for some reason it does not burst, the size of the follicle increases quite quickly. Its cavity is filled with blood, which, if penetrated into the peritoneum, can cause severe and sometimes fatal consequences. Can I get pregnant with a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst? The answer to the question, as well as the symptoms of the disease are described below.

Reason for development

hemorrhagic ovarian cyst what not to do
hemorrhagic ovarian cyst what not to do

The appearance of hemorrhagic cysts on the ovaries is usually associated with a pathological change in the hormonal background in a woman, for example, with weight loss, severe anorexia, or impaired functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, the following factors provoking this disease are known:

  • abortions, miscarriages;
  • pregnancy;
  • early period;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • failure;
  • frequent stress;
  • long-term use of certain hormonal drugs;
  • SARS treated with antipyretics;
  • certain diseases of the genitourinary system, especially chronic ones;
  • operations on the reproductive organs;
  • age-related changes.
pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the anus
pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the anus

Such a cyst after some time without adequate treatment can degenerate into a hemorrhagic one, and this is influenced by such factors: prolongedhypothermia, excessive physical activity in the form of lifting and carrying heavy objects, improperly performed treatment of viral infections.

There are cases in which this type of cyst was diagnosed in women who had not completely cured sexually transmitted infections and inflammations. The development of this type of disease may occur due to an existing formation, accompanied by a delay in menstruation and a change in the condition of the hair and skin.

Symptoms of disease

The neoplasm begins to form at the initial stage of the menstrual cycle and is a functional disease of the female body. Symptoms practically do not bother the patient, the state of he alth remains at the same level. A slight malaise can be attributed to fatigue or bad weather.

If a hemorrhagic cyst develops on the right side, a woman usually has quite serious complications, since the blood flow in this area is associated with the location of the peritoneal aorta. Because of this, the blood fluid begins to circulate more actively than on the left side.

As a result, blood can enter the cyst cavity. It is noteworthy that in each patient the symptoms of this disease can vary significantly. If a very large amount of blood accumulates inside the cyst, there is a danger that at some point it may burst. With this outcome, the cyst increases significantly, and the pain becomes more pronounced and noticeable. The following symptoms also appear:

  • soreness (stupid,pulling, prolonged cramps) in the lower abdomen, which can be removed with painkillers;
  • anemia;
  • increased pain during menstruation;
  • dizziness, headache, loss of consciousness;
  • significant increase in menstrual flow;
  • high temperature that is hard to bring down;
  • cycle irregularity;
  • lower pressure;
  • frequent feeling of heaviness in the perineum;
  • mucous discharge and uterine bleeding;
  • vomiting and nausea occur in some cases.

In certain cases, the pulling sensations that occur in the lower abdomen of women are "written off" as stress, since the above symptoms usually appear, for example, after urination or during intimate relationships.

ovarian cyst mcb 10
ovarian cyst mcb 10

Only a doctor is obliged to prescribe treatment for an ovarian cyst (left and right) after determining the symptoms. Self-medication in this case can be fraught with consequences.

Diagnosis of disease

Initially, to establish a diagnosis, the patient must be carefully examined by a gynecologist. Usually, the patient states an increase and soreness of the uterine appendages, as well as pain in the abdomen. Palpation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries through the abdominal wall will confirm the presence of this diagnosis.

In the study, it is important to conduct a gynecological ultrasound with transvaginal and transabdominal sensors, as well as dopplerography of the affected ovary. These methods will help to determine the features of itscirculation.

Often an MRI examination of a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst is done. It gives more information about the neoplasm.

The sonographic picture of a hemorrhagic cyst can be very different, it depends on the parameters of the blood in the lumen of the cavity. Also, the neoplasm can be anechoic (with clear edges) or echogenic (with a denser structure). In general, a cyst can be multi-chambered, combined, homogeneous, or even divided into certain boundaries between its contents.

Laboratory studies

left ovarian cyst symptoms and treatment
left ovarian cyst symptoms and treatment

In addition, the gynecologist may prescribe laboratory tests: a blood test, tumor markers, hormonal status, as well as a test that will help rule out or confirm pregnancy.

If indicated, magnetic resonance and computed tomography can be performed. It will also be effective to perform a diagnostic laparoscopy to determine its location and size, try to remove the hemorrhagic cyst and view its contents.

Therapy options

When treating a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst without surgery, the patient needs to apply a cold compress to the lower part of the abdominal cavity and lie more. The doctor usually prescribes treatment with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, agents that produce a resolving effect. But in the presence of complications and regression of the cyst, it is necessary to immediately perform one of the following types of surgical treatment.


When a small neoplasm is detected during the examination and there are no cancerous tumors, an operation is usually prescribed to remove it.

This method of therapy is used in almost every case, since it makes it possible to maintain the normal functioning of the ovary and its intact tissues, without affecting nearby he althy areas and without affecting reproductive function. This is especially important for women who have not given birth.

ovarian cyst symptoms in women causes
ovarian cyst symptoms in women causes

Wedge resection

With a long-term development of a hemorrhagic cyst (more than 3 months), the doctor can detect altered tissues during an examination on the ovaries that arise as a result of compression of a growing neoplasm. Performing a wedge resection, the doctor can completely remove the cyst and all damaged fragments of the organ. The cutting is done in the form of a triangle, which is why the name of the surgical intervention has gone.

The functionality of the ovary is maximally preserved, and a woman can even become pregnant after a while. After the neoplasm is removed, the patient needs to perform certain histological studies to rule out the possibility of developing a malignant process.

Surgical removal of the cyst and ovary

hemorrhagic ovarian cyst treatment without surgery
hemorrhagic ovarian cyst treatment without surgery

It is noteworthy that this surgery is performed very rarely, and complete removal is done for women over the age of 45 when fading occurs.reproductive function, as well as if several neoplasms are diagnosed at the same time or there is a threat of rupture of the cyst.

With such a problem, in most cases, it is a surgical operation that is performed. If a woman has one ovary removed during the procedure, it is possible that after a while she will be able to bear a child. When performing surgery on a patient during menopause, the doctor also removes the fallopian tube.

Excision of hemorrhagic cysts is carried out using modern technologies using minimally invasive methods without blood loss, scars, sutures and complications, through small punctures.

Recovery period

Usually, the prognosis after removal of this type of cyst is favorable. If the treatment is carried out correctly and on time, there may be no complications. Approximately on the second day after the intervention, the woman's body begins to work as before.

Healing after a laparoscopy is quite fast, but in order to prevent the seams from coming apart, doctors recommend not taking a hot bath for a while.

Some consequences and complications can occur if the tumor has ruptured and blood has entered the abdomen. Blood fluid should be immediately pumped out, as well as disinfecting and antiseptic measures should be taken. This will make it possible to prevent further inflammation.

What to do next?

In the future, the patient should be regularly examined by her doctor, and also undergo a course (about 2 months) of therapy with vitamin complexes,antibacterial drugs, the purpose of which is to restore ovarian function as much as possible.

At this time, it is necessary to follow a special diet to put in order the he alth after surgery and the liver after anesthesia. First of all, it is worth eating foods that will be easy for the stomach, eat in small portions. To heal internal wounds faster, you need to consume fruits and vegetables with a lot of vitamins.

What can not be done with a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst?

hemorrhagic ovarian cyst on mri
hemorrhagic ovarian cyst on mri

First of all, you should not delay the examination by a gynecologist, as well as self-medicate. We examined the symptoms of an ovarian cyst in women and the causes of its occurrence. This is a rather dangerous disease for reproductive function. If the neoplasm ruptures and fluid flows out of it, the patient may develop peritonitis. But, as noted above, the symptoms of this type of ovarian cyst are characteristic, it is difficult not to notice them, so the further development of the disease will depend solely on the woman.

The main task of a gynecologist is to diagnose the onset of the formation of a hemorrhagic cyst as early as possible and, if it develops, perform effective treatment so that the patient can become pregnant and give birth to a he althy child in the future!
