It hurts the left eye and the left side of the head: causes and methods of treatment

It hurts the left eye and the left side of the head: causes and methods of treatment
It hurts the left eye and the left side of the head: causes and methods of treatment

Throughout life, each person is faced with this or that unpleasant symptomatology. Some signs are really worth noting and promptly identifying serious pathologies. But it often happens that discomfort only indicates that a person needs to change jobs, positions, or start leading a he althy lifestyle.

Left side hurts
Left side hurts

If the left eye and the left side of the head hurt, then this is not a reason to panic. This symptom occurs both in serious pathologies and in mild ailments. Consider the most common causes of pain.

Wrong posture

Ever since school, every child is taught that you need to sit at the table correctly. This is not a whim of parents or teachers, but a necessary condition for the correct formation of posture. However, in adulthood, it often happens that the left eye and the left side of the head hurt due to the fact that a person takes the wrong posture.

For example, perhaps a woman wants to look more elegant at her workplace and therefore she prefers to take a position“half-side”, throwing one leg over the other. If you sit in this position for quite a long time, it is not surprising that in the evening the lady will notice that her temple on the left side hurts and discomfort appears in the eye area.

This is due to the fact that, having taken the wrong position, a person provokes muscle strain. The left side is numb, as well as the neck and shoulder girdle area. Of course, they sit at the table for a reason. Most often, a person writes, types on a computer, etc. This further increases the load and can cause a sharp pain in the head. Why does discomfort appear on the left side? Because most people use the right side more, symptoms appear in the opposite zone.

back hurts
back hurts

Therefore, doing what you love or work, you need to take the right position. You should also pay attention to the chair. It should be comfortable, not too high, but not low.

Meteorological dependence

This is another reason why the left eye hurts and in general the whole side of the head. If this happens when the weather changes, then you should pay attention to additional symptoms. For example, weather-dependent people also develop insomnia, severe fatigue, nausea, and frequent dizziness. A person begins to tire quickly, he may periodically bleed from his nose. For some, when the weather changes, their joints hurt or chronic diseases worsen.

In this case, a dull pain in the head appears mainly in the autumn. Majorityof weather-dependent patients note that it is this time of the year that brings them the most discomfort.

Stress and depression

If the temple on the left side and the eyes hurts, then perhaps the person has recently suffered a serious nervous shock or tension. As a rule, in this case, the discomfort is pulsating in nature. There may be a feeling that the head is literally bursting. In this case, pain is usually localized only on one side.

Sore eye
Sore eye

Doctors note that unpleasant symptoms can occur both during the day and in the evening. However, most often the pain intensifies towards the end of the day.

Tooth problems

If a person has a severe pain on the left side of the head and eyes, then there is a possibility that he did not properly care for the oral cavity or started the disease. Unpleasant symptoms in this case are due to the fact that against the background of toothache, the trigeminal nerve is irritated. Because of this, pain can spread to part of the head and affect the visual organ.

Often the cause of unpleasant symptoms is malocclusion. As a rule, this problem is accompanied by several additional symptoms. For example, dental patients often complain about the appearance of click sounds when chewing food, dull pain in the ears and temples. Discomfort can last for quite a long time, and then the pain subsides. As a rule, the peak of pain occurs in the evening.


If a person has pain in the left eye and the left side of the head, thenperhaps this is the case. Often, discomfort begins to haunt patients after bruises of the head, cervical regions. Often, those who have suffered a concussion are forced to suffer from headaches. If the left eye and the left side of the head hurt, and before that there was an injury in this area, then most likely it is the cause of the painful symptoms. It may occur with a certain frequency or not bother a person for a long time.


There is also such a thing as post-traumatic pain. It may be acute or chronic. Patients suffer from throbbing pain syndrome. Many people say that the sensation can be compared with a drill that is screwed into the head.


A sharp throbbing pain in the head on the left side, nausea and dizziness are clear signs of this particular ailment. Unpleasant symptoms intensify with the appearance of external stimuli. For example, a headache attack may be exacerbated by bright lights or loud music. Such symptoms can be observed from several hours to 2-3 days.

Most often, the fair sex suffers from migraines. The pain is localized on the left side and often radiates to the eye and jaw.


Many believe that this disease causes only stagnant processes in the muscles. But osteochondrosis is also often the cause of pain in the neck, shoulders and head. This is due to the fact that the bone processes compress the vertebral artery and disruptproper blood supply to the human brain. Against this background, rather unpleasant symptoms appear.

As a rule, discomfort increases during movement. If you tilt your head, you may experience nausea. Often there is numbness of the left hand. As soon as a person rests a little and relaxes the body, the pain syndrome disappears.

Infectious disease and inflammation

Pressing pain in the eyes and head can appear against the background of the flu, SARS and much more. Additionally, a person's body temperature rises, weakness, aches are observed. Sometimes there is intoxication of the body. The eyes may begin to itch, and the head will hurt a lot. As a rule, symptoms subside after taking antipyretic and antiviral drugs.

Often, after a cold, patients develop complications in the form of inflammatory processes. For example, if a person has just recovered from sinusitis, rhinitis or sinusitis. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the patient does not have otitis media or other ailments.


This is the most dangerous phenomenon, but this does not mean that it is a sentence. If you pay attention to the features of the symptoms in time, you can prevent terrible consequences. You should definitely visit a doctor if for a long time a person complains of daily headaches, nausea, general weakness. If unpleasant symptoms last for a long time, then there is a high probability that a cancerous tumor has formed in the brain.

With a doctor
With a doctor

If painlocalized precisely on the left side, this does not yet mean that it was there that the neoplasm appeared. Often the pain shields, so it is worth undergoing a full examination. If we talk about the reason for the appearance of such symptoms, then everything is explained by the fact that the tumor grows and gradually begins to press harder on the membrane of the brain. There is a stretching of the ventricle, large vessels are squeezed more and more, the blood circulation process is disrupted.


The main reason for the development of this pathology is increased intraocular pressure. Therefore, it is not surprising that glaucoma often causes headaches and discomfort in the area of the visual organs.

In this case, we are talking about a strong, paroxysmal, throbbing pain. It can involve the frontal and temporal lobes. Among the additional symptoms, it is worth noting vision problems, the appearance of nausea and general weakness. Heartbeat becomes intermittent.

If you do not seek qualified help in a timely manner, then there is a high risk of losing your eyesight.


If we talk about therapeutic measures, then everything first of all depends on the cause of pain. When a person suffers from such symptoms against the background of an infectious disease or inflammatory processes, it is enough to simply cure the underlying ailment. You should start with antipyretics and drugs that the doctor will prescribe. Some situations require a course of antibiotics.

Mountain of pills
Mountain of pills

If a person suffers from migraines, then, as a rule, the problemsolved by taking "Sumamigren", "Triptan" or "Ergotamine".

Those who suffer from osteochondrosis should follow the recommendations of their doctor. Usually, in addition to taking medications, experts recommend taking a course of physiotherapy. For example, magnetotherapy, massage and electrophoresis show good results.

The most careful thing is to be those who have experienced a stroke. In this condition, in no case should you self-medicate. It is urgent to call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient.

In the event of a brain tumor, you should also not experiment with your he alth. Only an oncologist will be able to choose the right treatment. If the pain is caused by less dangerous ailments, then you can try to cope on your own. However, you need to be sure that the procedures will not harm. For example, if we are talking about a moderate headache, then a cold compress will help. It must be applied to the forehead or left temple.

Cold compress
Cold compress

Lavender or rosemary oil also helps. A tissue moistened with a few drops of liquid should be applied to the site of pain localization.
