What is prostatitis? Causes of the disease, treatment

What is prostatitis? Causes of the disease, treatment
What is prostatitis? Causes of the disease, treatment

Surely not everyone knows what prostatitis is. This is a urological disease in which the tissues of the prostate become inflamed and swell.


The nature of this disease can be both acute and chronic. Men should know what prostatitis is in order to see a doctor in time. It most often first appears between the ages of twenty and fifty.

This disease is caused by an infection that enters the prostate gland from the rectum or bladder.

Having learned what prostatitis is, it is worth getting more information about what can provoke this disease. These can be complications against the background of infectious diseases - influenza, tonsillitis or tuberculosis. Risk factors include hypothermia and constipation. People leading a sedentary lifestyle are predisposed to this disease.


The question of what is prostatitis and how to treat it is currently relevant, as it is a fairly common disease. Symptoms of acute prostatitis can be as follows: the temperature rises sharply - over thirty-eight degrees, weakness appears, you want to sleep all the time. In addition, the patientincreased sweating, pain during defecation and urination.

Acute pain appears in the perineal area, in the groin, and also near the anus. Also, this disease is characterized by a deterioration in potency.

For the treatment of such a disease as prostatitis, antibiotics are simply necessary. After the diagnosis, a specialist urologist prescribes a course of antibiotics.

In addition, sanatorium treatment and physiotherapy are indicated. Sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics is quite lengthy, so you need to be patient. It is important for the patient to get rid of bad habits, unquestioningly follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician and, of course, trust him - a positive outcome of the treatment depends on this.


Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are prescribed strictly individually - the medicine will act on certain bacteria. The course of treatment may be different in duration, depending on the sensitivity of the infectious agent to the action of drugs. It will take about three weeks to treat an acute form of inflammation of the prostate. In this case, the patient is hospitalized and given intravenous antibiotics.

In the case of chronic non-infectious prostatitis, the course of antibiotic treatment lasts about two weeks. In this case, special attention is paid to prostate massage, which is carried out in conjunction with antibiotic therapy. After the patient's condition improves, the drug is continued for two moreweeks.

To prevent prostatitis, you need to observe thorough intimate hygiene. In no case should hypothermia be allowed. After thirty years, every man should undergo a preventive examination by a urologist once a year. In addition, you should eat as little as possible sweet and fatty, as well as fried foods. It is very important to have a regular sex life.
