Often the question is what is it - varicocele in men? This is one of the most common diseases among males, and it is diagnosed in 10-15% of all men. Moreover, if we take all men without exception with infertility, then varicocele is found in 40%. Separately, it is worth noting the category of representatives of the stronger sex with the so-called secondary infertility (that is, those guys from whom girls used to get pregnant, but who today cannot be parents), it turns out that 80% of such men have varicocele.
If the pain appears in the testicle, the causes of discomfort may be:
- injury;
- retention of fluids near the testicular membrane;
- twists;
- chronic forms of prostatitis;
- spermatoceles;
- infection causing inflammation.
Precisely determining the cause of varicocele, namely pain, is a rather difficult problem. It can only be solved by an experienced specialist. With varicocele, pain often occurs on the left side. At first, there is no severe pain.
There is a painful sensation due to the fact that the veins in the spermatic cord expand, wherearteries and vas deferens pass through. According to some physiological features of the structure of the male body, ninety percent of varicose veins occur exclusively on the left. As the varicocele progresses, there is a slight discomfort, after which a pain sensation appears.

Symptoms of varicocele
Varicocele is a varicose vein in the groin. Symptoms of varicocele in men depend on the stage of the process:
- 1st stage - asymptomatic. Diagnosed incidentally during routine medical checkups
- 2nd stage - is the result of untreated first stage. The vein is palpable on palpation in a standing position. Symptoms of varicocele in men at this stage are as follows: the patient complains of varying degrees of pain (from slight to acute, with a burning sensation of the scrotum), impaired potency (from decrease to complete absence). Pain sensations appear during physical exertion, sexual intercourse, walking. Dilated veins are visually determined, which descend to the level of the lower pole and below it, which entails asymmetry in the affected area.
- 3rd stage - pain in varicocele becomes constant, chronic, the scrotum area from the side of the pathological process is significantly increased due to the many dilated veins. Accompanied by impaired sperm maturation, which negatively affects the patient's sexual life, can lead to infertility, testicular atrophy.

Types of varicocele
Classification is very important. After you figured out what it is - varicocele in men, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of the disease. Depending on the side in which the pathological process is located, the following types of varicocele are distinguished in modern medicine:
- Right-sided is a rather rare type of varicocele, which is usually associated with the presence of masses or other pathologies that are localized in the retroperitoneal space on the right side.
- Left-sided - diagnosed in about 80-85% of cases. This is most likely due to the anatomical features of the male body.
- Bilateral is a pathological process in which the change in veins is bilateral. This type of varicocele is not often detected.
Andrologists distinguish 4 degrees of this pathology:
- First degree - determined after ultrasound.
- Second degree - expansion of the pampiniform plexus can be determined by palpation of the testicles of a patient who is in a standing position.
- Third degree - expansion of the plexus can be palpated in any position of the patient. There is asymmetry of the testicles, the patient sweats more and there may be a burning sensation in the scrotum.
- Fourth degree - the venous plexus is visible even without palpation: dilated veins may hang below the level of the testicles, they become soft and may become smaller, the scrotum is pulled down, pain with varicocele becomes severe.

The disease manifests itself in the expansion of the lymph nodes of the testicle and acute pain in the scrotum. There is an increase in temperature and asymmetry of the scrotum. Tests ordered:
- Blood test for biochemistry.
- Urine test results.
- Hormonal study.
- The characteristics of the spermogram are being compiled.
- Physical examination.
- Valsalva test, where an increase in the size of the spermatic cord is detected.
- Ultrasound for varicocele examines the lymph nodes of the vessels of the scrotum. The method is called Doppler varicocele.
- Application of magnetic resonance imaging technique. With the help of echo signs of ultrasound, the expansion functions of the veins of the spermatic cords and the state of the blood supply to the testicles are examined.
Diagnosis of varicocele:
- Studying urine, blood, sperm, hormones in laboratories.
- Dopplerography.
- Ultrasound application.
- Tomography.
Be sure to meet with a urologist who helps diagnose the disease. With the confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient is scheduled for surgery.

Varicocele surgery
The operation of varicocele in men is performed on intimate organs. It is carried out microsurgical way. For these purposes, a high-precision modern microscope is used, which allows the surgeon to examine the smallest veins and all parts of the malebody to conduct a quality operation in this area.
Before surgery for varicocele in men, a specialist in this field makes a highly accurate diagnosis, identifies the disease and prescribes an operation to remove it. Varicocele is an expansion in the testicles, namely the expansion of the internal veins in this organ. Basically, this disease leads to the absence of offspring. But there are also relapses, when there is a sharp pain inside this organ. In this case, varicose vein ligation surgery is strictly necessary.
Besides surgery, there are no other ways to treat this disease at this time. In the same case, if this disease is found in elderly men, and it does not bother him, then an operation is not necessary. In case of pain syndrome, the removal of this formation in the genital testicles of a man is mandatory.
If varicose veins of the testicular vein are found in a child or a man at a young age, then in order to preserve his childbearing function, the elimination of varicocele is simply necessary. This operation is performed by the following methods:
- Regular operation, with dissection of the soft tissues of the external organ, with the presence of blood loss. This is followed by a long period of rehabilitation.
- Modern method - through a puncture of a vein in the groin, a flexible working tool penetrates the right place and bandages the affected vein. As a result, there is no blood loss, a long period of rehabilitation is not required. After the operation, which lasts about 30 minutes, you do not need to stay in the ward.
- Laparoscopic surgery. Threepuncture in the abdomen. A special device is inserted through one of the holes, the operation time lasts up to 30 minutes. The patient stays in the clinic for two days, there is no long rehabilitation period, and there is no blood loss either. Nevertheless, for a month you can’t have intimate relationships, play sports, you need to be on a diet. However, a person can do daily work.
Each patient chooses the right operation for him to treat varicocele. The difference in operations is not only in their quality, but also in the cost of the service.
If the testicle hurts after surgery for varicocele, you should immediately visit a specialist.
Medicated treatment
Parents are interested in the question of what to do with a varicocele in a teenager. It is not always desirable to resort to surgical treatment. Medications may come to the rescue. The effectiveness of ointments and tablets for the treatment of varicocele is possible only in the first two stages of the disease, while in the last stages only surgical treatment is effective. There are the following types of drugs for the medical treatment of varicocele:
- Antioxidants and anticoagulants. Their effectiveness lies in enriching the seminal glands with oxygen, improving metabolic processes and vascular tone. The attending surgeon will help you choose the right dose and duration of admission.
- Preparations that improve microcirculation. They also have a positive effect on vascular tone and thin the blood.
- Venotonics and venoprotectors. Their effect is manifested in reducing tissue edema, reducing congestion, strengthening the vascular wall andimprovement in hemodynamics. There are various pharmacological forms of drugs, the main ones are ointments and tablets.
Effective drugs

Medicines in the form of an ointment are prescribed as follows:
- "Lyoton" - reduces inflammation, anesthetizes, improves metabolic processes;
- "Venolife" - a combined drug with analgesic and tonic effect;
- "Troxevasin" - improves the tone of the venous wall, has an angioprotective effect;
- "Heparin" - is an anticoagulant, and therefore leads to an improvement in blood rheology and stimulation of metabolic processes.
Tablet forms are represented by the following preparations:
- "Detralex" - reduces pain and a feeling of fullness.
- "Venarus" - in the composition of diosmin and hesperidin, contributing to the normalization of vascular tone.
- "Anavenol" - increases the tone and reduces the permeability of the vascular wall. Contraindicated for teenagers.
- "Aescusan" - there are also drip forms, has a plant base and is safe. Effective only in the earliest stages of the disease.

Folk treatment of varicocele
At the first stage of the disease, as well as as a prophylaxis of the disease or in the postoperative period, it is possible to use traditional medicine methods. Traditional medicine along withdrug treatment helps to improve blood flow in the tissues, reduce their swelling, strengthen the vascular wall and reduce pain.
Benefits of folk remedies:
- They do not cause side effects.
- Low component price.
- Easy to use, can be made at home.
- Herbal preparations taken orally have a positive effect not only on the target organ, but also on the entire body.
- External application contributes not only to a positive effect on the treatment of the disease, but also gives a good cosmetic effect.
Herbs for varicocele
Various methods of processing herbal ingredients are used to treat varicocele.
Infusions and decoctions - a folk remedy for varicocele. Prepared on a water basis by infusing the ingredients in water (infusions) or boiling them (decoctions):
- Horse chestnut seeds and flowers help improve venous tone.
- Decoction of oak or willow bark will help reduce pain and get rid of the feeling of heaviness.
- Birch leaves, strawberries and dandelion roots, mixed together, will help improve blood circulation and tone the veins.
Compresses and lotions:
- A good way to reduce swelling and strengthen the walls of blood vessels is homemade oil. It is prepared from a mixture of St. John's wort with vegetable oil. Applied externally.
- Using wormwood leaves for a cool ointment will reduce puffiness.
Healing baths:
- Seated warm bathshave a calming effect, reduce heaviness and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels. Made from oak, willow and chestnut bark, boiled for 30 minutes.
- Cold baths are prepared from calendula decoction, which have a tonic effect.

Do they take the army with a varicocele?
The answer to this question is ambiguous. In some cases, the conscript is taken into the army, in others they are released. It all depends on two reasons: the nature of the disease and the degree of damage to the diseased organ. The serviceability category depends only on these factors.
Depending on the degree of the disease, first or second, the conscript may be assigned one of the fitness categories: "B", "C" or "G". Varicocele and the army are quite compatible with the first degree of the disease. It is called hidden because varicose veins cannot yet be determined visually. With this degree, the patient often does not know about his problem. In this case, the disease does not yet lead to dysfunction, which is why conscripts with varicocele are taken into the army.
The second degree is characterized by the descent of the cord below the upper pole of the testicle. Varicose veins are already palpable, but not visually determined. There are painful sensations. In the second degree of the disease, the probability of conscription depends on the dysfunction and the occurrence of relapses. The primary manifestation of the disease does not exempt from military service. Conscripts with a single manifestation of varicocele of the second degree receive the category "B-3" and go to serve. In case of recurrence, recruits receive a category"B" for refusing treatment. With this category, they also serve in the army. The military medical commission does not make diagnoses. A second-degree varicocele discovered earlier by a doctor allows the commission only to send a conscript for an additional examination.
Third degree varicocele is serious. In this case, the disease is accompanied by constant pain and dysfunction of the genitourinary system. With the third degree, recruits are no longer taken into the army, assigning them a fitness category "B". Applicants need to be careful. In case of unreasonable underestimation of the category of suitability, you should immediately contact the judicial authorities. Until the decision of the court, the conscript will not be taken into the army. Therefore, the question of whether they take to the army with a varicocele remains open.
After receiving the summons, the recruit must visit the clinic, where he is observed in connection with the disease. The attending physician is obliged to issue him the necessary extracts, certificates and epicrises, send him for an ultrasound scan. Although the military registration and enlistment office must independently request the medical records of conscripts, one should not rely on the conscientiousness of the performers. Documents are often lost, and it is better to have copies certified by the seal of the clinic.