Scabies is caused by contact with a substance. Ticks also cause scabies. A person is not immune to scabies, so he can get it again and again.
In the season, the risk of infection increases. Usually in summer or winter, the human immune system is in a weakened state, and many types of mites appear. Parasitic microorganisms in contact with human skin cause scabies.

The most common cause of scabies is contact with an infected person. Even through an ordinary handshake, a person can easily become infected with an ailment. It is also possible to catch the disease after contact with the personal belongings of an infected person. Causes of scabies:
- contact with an infected person (co-sleeping, intimacy);
- contact with the person carrying the ticks;
- contact with personal belongings of an infected person (clothes, electronics, money);
- contact with animals that may have ticks;
- tick bite.
Scabies can show up in two days, or maybe in a week.

From the moment of scabies to the first symptoms, it takes from one day to a week. The duration of the disease varies from one hour to two weeks.
The duration of symptoms depends on the time of year and the number of parasites on the person. The main symptom of scabies is itchy skin. The intensity of itching of the skin increases in the evening and at night. This is due to the increased activity of microorganisms that are pathogens. Dry skin is also a symptom of scabies.
Some people show different symptoms right away. The rash occurs immediately or over time on certain areas of the human skin. Symptoms of the disease include nodules that appear between the fingers. They can appear on the fingers of human hands or palms. Also, a symptom of scabies is the appearance of itching in places such as:
- genital area;
- wrist and joint area;
- foot and ankle area;
- buttock area;
- hip area.
After two weeks there is a bloody crust and a purulent rash. Most often, the rash appears symmetrically on human skin. Additional symptoms of scabies in children (as in adults):
- appearance of weakness throughout the body;
- exfoliate nails;
- rash appears.
Elimination of symptoms and treatment of scabies at home in a person is carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

Tablets for the treatment of scabies at home are prescribed in cases where local therapy is prohibited for specific reasons (in the presence of an allergic reaction to the ointment or other contraindications). The most popular medicines for ailment in tablet form will be listed below.
In the public domain, such a cure for scabies is not observed, but there is a possibility of ordering it on the Internet and in special shopping centers. The medication is recommended not only for use by people, but also for the treatment of scabies in cats at home. This drug is quite effective, because it has low toxicity and excellent quality, proven for many years. Of the contraindications, it is necessary to highlight the fact of allergy to the elements included in the structure, the period of pregnancy, asthma, weakened immunity. Side effects are fainting and dizziness, a general morbid condition, a decrease in concentration. Suggested Use: One to two doses of the pharmaceutical, 1 week apart.
This drug for scabies is able to activate the adverse effects that manifest themselves in non-compliance with the functioning of internal organs, the appearance of an itchy syndrome and swelling of the dermatological integument, angioedema. The course of therapy - until a significant improvement in well-being. May take 3-4 tablets per day.
If you follow the right dose of medication, its main components will not have a toxic effect on the body. Side effects in case of exceeding the daily dose shown in the instructions are: gagging and nausea, pain in the stomach, general morbid condition, visual system disorder, signs of hypotension, skin rash. Contraindications are personal intolerance to the components of the substance, periods of pregnancy and lactation, children weighing less than 15 kilograms.
The drug has a slight toxicity, helps to eliminate the itchy syndrome in a short time. The intake of this pharmaceutical is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, with the concomitant development of pathologies of the liver and kidneys. In addition, it is prohibited to use in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, children under the age of 5 years, with weakened immunity. If you do not comply with the dose prescribed by the doctor, for example, exceeding it, you can provoke such side effects as headache, general malaise, non-compliance with the work of the visual system and gastrointestinal tract, fainting. In this case, if the tablet medicines for scabies did not help to eliminate the itching syndrome and other signs of the disease, you should again go to the doctor and undergo auxiliary therapy.
Each of the above means performs a similar function - the destruction of the scabies mite and its offspring. Extremely goodresults show ointments. But do not expect extremely high efficiency from each drug, since everyone is individual.
Therefore, so that the patient does not make a mistake with the choice, below are a number of the most useful ointments for the quick treatment of scabies at home.

Benzyl benzoate
"Benzyl benzoate" - a drug for the treatment of scabies at home, is available in several forms:
- Twenty percent ointment.
- 10% ointment. A less concentrated option is preferable for children due to their age. The price of the ointment varies from 30 to 150 rubles.
- Twenty percent lotion. It is also quite effective.
- Emulsion. This form is somewhat less effective, but it is devoid of the burning sensation and pungent odor inherent in the ointment. The cost of the emulsion reaches two hundred rubles. The drug must be rubbed into the skin, after which you can not take a shower for three days.
Sulfur ointment
Extremely effective tool available to almost everyone. The cost of the drug barely reaches fifty rubles. But a significant drawback of sulfuric ointment is a pungent odor that hits the nostrils extremely hard. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the "aroma" will have to be endured for almost a whole week, which will be a rather difficult "test" that, in truth, not everyone can withstand. Therefore, if the patient has asthma or a similar disease, you should opt for otherpreparations with a less pungent odor. For use, it is necessary to apply all over the body and do not wash off the drug for five days. After five days, take a shower.
Zinc Ointment
Also often with scabies get zinc ointment. It does not stink as much, but also has a weaker effect. However, it is prescribed for people with extremely sensitive skin or if the patient has a strong allergy to more effective and harsh remedies. It can be purchased for fifty rubles.

We discussed the symptoms of the disease and its signs. Let's talk about the treatment of scabies at home. The most popular methods are provided in the following list:
- Using ointments.
- Using solutions.
- Various creams.
- Sprays and aerosols.
Of course, each of the above methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, ointments show excellent results in the treatment of scabies, but they also have an extremely strong smell, which can be quite difficult to endure.
In addition, individual characteristics of the body should be taken into account - for example, some patients suffer from allergies, which makes the use of ointments impossible. But sprays and aerosols are deprived of such properties. The most famous and effective means included in this group are listed below:
- "Spregal". Has a lot of positive reviews, non-toxic. Allowed for use during pregnancy. Shoulduse within five days. Unlike the above methods, it does not have any smell. The cost of the product is one thousand rubles.
- "Pair plus". This drug is prescribed for people suffering from pediculosis, but it is also prescribed at the initial stage of the development of the disease. Side effects are expressed in the form of nausea and headaches, but are noted quite rarely. The aerosol must be applied to the affected areas. It is recommended to process "clean" zones. The price of the goods reaches 350 rubles.
- "Permethrin". This drug demonstrates no less good performance. For application, apply from a distance of fifty centimeters to the skin. Do not allow contact with eyes. If this happens, they must be rinsed with warm clean water without fail. This drug can be purchased for a hundred rubles.
- "A-Par". The next aerosol, rather, is not aimed at a complete cure for the disease, but at its prevention and disinfection of things, but can also be used for application to the skin. Thus, you need to slightly tilt the spray and from a short distance (preferably thirty centimeters), spray. Then wait twelve hours, and after the expiration of the period, take a cool shower using soap, shampoo, etc. This recommendation is because warm (not hot!) water will prevent itching and irritation.

Folk remedies
Very often people with scabies start treatment for scabies at homefolk remedies. What green first aid kit recipes can be used to get the desired result? Prepare your own celandine ointment. To do this, mix thoroughly:
- Vaseline;
- celandine juice growing in ecologically clean areas.

Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged areas of the skin daily. Otherwise, the result of treatment will not be the one you dream of. Also, for treatment, you can use other handy tools that are always at hand. Every beginner or experienced housewife in the apartment always has:
- lard;
- sulfur head matches;
- lactic acid ingredients;
- laurel;
- buckthorn bark;
- laundry soap;
- birch tar;
- lavender beauty oil;
- garlic.
All these inexpensive natural ingredients are always at home. As it is not surprising, but all these means are actively used in the fight against the disease. How else can scabies be cured? You can use apple cider vinegar, known for quite a long time to all people, to treat this rather serious, dangerous disease. Do not use water after applying it to the skin.
A few words in conclusion
Scabies - one of the diseases, manifested mainly by severe itching felt by patients on the skin surfaces of the body in the evening, has been known to people for quite a long time. parasitic diseasemuch earlier called "scabiosis".
The scabies mite was identified by foreign medical workers around the beginning of the seventeenth century. What happens during illness? The female tick crawls to the surface, making some kind of passage for mating with the male, usually late in the evening or at night. New offspring appear on human skin after a few weeks.
Scabies can spread throughout the human body without any characteristic signs of illness. The reaction to the waste products of the scabies mite is a rash that manifests itself in the form of all kinds of subcutaneous reactions.
To completely destroy the scabies mite, put into practice various gels, ointments and other medical, time-tested popular drugs. Recovery, if patients begin to fully comply with all the doctor's prescriptions, will come quickly. There will be no difficulties in taking pharmaceuticals by patients.