Spine numb: reasons to see a doctor

Spine numb: reasons to see a doctor
Spine numb: reasons to see a doctor

Numbness in the back or loss of sensation is common in people who are forced to stay in one position for a long time. Back pain is the result of many diseases. For example, clamping of skeletal muscles. Directly numbness in the back, spreading throughout the spinal column over a long period of time, is the main clinical characteristic of the disease. Depending on the location of the most painful area, additional symptoms will appear. Let's try to figure out why the back hurts after sleep and which doctor to contact.

Back numbness: is it serious?

numbness of the skin on the back
numbness of the skin on the back

Doctors warn that if the back goes numb at night, it can be a sign of spinal destruction. If an unpleasant feeling has visited once, do not worry. Do not hesitate to visit a specialist if:

  • numbness occur regularly;
  • pain increases with movement;
  • there are tingling sensations;
  • dizzy when standing up;
  • active urination.

If at least one of these signsis present, it is necessary to visit a neurologist as soon as possible. He will determine why the back hurts after sleep. In a horizontal and vertical position, 90% of the load from the weight of the whole body comes to the sacral region. Therefore, as a rule, pain occurs in this place and causes protrusion of the vertebral discs.

Who suffers

why does my back hurt after sleeping
why does my back hurt after sleeping

The back or other parts of the body go numb in people of different ages, and the nature of such problems is different. Most often, goosebumps indicate impaired blood circulation if a person has not changed his position for a long time. However, these sensations can be the first bell signaling the development of serious diseases, so the best decision would be to contact a specialist. If pinched back is not associated with problems of the kidneys, stomach and heart, then the treatment has one focus - relieving muscle tension.

Common Causes

The main reason for the development of pain in the back is a sedentary lifestyle. People who do not walk at least a couple of kilometers a day are at risk, the intervertebral acid stagnates and causes discomfort.

Among the secondary reasons why the back goes numb are the following:

  • prostate inflammation;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • kidney failure;
  • pancreas disease;
  • sprain.

What is the danger of pain between the shoulder blades? Many patients suffer from sharp or lingering pain between the shoulder blades. More oftenIt is all caused by viral diseases. If the virus descends into the lungs, it usually causes them to become inflamed. A visit to the doctor is essential. Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis can also lead to pinched nerves and cause muscle numbness in the back. The danger of similar ailments can affect the functioning of the heart, liver, pancreas and cause serious illness.

numb back
numb back

Under the shoulder blades

If the back becomes numb under the shoulder blades or under one of them, then additional symptoms appear:

  • breathing disorder;
  • chest heaviness;
  • spread of pain in the heart;
  • increase in the area of pain towards the liver and kidneys;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • shortness of breath on movement, rest;
  • cramps and swelling;
  • redness of the back skin;
  • formation of aponeurosis;
  • restricted upper limb mobility.


numb back under the shoulder blades
numb back under the shoulder blades

The following symptoms are typical for back numbness in the lumbar region:

  • groin pain (pulling);
  • pain in lower extremities;
  • "shooting" all over the spine;
  • feeling of numbness inside the body;
  • stone back.

A more accurate symptom map is based on the patient's underlying illness.


You can find out the cause of numbness in the back area using modern medical diagnostic methods. The doctor's appointment begins with an examination anddelivery of analyses. For example, an analysis according to Nechiporenko will help identify the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, which may well cause tingling in the lumbar region. In some cases, the problem can be identified with the help of ultrasound of the vessels, thanks to which you can see the degree of conductivity of the nerve pathways and find the root cause of the pain. An x-ray of the spine can also show possible causes that cause soft tissue numbness.

Most common methods

acupuncture of the lumbar spine
acupuncture of the lumbar spine

Diagnosis of back diseases is carried out by specialists using the following methods:

  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • radiography.

The first two diagnostic methods are the most extensive and deep. Using these techniques, doctors can find out the presence of the disease and the exact location of this disorder. Ultrasound diagnostics and X-rays are auxiliary methods for studying back pain. If there are no signs of damage to the spine, then specialists first of all carry out diagnostics using ultrasound and prescribing a laboratory examination. At this stage, the first priority is to establish a complete clinical picture. Therefore, doctors find out if numbness in the back area is the cause of a disease requiring surgical intervention. If, after the examination, serious pathologies are excluded, then it is already permissible to talk about a possible muscle spasm or sprain, which may be the result of hypothermia,sedentary lifestyle or work, injury or strenuous exercise.

Which doctor to contact

back pain what doctor to see
back pain what doctor to see

Your back hurts and you don't know where to go? With such a problem, you must first contact a therapist. He, having studied the symptoms, will give a referral to narrower specialists: a urologist, a neurologist or a gynecologist. It all depends on the cause of the disease. If the pain was preceded by an injury, then you need to seek help from a traumatologist or surgeon.


Numbness of the back, accompanied by sensations of tension, soreness and stiffness, often occurs as a result of insufficient vascular patency. In the vast majority of cases, people are annoyed by numbness in the lumbar region, since it is in this area that there are many nerve endings. Due to impaired blood circulation in the back or pinched vessels, impulse failures occur, which lead to insufficient tissue sensitivity.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis established after examination. Basically, these are such effective methods that affect a numb back, such as:

  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • biopuncture;
  • manual therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • pain blockades;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • pharmacological therapy, etc.

Often, with numbness in the back, doctors prescribe therapeutic massage and special exercises. It is noteworthy that these therapies are exceptionally positiveaffect the well-being of the patient and his he alth, contributing to the restoration of impaired blood circulation. The main thing is not to worsen an already painful condition. If necessary, you can use anti-inflammatory and painkillers that will relieve swelling, stop inflammation and pain. To activate he althy cells, laser therapy and the possibilities of electrophoresis are used. You should also wear orthopedic products that securely hold your back in the correct position, avoiding sudden movements and curvature.

More unconventional treatments for numb back are biopuncture, acupuncture and hirudotherapy. But it is noted that many patients quickly got rid of the unpleasant condition.

back numb at night
back numb at night

Manual therapy is the oldest way to treat diseases associated with the spine. Unlike conventional massage, manual massage affects exactly the source of pain. An experienced chiropractor will help relax tense muscles, remove blockade for normal blood circulation, and even help get rid of a herniated disc.

When acupuncture of the lumbar spine, thin needles will help to penetrate the very "heart" of the problem and reduce muscle inflammation.

Orthopedic belt is another way to correct your posture. With an even gait, all the muscles fall into place, there are no constrictions and the pain disappears.

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches, the peculiarity of this procedure is that bites help to restore all body systems and improve generalwell-being, while removing the numbness of the skin on the back.

Drug treatment consists not only in taking painkillers, but also in the use of medicinal herbs. For example, a decoction of mint, chamomile, horse chestnut. They are taken orally as a tea or used as a lotion.

Several times a day you need to give your back a rest: lie down and forget about all your affairs for a few minutes. You need to climb very carefully so that an unpleasant attack does not return. Also, do not put too much stress on your back with physical exercises and hard work.

Eating can also help fight back numbness. From the menu, experts recommend eliminating or minimally reducing the consumption of spicy foods, sugar, pepper and s alt. Surgical intervention is performed with a severe degree of numbness. The operation is carried out with high-precision equipment, and always under general anesthesia. It is worth noting that this method does not give a 100% chance of a cure, and the recovery period is quite long.
