Lumbar sciatica is a disease of the peripheral part of the nervous system. It is accompanied by sharp pains in the lower back, which spread to the back of the thigh. The disease occurs when nerve fibers in the spinal cord become damaged or inflamed. Lumbar sciatica is the most common form of this inflammation. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the development of the disease.

Sciatica lumbar: causes
Disease can be provoked:
- bone age-related changes in the body of the vertebrae;
- nerve root entrapment;
- inflammatory process in the muscles and ligaments located near the nerves and pressing on the spine;
- displacement or subluxation of the vertebrae;
- spinal injuries;
- protrusion or herniated disc;
- infectious diseases of the nervous system;
- tumors in the peripheral system.

Sciatica lumbar: symptoms
The disease is manifested by pains that differ in character, intensity and localization. painsensations begin in the lower back, later spread to the buttocks, thigh, individual muscles and legs. At the same time, it is painful for a person to stand and move. Sometimes feeling lost in the toes.
Lumbar sciatica is treated differently. The approach to therapy depends on the etiology, stage of the disease and phase of development. First, the patient is prescribed only physiotherapy, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. To relieve pain in acute sciatica, ultraviolet irradiation of the lumbar region is used. Medicines are used in the second phase. They normalize tissue trophism, stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes, and regulate blood circulation. The use of novocaine blockers, painkillers, biogenic stimulants, as well as B vitamins is effective. Painkillers are prescribed for acute pain syndrome. If the cause of radiculitis is dystrophic changes in the spinal column, traction, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, exercise therapy are indicated.
Lumbar sciatica: treatment at home
Regular exercise therapy, massages and a special diet are recommended for home remedies.

Exercise therapy is aimed at strengthening the muscles and giving the spine better mobility. The complex normalizes muscle tone, increases the mobility of the spine, improves the general condition. Massage with radiculitis should be carried out during the period of remission, in the acute phase it is contraindicated. Massage treatmentsperformed by specialists or independently by the patient. Self-massage can be done lying, sitting or standing.
The main methods of self-massage for sciatica are stroking and rubbing the back with a special method.
Lumbar sciatica responds faster to treatment if a diet is followed that normalizes the general condition of the body. The diet should include vegetable salads and fruits. Fried, fatty and spicy foods, strong tea, coffee should be excluded.
With the regular and proper implementation of a complex consisting of diet, exercise therapy and massage, you can permanently get rid of lower back pain.