The only effective method of treating kidney tumors is an operation, during which pathologically altered tissues are removed. At the same time, modern doctors use techniques that allow organs to be preserved, in particular, kidney resection is performed instead of nephrectomy, in other words, only the damaged part is excised.
What is this organ?
The kidney is a kind of filter that helps purify the blood. A large amount of blood passes through it per day. It is thanks to this that the latter is additionally cleared of various by-products during metabolism.
Every he althy person has 2 kidneys, which are located almost symmetrically under the diaphragm. This organ, after cleaning the blood, produces urine, which enters the bladder through special tubes. In it, this waste product accumulates for urination. The body is able to function normally with one kidney.

Indications for surgery
An intervention such as kidney resection is prescribed for many problems that require surgical treatment. But they resort to the removal of a part of the organ only if it is incompletely damaged, since only in this case is completerecovery of the patient after illness. Most often, resection is resorted to when a cyst is found on the kidney or tumors that can degenerate into malignant.
In addition, there are several indications that many doctors are guided by when prescribing such an operation:
- The rapid growth of benign education.
- The area of damaged tissues does not exceed 4 cm.
- High risk of malignant tissue degeneration.
- Urolithiasis.
- Kidney cyst.
- Tuberculosis lesion of the organ.
- Oncological process in the kidneys.
- Risk of kidney failure.
- Injury to part of the kidney due to trauma.
In malignant tumors, organ resection is carried out very carefully, because if the doctor leaves tissue with signs of degeneration during the operation, the tumor will begin to develop again. Usually, surgeons in such cases do not risk and completely remove the kidney to avoid the reappearance of education and metastasis.

Renal resection: basic methods
When treating this organ, doctors resort to open or laparoscopic surgery. In the first case, the excision of a part of the kidney occurs through an incision in the lumbar region. But more often laparoscopic resection of the kidney is performed. Reviews about this method of treatment are usually positive. Such an operation avoids huge wounds on the patient's body. During its implementation, a small incision is made, into which, with the help of a special flexibletubes (catheters) introduce microsurgical instruments and a television camera.
The choice of the type of operation depends on the availability of the appropriate equipment in the hospital and the qualifications of the surgeons. Of course, most doctors prefer laparoscopy, because after it the patient recovers faster.

Contraindications for partial kidney removal
Renal tumor resection is not done if a person is in serious condition or has concomitant diseases that increase the risk of complications during surgery.
Preliminary examination before resection
Before excision of the affected part of the kidney, the patient must first be examined by an anesthesiologist. Preparation for resection consists of a general examination, instrumental examination and laboratory examinations:
- X-ray of an organ with a contrast medium.
- Ultrasound, MRI and CT.
- Renal perfusion and angiography.
In addition, before surgery, the patient will have to spend several weeks in the hospital. But before entering a medical institution, the patient must take a chest x-ray and take blood tests for the following diseases: hepatitis, syphilis, HIV. In the hospital, a person is examined by an anesthesiologist and a therapist, and an enema is performed in the evening before the resection.
Renal resection is done under general anesthesia. First of all, doctors fix the patient with straps to the surgical table, and undera he althy side is placed on a roller. With the usual excision of the affected organ, the doctor makes an arcuate incision on the patient's body with a scalpel. The length of such a groove is approximately 10-12 cm. When excision of the damaged part of the kidney is performed laparoscopically, the length of the incision does not exceed 3-4 cm.
During the usual surgical intervention, the doctor approaches the affected organ in layers, after which he clamps the kidney leg with a special device made in the form of an elastic structure. During laparoscopic intervention, the surgeon monitors the progress of the instruments on the monitor display.
A clamp during surgery is used to reduce blood output when an organ is removed with a scalpel - the doctor performs this action on the damaged part of the kidney. Physicians excise the affected tissues in the form of a wedge, thereby obtaining two equal flaps. They then shift them and sew them together.
Then, drainage is brought to the site of removal of part of the kidney to control the fluid released from the organ after surgery. After its installation, the incision on the body is sutured.

Although the excision of the affected part of the organ is a more gentle operation than the complete removal of the kidney, but even after it, there may be negative consequences that are characteristic of any surgical intervention. For example, acute cerebrovascular accident or myocardial infarction may occur.
Because in most cases, the terminal stages of urolithiasis occur most often inolder people with all kinds of tumors and cancer of a certain stage, then at the time of the operation they already have many concomitant diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.
The operating doctor needs a huge experience in the subsequent recovery, since it is necessary not only to foresee the occurrence of complications, but also to prevent them in time.

Rehabilitation after kidney resection
After surgery, a long recovery period is needed, which can last about a year. Quite often, patients complain of pain after kidney resection, which can be eliminated only by the introduction of painkillers. To prevent the development of negative consequences after the operation, some recommendations should be followed:
- Drink more water.
- Reexamine after resection every three months.
- Exclude physical activity, as in the first days after discharge the patient feels a breakdown and severe fatigue. Get as much rest as possible.
- Avoid stressful situations and nervous tension.
- Consult your doctor about dietary habits. Indeed, in each individual case, their recommendations, everything will depend on the severity of the disease, age and complexity of the operation.
- It is necessary to avoid contact with sick people and hypothermia after removing part of the kidney, since the body is not protected from infections during this period.
- After surgery, a person should monitor the condition of the sutures.

Dieting after surgery
It is important to stick to proper nutrition during rehabilitation. In the first days after the excision of the organ, a person is supplied with nutrition intravenously. After a few days, the patient begins to eat on his own. It is useful after such an operation to consume freshly prepared food, while it should be easily digestible, with trace elements and vitamins.
During the recovery period, it is better for the patient to reduce the load on the liver and kidneys. It is recommended to use kidney tea instead of regular tea, but its use must be agreed with the doctor. It is also useful to drink fruit drinks made from lingonberries and cranberries, as well as tea from bearberry or dandelion root.
After kidney resection, eggs, sour cream, honey and a variety of vegetables should be added to the diet. Meat and fish should preferably be boiled rather than fried. But changing eating habits should be done gradually, although most restrictions are applied immediately after surgery.

Among other things, the patient will have to give up smoked, s alty, spicy and fatty foods. It is forbidden to consume foods containing preservatives, sweets, soda and alcoholic beverages. It is also better to refuse rich broths and marinades for the period of rehabilitation.