Asthma is a chronic disease with an allergic component, the reaction to which manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath and suffocation. The disease has long been known in medicine and well studied. In response to an allergen, the bronchi tend to constrict, thereby hindering the flow of air into the lungs, which occurs during symptomatic attacks.
A symptomatic attack is a short period of time during which a person suffering from bronchial asthma experiences choking and even swelling of the throat. This is how the bronchi react to external allergens.
Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis of bronchial asthma, which can often be found:
- Food and pollen allergy of moderate severity in the phase of remission.
- Infection-dependent disease in a severe stage of development or in the phase of exacerbation.

Disease symptoms
In bronchial asthma, the formulation of the diagnosis for the patient is established on the basis of the obtained data on the lifestyle, time and duration of attacks, as well asexpressiveness of the symptoms of the disease. After that, based on the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed treatment.
Asthma in adults is manifested by the following symptoms:
- symptomatic seizures;
- choking and shortness of breath;
- swelling and redness of the skin;
- cough;
- wheezing when coughing or breathing;
- chest tight feeling.
It is very important to classify bronchial asthma according to severity, since the more severe and advanced the stage of the disease, the more painful the attacks are and the longer they last. Severe and neglected asthma can easily lead to death.

Asthma is a fairly ancient and well-studied disease by medicine, so modern doctors have no problems with its diagnosis and treatment. However, it is very important that the formulation of the diagnosis of bronchial asthma and the diagnosis itself be carried out by a highly qualified specialist who is able to competently prescribe a course of treatment for the patient. Otherwise, the disease may progress to a more severe stage.
Doctors advise to go to the hospital immediately after the first symptoms of asthma. In the process of establishing a diagnosis, a clear analysis of a person’s lifestyle, living and working conditions is carried out, and all possible allergens are also taken into account. Also, for diagnostics, a special drug is used, in which you need to inhale and exhale air, it determines the volume of forced exhalation. Such devices are available in almost every medical institution,they are called peak flow meters.
Peculiarities of diagnosis in children

The method of treatment of adults and children does not have significant differences, however, as well as the principles of formulating a diagnosis. Bronchial asthma in children can manifest itself at a very early age. A child's predisposition to allergies to dust, flowers and pollen is a major factor in paying special attention to his he alth. An important fact is that a complete cure is almost impossible, but the course of the disease can be alleviated by proper treatment and care of the child. For this, inhalers and various kinds of medicines are used. Also a very popular tool is a nebulizer.
Doctors strongly recommend treating a child's asthma very carefully to alleviate the possible negative impact on his he alth in the future.
Epidemiology of asthma
Late and untimely treatment of severe stages of asthma is the main problem of modern medicine. At the same time, the statistics state the following:
- In 50% of cases in a child with bronchial asthma, the disease remains in adulthood.
- Asthma is more common among children.
- In the case of a severe course of the disease, 30% of cases end in death, the cause of which is suffocation.
Treatment with folk methods

The correct and timely formulation of the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is the first step towards recovery. The method of treatment givenpatient, should be aimed at the gradual improvement of the patient's condition. It is worth noting that the most popular and well-known ancient method of treating asthma attacks is steam inhalation of boiled potatoes. Before the invention of portable inhalers, our grandmothers used this method. Such inhalations should be done very carefully, as you can easily get burned from too hot steam.
The treatment of bronchial asthma with sea air and sea water has also proven itself well. Doctors strongly recommend that people suffering from asthmatic attacks, if possible, go to the sea coast every year and take air and water baths. But still, if you do not have the opportunity to go to the sea, ordinary warm baths with the addition of sea s alt, which is sold in any pharmacy, are quite suitable.
Ginger tincture is also great for treating asthma. To do this, 350 grams of ginger is poured with alcohol, after which it is kept warm for two to three weeks, stirring occasionally.
Herbal tincture for asthma. In order to prepare it, buy a regular breast collection in a pharmacy and add two more herbs to it:
- anise fruits;
- licorice root.
All this must be mixed and brewed like regular tea, insisting it for two hours and taking it before meals three times a day.