Health 2024, October

Contusion of the thoracic spine: symptoms, treatment, possible consequences

Contusion of the thoracic spine: symptoms, treatment, possible consequences

The spine plays an important role in the structure of the human skeleton; it is not for nothing that its name is translated from Latin as "support pillar". But, unfortunately, it has very little protection, as it is surrounded by a thin layer of soft tissue. Bruising it is a serious injury requiring qualified and immediate assistance from a specialist

The tip of the finger on the right hand goes numb: causes and methods of treatment

The tip of the finger on the right hand goes numb: causes and methods of treatment

Numbness of the fingers is a symptom that can develop with many diseases. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, give up bad habits, establish a diet and rest. It will be possible to get rid of an unpleasant symptom by treating the underlying pathology

Vascular nevus in children and adults: types, symptoms and treatment

Vascular nevus in children and adults: types, symptoms and treatment

Vascular nevus is a birthmark, the structure of which is represented by nevocytes. Most often, it is detected shortly after the birth of the child. Less commonly, a spot forms in adolescence, middle age, and even old age. Nevus treatment can include both conservative and surgical techniques

Why knees hurt when squatting: causes and treatment

Why knees hurt when squatting: causes and treatment

The knee joint is one of the most complex joints. It is subject to heavy stress, so it often causes discomfort. Often knees hurt when squatting. Causes and treatment are presented in the article

Microstroke: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery

Microstroke: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery

Microstroke is a short-term acute circulatory disorder in the cerebral or spinal cord. Despite the fact that apoplexy does not last long, the violation of blood circulation leads to serious damage to the brain. In order to prevent serious complications, you need to know about the causes of a microstroke. Disease prevention is the best way to deal with it

Erysipelas of the skin: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, symptoms of the disease

Erysipelas of the skin: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, symptoms of the disease

Erysipelas in any area is a dangerous disease that requires timely treatment. It is categorically impossible to try to get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe the correct therapy. Medicines in combination with traditional medicine recipes will help to quickly restore the condition of the epidermis

How to cure a severe runny nose: causes and treatments

How to cure a severe runny nose: causes and treatments

Rhinitis is a widespread disease that many people experience regularly. Even though it is not life threatening, it still needs to be treated. Nasal congestion, excessive mucus discharge, sneezing and other symptoms adversely affect the normal functioning of a person

Dry mouth and frequent urination: causes and which doctor to see

Dry mouth and frequent urination: causes and which doctor to see

What causes dry mouth? How could this be related to pregnancy? Normal frequency of urination. Causes of frequent urination - diseases, manifestations for men and women. When does dry mouth and frequent urination appear at once? Which doctor should I contact? Diagnosis and treatment

Why does the pulse quicken: causes, treatment and prevention

Why does the pulse quicken: causes, treatment and prevention

Normal blood pressure and heart rate. Dangerous and natural causes of its increase. How to correctly measure the pulse? What can cause a high resting heart rate? Why is he dangerous? Diagnosis of the condition, drug treatment, special diet, prevention of the problem

Esophageal spasm and how to relieve it, symptoms and treatment, drugs

Esophageal spasm and how to relieve it, symptoms and treatment, drugs

Transportation of food from the mouth to the stomach passes through the esophagus. If the peristalsis of smooth muscles is functioning normally, then the food bolus easily and quickly reaches the stomach. In case of violation of its activity, a spasm occurs. Food moves down the esophagus with difficulty, causing pain

Symptoms of lung problems: the main signs

Symptoms of lung problems: the main signs

In the life of the body, two things are of great importance - nutrition and breathing. But if a person can live long enough without food, then without air - no more than a couple of minutes. Breathing is one of the basic processes by which the body is saturated with oxygen and functions smoothly. The lungs are responsible for its delivery to internal organs and tissues. Symptoms of problems arising in the work of the respiratory system are covered in detail in this article

Dressler's syndrome in cardiology: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dressler's syndrome in cardiology: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dressler's syndrome in cardiology is pericarditis of an autoimmune nature of origin, which develops a few weeks after myocardial infarction in an acute form. This complication is characterized by the traditional triad of symptoms: chest pain, pulmonary manifestations (cough, wheezing, shortness of breath), rubbing noise between the sheets of the pericardium

Tar soap for psoriasis: methods of application, recommendations, reviews

Tar soap for psoriasis: methods of application, recommendations, reviews

Psoriasis is a common skin disease. Various means are used for its treatment. Tar soap helps with psoriasis, which allows you to quickly get rid of the pathology. The rules for its use are described in the article

Fatty acid s alts in feces: possible diseases and treatments

Fatty acid s alts in feces: possible diseases and treatments

Normal indicators in the coprogram. Causes of the content of s alts of fatty acids in feces. What diseases can provoke it? Features of steatorrhea in children. Classification and types of disease. Additional symptoms, complications. Diagnosis, diet, drug treatment

Worms in the human intestine: types, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Worms in the human intestine: types, symptoms, treatment and prevention

According to statistics, more than a billion people in the world are infected with worms. This occurs regardless of the social status and age of the individual. Worms in the intestines parasitize for years and even decades, causing significant harm to he alth. Therefore, everyone should know the signs of their appearance and methods of struggle

Bilateral sinusitis in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bilateral sinusitis in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Inflammation in babies of the maxillary sinuses usually occurs at the age of four years and older. Until that time, due to the structure of the sinuses and their small size, such a disease is diagnosed very rarely. Bilateral sinusitis in children is much more severe than unilateral, since the focus of infection is formed immediately on both sides

Heartburn from apples: causes and treatment

Heartburn from apples: causes and treatment

The burning sensation in the chest usually appears after eating fatty, fried or spicy foods. But can apples cause heartburn? Many people consume these fruits in order to get rid of discomfort in the esophagus. However, if you eat apples in excessive amounts, especially on an empty stomach, then heartburn can only get worse. Why is this happening? And how to get rid of the burning sensation?

Renal necrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Renal necrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The kidneys perform an important function in the body. They cleanse the blood of harmful substances and toxins, removing them naturally. Poisoning, various diseases, and even pregnancy can affect the proper functioning of this organ. All this can lead to necrosis of the kidneys

Pitiriasis pink: causes and symptoms, treatment, prevention

Pitiriasis pink: causes and symptoms, treatment, prevention

Pityriasis rosea is a little-studied disease that develops for unknown reasons. It is not dangerous, but sometimes it is accompanied by infectious diseases, and this already creates unpleasant consequences for a person

Degrees of burns with boiling water: symptoms and treatment

Degrees of burns with boiling water: symptoms and treatment

Thermal burns are one of the most common household problems and injuries. Unfortunately, very often people are burned with boiling water. The number of such victims usually increases in the summer. Apparently, this is due to the shutdown of hot water, which forces citizens to often boil water, moreover, in large volumes

What to do when ribs are broken: how to treat at home

What to do when ribs are broken: how to treat at home

Causes of a broken rib, symptoms of the condition. When do you need to call an ambulance? How to provide first aid yourself? What is medical assistance? How to be treated at home? What medicines should be taken? How to change lifestyle? What is the best way to sleep? What diet is needed?

How to treat trigeminal neuralgia: medicines and folk remedies

How to treat trigeminal neuralgia: medicines and folk remedies

Many people are interested in the question of how to treat trigeminal neuralgia. But it is impossible to answer it unambiguously, since everything here depends on many factors. The therapy program is selected separately for each patient, taking into account his individual characteristics and some other factors

Thermal burn: first aid and treatment

Thermal burn: first aid and treatment

Violation of the integrity of the tissues of the human body in a certain place due to exposure to high temperatures is called a thermal burn. Contact occurs with heated substances, which can be in a solid, liquid or gaseous state. In case of severe injuries, the provision of timely assistance plays an important role

If the pressure is increased, what are the causes of this condition and its consequences

If the pressure is increased, what are the causes of this condition and its consequences

Hypertension is a pathology in which a person has high blood pressure. This disease is often referred to as the "silent killer". The pathology received this name due to the fact that often its development occurs without visible signs, but at the same time the disease itself often leads to serious complications

Cystitis: pathogens, causes and treatment

Cystitis: pathogens, causes and treatment

The causative agents of cystitis are of bacterial and viral origin, fungal infections and helminths. Ways of penetration of the infection, the common cause of the pathology and who is at risk. Methods of treatment, and what drugs are most often used in therapy

Bladder tumor: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bladder tumor: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bladder tumor is a collective concept. It includes a whole group of diseases, united by common characteristics and features. Are tumors dangerous and can they be recognized in time?

Acidosis is a dangerous enemy of our he alth

Acidosis is a dangerous enemy of our he alth

You should not ignore the first signs of acidosis: flushing to the face, irritability, grayish coating on the tongue

Autistic child: signs, symptoms, causes. Features of autistic children

Autistic child: signs, symptoms, causes. Features of autistic children

If your baby does not like communication, eschews people, prefers loneliness, then it may be time to visit a psychologist, maybe you have an autistic child growing up. In this case, it is necessary to take into account these features of his psyche when communicating with him

Diagnosis of RDA: deciphering who diagnoses autism, characteristics of childhood autism

Diagnosis of RDA: deciphering who diagnoses autism, characteristics of childhood autism

Diagnosis of early childhood autism is the scourge of our time. Since 2008, the world has been celebrating Autism Awareness Day on April 2 every year. This is an incurable mental illness, the manifestations of which become noticeable from about two to three years of age. The causes of the onset of the disease have not yet been precisely established, and the number of registered sick autistic children is growing every year, like a snowball

Shingles: photos, symptoms and treatment, reviews

Shingles: photos, symptoms and treatment, reviews

Pathology is caused by the same virus as chicken pox. It is more common in middle-aged and older people. This disease has other names - herpes zoster, or shingles

Flat feet in children: causes and treatment

Flat feet in children: causes and treatment

Flat feet in children occur due to the fact that the configuration of the foot is disturbed. This leads to a change in the mechanics of walking. In children, this is manifested by severe fatigue, pain, swelling, problems with movements and impaired gait

Rash in a child: types, causes and treatment

Rash in a child: types, causes and treatment

It often happens that babies begin to develop various rashes on the body, which may be a sign that the child has some kind of disease. Currently, more than a hundred different diseases have been investigated, which may have primary or secondary manifestations in the form of a rash. But parents do not need to try to figure out all these conditions on their own, but you need to immediately contact a doctor

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Hemorrhoids is a disease characterized by the formation of varicose veins in the lower rectum. This pathology is a very common problem, especially among women who have given birth. Quite often, the appearance of this disease occurs in them during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth

How to treat rotavirus infection in children? Possible consequences for the child

How to treat rotavirus infection in children? Possible consequences for the child

Rotavirus infection in children is manifested by watery diarrhea. On this basis, it can be distinguished from other problems with the intestines. What are the other symptoms of rotavirus infection? How to treat the disease? What can not be given to a child with rotavirus infection?

Treatment of cough in children with medicines and folk remedies

Treatment of cough in children with medicines and folk remedies

Each parent should pay close attention to the treatment of cough in children, because this is a very disturbing and unpleasant symptom. If a cough develops due to damage to the respiratory tract by a bacterial or viral infection, then this can threaten the spread of the disease to the nearest tissues, passing into the chronic stage. Especially if you do not start treatment on time. Before any cough can be treated, its causes must be established

Vaccination against cervical cancer - vaccination rules, side effects and consequences

Vaccination against cervical cancer - vaccination rules, side effects and consequences

Vaccination against cervical cancer was developed by American scientists relatively recently. It is worth understanding how to properly prepare for the introduction of this vaccine and what risks and consequences may be after vaccination

Diet for the pancreas: a sample menu

Diet for the pancreas: a sample menu

The pancreas is the largest of all glands. It secretes digestive juice and enzymes that break down proteins, fats, starch and carbohydrates. In diseases of the pancreas, the diet is prescribed without fail

Heart Murmurs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Heart Murmurs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Heart murmurs can cause torn heart syndrome, also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or stress-induced cardiomyopathy. It is a disease of the heart muscle that can occur suddenly after severe emotional or physical stress. What are the causes of such an ailment, how does it appear, in what ways is it treated? This will be discussed in the article

Armpit sweating a lot: what to do? Ways to solve the problem

Armpit sweating a lot: what to do? Ways to solve the problem

If your armpits are sweating a lot, what to do when standard remedies only work for a short time?

Treatment of gout at home: diet, features and effective ways

Treatment of gout at home: diet, features and effective ways

Gout is a chronic disease that is characterized by problems with purine metabolism and is accompanied by an increased level of uric acid in the blood, as well as deposits of sodium urate in articular cartilage and other tissues. Since this disease affects mobility, gout is most often treated at home