Health 2024, October

Ingrown toenail in a child: causes, methods and methods of treatment, prevention

Ingrown toenail in a child: causes, methods and methods of treatment, prevention

Doctors call this penetration of the nail into the tissue of the finger onychocryptosis. Growing into soft tissues, the lateral edges of the nail damage them, initiating irritation, the formation of ulcers, and tissue expansion. In some cases, the nail becomes so inflamed that pus is released. When walking, pain regularly appears, which does not add to the mood. The nail plate becomes thickened, loses its shine, exfoliates - and this is not very attractive

What helps a child cough: advice from a pediatrician

What helps a child cough: advice from a pediatrician

Cough is considered a protective reaction and often occurs in he althy children, but if it is a sign of any disease, then coughing begins to bring discomfort to children and requires immediate treatment. Of the medicines prescribed for coughing, syrups and medicines are in the lead, but there are also drugs in the form of tablets

Bronchial asthma: basic therapy, diagnostic testing, treatment and prevention

Bronchial asthma: basic therapy, diagnostic testing, treatment and prevention

Basic therapy of bronchial asthma has its own specific principles. In order for healing to occur as quickly as possible, it is necessary to follow the rules of therapy and take all the drugs recommended by the doctor

Late syphilis - symptoms, features, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Late syphilis - symptoms, features, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Late syphilis is a type of special infection in which no medical manifestations of the disease are detected, but laboratory tests for syphilis are positive. What is this disease and how to detect it as soon as possible, read the article

Mycoplasma, symptoms in children: causes, treatment and prevention

Mycoplasma, symptoms in children: causes, treatment and prevention

Mycoplasmosis is an infectious anthroponotic disease caused by pathogenic bacteria. When an infection enters the body, the upper respiratory tract and the genitourinary system are affected. The exacerbation of the disease occurs in the autumn-winter period. Infection of the baby occurs mainly in utero by swallowing amniotic fluid. This pathology is one of the main causes of fetal fading, miscarriages and the onset of premature birth

Blepharitis in a child: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Blepharitis in a child: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Blepharitis in a child is a chronic disease. It is not always possible to avoid its manifestation, but parents can significantly reduce the risk of exacerbations. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment and take preventive measures

Classification of rhinitis, causes, symptoms, complications and treatment

Classification of rhinitis, causes, symptoms, complications and treatment

The most dangerous thing for the body is a decrease in immunity. As soon as the protective forces weaken, the viral infection freely penetrates inside. Rhinitis also occurs when pathological reactions occur, indicating a decline in immune activity

How and how to dilute bile in the gallbladder - features, drugs, products and recommendations

How and how to dilute bile in the gallbladder - features, drugs, products and recommendations

Folk cholagogues can help stabilize bile levels. But it will work in combination with the main treatment that your doctor will prescribe for you. How and how to liquefy bile in the gallbladder, you will learn from the article

Dr. Komarovsky, worms in children: possible causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment

Dr. Komarovsky, worms in children: possible causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment

Dr. Komarovsky says the following about worms: these are parasites that enter the baby's body in different ways. With them, the main thing is to conduct timely treatment. It is also necessary to take preventive measures

Mammary hyperplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Mammary hyperplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Mammary hyperplasia occurs in girls from 20 years old. The main factor is considered a hormonal disorder in the body, genetic predisposition, experienced stress, diseases of the endocrine system, long periods of breastfeeding, contact with harmful chemical elements, mechanical trauma to the breast, taking hormonal substances, etc

Bacterial tonsillitis in children: symptoms and diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

Bacterial tonsillitis in children: symptoms and diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

Angina is a disease during which the tonsils, located deep in the larynx, become inflamed. This disease can take place in different forms, but the most rare are viral and bacterial tonsillitis. In terms of symptoms, they are very similar, but their therapy is carried out in different ways

Chlamydia in a child: symptoms, signs, ways of infection, treatment and consequences

Chlamydia in a child: symptoms, signs, ways of infection, treatment and consequences

The source of chlamydia is a special type of chlamydia bacteria that invades he althy cells. Therefore, they are called intracellular parasites. Bacteria penetrate into the cells of the respiratory organs, into the mucous membranes of the eyes. This insidious disease, unlike other infections, is much more difficult to identify and treat - it develops imperceptibly, but gradually worsens and drags on for several months or even years

Hyperplastic laryngitis: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Hyperplastic laryngitis: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Hyperplastic laryngitis is one of the types of inflammation of the larynx, which is accompanied by a thickening of the mucous layer and lasts more than 3 weeks. Medical signs: hoarseness, high asthenicity and change in the timbre of the voice, feeling of dryness, itching, slight sore throat, wet cough

Purulent runny nose: causes, signs and treatment

Purulent runny nose: causes, signs and treatment

Headache, malaise, high body temperature, yellowish or greenish discharge from the nose - such signs of illness are familiar to every person, both an adult and a child. In most cases, they indicate an acute respiratory disease (acute respiratory disease) or the so-called cold. But few people know about purulent rhinitis

Ganglionitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease, diagnosis

Ganglionitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease, diagnosis

Ganglionitis is not a very well-known disease, however, it has a fairly large number of types, which depend mainly on the true root cause, or, in other words, on the type of infection. Symptoms and treatment of ganglionitis are set by a doctor

Sleep apnea: causes, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies. sleep apnea syndrome

Sleep apnea: causes, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies. sleep apnea syndrome

Snoring is not just a problem that prevents loved ones from getting enough sleep. This is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea, a syndrome that can lead to disorders in many organs and systems. that is why you should not be skeptical about the problem. Timely access to a doctor, treatment, including folk remedies, will help to cope with the problem as soon as possible

Yellowing under the eyes: causes and features of treatment

Yellowing under the eyes: causes and features of treatment

It's no secret that our skin reflects the state of the body. And if you notice any spots on it, discoloration or yellow circles under the eyes, the reasons should be looked for in your lifestyle. Let's figure out why unhe althy yellowness appears under the eyes, and how to get rid of it

Causes of frequent hiccups in adults and ways to stop it

Causes of frequent hiccups in adults and ways to stop it

Every person in his life has experienced hiccups more than once. In fact, it is harmless and most often passes quickly enough. But the cause of its occurrence may be completely different factors. A person cannot control this process in any way, since this is a natural reflex of the body. Hiccups don't do any good, but they don't hurt either. What could be the causes of frequent hiccups in adults and how can it be stopped?

Stomach problems: symptoms and treatment

Stomach problems: symptoms and treatment

Heaviness, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn and other discomforts in the stomach are not normal symptoms. But we are most often used to not paying much attention to it, taking different pills that will quickly eliminate it. But it turns out that such symptoms are a very bad sign, since a he althy person should not have such a thing

Ankylosis - what is it? Treatment of the disease

Ankylosis - what is it? Treatment of the disease

Ankylosis is a disease that consists in the complete immobility of the joints. There are several reasons for its appearance. One of the most common is inflammation of the joints, that is, arthritis or arthrosis. Ankylosis manifests itself gradually, at first the difficulties in the movement of the joints are not so noticeable, but over time they gradually lose their mobility completely

Bubbles seem to burst in the ears: what is it

Bubbles seem to burst in the ears: what is it

The human body is a mechanism of complex action, and all changes in it indicate a certain failure of the usual life processes. Sometimes there are symptoms that make it difficult to determine the nature of the pathology. Often, complaints of ear pain can be a direct hint of an illness that is associated with the ear canals

Cough with worms in children

Cough with worms in children

Cough with worms - an infrequent phenomenon, but quite possible. Children are especially affected by this disease. How to get rid of the problem, read the article

Fatty liver: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

Fatty liver: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

What is a fatty liver and how to properly treat it? Everything you need to know about the disease: definition, causes, prevalence, symptoms, diagnostic methods, dietary rules, treatment features and likely consequences

Cough after SARS: causes and methods of treatment

Cough after SARS: causes and methods of treatment

Dangerous and non-dangerous causes of cough after SARS. In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor, and in what cases not? What complications might this be? Features of the state in children. Diagnostics, drug, auxiliary therapy, prevention of the condition

Tubulointerstitial nephritis, acute and chronic: symptoms, causes and treatment

Tubulointerstitial nephritis, acute and chronic: symptoms, causes and treatment

To detect tubulointerstitial nephritis, modern research methods of the body are used, namely: ultrasound, urine and blood analysis, history taking, kidney biopsy. The conclusion regarding the reversibility of the disease is made on the basis of the severity of the damage and the timing of seeking medical help

What are the signs of mental retardation in children?

What are the signs of mental retardation in children?

The human brain is entrusted with the task of implementing cognitive functions. It is with their help that we are able to successfully work, study and live in this world. But, unfortunately, sometimes this function fails. This contributes to the appearance of signs of mental retardation in children, which are sometimes diagnosed already in babies up to a year of age. A similar phenomenon often does not allow a person to exist normally in this world

False aneurysm: causes, symptoms and treatment

False aneurysm: causes, symptoms and treatment

The term "aneurysm" refers to a pathological process, the course of which is characterized by a change in the state of the walls of blood vessels. They stretch, forming an additional cavity, which is filled with liquid connective tissue. There are true and false aneurysms. In the first case, it is customary to talk about mechanical damage to the veins and arteries, in which the formed cavity consists of all layers of the vascular wall. A false aneurysm is a defect that is limited to connective tissue

Saccular aneurysm of the brain: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Saccular aneurysm of the brain: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Surely many people have come across such a thing as saccular aneurysm. This is the name of the protrusion of the walls of the artery, which occurs due to changes occurring in its structure. A little less often, veins, aortas, and entire organs are affected. What causes an aneurysm to form? What are the predisposing factors? Are there any symptoms that indicate its occurrence? And, most importantly, how to treat this pathology? Answers to these and many other questions related to the topic can be found in the article

Discoloration of feces: causes. How do the color and structure of feces change with hepatitis?

Discoloration of feces: causes. How do the color and structure of feces change with hepatitis?

Discoloration of feces does not happen without a reason. Often this is an alarming signal that usually appears with serious liver damage. The reasons may be more harmless, however, be that as it may, this phenomenon cannot be ignored. Now it’s worth telling why feces become discolored, what diseases this may indicate and how treatment is carried out

Mycosis of the feet: description of the disease, causes and treatment

Mycosis of the feet: description of the disease, causes and treatment

To get rid of the hated fungus once and for all, you need to visit a doctor like a dermatologist. You can eliminate the symptoms at home, but you won’t be able to remove the fungus right away, because it will reappear. That is why drugs for internal use and antifungal agents are prescribed to get rid of the fungus

Flaxseed oil for diabetes: composition, benefits and harms. How to use?

Flaxseed oil for diabetes: composition, benefits and harms. How to use?

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine pathology. It can be accompanied by both absolute and partial insufficiency of the hormone insulin. In all cases, patients must strictly adhere to a therapeutic diet. Doctors recommend including linseed oil in the menu. This unique product, rich in poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, helps to reduce blood sugar levels

Disability after a heart attack: registration procedure, documents, nuances

Disability after a heart attack: registration procedure, documents, nuances

Formally, any patient who has survived a heart attack is a disabled person. This is due to serious violations of the activities of the CCC. This means that the normal blood supply to any organ or system, as it was before a heart attack, is now absent. In this regard, people who have had a heart attack often have the question of whether they can get disability after an attack

Abdominal form of myocardial infarction: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Abdominal form of myocardial infarction: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Among people with vascular and heart disease, one of the main causes of increased mortality is considered to be a heart attack. The non-standard onset of the disease, that is, when an individual feels severe pain in the abdomen, this is the abdominal form of myocardial infarction. The classic picture is acute chest pain that occurs suddenly and radiates to the scapular region on the right, neck and shoulder joint. The person has difficulty breathing and has a feeling of fear

How to treat gout on the big toe: photos, symptoms and treatment methods

How to treat gout on the big toe: photos, symptoms and treatment methods

Gouty arthritis is a serious chronic disease that affects the joints. The trigger for its development is a violation of the normal process of excretion of uric acid s alts. Their excess is deposited in the form of crystals, which causes pathology, accompanied by inflammation and a number of other unpleasant symptoms. The disease must be eliminated. And now we will talk about how and how to treat gout on the big toe (where it occurs most often), doctors recommend

Pressure 200 over 120: what does it mean, what to do

Pressure 200 over 120: what does it mean, what to do

A blood pressure of 200 over 120 is a symptom of hypertension. Such figures indicate a hypertensive crisis. What causes an increase in pressure. Symptoms of this condition. Norms for people of different age categories. Drugs that lower blood pressure

Polyps in the liver: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Polyps in the liver: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Unfortunately, tumors are no longer uncommon, and in many people the internal organs are affected. At the same time, formations may differ in structure and etiology of origin. Liver polyps are most common in women who are 30-50 years old, as well as in those who are overweight and have chronic diseases

Cervical radicular syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Cervical radicular syndrome: symptoms and treatment

In medicine, the radicular syndrome of the cervical spine is a complex of unpleasant clinical signs that occur when the spinal nerve endings are compressed. Many experts also call this pathological process sciatica (pinching of the nerve roots in the majority of cases is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process)

Attack of cholecystitis - symptoms, home treatment: what to do, how to relieve pain?

Attack of cholecystitis - symptoms, home treatment: what to do, how to relieve pain?

Cholecystitis is an inflammatory pathology of the gallbladder. Usually it is associated with the formation of stones in this organ. Stones contribute to blockage of the ducts. This can lead to rupture of the walls of the gallbladder and the development of acute inflammation of the abdominal cavity. How does the disease manifest itself and why does it occur? This article details the causes of an attack of cholecystitis, symptoms, home treatment

The little finger on the right hand hurts: possible causes and treatment

The little finger on the right hand hurts: possible causes and treatment

The little finger is the smallest finger, but its condition should not be neglected. If discomfort is noticeable, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence. Since the state of one organ can reveal a lot in the body. If the little finger on the right hand hurts, then this may indicate diseases

Is it possible to drink vodka in the presence of diseases: the opinion and advice of doctors

Is it possible to drink vodka in the presence of diseases: the opinion and advice of doctors

It's hard to imagine a Russian feast without vodka. Many consider it he althier than wine, cognac and rum. They even believe that it should be drunk regularly in small amounts to maintain he alth. But is it? Let's turn to the experts