Symptoms and treatment of varicose veins

Symptoms and treatment of varicose veins
Symptoms and treatment of varicose veins

Problems with blood vessels are quite common, occurring in modern society more and more often. Nowadays, varicose veins of the extremities are diagnosed not only in the elderly. The disease affects young people and even children.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs, arms and other parts of the body? The first signs of the disease are very important to know. Since the effectiveness of all subsequent treatment depends on a timely diagnosis.

Symptoms of varicose veins in the legs and other parts of the body and this article will be devoted. We will also talk about the causes of diseases and the necessary preventive measures that prevent the development of the pathological process. And, of course, let's pay attention to all kinds of methods for treating varicose veins on the legs, arms or other organs.

It is believed that this disease affects only the limbs of the human body. However, it is not. Recently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing varicose veins of the small pelvis in women. Also, pathology is found in the veins of the esophagus and otherinternal organs. How to identify and treat such anomalies? Let's find out.

Illness definition

Before you know what a disease is, you need to get general information about the structure of the human circulatory system.

As you know, the blood in our body circulates through the vessels. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the heart to various organs and tissues. Veins are also vessels, but blood flows through them in the opposite direction - from organs and tissues to the heart.

In order for such a process to proceed in the right direction, there are one-way valves inside each vein. They provide the necessary blood circulation in the right direction. What else is achieved with these valves? Blood does not accumulate in one place, but circulates and enriches the body.

disease scheme
disease scheme

Varicose veins are characterized by damage to the intravascular valves or even their complete absence. As a result, the general flow of blood is disturbed, it accumulates in the place where the pathology is found. Because of this, the veins increase in volume and expand abnormally.

There are several types of veins in our body - superficial (located immediately under the skin), deep (hidden deep in muscle tissue) and communicant (connect the first two types).

Varicosis of the superficial veins is most often diagnosed, for example, on the legs in the knees, calves or thighs. However, the disease can also affect the vessels located in the pelvic area or rectum.

Lower limbs

First, let's pay attention to the varicose veins of the lower extremities. Outwardly, the disease manifests itself in the form of purple, blue or bluish-green streaks under the skin, which twist and protrude outward. Similar manifestations can be seen in the photo below.

photo of the disease
photo of the disease

Causes of varicose veins

The main cause of the disease, as mentioned above, are pathological processes occurring in the blood vessels themselves. What can provoke such changes?

The main provocateurs of the disease include hereditary predisposition to deformation of the veins. Also, excessive loads on the legs can have a negative impact on the vessels, for example, when a person, due to his professional employment, constantly stands or walks. It is not surprising that teachers, athletes, hairdressers are predisposed to such a disease.

Other negative factors that affect the elasticity of blood vessels are overweight, hormonal changes, cardiovascular diseases (eg thrombosis).

Do not forget about bad habits that have a negative impact not only on the veins, but on the whole body as a whole. It is clear that smoking and alcohol abuse may well provoke the development of a pathological process in the blood vessels.

Pregnancy can often provoke the development of the disease, which is a great stress and burden for the whole body of a woman. Also, bearing a baby affects the hormonal background.future mother, which can also cause pathological processes occurring in the circulatory system. However, it is worth remembering that, as such, pregnancy is not the cause of varicose veins. Bearing a fetus can be a reason or one of the causes of the manifestation of the disease.

It's no secret that most often the disease is diagnosed in women, and this is not always due to the period of pregnancy or hormonal changes. Wearing uncomfortable shoes (too narrow or with very high heels) is another of the main reasons for the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

An important factor in the development of abnormal expansion of blood vessels can be various damage to the veins. This may include trauma or inflammation in the vessels, as well as the formation of blood clots.

How to detect the disease at an early stage in order to start timely and high-quality treatment? Let's find out.

Symptoms in detail

The very first sign of a problem is pain in the legs, namely in the place where the valve has broken. It is also very important to pay attention to discomfort in the lower extremities, as if the leg is heavy. This feeling is an important signal of vascular deformity.

Abnormal protrusion of veins is another sign of the development of pathology. Dark purple streaks appear under the skin, they curl and swell.

The skin in the area of the affected vessel becomes dry, can peel off and darken, itch and itch. At the site of the development of the pathological process is formedswelling, skin swells or swells.

If you do not pay attention to these manifestations in time, the symptoms may intensify. A person begins to be disturbed by convulsions, open ulcers form in the area of \u200b\u200bthe varicose process, which can bleed and cause pain. Wounds are a possibility of infection, so you should see a doctor as soon as possible so as not to complicate an already difficult situation.

Disease detection

What will they say in the hospital? Most likely, the specialist will refer you to the necessary examinations to diagnose the disease and exclude other possible diseases.

The most important diagnostic measure is the physical examination of the patient. The patient will be asked to stand, sit and wave their legs. It is on the basis of an external examination that a diagnosis will be made.

at the reception
at the reception

After that, the doctor may recommend Doppler ultrasound, based on which it will be possible to examine the blood flow and, if present, detect a blood clot.

Also, an angiogram can be prescribed by a specialist. This study involves the introduction of a certain dye into the vein, thanks to which the structure of the vessels and their pathological changes will be clearly visible on the x-ray.

General principles of recovery

Is it possible to cure varicose veins at home? Yes, especially when it comes to the initial stages of the disease.

The first thing the doctor will advise is to adjust the weight and nutrition program. That is, if the patient has extrakilograms, then he should go on a special diet to normalize his body weight. If the patient's weight is normal, then he will still need to monitor his diet, avoiding fatty and s alty foods, which can negatively affect blood vessels and also provoke obesity.

Moreover, a therapeutic diet may mean giving up strong coffee (and sometimes even tea), smoked meats and canned food. Alcoholic drinks are also a 100% contraindication for people suffering from varicose veins. It is very important to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits (including freshly squeezed juices), cereals and soy. And, of course, do not forget about the greens. Parsley, dill and lettuce are what will help to cope with any ailment!

Also, your doctor may prescribe the wearing of compression underwear, such as stockings or even tights.

compression stockings
compression stockings

Many men may have complexes about such an unusual treatment for varicose veins in their legs. However, do not get hung up on this issue. Compression underwear is a fairly common method of treating vascular pathologies of the lower extremities. Its reasonable use will not only save the patient from unpleasant symptoms and pain, but also help prevent the progression of the disease. In some cases, such a piece of clothing will be recommended to the patient for continuous use throughout life. Very often, compression stockings are prescribed for pregnant women to alleviate their condition during gestation, when it is impossiblehelp the body in some other way.

The essence of this medical underwear is that they squeeze the leg in the ankle area, gradually weakening the effect on the skin up the leg. This stimulates proper blood circulation towards the heart.

Now on sale you can find different compression stockings and tights, differing from each other not only in size, but also in the degree of compression (pressure exerted on the leg).

Another way to treat varicose veins is to prescribe special exercises for the legs. The specialist recommends the patient certain exercises that will help normalize blood flow in the limbs.

Going to drug treatment

To help fight the disease, special ointments and oral preparations can be prescribed, the purpose of which is to thin the blood and improve its circulation. Also, such drugs can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieve inflammation, and anesthetize.

Most often, doctors prescribe phlebotonics (or venotonic drugs). They improve lymph flow, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, give them elasticity, and reduce capillary permeability. Among the most common drugs in this group are Veniton, Antistax, Detralex and Phlebodia 600.

Also, the patient can be prescribed antiplatelet agents that dissolve clots and improve blood flow by inhibiting platelet aggregation and suppressing their adhesion. Most often, for these purposes, people suffering from varicose veins take Curantil or Trental.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is very importanttake drugs that would prevent blood clotting. To this end, the attending physician may prescribe drugs based on heparin or its derivatives.

Against inflammation, according to experts, it is best to use non-steroidal drugs such as Nimesulide, Diclofenac or Reoperin.

And, of course, we must not forget about ointments. Local drugs on the pharmacological market are presented in large quantities. This is Lyoton Gel, and Curiosin, and many others.

More radical treatments

The methods described above do not always achieve the desired result.

legs up
legs up

In such cases, your doctor may recommend non-invasive treatment options. What do they include? Let's discuss each method.

Laser treatment

One of the most gentle methods of treating varicose veins is the use of a laser on the surface of the epidermis. A small flash of light, illuminating the walls of the vein, contributes to the development of the process of sclerosis, as a result of which the affected vein disappears, as if it had been removed.

Intravenous laser coagulation is another treatment for varicose veins. However, it involves making a small incision in a place located just above or just below the affected vein. Then a catheter is inserted into the vessel and ultrasound is directed. The laser action lasts approximately a minute, after which the patient feels heat in the area of the affected vein, which, after a certain time, disappears, becoming part of the connective tissue.

Because before the procedure, the patient is injectedlocal anesthesia, the person feels absolutely nothing. After manipulation, a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, bruising may occur. However, this does not affect the recovery period in any way. The very next day, the patient can go to work and do their usual activities.

Radio Frequencies

Along with the laser, the ablation method can also be used, which is carried out in almost the same way as the laser coagulation described above. The only difference is the equipment used. Instead of a laser, the specialist uses radio frequency energy, which enters the affected vessel through the catheter, heats it up until the walls of the vein collapse and it closes. After that, the blood is directed to a different direction - to a he althy vessel.


It involves the complete or partial removal of the affected vessel. Surgery for varicose veins is prescribed only as a last resort, when other methods of treatment have failed. To combat varicose veins, surgeons use various methods of surgical intervention. Some of them will be listed below:

  • Crossectomy.
  • Venoextraction.
  • Miniphlebectomy.
  • Endoscopy.

The essence of these manipulations is as follows: small incisions are made on the leg in several places (most often under and above the affected area), after which a flexible thin wire is inserted into the vessel, which removes the diseased vein. These operations are done quite often, and almost always they pass without complications, however, they entailcertain risks and inconveniences.

For example, such surgical interventions are performed under anesthesia (general or spinal). The use of anesthesia can lead to allergic reactions to the drugs used, bleeding, and breathing problems.

Among other negative factors that may occur after the operation, it is necessary to mention the possibility of infection, bruising and swelling in the affected area, nerve damage, irritation of the veins or the formation of blood clots inside the vessels. Also, one should not forget that the implementation of surgical intervention does not guarantee the absence of a relapse in the future.

The postoperative period does not last long. After one or two days, the patient can begin their daily duties. He will be advised to wear compression underwear for a week.


This is one of the treatments for varicose veins that you should also pay attention to, and it can be carried out directly in the doctor's office without hospitalization. In the process of manipulation, a special chemical solution is injected into the diseased vein, which acts as an irritant, as a result of which the vein thickens and closes. After that, blood circulation is carried out through he althy vessels.

This procedure is applicable when a small vein in the knee area is affected. Sclerotherapy is usually combined with other treatments for varicose veins.

As a chemical solution, drugs “Trombovar”, “Fibro-vein” or"Ethoxyclerol". After the manipulation, the patient will need to wear compression bandages impregnated with a sclerosing agent. The wearing time will be determined by the attending physician individually.

Side effects of such injections include the following negative manifestations:

  • The appearance of blood clots in other vessels of the lower extremities.
  • Headaches.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • Temporary visual impairment.
  • Faints.
  • Irritation of the epidermis around the injection site.

Yet most patients tolerate sclerotherapy well. If contraindications are taken into account, and the manipulation is performed correctly, a positive result in the treatment of varicose veins is guaranteed.

People's First Aid Kit

Is it possible to cure the disease with the help of alternative medicine? In some cases, yes, especially if we are talking about the primary manifestations of the disease, and if the treatment by grandmother's methods will be carried out with the permission of the attending physician.

So, what components should be stocked up to start effective treatment of pathology? First of all, let's take apple cider vinegar. Mix two teaspoons of the product in a glass of water, add a little honey and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used for topical application in the form of rubbing, after dissolving it in water (ratio 1 to 10). With gentle movements we rub the affected area at night - by morning the unpleasant symptoms should decrease.

Very often, chestnut tincture is used against varicose veins. To do this, they collect beautiful andintact fruits and grind them through a meat grinder. Then fifty grams of raw material is poured into a half-liter bottle of vodka and placed in a dark place for two weeks. After that, the tincture is filtered and taken orally thirty to forty drops per tablespoon of water half an hour before meals three or four times a day. The course of such treatment is a month. Then they take a break of two weeks and, if necessary, repeat again.

This tincture can also be used to rub the affected area at night.

An old method of getting rid of varicose veins is the use of leeches. How much hirudotherapy is necessary in each individual case is up to the patient and his doctor to decide.

So, we paid enough attention to varicose veins of the lower extremities. Now let's talk about other types of ailment.

Pelvic vessels

This pathology is very easy to confuse with gynecological ailments in women.

pelvic veins
pelvic veins

Varicose veins in the pelvic area can be regarded as hormonal disorders, pathologies of the genitourinary system, or even as ordinary sciatica. However, it is very important to detect the disease as early as possible. Varicose veins of the pelvis in women can cause malfunctions in the ovaries and the entire circulatory system.

What are the causes of this intimate ailment?

Disease provocateurs

The main causes of the development of the disease include a difficult pregnancy, regular high-intensity physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, somegynecological diseases, prolonged use of hormonal medications, dissatisfaction in sexual life, and so on. Most often, varicose veins of the small pelvis occurs against the background of an increased amount of estrogen. And, of course, do not forget that excess weight and bad habits do not improve, but only aggravate the situation.

How to identify such a disease?

This important symptomatology

First of all, pelvic varicose veins manifest themselves in pains of varying intensity, which are aggravated after or during sexual intercourse, physical exertion or prolonged stay in the same position. Also, the disease is characterized by bleeding, frequent urination, accompanied by pain, swelling, redness of the vulva or perineum, burning or itching in this area.

A few words about treatment

How to get rid of the pathological expansion of the veins of the small pelvis? First of all, you should contact a specialist. He may recommend wearing compression underwear and special exercises (these are well-known exercises performed in a lying position - “birch tree”, “scissors” and “bicycle”).

put on stockings
put on stockings

Medication may also be prescribed by the attending physician. About some drugs below:

  • “Phlebodia 600”. Tablets, the active substance of which is diosmin.
  • “Curantil”. Another tablet remedy, the main component of which is dipyridamole.
  • Complex prescription of Wobenzym and Phlogenzym. The composition of the first drugtruly unique. The tablets contain extracts of papaya and pineapple, as well as the pancreas of some animals.

Among folk methods, decoctions of dandelion root or chaga, as well as chestnut tinctures, have proved to be the most effective.

And what about another variety of varicose veins - the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract?

Digestive organs

Esophageal varicose veins are not considered a very common disease, most often the disease is a concomitant symptom of some more serious disease.

Why does such a pathology occur, and how to determine it?

About causes and symptoms

The main causes of the expansion of the veins of the esophagus are congestion in the vessels of the liver, provoked by thrombosis or cirrhosis. This pathology is most often diagnosed in men, as well as patients with serious chronic diseases, especially those over the age of fifty. How to identify the disease?

Esophageal varicose veins are most often asymptomatic, manifesting themselves in rare attacks of heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen, difficulty swallowing, and belching. Sometimes patients may show external signs of the pathological process - protrusion of vessels and veins on the front wall of the abdomen (abdominal cavity).

Most often, an illness is diagnosed during a crisis, that is, when the wall of a vein breaks and bleeding occurs. In most cases, bleeding is accompanied by vomiting (with a bloody admixture), low blood pressure, general weakness, increased heart rate, bloodysecretions (or impurities) in feces.

When such symptoms appear, you should definitely take a blood test and take an x-ray (with the introduction of special contrast solutions).

Treatment of pathology of the esophagus

Most often, the therapy of this disease is carried out in intensive care. In conditions of bleeding, the initial task of doctors is to eliminate it. For this, astringents, colloidal solutions, and blood-restoring agents can be used. In some cases, doctors recommend a transfusion of blood or blood components (or blood substitutes).

If the above methods do not work, specialists may consider it appropriate to perform surgery or sclerosis of the esophagus. After recovery, the patient will need to adhere to a fairly strict diet for life. Proper nutrition will include split meals, avoiding fatty, smoked, s alty and fried foods, avoiding hot or too cold foods, and so on.


It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. What measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of a pathological process in the veins?

First of all, a he althy lifestyle! A reasonable diet, moderate physical activity, getting rid of bad habits, wearing comfortable shoes and clothes - all this will help not only improve your well-being, but also avoid many serious ailments. Good he alth to you!
