Almost every one of us faces herpes at some point. Rashes characteristic of this condition may appear on the surface of the skin, especially with flu and colds. We can safely say that not all people know that herpes can affect the head. It is important to know that this is a relatively complex disease that, once detected, requires prompt treatment.
On the lips, a herpes rash resolves in about 7 days, while on the hair and head it can last up to a month, and the patient may be in severe pain. About the treatment of herpes on the head, how its manifestations look and how it can threaten the patient, it is advisable to know for everyone who cares about their own he alth.
Varieties and causes of occurrence
Herpes on the head has an atypical location. It occurs much less frequently than the well-known disease on the lips and other areas of the skin. Most common ontoday there are three main varieties of this pathology, which appear due to various external and internal factors:
- herpes type 1 acquired through oral infection - GT1;
- second type, sexually transmitted - GT2;
- third type (chickenpox) – GT3.
Herpes on the head in the hair, the treatment of which we will consider later, is of a viral nature, appearing as a result of the transfer of chicken pox to the victims. There are rare cases when the common cold variant of GT1 causes inflammation in the area of the nasolabial triangle and is then transferred with infection to the scalp.
A rash in the hair appears very rarely if the infection remains on the damaged part of the skin. For example, if a patient has herpes vesicles on his lips, which are very itchy, and after scratching them, he touches the scalp. The presence of minimal trauma is enough for the virus to enter.

The main location of herpes infection are the nerve endings. For some time, it may not manifest itself in any way, however, with a pronounced decrease in immunity, there is a risk of a relapse. If herpes gets into the trigeminal nerve located on the head, the disease will manifest itself there.
Routes of infection
As noted above, herpes on the head - on the back of the head, crown or temples - can be obtained by self-infection. Yes, it doesn't happen often, but it doesit happens. Often, the virus of the first and third types can be transmitted quite quickly through close contact with the patient, as well as when sharing common objects with him.
Infection with the herpes virus is quite often observed in children. Agree, rarely one of them did not suffer from chicken pox - chickenpox. And if it was possible to avoid it, then, when infected, chickenpox is much more difficult for adults to tolerate.

Other ways
You can become infected with herpes on the head in the following cases:
- when the virus is transmitted by touching damaged areas of the skin with an infected hand or fingers (by getting into skin microcracks);
- sharing the same hygiene items with an infected person, especially towels and bed linen, since the infection remains viable in these items for 5 hours;
- with blood transfusion.
Be careful about using shared combs, which can harbor harmful viruses and bacteria. If there is even a small scratch on the head, herpes can quickly begin to develop.

Provoking factors
The virus that infects the scalp is somewhat different from the common cold sores on the nose and lips. For its development, it will not be enough just to get sick with a cold, as is often the case with a viral infection of the skin of the face.
The main category of peoplewho are at risk of contracting the described disease with a manifestation in the form of rashes on the head, are representatives of a more mature age who have reached 65 years of age. It is noteworthy that in most cases women suffer from this type of virus, and this is associated with their changing hormonal levels.
In young people, this type of herpes rarely occurs. Most often due to a severe immunodeficiency state: the presence of HIV or AIDS. If the disease appears before the age of 40, a person needs to examine the immune system to identify these pathologies or refute their presence.
The impetus for GT1 can be many prerequisite factors:
- recent illness;
- unbalanced diet;
- short and poor sleep;
- frequent stressful situations, etc.
Actually, this is not a particularly dangerous condition, so herpes caused by such a virus is much easier than GT3.

Symptoms of disease
Outwardly, the signs of herpes on the scalp practically do not differ from the symptoms of this disease on the lips. However, in the hair it is quite difficult to see the transparent bubbles familiar to herpes. The disease usually begins with a relatively elevated temperature. In case of damage to the trigeminal nerve, the patient may be disturbed by severe pain for the entire period.
The inflammatory process develops in stages, and the symptoms of herpes on the head in the hair can be different.
- At first it can be confused with the symptoms of the usualcolds. In addition to a high temperature, the patient may experience pain in the eyes and muscles, a feeling of nausea, a headache, and a deterioration in general well-being. In some parts of the body, itching and even burning may appear. The skin may become edematous and hyperemic. Usually this type of herpes appears in the back of the head and temples.
- After about 10 hours, transparent bubbles form on the head, and over time they become more and more. In the absence of proper therapy, inflammation can grow to fairly large areas of the skin.
- If the rashes are not disturbed in any way, they will burst, forming small wounds. They can develop an infection, which often causes suppuration. It is noteworthy that the temperature may subside, the patient may feel better, but the pain will still be noticeable.
- Healed wounds crust over after a while. It is extremely undesirable to damage them, so as not to increase the duration of the process of complete recovery. After a few days, the crusts will fall off on their own.
Often, a patient with this disease has an increase in lymph nodes. Treatment of herpes on the head in the hair in this case is required immediately.

Without proper treatment, herpes on the scalp can cause quite serious and dangerous complications. For example, it can be neuralgia, which is accompanied by debilitating pain. If immunity is significantly reduced, soreness may persist even with the disappearanceexternal signs.
Since the infection is quite active in the nervous system, there may be pain in the nerve endings. The affected area of nerve fibers affects the localization of pain. If they become excessively inflamed, a person may develop paralysis of the facial muscles, as well as a violation of their mobility.
The danger is also that this type of herpes is located near the brain, and, penetrating inside, the virus can cause meningoencephalitis. In addition, there is a risk that the infection will spread through the eyes and ears, and once in the nose, herpes migrates directly to the lungs, causing pneumonia.
A virus of this type without urgent and adequate therapy can cause quite a lot of negative consequences, so at the first manifestations of its symptoms on the head, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Cure herpes
Only a doctor should choose a scheme for the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair. Self-treatment can cause rather sad complications.
The optimal drug is Fenistil pencivir, the price of which in local pharmacies varies from 300 to 400 rubles. Medications should be started when the first symptoms appear. This will help speed up your recovery and help prevent possible complications.
Therapy Schedule
Herpes therapy is carried out according to the scheme of progressive acceptance by the patient of the medications necessary for the treatmentdrugs:
- Antiviral pills. The dose should be determined by the patient's leading physician, who will take into account the general condition of the patient. The drug "Famciclovir" is effective, the instructions for use of which indicate that it is allowed to be used by adults from 18 years of age. In addition, doctors usually also prescribe Famvir, Zovirax, Minaker, Valvir and V altrex. In case of infection with a baby virus, the most acceptable for children "Acyclovir" is used. Instructions for use of this tool assumes its acceptance by children of different age categories.
- Antiviral ointments. Such funds prevent the spread of herpes rash to other parts of the head. This includes "Fenistil pencivir" (its price is also approximately 300-400 rubles).
- Immunomodulators. They make it possible to maintain the patient's natural immunity at an optimal level. There are quite a few medications that a doctor can prescribe. It is categorically not recommended to use them on your own, because if you choose the wrong remedy, immunomodulators can harm your he alth.
- Antiseptics intended for local use. This type of therapeutic effect helps to prevent the likelihood of re-infection. Inflamed areas on the head are recommended to be lubricated with "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" or "Fukortsin". With the formation of crusts, it is recommended to treat the skin of the head with an ointment containing erythromycin. Additionally, it will speed up the process of tissue regeneration.
- Calming andpainkillers. In the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair, they help to minimize the pain, allowing the patient to sleep normally. In more severe cases, antidepressants are recommended.
If the patient has a high temperature, antipyretics may be prescribed. Physiotherapy has sufficient efficiency: laser treatment, irradiation with an ultraviolet or quartz lamp, UV radiation.

Herpes Prevention
In order to prevent the appearance of herpes on the head in the future, you need to:
- exclude all kinds of contact with sick people;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene;
- if possible, isolate the infected;
- harden the body;
- take regular walks in fresh air;
- avoid excessive exercise;
- eat right;
- observe the regime of rest and work;
- timely treat chronic diseases, eliminate inflammatory foci.
Among other things, as mentioned earlier, at the first suspicion of chickenpox in a child, after consulting with a doctor, you should immediately start using Acyclovir for children.
Instructions for the use of "Famciclovir" also provides for an effective effect on the body infected with herpes infection, but only in adults. By the way, these funds can also be used as a preventive measure.
Herpes on the head is a rather insidious pathology thatmay lead to the development of certain complications. A disease of this type should be treated very responsibly and, if the first symptoms are detected, immediately seek medical help. Only correct and timely treatment will help remove the virus from the body without consequences and various complications.