The structure of human skin is special, it is influenced by various factors, both external and internal. They are responsible for skin diseases. Many of the diseases are the result of the influence of factors such as parasites, viruses and microscopic fungi. Most often, the infection enters the skin and deep soft tissues due to damage - it does not have to be a large wound, just a microdamage is enough for bacteria and microbes to penetrate the cells and start the process of changing the body, infecting it.
Infections of the skin and soft tissues are everywhere, and people of different age groups are susceptible to them, such diseases can manifest themselves not only in adults, but also in children. Only a competent specialist can distinguish between a non-communicable and an infectious disease. That is why you should not try to heal yourself, because most often it does not bring any result. Before starting drug treatment or therapy, it is necessary to find out the cause that led to the disease. At the same time, any skin disease implies an urgent visit to the doctor at the first in order to reduce the negative effects of the disease. Read more about the treatment of skin infections (photo attached).

Classification of skin diseases
In order to classify any skin disease, it is necessary to establish its localization, namely the place where the disease process takes place.
Already based on this, skin diseases can be divided into skin infections, infections of the subcutaneous tissue and deeper tissues. It is important to determine whether the infection is systemic or local. The latter is characterized by the absence of intoxication and its signs, as well as the immutability of the state of the organism. If signs of a toxic state of the body are present, then we are talking about a systemic disease. As a rule, this characteristic affects the further treatment of the patient.
Any infection can have a different location on the patient's body, but the symptoms remain the same. For this reason, experts classify skin infections according to the specifics of their pathogens. These include fungi, viruses and parasites.

Bacterial infection: general characteristics
The most significant and most common bacteria that can cause skin diseases are:
- Borrelia.
- Plague bacteria.
- Anthrax stick.
- Streptococcus (this includes erysipelas).
- Staphylococcus.
- Rickettsia.
Eachthe disease has its own clinical symptoms. However, in any case, the general condition of the patient changes, the symptoms appear more often on the skin and less often on the internal tissues.

Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcal and staph infections are more common in infants if they are not properly cared for. Also at risk are children who often get sick and even have a weakened immune system; adults can also be included in the last group.
As a rule, the symptoms of these infections are variable, that is, the disease can affect any part of the skin or deep tissues. Most often, during diagnosis, the following conditions are detected:
- The sebaceous gland and hair follicle are affected, and a furuncle occurs, it can be either one or many.
- Phlegmon occurs - a condition in which tissues begin to melt.
- The appearance of an abscess - a cavity with purulent contents.
Dangerous are not only diseases that carry an infection, but there is also a risk that the pathogen will spread, getting into the blood and internal organs, starting inflammation in them. This is most critical in newborn babies and can be fatal.
During treatment, pathogens are destroyed, biochemical processes disturbed during the illness are restored.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics, s alt and colloid therapy, as well as infusion therapy are used as medical treatment. Ointments containingalso includes antibiotics, do not help. They will not be able to rid the patient of staphylococcus or streptococcus completely. Therefore, they should not be used separately. If the infection has spread quite widely and reaches the bones, then most often the best solution to this problem is surgical intervention: during the operation, it is necessary to open the abscess and drain it.

This inflammation is classified as streptococcal, as it is caused by one of its varieties. Children are rarely susceptible to this disease, at risk are the elderly and middle-aged people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or having an unstable hormonal background. Typically, symptoms of erysipelas are:
- Sudden onset of clinical symptoms.
- Rise in temperature and deterioration of the body.
- The formation of edematous, "hot", "red" spots on the skin, with a clear contour.
- The appearance of blisters with serous fluid or blood.
This skin infection is usually associated with a different microflora of microorganisms, which can affect the deep tissues of the skin.
To cure the patient, various antibiotics are prescribed, and a wide range of infusion therapy is carried out. However, even this cannot guarantee a complete healing of the body. Most often, the disease manifests itself again and again dozens of times. There is still no cure for this disease.

Bacillus anthracis spores are resistant to the environment. They are the cause of infection of the patient's skin. These disputes tend to remain active for decades.
A person can become infected from infected farm animals directly through the skin. Also, the infection can be found in milk, meat or livestock wool. Adults are more susceptible to this disease than children due to more frequent contact with an infected animal. It is the skin that most often suffers from anthrax, but there are cases when infection of the blood, intestines or lungs has manifested.
Typically, anthrax is characterized by the following skin symptoms:
- Rash and its further change from spot to ulcer.
- The spots turn black over time and don't hurt.
- Due to the blisters that form in the ulcer, it can grow.
This infection of the skin of the legs and hands is successfully diagnosed with the help of specific studies. During diagnosis, it is important to distinguish a disease such as anthrax from trophic ulcers and bedsores. Anthrax is not amenable to surgical treatment. Also, ointments, lotions or any warming do not help. The main therapy is antibiotics for skin infections in children (photo can be seen in the article) and adults based on penicillin.
Plague (skin or bubonic skin)
Any form of plague is a rather dangerous infection, it can easily be transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one, as a rule,the disease is severe. If you ignore the symptoms and do not seek medical help, you can die. Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague. The sources are often various rodents, for example, harbor rats. Adults fall into the risk group, while children rarely suffer from it.
Skin plague, as a rule, leads to necrosis of the skin and lymph nodes, plus the human body is depleted. The affected areas of the skin are painful, prone to redness and swelling, it is impossible to control the affected limb.
If there is no specialized treatment, and it includes various antimicrobial drugs, such as streptomycin, then a person will die. The patient, no matter what form of plague he has, is dangerous to society, as someone else can become infected with germs.
Viral infections: general characteristics
Among the huge spectrum of viruses with respect to their distribution and significance, such as herpesvirus, papillomavirus, rubella and measles (children's drip infections) are distinguished. It is also noted that measles, rubella and other childhood droplet infections are secondary to skin diseases. The main infection is internal organs and deep tissues. These infections on the skin of the face can occur not only in children, but also in adults.

Herpes infection
Most often, a viral infection of the skin is associated with the herpes virus. At the moment there are 8 of them. As a rule, each type has its own symptoms. However, there are alsosimilar points, such as lesions of the skin and sometimes soft tissues. Herpes infection is characterized by the following manifestations: if the soft tissues have also been infected, which rarely happens, then the number of blisters may increase; the affected area, as a rule, becomes wider, which brings discomfort.
Signs of acute herpes infection such as blisters and redness are difficult to get rid of completely - it is almost impossible to do. Drugs that fight viruses, such as Acyclovir, are fast and effective, but they cannot stop the spread of the disease completely. As a rule, a herpes infection accompanies a person all his life, while people become infected even in childhood.
Papillomavirus infection
Adults are more prone to it, while children rarely experience it. Today, this virus has dozens of species. Clinical symptoms are various. These can be skin manifestations, such as a papilloma or a wart, it can even reach a malignant formation in the reproductive organs. It is localization that determines the future treatment of the virus, it can be both drug treatment and surgical intervention.

Skin fungus: general characteristics
Fungi are widespread and can be found in every country. A person leading an asocial lifestyle may not necessarily be susceptible to a fungal infection, often children are at risk due to contact with various objects surrounding them. howas a rule, even minor damage is enough to become infected with a fungus.
Signs of a fungal infection of the skin of the hands and feet:
- Changed skin color.
- Change in skin thickness, flaking.
- No pain syndrome, while there is severe itching.
The fungus cannot disappear without drug treatment, drugs are needed to fight it, both locally and systemically. Hygiene is also important.
So we can say that skin infections as well as soft tissue infections are observed in adults and children. They should not be treated on their own, as this can only aggravate the situation and lead to a disastrous result that no doctor can correct. That is why treatment can only take place under the supervision of specialists in a medical institution who are fully familiar with the disease and all its symptoms, know the possible complications, using various drugs, such as antibiotics and antiviral, antibacterial agents.
General Therapy
Substances prescribed for external use in dermatological diseases can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The main component of hormone-based ointments and creams are glucocorticosteroids, which tend to instantly eliminate inflammation and slow down the immune response. This guarantees the containment of the signs of many dermatological diseases, but the continuous use of hormonal medications - even if they are localdrawing - risky.
Firstly, they suppress the local immunity of the skin, which makes it susceptible to secondary infection, which simply penetrates through damaged skin.
Secondly, they lead to thinning and loss of the protective qualities of the epidermis.
And thirdly, prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids causes skin adaptation, and their cancellation can cause a new aggravation of the disease.
Examples of medicines for the treatment of skin infections (photo problems are presented in the article) of this category are Uniderm, Kenakort, Sinalar, Akriderm, Cortef and others. You can also use non-hormonal local remedies, such as Zinocap (based on zinc pyrithione), naftalan, ichthyol, dermatol, kartalin ointments, tar-based ointment and others.
From among the drugs that are not inferior to hormones in efficiency, preparations with zinc (zinc pyrithione) occupy a special place. Unlike ordinary zinc oxide, which has only a drying effect, active zinc (zinc pyrithione) includes a whole range of significant qualities:
- reduces inflammation;
- reduces irritation;
- protects the skin from infection;
- renews the damaged structure and barrier function of the skin.