Skin neoplasms are the result of intensive cell division of the epidermis and by their nature can be benign or malignant, capable of very quickly developing into cancer. Many people have nevi, papillomas, moles on their skin.
Some of them do not pose a serious threat to he alth, but there are also those that, under the influence of negative factors, develop into malignant tumors. In order not to miss this moment, it is imperative to monitor the condition of all existing neoplasms on the skin and regularly undergo a doctor's examination.
Where neoplasms come from
Ideally, the number of dead cells, just like new ones, should be equal, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the process of the appearance of new cells becomes much more active than it is required. However, they do not always have time to fully mature, so they cannot fully perform their functions. Such an excess of excess cells develops into neoplasms on the skin. This process can beprovoked by many different factors, in particular, these:
- frequent skin lesions;
- irradiation, including solar;
- hereditary predisposition.
The vast majority of such formations are benign, and they do not pose any threat to human life at all, they can only cause some discomfort. Some of them need to be removed when they reach a large size, as they can interfere with blood vessels.

In the presence of certain factors, neoplasms on the skin can develop into malignant ones. It is very important to understand exactly how to distinguish between them and how exactly the treatment is carried out.
Main species
Skin neoplasms (according to ICD 10, D 23) are divided into several types, namely:
- benign;
- borderlines;
- malignant.
The first of them do not pose any serious threat, however, they can cause certain physical and psychological discomfort with extensive localization or if they are located on parts of the body that are not covered by clothing.

Malignant, in fact, are a cancerous tumor. They grow very quickly and affect the deep layers of the skin. In addition, they spread metastases throughout the body.
Border formations can quickly turn into a malignant form.
Benign neoplasms
Benigna skin neoplasm (according to ICD 10, D 23) in itself does not pose any danger to a person at all if it is not subjected to mechanical stress. A cause for concern may be its localization on the face or other visible area of the skin, as well as its large size, which can compress blood vessels. Among the main types of growths, the following can be distinguished:
- fibroma;
- neurofibroma;
- lipoma;
- atheroma;
- nevi and moles;
- hemangioma;
- warts.
In fibroma, the tumor is mainly formed from connective tissue, fat and nerve cells. It can occur anywhere on the body and develops very slowly. Most often, such a neoplasm affects girls and women in adulthood.
The tumor has a size of about 3 cm and in its appearance resembles a small seal, somewhat protruding above the surface of the skin. The surface of a fibroma, depending on its type, can be either smooth or wrinkled. Its color changes over time from pink to gray, brown, and sometimes blue-black. In some cases, it can form on the internal organs. With mechanical damage, a transition to a malignant stage is possible.

The development of neurofibromas comes from the nerve sheaths. They can form on the skin or internal organs. In its appearance, neurofibroma resembles a small tubercle, approximately 0.1-3 cm in size, covered by the epidermis. Similarthe neoplasm has a light brown tint and does not cause any discomfort at all, if it does not provoke squeezing of the nerve endings. Often these are multiple formations. And, despite their good quality, they are considered quite dangerous for he alth. The thing is that this pathology provokes painful sensations and becomes the main cause of disorders occurring in the body. Such a tumor is treated with radiation or surgical removal.
Lipoma is a wen - a tumor of connective tissue. It can grow deep enough and reach the periosteum. A similar neoplasm on the skin (you can see the photo in the article) can appear on absolutely any part of the body. It can be found on the outer thigh, shoulder, or upper back. On palpation, the lipoma moves, and painful sensations are observed.
Lipoma develops quite slowly and does not pose any danger to he alth, only if it does not develop into liposarcoma. Surgical excision is indicated only in the case of a significant increase in the size of the tumor, if it begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues. Small wen are removed very quickly with a laser or radio waves.
What other benign neoplasms are there
Atheroma looks like a lipoma, but differs in that in some cases it can become inflamed, more dense to the touch, and also does not appear on the internal organs. It is quite difficult to independently distinguish these types of neoplasms on the skin, which is whyyou need to contact a qualified specialist.
Atheroma occurs as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. And after a while, the formation can fester, and after a while break through. If inflammation of atheroma occurs, then painful sensations are observed. These growths are localized wherever there is hairline, and their removal is carried out only by surgery.
Lymphangioma is congenital, which is why it rarely occurs in adults. It consists almost entirely of lymphatic vessels and arises due to their non-standard location in the embryo. The tumor tends to actively grow, which often occurs under the influence of various adverse factors. In this case, urgent surgical removal is required, as it poses a serious threat to life. Mostly similar neoplasms occur on the skin of the face, tongue, neck and chest.
A hemangioma is formed, as a rule, due to congenital anomalies of blood vessels. It does not degenerate into a malignant tumor, but it grows very quickly, and relapses often occur after removal. Such a formation can lead to atrophy of adjacent tissues and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. On the skin, it looks like a burgundy or bluish spot.
Basically, hemangioma is detected on the neck or head in infants immediately after birth. When it is localized near the eye or in another complex area, it is removed by the radiation method, and in all other cases, the use of hormonal drugs is indicated. If aconservative therapy does not bring any result, then an operation is performed with a dissection of the underlying layers of the skin.
Among the main types of neoplasms on the skin, photos of which you can see in the article, there are moles and nevi. They are not at all dangerous in themselves, unless they are subjected to constant friction. Such formations can be congenital or acquired. They are a cluster of cells that have a different shape, texture, size and color. Their surface is dry and uneven. If the mole grows strongly, then it requires removal, the method of which is selected depending on the available indications.
Warts are provoked by the papillomavirus against the background of ongoing vegetative disorders, impaired immunity and frequent stress. They can be very different. Some warts can turn into malignant tumors, while in all other cases they do not pose any threat to he alth.
Precancerous lesions
Having studied precancerous neoplasms on the skin, the photo and description of which allows you to get complete information about them, you can absolutely understand exactly what they are characterized by. These are a kind of borderline formations, which can be considered the initial stage of cancer. Most often they occur in older people, however, there may be exceptions. Among them are the following:
- xeroderma;
- senile keratoma;
- Paget's disease;
- dermal horn.
Xeroderma pigmentosa is a hereditary disease that is expressed in hypersensitivity tosunlight. The first signs appear mainly in children at the age of three. This is a fairly rare disease, and doctors classify it as a precancerous condition of the skin.
The active period of the course of the disease is observed, as a rule, in spring or summer, and this happens due to increased solar activity. The lesion affects the skin of the face, head and neck. This is because the skin is unable to produce enzymes that repair damage caused by sun exposure.
senile keratoma manifests itself in the elderly. Usually its size does not exceed 1 cm in diameter and has a yellowish or light brown tint. Over time, the formation may become covered with scales, which themselves exfoliate. At this time, blood may appear on the affected area. If a seal forms at the base of the keratoma, then it becomes malignant.

Paget's disease occurs mainly in women over the age of 40. Seals begin to form near the nipple, and peeling of the skin is observed. At the same time, serous-hemorrhagic fluid can be released from the nipple. In the process of the subsequent development of the disease, a crust begins to form on the surface of the neoplasm, under which there is a weeping area. Some oncologists consider this to be the initial stage of cancer.
Skin horn mainly occurs in the elderly. It is a layering of epidermal cells so that outwardly the formation becomes similar to the horn of animals. There is a wide variety of information regarding exactly how this disease flows into cancer. When the first signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The skin horn is very easy to remove surgically.
Malignant neoplasms of the skin are aggressive. They often grow in size very quickly, grow into adjacent tissues and can provoke metastases. Among the main types of malignant neoplasms on the skin (we will give a photo and a description of them in the article), we can distinguish:
- squamous cell carcinoma;
- melanoma;
- basal cell carcinoma;
- fibrosarcoma;
- angiosarcoma;
- liposarcoma.
Squamous cell carcinoma is a plaque that does not have clear edges, a reddish tint with an uneven surface. An indentation gradually appears in the center of the formation, which is initially covered with scales, and then an ulcer appears in this place. Squamous cell carcinoma can grow into other tissues.
Among the varieties of malignant tumors, melanoma is considered the most dangerous. That is why you need to be very attentive to the appearance of moles on the skin.

Basal cell carcinoma is a formation on the skin with a small depression in the center where the ulcer is located. In the tumor, blood vessels and a bleeding point are usually visible. It is mainly localized in areas of the skin that are not covered by clothing, but occurs when it comes into contact with the skin.ultraviolet radiation, carcinogens, as well as thermal exposure.
Fibrosarcoma is localized in the connective tissue and may protrude above the surface of the skin or be hidden. Liposarcoma is the transformation of fat cells into malignant ones. The tumor can reach a fairly large size. Metastases are not always present and are observed mainly in the elderly.
Angiosarcoma is more common in people with weak immune systems and those infected with HIV. It is characterized by the formation of spots of a lilac or purple hue. Over time, ulcers begin to form on their surface. This is a fairly aggressive form of cancer and often leads to death.
When skin neoplasms occur, be sure to contact a dermatologist or oncologist for a diagnosis. A specialist in external characteristics will be able to determine what exactly they are. For dermatoscopy of skin neoplasms, a tissue fragment is taken, which is then sent to the laboratory for analysis, where the nature of the tumor is determined.

When using special software, the diagnosis is extremely accurate. Modern equipment makes it possible to identify borderline and malignant tumors in patients at the initial stages. This makes it possible to maintain the patient's well-being.
Features of treatment
As a rule, benign formations are not treated in any way. In the presence of malignant tumors, it is usedsurgical intervention. In this case, they are cut out along with adjacent he althy areas of the skin. However, this technique can provoke a relapse. In some cases, other methods of treatment may be used, such as cryosurgery, which is the freezing of the tumor.
Removal of formations
Among the main methods of removing skin tumors, doctors distinguish the following:
- irradiation;
- surgery;
- cryogenic exposure;
- chemotherapy.
Classic removal of benign skin tumors with a scalpel involves excision of the affected tissue, partially capturing and he althy, to prevent further spread.
Among the main advantages of this technique is a favorable prognosis for recovery. However, there are certain disadvantages, for example, a long rehabilitation period, as well as the presence of a residual scar on the skin. The operation is performed in a hospital.

May be removed formations using the method of cryodestruction. It implies that liquid nitrogen is applied to the problem area with the help of an applicator, while covering the surrounding tissues.
Most often this method is used to remove warts and papillomas. After exposure to nitrogen, the neoplasm thickens, and a bubble forms in its place, which resolves on its own in about a week. After thethe operation, the crust dries up and disappears after 2 weeks. Among the main advantages, one can single out a slight soreness, as well as a quick recovery.
Very often used laser removal of skin tumors, which is very popular around the world. With the help of a laser, directed radiation is carried out, which helps to evaporate malignant cells. After removal of the skin neoplasm with a laser, a crust forms on the surface of the cells, which then peels off on its own. Among the main advantages, one can single out the fact that there is no scarring, bleeding, and there is also a faster rehabilitation of the patient. Among the main disadvantages of laser removal of skin neoplasms, individual intolerance can be noted, as a result of which pigmentation of the affected area or infection may occur.
Removal can also be carried out with the help of radiation therapy. Among the main indications are the presence of multiple metastases or recurrence of a malignant tumor. Targeted radiation can remove diseased cells.
All these methods complement each other very well. Doctors in each case select a combination of techniques for removing skin tumors. When choosing, the degree of development of the tumor, its localization, and also the type are taken into account.
Possible complications and prevention
The most dangerous complication of neoplasms is their degeneration into cancer. The success of therapy and the patient's life expectancy depend on timely diagnosis andelimination of malignant tumors.
To avoid pathologies, certain preventive measures must be taken:
- increase immunity;
- observe hygiene rules;
- protect the skin from negative effects.
In addition, it is important to avoid promiscuity and use protective equipment during sexual intercourse.