If you have a bump near the anus, this may indicate an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Experts define this pathology as inflammation of the veins in the lower part of the rectum and anus. A lump near the anus is usually painful and causes severe discomfort, swelling, or itching in the nearby area. And in the fecal stool, you can see the particles of blood.
There are a number of conditions that provoke the appearance of the named problem. For example, constipation or diarrhea, sedentary work, anal intercourse, pregnancy, obesity, and liver disease. However, discomfort and swelling may come and go within 3-5 days.

Hemorrhoids can form a bump both inside the anal canal and externally. But in modern medicine, fortunately, there are a number of options for treating pathology and preventing its occurrence.
By the way, in addition to hemorrhoids, there are several other diseases that can also cause bumps near the anus. In the article we will tell you more about them.
Anal hematomas
If you have a bump near the anus, it hurts and causes severe discomfort, it can be not only hemorrhoids. Symptoms similar to the mentioned disease are caused by another phenomenon -anal hematoma. It is caused by a ruptured blood vessel near the anus, which causes blood to pool under the skin.
These bumps are usually caused by heavy lifting, straining during constipation and even severe coughing, and can be very painful. These bumps usually start to heal on their own, although this process can take up to 3 months.
Molluscum contagiosum
Another type of bumps that can occur near the anus or anywhere on the body are neoplasms caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus. Although they are completely harmless, such bumps can swell up to 1 cm in diameter and remain on the skin for 6 to 12 months.
Infection is transmitted by contact and can easily spread to other parts of the body. These small bumps disappear on their own, but in some cases they get rid of them with the help of cauterization (iodine, celandine, hydrogen peroxide, acids), as well as with the help of a laser, cryotherapy, etc.

Anal warts
Usually regarded as a benign growth in the anal area. They are not painful, but can spread and multiply. The appearance of warts is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is transmitted sexually and through the household. Such a bump near the anus may not be a single one and manifest itself as cracks in the anus, in the form of itching and spotting.
Drug treatment of anal warts is aimed at prolonging remission and includesthemselves therapy with trichloroacetic acid or the drug "Solcoderm". At the risk of malignant tumors, surgical intervention is used (cryolysis and laser therapy).
Anal abscess
This is a painful condition in which there is an accumulation of pus near the anus. In most cases, this pathology is the result of infection of the anal glands through anal fissures, inflammatory bowel diseases, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Anal abscess most often appears as a painful, hard lump near the anus. It may be red in color and warm to the touch. Treatment is carried out surgically, making an incision and drainage on the affected area - this is the most successful way to get rid of this pathology.
Anal cancer
A bump inside, near the anus, or the appearance of scarlet blood mixed with mucus in the feces, accompanied by a sensation of a “foreign body” in the anus, general malaise and decreased appetite, can be a symptom of such a rare disease as anal cancer. In the first stages of development, the named pathology is often confused with the manifestation of hemorrhoids. But increasing constant pain in the anus should alert the patient, especially if they begin to radiate to the genitals, lower abdomen or thighs.
Anal cancer is treated only after a thorough diagnosis and staging of the disease. As a rule, radiation and chemotherapy sessions are performed, as well as surgery.

Such formations are the most common cause of neoplasms near the anus. This disease ranges from mild to chronic. In many cases, even mild bumps need to be treated, although they may come and go on their own from time to time. For this, drug therapy is effective, which we will discuss in more detail below.
The anal canal is the last part of the large intestine and is about 4 cm long. At its lower end there is an anus through which feces pass. At the top end, the anal canal connects to the rectum. The network of small veins within the lining of the anal canal sometimes engorges with blood, causing individual vessels to become larger than normal. Inflamed veins may form one or more small swellings called bumps.
What are the types of hemorrhoids?
Internal bumps are formed about 2-3 cm deep into the anus at the top of the anal canal. Internal bumps are usually painless, since the upper zone of the anal canal does not have painful nerve fibers. External bumps are formed below - in the lower part of the anal canal. They can be painful as the area is quite sensitive.

The terminology in this case can be a bit confusing. You probably thought that external bumps can only be outside the anal canal, but this is not always the case. There are external neoplasms thatactually inside the anus, and the internal ones can be quite large and hang down outside the anus. In medicine, they are divided into 4 classes depending on their severity and size:
- Small swellings on the inner wall of the anal canal. They cannot be seen from the outside of the anus and are common in some people. Such bumps increase to the second degree or more.
- These bumps may be partially ejected from the anus when you go to the toilet, but quickly return to their original position when the process is completed.
- Protrudes a lot or even hangs out of the anus when you sit on the toilet. However, you can push them inside the anus with your finger.
- The last stage swellings are constantly hanging out of the anus and you can't push them back in. Sometimes they become quite large and painful.
How a hemorrhoidal bump develops near the anus, the photo presented in the article shows quite clearly.

What causes hemorrhoids
The causes of inflammation of the veins within the anal mucosa that lead to hemorrhoids are not completely clear. Some of them may develop for no apparent reason. However, it is believed that increased pressure in and around the anus and anal canal may be the underlying cause in many cases:
- Constipation increases pressure in and around the veins in the anus and appears to be a common causebud development.
- Pregnancy can also probably lead to bumps, this is due to the pressure of the fetus on the rectum, causing tension. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also affect the veins.
- Anus tissues can become less robust with age.
- Some people can inherit weakened veins in the anal area.
Symptoms of hemorrhoidal bumps
Symptoms may vary, and sometimes may be absent. The most common symptom is bleeding after a bowel movement. The blood is usually bright red and can be seen on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Hemorrhoidal swellings can hang down outside the anus. And heavier buds cannot be pushed in.
Small growths are usually painless. Larger ones may cause some pain, irritation, or itching. The inflammation can irritate the skin around the anus. The patient experiences a feeling of fullness in the anus during bowel movements.
Lumps that hang down can interfere with blood flow and therefore need to be removed surgically, which can be quite painful. A possible complication is thrombosis, although this is a rare occurrence, it can cause severe discomfort. A blue bump near the anus is the main symptom of thrombosis.

What to do if a bump crawled out near the anus
The main point in proper treatmentis to maintain soft stools. Constipation and anal tightness during bowel movements should be avoided in several effective ways:
- Eat plenty of fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grain breads, etc.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Adults - at least two liters (6-8 glasses) per day. Most of the liquid will be excreted in the urine, but some will go into the intestines and soften the stool. Keep in mind that alcoholic beverages are dehydrating and can adversely affect the development of the disease. Too much caffeine should also be avoided.
- If a high fiber diet does not help, you can take nutritional supplements such as methylcellulose or bran. They are purchased at a pharmacy. It also helps soften the stool, making it easier to have a bowel movement.
- Avoid painkillers that contain codeine as they are a common cause of constipation. However, simple pain relievers such as Paracetamol can help without side effects.

How to treat a bump near the anus
Various drugs and remedies are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. They can greatly relieve symptoms such as discomfort and itching:
- A mild soothing cream, ointment or suppository can relieve pain and itching. The most effective will be drugs that have an anesthetic property. You should only use one of these remedies for short periods of time (5-7days). If you use it longer, the anesthetic may irritate or sensitize the skin around the anus.
- Medications containing a corticosteroid may be recommended by a doctor if there is inflammation around the bumps. Steroids reduce irritation and may help reduce swelling around the affected area. But don't use steroid cream for more than seven days.
Banding as a treatment
Banding is a common treatment for second and third class bumps. This procedure is usually performed by a surgeon in an outpatient clinic. The lump is grasped with tweezers or a suction device, then the gum is placed on the base of the hemorrhoid. This cuts off blood flow to the bump, which then dies and falls off after a few days.