The large intestine is the last part of the digestive tract. Any doctor will tell you that it consists of several sections: cecum, colon, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. All of them can become a place of localization of inflammatory processes.

This medical term refers to an inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum. In most cases, this diagnosis indicates serious problems with digestion, so the entire large intestine should be treated. The cause of the disease most often lies in solid feces - they provoke irritation of the mucous membrane. In addition, inflammation may be due to the ingestion of microorganisms in the intestines. This disease is considered simple: as soon as you tell the doctor about what is bothering you, he will immediately understand that the large intestine is to blame for everything. Symptoms include redness around the anus and erosion. However, advanced disease may be accompanied by severe bleeding. The traditional treatment is enemas (special oils are added to the water).
Thisthe disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the anus. After examining your large intestine, a specialist diagnoses the formation of a fistulous tract. The provoking factor most often becomes paraproctitis - inflammation of fatty tissue. You can get rid of the fistula only by surgery, but do not worry: the operation is tolerated by patients quite easily. Its complexity depends on how deep the fistula is.

The large intestine can become a site for the formation of polyps - benign growths of the glandular epithelium. Polyps can be of various shapes - a ball, pear or pedunculated head. Most often, polyps accompany diseases such as hemorrhoids, colitis, and prolonged constipation. Like fistulas, they are removed surgically. This is preceded by local anesthesia. A relatively new method is endoscopic surgery. A special instrument with a video camera at the end is inserted into the patient's rectum. Thanks to this, the surgeon can carefully examine the problem area, magnifying its image many times over.
Even if you feel well, it is necessary to regularly examine the large intestine. His diseases can vary from banal constipation to a real tumor. Colorectal cancer is most common in people between the ages of forty and sixty; usually preceded by: prolonged hemorrhoids, anal fissures and polyps. In order to get rid of the tumor, surgery is required. In particularly difficult cases, it may be necessarychemotherapy.

Anal fissures
In medicine, they are considered the easiest case, but the patient can bring many unpleasant minutes. Signs of fissures are painful bowel movements and bloody discharge. Getting rid of them is easy: you just need to follow a special diet and use emollient ointments and oils.