You can count a considerable number of ailments in which deformation of the nail plates is observed. Some of them are easy enough to get rid of, while others are not. One of these problems is the detachment of the nails on the big toes. This unpleasant pathology can not only seriously scare a person, but also negatively affect the general state of he alth.
Features of the course of pathology

So, onycholysis (detachment of the nail plate) is a pathological change in the keratinized part of the thumb, in which it separates from the skin. It may be partial or complete. At the same time, a void appears under the nail, in which harmful bacteria can multiply.
The disease develops quickly enough. For example, in six months the nail can peel off completely. Although the thumb is the first to be affected, the disease spreads further over time. Refusal of treatment can provoke a complete loss of the nail plate, and without the possibilityrecovery.
Most often, exfoliation of the nails on the big toes is diagnosed in men who do not always monitor the he alth of their feet. Naturally, the pathology must be treated. However, the factors that provoked it must first be established.
Reason for development

If the nail on the big toe peels off, the reasons may be:
• Circulatory problems in the lower extremities.
• Allergic reaction.
• Fungal infection of the feet.
• Some chronic pathologies.
• Eczema or psoriasis.
• Acquired or hereditary diseases that are somatic in nature (moreover, in the acute phase).
• Traumatic finger injury.
• An infection of the finger that was treated with the wrong methods.
• Abnormal nail growth.
• Wearing uncomfortable shoes.
• Taking certain medications or chemicals.
Exfoliation of the nail on the big toe (the causes of the development of the pathological process can only be established after diagnosis) is a serious problem. It is impossible to delay with the treatment of pathology.

So, the presented disease has the following symptoms:
1. A cavity appears under the nail in which air accumulates.
2. That part of the plate that has moved away becomes yellow, blue or acquiresbrown shade.
3. First, only the edge of the nail is separated, and then the process covers the entire stratum corneum.
It should be noted that in the early stages of development, the disease is not accompanied by pain. However, when an infection enters the air cavity, significant discomfort can occur: ulcers develop, pus is released, and bleeding occurs.
Diagnostic features
Detachment of the nails on the big toes must be treated, otherwise the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. However, first you need to find out the cause of the development of pathology.
Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. If there was a finger injury, then the patient should talk about it. In addition, the doctor externally examines the detached plate. If necessary, a bacteriological culture is carried out to determine the microflora in the void.
Features of proper nutrition

Do you want your nails to be strong and he althy? Then eat well. The following rules must be followed:
• In order to have enough iron in the body, you can drink a decoction of sorrel, burdock or dandelion flowers.
• Lack of silicon can be filled with bananas, s alt, parsley and lettuce.
• If there is not enough magnesium, milk and meat should be consumed.
• In order for the body to get enough calcium, you need to eat nuts, cabbage, cheese, seaweed, vegetable oil. It is advisable to use animal calcium, as it is moreeasy to digest. You can get it by grinding eggshells.
Features of traditional treatment

If the detachment of the nail on the big toe has begun, the treatment will be as follows:
1. If the plate moves away due to a fungal infection, then for the purpose of therapy, the drugs "Bifonazole", "Exoderil" are used. Moreover, these funds are not only topical - some of them are sold in tablets for oral administration. Combined treatment from the inside and outside will be more effective. "Fukortsin" is considered a good enough medicine. This tool can lubricate the nails up to 4 times a day. Next, 3-5% oxytetracycline ointment is applied to the plates.
2. Infectious and fungal pathologies can be treated using a laser.
3. If the nail has peeled off completely, its surgical removal is indicated. In order for the stratum corneum to recover sooner, it is recommended to use a gelatin solution. You will have to drink it at least 5 times a day, and the therapy itself lasts 3 months.
In order to prevent the further spread of pathology, it is necessary to cut your nails short once a week, try not to use cosmetic pedicure varnishes. In addition, you should change your socks daily and use antiseptic products (if there are no contraindications).
Using folk remedies

If toenails are coming off the skin, treatment can benot only through medications. Folk recipes will also be useful:
• Olive or sea buckthorn oil has a good effect. It should simply be rubbed into the nail plates every night before going to bed.
• Warm baths with sea s alt not only strengthen nails, but also disinfect the formed cavity. However, it must be borne in mind that the s alt must be free of impurities. The procedure should be performed 2 times a day for 90 days.
• Detachment of the nails on the big toes can be treated with the help of baths with the addition of herbal decoctions. For cooking, you should take a large spoonful of pre-shredded pine needles and chamomile. The mixture is steamed with boiling water, and then diluted with strong green tea (half). Next, you need to dip your toes in this liquid for half an hour.
• Gelatin baths. Dissolve half a teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of water and let it brew for half an hour. In order for the raw material to completely dissolve, the liquid can be slightly warmed up. Next, you should lower the nails into the prepared mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week.
• Apple cider vinegar helps to eliminate onycholysis. It is necessary to mix it in equal amounts with water and use it as a bath. Leave your feet in this mixture for 20 minutes, and the procedure is repeated twice a day.
In any case, before using the presented remedies, you should consult your doctor.
Prevention of pathology

Many patients turn to doctors with the question: "The nail on the big toe went away: what to do?" Naturally, such a disease must be treated. But it can be prevented by observing the following preventive measures:
1. It is better to buy comfortable shoes that are made of natural material.
2. Socks should always be clean, and do not use synthetic materials. It is better to give preference to cotton or linen products.
3. If your feet get wet, wipe and dry them as soon as possible.
4. If the finger has been injured, it should be bandaged immediately and see a doctor.
5. When working with heavy objects, it is necessary to wear suitable shoes: with a steel toe. This will protect against injury.
6. If symptoms of a fungal or bacterial infection have been noticed, an urgent need to consult a doctor, otherwise the whole family may suffer.
7. Do not let the toe of the shoe press on the toes.
8. After visiting public places for bathing or washing, wash your feet well with antibacterial soap and treat your feet with an antiseptic.
These simple rules will help keep your nails and the whole body he althy. Stay he althy!