What is transmitted through a kiss? List of diseases transmitted through saliva

What is transmitted through a kiss? List of diseases transmitted through saliva
What is transmitted through a kiss? List of diseases transmitted through saliva

"And the lips only slightly touched the lips, barely touching each other" - this is how the poets described the kiss two centuries ago. In those distant times, not every girl allowed herself to be kissed even with such an innocent and pure kiss. Now everything has changed, more than 20 types of kisses are already known, they are more and more frank and this does not go unnoticed. But what is transmitted through a kiss? This will be discussed in the article.

what is transmitted through a kiss
what is transmitted through a kiss


Before we figure out what is transmitted through a kiss, let's talk about its benefits. Positive emotions in close relationships are always accompanied by gentle touches of the lips, but no one thinks about what happens. There are different versions about the benefits and harms of a frank and deep kiss. After conducting an experimental study on couples, scientists came to the conclusion that it has a beneficial effect on the mental and physiological state of the kissers.

Positive effect on the body:

  1. Prolongs life. Adrenaline rises in the blood, hormones of joy - endorphins - are produced, and this stimulates the cells of the body to rejuvenate, which contributes to longevity.
  2. Improves lung function as breathing quickens.
  3. Smoothes wrinkles. When kissing, natural facial gymnastics occurs.
  4. Promotes weight loss. A surge of hormones speeds up metabolic processes, fat burning occurs.
  5. Increases immunity. There is an exchange of bacteria, which stimulates the body to develop new defenses.

This is the positive side of kissing. But not everything is so harmless.

is hiv transmitted through kissing
is hiv transmitted through kissing


And what is transmitted through a kiss? In the course of scientific research, it turned out that during a 10-second kiss, partners exchange more than 80 million bacteria. Even if these bacteria are not pathogenic, if the partner's immunity is weakened, they can cause the development of various diseases.

Through the oral cavity, countless different microorganisms enter the body. Human saliva contains enzymes that neutralize harmful microbes, but not every disease can be neutralized only by the action of enzymes. If a pathogenic microflora alien to him appears in a person’s mouth, then the body will need additional reserves to fight it.

The composition of the oral microflora is individual for each person. In a couple that maintains a long-term relationship with each other, it gradually becomes identical. That's whykissing them brings only positive physiological changes in the body.

Important! You can not kiss children on the lips. Even parents can pass on a lot of harmful infections to a child with a kiss, with which the child's body cannot cope on its own. What is transmitted through a kiss? We'll find out now.

kissing disease
kissing disease

What can be infected through a kiss?

Myths about the harmlessness of kissing are increasingly debunked. Almost all infections are transmitted through the mucosa and with close contact it is quite difficult to avoid infection. The following infections are easily transmitted:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • meningococcal.

When kissing, few people think about what kind of illness a partner can share. Not every disease manifests itself immediately; an incubation period must pass. But when problems with the stomach begin, no one will admit the idea that an ulcer develops after “harmless” kisses, and the partner who suffers from this disease himself awarded this disease.

List of diseases transmitted through saliva:

  • rubella is especially dangerous for pregnant women, it provokes abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • mumps threatens male infertility;
  • poliomyelitis - disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, can lead to disability;
  • meningitis is a progressive inflammation of the brain.

This list goes on, as there are so many of them. Streptococci, staphylococci easily penetrate from the carrier throughoral cavity, penetrate into the blood, are carried throughout the body. And then they begin to affect any weakened organ, gradually involving other organs and manifesting themselves with complications.

Infection through a kiss with cancer is questionable. Doctors refute this fact, while there is no evidence that it is transmitted by airborne droplets.

can you get hepatitis through kissing
can you get hepatitis through kissing

Intimate caresses

No wonder such caresses are called unnatural. They carry a special destructive danger to the body. It has been proven that papillomavirus is transmitted from the carrier through oral sex. The disease is insidious, under favorable conditions for the virus, internal organs are affected, an oncological disease develops.

Gonorrhea, a disease previously transmitted only through sexual contact, has recently spread through the oral cavity, with oral sex.

A carrier of herpes, stomatitis, fungus will always share with a partner the bouquet of diseases that he has. And the means of protection will not always save you from this.

Is HIV transmitted through kissing?

A person infected with AIDS has HIV infection in all body fluids, and this increases the risk of infection. Since the discovery of this disease, there is no evidence that you can get HIV through a kiss. But the disease is not fully understood, so it's not worth the risk of having an infected partner.

Is HIV transmitted through kissing? It has been proven that this infection is transmitted only through the blood. If there are cracks, ulcers in the mouth,unhe althy teeth and gums, then the infection will penetrate through the wound into the blood, and infection is inevitable. Now you will not have a question whether it is possible to get HIV through a kiss.

It is easy to get Kaposi's sarcoma from an HIV-infected partner by getting herpesvirus type 8 through a normal kiss.

The AIDS virus is contained not only in the sperm of a man, but also in female secretions, this should be taken into account during oral sex. Using protective equipment can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Any sexual contact with a carrier of the virus must be with precautionary measures, even if there is no damage to the mucous membrane.

is syphilis transmitted through kissing
is syphilis transmitted through kissing

Kissing disease

The virus, which destroys the liver and spleen, is transmitted by household, airborne droplets, and also through kisses, even the most harmless. The peculiarity of infection is that the effect of the virus does not appear immediately. "Kissing disease" is called "mononucleosis". It can “doze off” for several months, the exacerbation usually occurs in the fall and looks like symptoms of a cold.

Therefore, with signs of malaise, dark urine, fever and enlarged lymph nodes, it is necessary to do tests for the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus in the body, the causative agent of this disease. If it is not treated on time, complications may develop. It affects not only the internal organs, there are cases of inflammation of the brain. The treatment lasts several months, after which a strong immunity to this disease is developed.

tuberculosistransmitted through a kiss
tuberculosistransmitted through a kiss

Kiss and hepatitis

Can you get hepatitis through a kiss? This probability depends on the type of this disease. The hepatitis C virus is present in different amounts in the blood and physiological secretions of a person. In saliva, its negligible amount and infection is possible only if there are wounds in the mouth, through the blood.

Familiar jaundice is very contagious, easily transmitted by virus A by contact and household.

The high aggressiveness of the B virus allows even a low concentration in saliva to infect a partner with hepatitis.

The likelihood of infection increases if the partner's hepatitis is acute. At the same time, the concentration of a virus of any type in all biological fluids is several times higher, and infection by kissing occurs even in the absence of damage to the mouth.

diseases transmitted through saliva
diseases transmitted through saliva


Is syphilis transmitted through a kiss? This disease is not transmitted with a friendly kiss on the cheek, as the human skin serves as a protective barrier to infections. And any kind of sexual contact or deep kissing with an infected partner is equally dangerous. The probability of infection depends on the amount of the causative agent of syphilis in the patient's blood, and the presence of microcracks in the oral cavity.

When engaging in oral sex with a sick partner, a white chancre appears on the mucous membrane in the mouth, then the infected person will become a source of infection for anyone he kisses.

The source of the spread of syphilis in the second and third stages of the disease is especially dangerous. ATat this stage, pale trepanema is already in the saliva, this manifests itself in the form of ulcerations on the mucous membrane in the mouth and the appearance of a white chancre.

The disease is dangerous because it does not manifest itself for a long time, the incubation period is long, without any special signs. Therefore, only intelligibility in close relationships can serve as a preventive measure against such an insidious disease.


Many people wonder if tuberculosis is transmitted through a kiss? What can be said about a kiss, even if it is dangerous to be in the same room with such a patient. The presence of an open form of tuberculosis in a person poses a great danger to others. It is transmitted by household, airborne droplets and with a kiss, even a shallow one.

Closed form is less dangerous for contact. With a single kiss, the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero, but with a longer relationship with kisses, the risk of infection increases. In addition, no one knows at what point the closed form of the disease will turn into an open one.

When kissing, a large number of bacteria secreted by patients enters the partner's mucosa. If there are microtraumas in the mouth, then infection is possible even with the closed stage of tuberculosis. It all depends on the immunity of the partner and his personal hygiene.

Important! Promiscuous close relationships are fraught with unpredictable negative consequences. The protection against this will be legibility in choosing a partner, personal hygiene, informative literacy.
