If hyperkeratosis began to develop, then some areas of the skin have time to become keratinized and at the same time the pathological process affects the palms, feet, elbows, as well as other skin areas on the patient's body. Do not exclude the progressive form of hyperkeratosis of the lips. This disease is prone to a chronic course, so it must be treated in a timely manner at the first signs. With a strong thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist, and then undergo a complete examination of your body, excluding the impact of pathogenic microflora. As a rule, the use of some cosmetic creams in the fight against this problem is indispensable. But what is hyperkeratosis? What are the symptoms of this disease. For what reasons can this disease develop in a person? What is the treatment for hyperkeratosis? These and many other questions can be answered in this article.

What is hyperkeratosis?
Hyperkeratosis is a pathological process that occurs with the stratum corneum of the skin. Considering what hyperkeratosis is, it should also be noted that abnormal keratinization of the skin is preceded by some changes in the structure of the epidermis: keratin cells begin to multiply very quickly and do not exfoliate, which is why the dermis is partially or completely covered with heavily keratinized spots.
This disease in most cases manifests itself in the form of small cracks. What is hyperkeratosis and how else can this disease manifest itself in a person? As a rule, foci of pathology are accompanied by pain, desquamation of the upper layer of the epidermis is disturbed, and local sensitivity is also reduced. Photos of skin hyperkeratosis can be seen in our article.
Causes of disease development
If a person suddenly noticed a thickening of the skin on the fingers or on another area of the body, then it is necessary to study the emerging etiology of the pathological process, while eliminating pathogenic factors. All causes of the disease are conventionally divided into exogenous and endogenous, they have varying degrees of severity. If we talk about the endogenous causes of hyperkeratosis, then this should include those provoking factors that require therapy for the underlying disease. These factors include the following phenomena:
- Presence of fungal nail disease.
- Hypothyroidism, as well as other endocrine ailments.
- Genetic predispositionsick.
- Skin diseases starting from psoriasis and ending with tinea versicolor.
- Flat feet, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, and other leg diseases.
- Irregular menstruation in women.
- Vitamin imbalance in the body.
- Obesity and overweight.
- Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

As for the exogenous provoking factors of the disease, in most cases they are related to the environment. But they can also cause the development of hyperkeratosis. These exogenous provoking factors include:
- Wearing synthetic and tight clothing.
- Tan abuse.
- Contact with any aggressive detergent.
- Abuse of bad habits.
- Chemical and mechanical damage to the skin.
Varieties of hyperkeratosis
Considering the features of skin hyperkeratosis, the photo of which is presented in this article, it should also be mentioned that the disease is divided into several varieties. At first, the patient complains about the formation of goose bumps, but after that he notices the most extensive areas of the disease. In order to start the treatment of hyperkeratosis in a timely manner, it is necessary to study the classification of this disease. According to its localization, the pathological process is divided into the following forms:
- Follicular hyperkeratosis. During this pathological process, the follicles are affected. The disease is fastextends to the buttocks, elbows, back, hips, chest, and also the head.
- Lenticular hyperkeratosis. This form of the disease affects the elbows, shins, thighs, upper limbs, auricles, as well as the mucous membrane in the oral cavity.
- Nail hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis of the nails develops on the legs, and the feet are also involved in this pathological process. Separately, experts distinguish the subungual form of hyperkeratosis, which also has a fungal origin.
- Hyperkeratosis of the feet. Hyperkeratosis on the legs, in particular on the feet, manifests itself in the form of cracking on a hard surface. For example, a person may develop corns, and the entire skin of the foot may become keratinized.

Symptoms of disease
To clearly understand what this disease is, you should look at the photo of hyperkeratosis. However, this pathological process also has certain symptoms. They arise due to the multiplication of cells with keratin. The symptomatology of the disease gives the patient severe pain, as well as persistent itching. The main symptoms of epithelial hyperkeratosis are as follows:
- Skin peeling and severe dryness.
- Redness of soft tissue with thickening of the nail plate.
- Aesthetic defect that cannot be corrected by cosmetic procedures.
- Severe roughness of the dermis.
- Discomfort when walking.
During the desquamation of dead cells, the pathological process is accompanied bythe formation of obstruction of the follicular duct and the formation of scales of the epidermis. In the case of hereditary prerequisites, follicular hyperkeratosis manifests itself 2 times more often. At the same time, it can be an independent disease, as well as act as a symptom of a more serious illness. The main distinguishing features of this form of the disease are as follows:
- Appearance of acne in case of hyperkeratosis of the face.
- Excessive dryness of the skin in certain areas.
- Thickening of the dermis.
- Extensive areas of pyoderma.
- Rim of hyperemic skin.

The main feature of this form of the disease is the ability to completely affect the skin, while causing severe peeling and dryness in large areas of the body. The diffuse form of hyperkeratosis manifests itself in the form of cracking, inflammation of the squamous epithelium. The most dangerous symptom is a change in the upper layer of the epidermis. In most cases, there is hyperkeratosis of the skin of the legs, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Inflammation of certain areas of the foot and severe pain.
- Thickening of the dermis.
- Scaling and hardening of the heels.
- Hyperemia of the skin.
- Visible areas with scales of the epidermis.
This disease can be acquired or hereditary, this form of hyperkeratosis is distinguished by the formation of peculiar warts on the dermis. Other symptoms of wartyforms of the disease include the following aesthetic defects, as well as internal changes regarding the general well-being of the patient:
- Formation of crusts and cracks.
- Profuse yellow rashes.
- Changing the structure of the upper layer of the epidermis.
- Severe pain when walking.
- Risk of degeneration of neoplasms into a malignant form.
This form of hyperkeratosis is extremely rare. In most cases, it is observed in the representatives of the stronger sex at retirement age. In the affected areas, small yellowish plaques are formed, which, after opening, leave small depressions in the skin. Soreness is completely absent, so these symptoms can be called mostly cosmetic defects. The main signs of lenticular hyperkeratosis are as follows:
- Neoplasm on the skin.
- The size of the plaques reaches 0.5 cm in diameter.
- Predominance of severe itching.
- Single foci of the pathological process.
- Formation of a dry yellow crust.

On the upper layers of the epidermis, small spots appear with a greasy crust. On palpation, they are dense, have a homogeneous structure, but at the same time they can unite into an extensive focus of the pathological process. The characteristic symptoms of the seborrheic form of hyperkeratosis are as follows:
- Elevated foci of pathologicalprocess, protruding above the surface of the skin.
- Increase in size of formed spots.
- Pinkish or yellowish patches.
- Skin hyperemia.
- Severe itching as well as internal discomfort.
Outwardly, this form of the disease is somewhat similar to hairs that appear in groups or alone on the upper layers of the epidermis. With the help of mechanical peeling, it is possible to mask the formed foci of the pathological process, but this method will not solve the problem with the patient's he alth. The main features of this disease, which is prone to a chronic course with recurrent periods, are as follows:
- Aesthetic visible defect.
- Formations on the body of individual hairs or in groups of up to 6 units.
- Isolated foci of the pathological process.
- Skin hyperemia.
- Increased swelling of the skin.
Features of treatment
To treat hyperkeratosis of the skin on the sole, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the problem with shoes, for example, choose a more comfortable pair made from natural materials. If the focus of the disease is localized in another area of the body, then it is necessary to do the same with your clothes, temporarily abandoning tight-fitting models. This is especially true for those patients who have diabetes mellitus, as well as problems with the thyroid gland, as they are among the very first at risk of developing diseases. As for other treatment recommendationshyperkeratosis in a child and an adult, they are as follows:
- It is necessary to use cosmetic procedures only for a full course, thanks to which it will be possible to get rid of dead skin cells, thereby providing an aesthetic effect. When choosing a peeling for yourself, you should seek help from a dermatologist who will help eliminate possible allergies to certain medications.
- As for medications, experts in this case focus on the use of local and systemic corticosteroids that can solve this he alth problem both internally and externally. In addition, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes, which must necessarily contain vitamins of groups A and D.
- To cure ichthyosis, dermatologists advise their patients to pay special attention to therapeutic ointments and gels made on the basis of natural and herbal ingredients. In parallel with this, traditional medicine methods can be used, but before that, you should make sure that there is no allergic and local reaction to medicinal and home formulations.
- Treatment of follicular hyperkeratosis cannot be carried out without the mandatory use of systemic medications in a full course, since the main cause of the disease may lie in fungal infections that have entered the human body, as well as in exacerbation of the infectious process.
- If the patient is at risk, then it is necessary to take timely care of preventive measures. Otherwise, withwith extensive focal hyperkeratosis, a person will suffer for a long time, experiencing severe itching, pain and a feeling of internal discomfort.

Peculiarities of prevention
Hyperkeratosis of the legs is quite often the result of any other disorders in the human body, so the initial stage of prevention is to identify these disorders and treat them. Among the other very effective means should be highlighted:
- Wearing comfortable shoes and clothes.
- Regular foot and whole body hygiene.
- Add foods that are rich in vitamins A and C to your daily diet, such as spinach, carrots, lemon, cauliflower.
- Getting rid of excess weight.
- Reduce stress.
- Proper nutrition.
Hyperkeratosis in children
Quite often, hyperkeratosis is congenital in children. But the disease can manifest itself in early childhood in a child. Hyperkeratosis can develop as a separate disease, as well as be a symptom of some other skin disease, such as a fungal infection or lichen planus. And also a similar phenomenon in some cases is a consequence of arsenic poisoning. Determining the main cause can only be done by a specialist when he fully examines and examines the baby. After that, appropriate therapy is prescribed, which takes into account the result of the examination and the age of the child.

In conclusionIt should be noted that such an unpleasant skin disease as hyperkeratosis of the legs gives the patient not only unpleasant painful symptoms, but also strong aesthetic discomfort. Therefore, when the first signs of this skin disease appear, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist who must identify the main cause of the development of the disease, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. To prevent hyperkeratosis from affecting you, you must follow the simple preventive recommendations that were described above.