Is bronchitis visible on x-ray? Interpretation of x-rays for bronchitis

Is bronchitis visible on x-ray? Interpretation of x-rays for bronchitis
Is bronchitis visible on x-ray? Interpretation of x-rays for bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. It affects adults and children equally. For an accurate diagnosis and prescription of treatment in the future, the patient must undergo an examination. In most clinical cases, it is possible to detect bronchitis on an x-ray.

It is especially important to know how the disease manifests itself in pediatric patients. Thanks to this, parents can make an appointment with a pediatrician in a timely manner. Only after receiving the test results and examining the child, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

When is the snapshot scheduled?

The X-ray examination procedure is associated with irradiation of the body. In this regard, people are interested in whether it allows you to identify the disease, or you can do without it. If a common cold develops, then treatment can be prescribed after receiving the results of a blood test, listening to the respiratory system and assessing the appearance of the mucous membranes.

Man coughing
Man coughing

If you ask a therapist about whether bronchitis is visible on an X-ray of the lungs, he will answer yes. For moderate or milddegree of ARVI, such a study is not prescribed, so as not to be irradiated once again. The main indications for diagnosis are:

  1. Suspicion of developing pneumonia.
  2. Probability of developing lung obstruction.
  3. There is no positive dynamics after the therapeutic course.
  4. It is necessary to carry out dynamic monitoring of the patient's condition after treatment.

Bronchitis on X-ray is determined, and almost always unmistakably. It is mandatory to take a picture for people who suffer from cough for a long time, have shortness of breath, note the active separation of sweat. All of these symptoms can be signs of developing tuberculosis.

What can you see?

Signs of bronchitis on x-rays will be specific. The inflammatory process itself is not determined, but attention should be paid to the shadows. Since the rays penetrate the wall and air space of the alveoli, annular spots will be seen with the development of the disease. The chronic form also appears.

You can suspect bronchitis on an X-ray by the following indicators:

  • the pattern of the lungs and blood vessels changes (it looks like a branching near a tree);
  • growth of connective tissue is defined as thickened roots;
  • in some places there are sagging tissue of the organ.

Bronchitis on x-ray looks like alternating zones of low and high airiness. The roots of the lungs are subject to detailed consideration, since their deformation occurs. It is these changes that are clearly defined in the picture, as well as excessive growthfibrous tissue. Knowing how bronchitis looks on an x-ray, you should not try to decipher it yourself. The description should be done by an experienced doctor.

Signs of obstruction in bronchitis

First of all, there is a pronounced decrease in the structure of the roots of the organ, their boundaries are fuzzy, like in a he althy person, the walls of the bronchi are thickened. Patients with severe disease develop obstruction.

lung obstruction
lung obstruction

In this case, bronchitis on the X-ray will have additional signs:

  1. Flattened chest.
  2. Low aperture.
  3. Restricted diaphragm movement.
  4. The lung background has increased transparency.
  5. The heart muscle is vertical.

Deciphering an x-ray for bronchitis is a responsible matter. If the specialist performs an incorrect description, then an incorrect diagnosis will be made. As a result, the treatment prescribed to the patient will be ineffective, and the pathological process will take on a neglected form.

X-ray contrast study

As bronchitis progresses, there is an increase in lung size. As a result, the body puts increased pressure on the heart. If there is a suspicion of a bilateral lesion, then two images can be prescribed with an interval of 5 days. Another type of diagnosis is bronchography.

This is also an x-ray technique, but with the use of a contrast agent. It is administered to the patient intravenously, immediately before the procedure. Thanks toThis clearly visualizes the structure of the lungs. This method is rarely used, as the patient may be allergic to contrast, as well as experience pain during manipulation.

The difference between x-ray and fluorography

When there is a suspicion that bronchitis is developing, a doctor prescribes a fluorography or x-ray. Not every patient understands the difference between these diagnostic methods. Therefore, the issue needs to be examined in more detail. The first common feature is that both methods allow you to identify the inflammatory process.

The process of performing fluorography
The process of performing fluorography

In turn, during the performance of fluorography, the body receives a larger portion of radiation than with an x-ray. That is why it is prescribed only if a person is suspected of having tuberculosis, which is also accompanied by a pronounced cough. Through fluorography, it is not possible to diagnose bronchitis.

Contraindications for x-rays

Chest x-rays can be performed on almost everyone. There are no specific contraindications to the procedure. Restrictions apply only to pregnant women and critically ill patients.

pregnant women
pregnant women

In this case, the diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of tests, the list of which will be extended. But if there is a clear threat to life, and an x-ray is necessary, it will certainly be performed even if there are contraindications. During pregnancyadditional security measures are taken. To make the fetus receive less radiation, a lead plate is placed on the stomach to block the rays.

Symptoms of bronchitis in a child

The respiratory system in children has certain features. Unlike adults, they have narrow paths, therefore, with the development of edema on the mucous membrane of the larynx, the process of their overlap occurs faster. In most clinical cases, the disease develops against a background of viral infection.

When symptoms of bronchitis develop, children should be treated by a pediatrician. Parents are advised to seek qualified help if the baby feels a sore throat, coughs, hoarseness, hoarseness, and signs of conjunctivitis appear.

bronchitis in a child
bronchitis in a child

At the first stage of the development of the disease, the cough will be dry, already on the fifth day it becomes softer. From the seventh day, you can notice the active separation of the mucous secretion. Body temperature is maintained within 38 degrees. On average, the period of complete recovery with adequate therapy is 10-14 days.

Treatment of bronchitis in children

During the acute stage of the disease, the child must observe strict bed rest. Active games are strictly not allowed. The baby should be calm, and he also needs to be given a plentiful warm drink. It is important to balance the diet, saturate it with he althy foods containing vitamins.

The principle of developing a specific therapy directly depends on why the child has bronchitis. Symptoms andtreatment in children may vary throughout the course. If the nature of the disease is viral, then antibiotics of the cephalosporin, penicillin series or macrolides are indicated. The complex may also include antifungal medications.

Bronchitis is treated with medication
Bronchitis is treated with medication

Without fail, patients are prescribed medications from the group of mucolytics, which have the ability to thin the mucous secretion, which contributes to its better discharge from the respiratory tract. If the cough is dry, Oxeladin or Prenoxdiazine is indicated. If a child has allergies, be sure to take antihistamines.

Physiotherapy and prevention of bronchitis

Good therapeutic result shows physiotherapy treatment of bronchitis. Patients are prescribed inhalations with drugs on an oily or alkaline basis. Recently, treatment with a nebulizer has been increasingly carried out, UVI, UHF, and electrophoresis on the chest are used.

As for preventive measures, first of all it is necessary to create conditions that will help to avoid or minimize the frequency of acute respiratory viral diseases. It is also recommended to carry out antiviral prophylaxis during peak seasons (autumn/spring), it is necessary to avoid contact with the allergen.

Nebulizer for treatment
Nebulizer for treatment

You can avoid the development of bronchitis if you do not stay in the cold for a long time, and harden the body. Patients of the pediatric age group need timelyget vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal infections. A child suffering from a recurrent or chronic form of pathology should visit a pulmonologist every two years.

If a patient suspects that his bronchitis is progressing, he should immediately undergo a medical examination. To do this, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or pediatrician if the child is sick. With a timely diagnosis, a full-fledged treatment, a complete recovery occurs, and complications do not develop.
