Symptoms and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis in adults

Symptoms and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis in adults
Symptoms and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis in adults

Chronic dacryocystitis is an inflammatory disease in which the lacrimal canal is blocked, resulting in constant tearing, redness, suppuration and swelling of the eye. Pathology is common and accounts for about 10% of all ophthalmic problems. Diagnosed twice as often in females than in men.

Reason for development

Chronic dacryocystitis in adults develops as a result of constant contact of the mucous membrane of the eye with viral, infectious and parasitic representatives. Often the provoking factor is trauma, the presence of a foreign body, progressive infectious and inflammatory diseases, such as conjunctivitis.

Location of the lacrimal sac
Location of the lacrimal sac

The high prevalence of pathology is due to the fact that it provokes swelling of the surrounding tissues of the organ. It is always formed during SARS, with rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever. If there was a previous fracture of the nose or trauma to the bones of the orbit, then later chronic dacryocystitis of the eye may gradually develop.

All this leads to a thickening of the shell, which creates a certain barrier to the normal outflow of biological fluid. Since tears constantly accumulate in the bag, and are not brought out, favorable conditions are created there for the active life of pathogenic microflora.

Clinical picture

Chronic purulent dacryocystitis acts as a complication if the primary acute form of the disease has not been cured, therapeutic measures have helped to eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. At the very beginning of the development of the pathology, there are no pronounced signs.

A person feels only a slight bursting in the area of the lacrimal sac localization, and swelling also appears. The painful syndrome gradually increases, the feeling of discomfort becomes more pronounced. If you press on the pathological area, a purulent-mucous liquid will begin to stand out, and constant lacrimation is also noted.

The main symptom of dacryocystitis
The main symptom of dacryocystitis

If you do not start treatment, chronic dacryocystitis will form. At this stage, reddening of the skin is already observed. Lachrymation is aggravated by prolonged exposure to air, frost and wind, while working in a brightly lit room. The danger lies in the fact that if pus gets on the cornea of the eye, an ulcer will begin to develop.

Conservative treatment

Pathology can be detected by performing x-rays, which will indicate the site of the canal blockage. If chronic dacryocystitis is diagnosed on time, then initially experts suggest conductingconservative therapy. It consists in washing the sac and pathways through the introduction of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor agents.

At an early stage of the disease
At an early stage of the disease

A good result shows a regular massage of the affected area. How to do it correctly, the attending physician will tell. When contacting a modern clinic, physiotherapy sessions are recommended, for example, irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose and the bag itself with a low-energy helium-neon laser. This will help you heal faster.


Launched chronic dacryocystitis in adults can be treated by probing. The main symptom of the disease is a severe blockage of the lacrimal tract. If the blockade is complete (the instrument cannot be advanced along the canal due to scarring), then drainage will not be possible, so surgery is prescribed.

The operation involves the creation of a new lacrimal canal. According to the execution technique, it is complex, while the main danger is considered to be a high probability in the future of the formation of a fistula (hole) between the lacrimal sac and other cavities. It can be performed with a laser or ordinary metal tools.

Lacrimal canal probing surgery
Lacrimal canal probing surgery

Specialists more often recommend laser endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy to their patients. During its execution, a hole is created that will connect the cavity of the nasal canal and the lacrimal sac. Since the intervention is carried out through the nasalcavity, after it there will be no scars or scars on the face.

Prognosis for recovery

Chronic dacryocystitis is an advanced form of the disease. The probability of a complete recovery directly depends on when the pathology was diagnosed and how timely the treatment was carried out. If you are attentive to your he alth and follow medical recommendations, you can completely get rid of the disease.

In general, doctors assure that in most clinical cases, surgical or conservative methods of treatment lead to a favorable outcome. However, a certain probability of developing complications still remains. Among them, the formation of an eyesore, decreased visual acuity, inflammation in the structure of the organ.

Eye damage with dacryocystitis
Eye damage with dacryocystitis

Prevention of dacryocystitis

The main preventive measure is the timely treatment of all respiratory viral, as well as infectious diseases affecting the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and eyes. It is equally important to avoid foreign body entry or injury, if possible.

It is not recommended to treat chronic dacryocystitis with traditional medicine recipes. They can be used only with the permission of a doctor, solely as an additional therapeutic measure. Otherwise, there is a risk of aggravating the situation and developing serious complications.
