Gymnastics and massage for hip dysplasia in children

Gymnastics and massage for hip dysplasia in children
Gymnastics and massage for hip dysplasia in children

Massage and gymnastics for hip dysplasia is an integral part of the treatment process. This pathology is congenital and is characterized by the inferiority of the articulation formed as a result of its abnormal development. In the absence of timely and correct treatment, subluxation or dislocation of the femur can occur. As a result, the child becomes disabled.

General recommendations

Parents are advised to massage hip dysplasia only when the child is in a good mood and ready to play. For the procedure, to make it more convenient, a changing table or chest of drawers is suitable. More than one session per day is not recommended so that the baby does not overstrain.

Children with dysplasia massage
Children with dysplasia massage

The whole course consists of 15 procedures. Treatment must be complete and comprehensive. Therefore, massage for hip dysplasia involves 2-3 courses, between which an interval of 45 days is maintained. Recommendedfor the duration of the procedure, lay a diaper under the baby that can absorb moisture so that it is not wet if urination occurs.

Relaxing massage technique

Depending on whether the baby lies on his back or stomach, it is necessary to act differently. The movements can be performed in any order. If the baby wants to look at you, then you need to use light, stroking movements to walk over your arms and legs, chest, and stomach. After that, you can begin to slowly rub the same parts of the body, and in the end, stroking is done again.

Asymmetry in dysplasia
Asymmetry in dysplasia

When the baby rolls over on his tummy, you need to bend the legs and spread them apart, while stroking and rubbing. Be sure to use the zone of the lower back, back and buttocks (light patting is allowed here). Then directly massage the hip joint and the outer side of the thigh. Finally, these areas are stroked.

Therapeutic exercises for pathology

Exercise therapy can be performed in a hospital or at home. In the latter case, it is extremely important that parents initially complete the training course. An orthopedist or pediatrician should help with this. Like massage for hip dysplasia, simple gymnastic exercises will be invaluable in complex treatment.

sling correct leg position
sling correct leg position

Best of all, if the procedure at home will be done by mom. It is worth choosing a time when the child is in a good mood. It is allowed to carry out manipulations 3-4 times a day. The complex is as follows:

  1. The child is on the stomach in the “frog” position. You need to take the heel and pull it up to the buttocks.
  2. Alternate knee and hip flexion.
  3. The child is lying on his back, and the parent spreads his legs to the sides (they are straight).
  4. The legs are bent at the hips and knees, and at the moment of spreading the limbs, you need to try to get them to the surface of the table.
  5. Legs are bent at the knees, they need to be moved apart like a "opening a book".
  6. Raising straight legs to baby's head.

Massage for hip dysplasia is done in all, even very small hospitals. This is due to the widespread prevalence of pathology. A similar disorder is diagnosed in every seventh child. It is important to start treatment as early as possible to prevent complications.

The main components of exercise therapy

Massage for hip dysplasia in newborns will be effective only with several professional courses. On average, the interval between them is 3-4 months. In addition to this, you should practice at home with your child. There are two types of exercises: massage and gymnastic. The first are done once a day, and the second - 2 - 3 times.

knee dysplasia above the other
knee dysplasia above the other

You need to exercise regularly, otherwise the level of effectiveness of treatment is reduced. It is forbidden to engage with the baby immediately after eating. Even when the procedure is carried out by a professional, the mother should be next to the child. It is important to massage with hip dysplasia in children with clean hands, without rings and withshort cut nails.

For a better glide, you should use natural oils that do not cause allergies, such as peach or sunflower. The massage is based on rubbing, stroking and spiral movements. The child must be handled carefully so as not to injure the delicate skin.

Preparation for gymnastics

Before any gymnastic activities, the child must be prepared. Otherwise, there is a risk of doing more harm than good. You can start by lightly massaging the outer thighs. This improves the process of blood circulation in the pathological area, and the muscles warm up.

The child should be put on his back, and then with soft, but confident movements, stroke the skin in a circle. The duration of the procedure is within five minutes. After that, with the application of moderate force, you can rub the affected joint. For this, circular and direct movements are used.

dysplasia on x-ray
dysplasia on x-ray

The preparatory massage for hip dysplasia in infants ends with the study of the lumbar zone. This will also improve blood circulation, and the child will be prepared for the following exercises. On average, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to warm up.

Which rules to follow

If you plan to perform baby massage for hip dysplasia at the initial stage, then initially the baby should be examined by a doctor. In the case of a complicated form of the disease, splints will be additionally used, and a wide range of techniques will be used everywhere.swaddling.

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • only need to practice on a hard surface;
  • before class, put a diaper under the child;
  • baby should not want to sleep or eat;
  • if the baby is tired, classes stop or take a break;
  • no need to immediately give an increased load;
  • it is forbidden to complete the movement if the tire or swaddle moves.

Newborns will be enough to spend three full circles every day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cope with the pathology, as well as avoid the development of negative consequences. 15 exercises are done at each stage.

Complex of basic movements

Therapeutic massage for joint dysplasia includes exercises that will affect the damaged joint. Oddly enough, but the greatest efficiency is achieved when performing simple movements. The first session is recommended to be supervised by a specialist (orthopedist or pediatrician).

Exercises for hip dysplasia
Exercises for hip dysplasia

Basic massage technique for hip dysplasia in the exercise therapy complex:

  1. Hip abduction. The child is laid on his back on a hard surface, such as a changing table. When the baby relaxes, they take it with both hands by the knees, and spread them apart. In the absence of resistance, the legs can be tilted to the side and down. Feet should be free to touch a hard surface. Repeat 15 - 20 times.
  2. Rotation of the joint. The starting position is the same as inprevious exercise. With one hand, they take the baby by the joint, and with the other, gently hold the knee. At the same time, it must be smoothly moved forward, while twisting the leg inward. Repeat 10 - 15 times.
  3. Rotation with legs. The limbs are taken so that each is bent at the knee. After that, they simultaneously make circular movements resembling a "bicycle". It is important to observe the smoothness and accuracy of actions. Repeat no more than 20 times.
  4. Bending the legs. One limb is bent at the knee, and the other is unbent at the same time. Then they change position. Repeat 15 times for each leg.

If you act correctly, slowly and carefully, then therapeutic exercises according to the basic complex will help to quickly restore the normal position of the joint. It is also not recommended to be distracted during class.

Game movements

Since hip dysplasia is a congenital pathology and is detected in infants, there are exercises in the physiotherapy complex that children of this age like. It turns out that at the same time he plays with his parents and gets rid of the problem.

Joint fixation
Joint fixation

Parents can perform foot claps during entertainment, which are similar to hand patties. The baby should be put on a flat and hard surface, slightly bend the limbs at the knees, turn the feet to each other and connect them. Rotation of the legs can also be done in the position of the natural bend of the knee, gently moving in different directions. It is necessary at this time to imitate the flight of a butterfly.

When these activities are combined with songs, smiles and affectionate communication, kids hardly notice them, which allows them to stay relaxed and have fun.

Classes with the ball

There are two interesting exercises that can be done on a fitball. It's a big gym ball. Such a simulator, although it seems simple at first glance, but it perfectly helps in restoring the natural position of the articular joint, and also prepares the child for the first steps in life.

The baby must be put on the ball with his back. With one hand, it should be held in the lumbar area, and with the other, rotate the leg inward, making circular movements. Repeat 10 times. Then they shift the baby to the stomach, hold it in the same way with one hand, and with the other they take the ankle, move it to the outside and at the same time bend the knee.

It should be understood that the child may be afraid of the ball, and the sensations that he will experience on it. You just need to give it time to get used to it. For very young children, such activities are often difficult, you may have to wait a bit.

Advice to parents

It is not recommended to engage with a child more than five times a day, and some even four. It is often difficult for young children to endure even passive loads. It is necessary to work on restoring the normal position of the joint every day, but only if the baby is not sick and is in a good mood.

If you combine massage and physiotherapy exercises, then you should pause between circles. This will givethe baby's ability to recuperate. As for contraindications to classes, they are minimal. They are limited in the presence of temperature, poor he alth, if a hernia or congenital heart disease was diagnosed.
