Limited neurodermatitis, which is also quite often called simple chronic lichen, is an inflammation of areas on the skin due to frequent scratching. Symptoms of this disease often appear in those people who are prone to neurosis. The main therapy for chronic lichen simplex is aimed at combating itching, as well as restoring the epidermis. However, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to become more familiar with the symptoms and causes of this unpleasant disease.
Provoking factors
Simple chronic lichen most often has a chronic course with recurrence. This disease can develop under the influence of several factors, which include the following:
- Allergic factor. In children, simple chronic lichen quite often appears due to simple childhood eczema. It has been found that many people with lichen simplex chronicus are hypersensitive tomedicines, as well as detergents and food.
- Hereditary factor. If both parents previously had simple chronic lichen, the photo of which is presented in this article, then the child develops a similar disease in 80% of cases. If the disease occurred only in one of the parents, then the probability of hereditary predisposition will be reduced to 55%.
- Neurogenic factor. Almost all people with lichen simplex chronicus suffer from neurological problems. These patients are characterized by psycho-emotional instability. But if we talk about children, then most often these include hyperactive babies who have increased irritability.

A form of chronic lichen simplex, limited neurodermatitis in medicine is also called Vidal's lichen. The scientist who discovered this disease found that neurodermatitis mainly affects those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The disease can be exacerbated by the abuse of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. In addition, mental fatigue can also increase the clinical manifestations of limited neurodermatitis. Simple chronic lichen, the photo of which is presented here, often develops due to gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal problems, and also due to the pathology of the autonomic system.
Signs and symptoms
Limited neurodermatitis is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which may subside or intensify as the disease progresses. Since simple chronic lichen, photo andthe treatment of which is presented in this article, is characterized by a long course, then the signs of this disease can disturb the patient for several months. In some cases, the symptoms torment the patient for several years. Neurodermatitis can occur in three distinct stages:
- Primary itching. As a rule, the desire to scratch the skin has a paroxysmal character. At night or in the evening, the itching intensifies, while the skin retains its normal appearance. However, do not confuse simple chronic lichen and pruritus.
- Papular stage. At this stage, during regular scratching, the skin begins to turn red, looks painful and inflamed. In parallel with this, the skin becomes covered with papules. The rash has blurred contours, as well as a glossy surface. The skin begins to loosen, and during intensive combing it becomes covered with a bloody crust. The skin feels hard to the touch, but there is no seal.
- Infiltration stage. At this stage, the skin begins to become covered with grooves, while acquiring a very painful appearance. On the skin, large flattened neoplasms of a rounded shape are formed. However, after the symptoms of the disease fade, pigmentation will persist. Peeling, cracking, and the skin will also be characterized by increased rigidity and density.
Symptomatics of limited neurodermatitis may vary, depending on the location of the neoplasms. These neoplasms can appear in the folds of the skin, most often on the back of the neck, in the areabuttocks, in places of flexion of the joints.

Sometimes simple chronic lichen appears in women on the face, a photo of skin lesions is presented below. More pronounced symptoms will be observed with inflammation in the groin and genitals. With the active work of the secretory glands, the course of the disease only worsens.
If the patient develops weeping ulcers, they can degenerate into eczema.
The cause of secondary infection is further scratching of the skin. Because of this, various complications of neurodermatitis can also develop, such as furunculosis, deep mycoses, skin lymphoma.
Features of treatment
Treatment and symptoms of this disease should be determined by a dermatologist. In some cases, it can be quite difficult to differentiate localized neurodermatitis and atopic dermatitis, as well as from some other skin diseases. Although the methods of treatment of these diseases are largely similar to each other. To overcome simple chronic lichen, it is necessary to use complex therapy. Classic treatment means:
- Taking antihistamines (Zodak, Zyrtec, Fenistil).
- Carrying out physiotherapy to increase the resistance of the skin to external infections.
- The use of drugs with a calming effect, as well as drugs that regulate the functioning of the nervous system.
- The use of various ointments, creams, gels and solutions for local treatment of the skin, as well as for stimulationregenerative process ("Termikon", "Exoderoil", "Fungoterbin" and others).
If the patient has a severe course of the disease, then hormonal ointments can be additionally prescribed. The choice of means is carried out on the basis of the general clinical picture of the disease, as well as depending on the individual characteristics of the human body. For younger children, specialists prescribe hormone therapy, together with low-concentration drugs (Lokoid, Advantan).

Therapy implies mandatory detoxification of the human body. Therefore, the doctor prescribes diuretics (Uregit, Furosemin), enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb) to patients. In parallel with this, it is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet during the treatment process. For this, chocolate, smoked dishes, red fish, strong meat broths, exotic fruits, offal and honey should be excluded from the diet. It is recommended to consume sour-milk products, cereals, steamed and fresh vegetables in the greatest quantity.
If the patient's nervous system is weakened, neuroleptics and tranquilizers are additionally prescribed. As a rule, a specialist prescribes "Oxylidine", "Trioxazine", "Levomepromazine" for these purposes. If a depressive state develops against the background of the disease, then it is recommended to take tricyclic antidepressants.

Simple chronic lichen can be successfully treated with naftalan ointments. This group should include such drugs as naftalan oil and Naftaderm. These drugs are able to suppress inflammatory processes. In parallel, they contribute to the regeneration of the skin and reduce the risk of relapses.
Zinc-based preparations are also very useful for skin inflammation. Effective is therapy with the use of the drug "Desitin". It contains zinc oxide, which is able to improve metabolic processes, create a protective film on the surface of the skin, and also slow down the release of exudate by inflamed cells.
For the duration of therapy, it is best for the patient to limit himself to water procedures, as water dries very much and weakens the skin. In combination with the main therapy, dermatoprotective drugs, antipruritic and emollient ointments, antiseptics can be prescribed.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Treatment of lichen simplex chronicus is considered incomplete unless alternative medicine prescriptions are applied. Potato-based products are very effective. The fact is that this vegetable has an antipruritic and soothing effect, is able to regulate the water balance, and also softens and soothes the skin. Potato juice and potato starch are used for medicinal purposes.

To get juice, raw potatoesgrate, squeeze out the liquid from the resulting slurry, after which a cotton swab is wetted in it. After that, the affected surfaces of the skin are treated with this swab.
It is necessary to make lotions and baths from starch. Thanks to this, the inflamed areas are well dried, but at the same time they do not lead to dehydration of the skin.
There are also other effective folk remedies for the treatment of chronic lichen simplex. It is worth taking a closer look at several recipes.
Plantain leaves
The leaves of this plant must be washed well, scrolled through a meat grinder, after which they are applied to the affected area of the skin. From above, such a compress is covered with a sterile bandage. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is not recommended to leave plantain leaves for too long. The skin should be aired frequently to prevent steaming.

Yarrow Compress
For medicinal purposes, you can use both fresh grass and dry raw materials. To do this, you need to mix yarrow with chamomile from a pharmacy in the same proportions. Dilute one tablespoon of this raw material with one glass of water, bring to a boil, let it brew, then apply to treat the affected areas.
Decoction based on birch leaves
This remedy has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of raw materials and one glass of boiling water. insist remedy,strain, then apply to wash the skin or use for compresses.

Despite the fact that simple chronic lichen is protracted, the prognosis is still favorable. For successful treatment, it is only necessary to block the provoking factors for the development of this disease.