Respiratory diseases make human life incomplete. He cannot work, rest and live in general. In addition, they are not so easy to get rid of. Pulmonary aspergillosis is a rather severe and unpleasant disease provoked by a fungal infection. Pathology appears due to an infectious lesion of an organ or an allergic restructuring of the respiratory system. The complexity of therapy is that it is difficult to get rid of the disease with the help of medicines.
What is a disease?

Aspergillosis of the lungs is a primary lesion of the respiratory organs by molds. In patients who are diagnosed with immunodeficiency, it is the main cause of death. It should be noted that the causative agent of the presented pathology exists almost everywhere.
They stand out not only from the air and soil, but even from distilled water. The source of the harmful fungus is the soil of indoor plants, old books, pillows, inhalers and air humidifiers. In addition, it hides in the ventilation ducts, it can be picked up during repairs.
The pathogen can enter the body very simply: just inhale itdisputes. In the first stage of infection, aspergillosis affects only the lungs. Then it spreads to the pleura and lymphatic system. Through the blood, pathological microorganisms can spread to all organs and systems. Systemic fungal infection is considered the most dangerous complication of the presented disease.
It is impossible to accurately establish the incubation period of the pathology, since it flows and develops differently in all people. However, over time, in the absence of the necessary treatment, the process becomes generalized, which in half of the cases leads to the death of the patient. In addition, pulmonary aspergillosis can cause serious complications. They are harder to deal with.
Features of the development of the disease

The presented pathology begins to develop in the human body after he inhales the pathogen, or aspergillus enters the body with food, through a wound. This occurs under conditions of severely weakened immunity.
Further, the fungus begins to develop, creating colonies. In addition, it multiplies not just on the surface of tissues, but can penetrate deep into the bronchi and lungs. The fungus is able to germinate even into the vessels in which granulomas form and inflammatory processes begin. This, in turn, provokes the appearance of bleeding, inflammation, in which tissue cells die, pneumothorax.
Tissue reactions to the penetration of the fungus can be different: serous, purulent. In addition, the patient may develop tuberculoid granulomas. If the patient haspulmonary aspergillosis appeared, the course of the disease depends on many factors: the age of the patient, his general condition, the presence of additional concomitant diseases, the correctness and effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.
A person does not always get sick with the presented pathology, but he can be its carrier. However, there is a risk group in which patients immediately after infection begin colonization and invasion of Aspergillus. Decreased immunity is the main condition for the development of the disease. Therefore, you need to monitor your he alth.
What factors predispose to pathology?
So, pulmonary aspergillosis can develop due to:
- Cytostatic chemical therapy. In this case, the body's defenses are practically destroyed, so the patient can easily pick up aspergillus. That is why cancer patients must be kept in strict isolation and sterile conditions.
- Decreased immunity due to chronic granulomatosis, aplastic anemia, and other oncological blood pathologies.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Taking systemic corticosteroids. They are also capable of seriously disrupting the activity of body systems, as they cause a large number of various side effects.
- Frequent excessive drinking. Alcoholic beverages generally have a negative effect on the body, reducing its resistance to various infections.
- Permanent chronic pathologies of the lungs.
- Respiratory operations.
- Lung burns.
- Tumor diseases.
- Decreased immunity against HIV andAIDS.
- Long-term intensive use of antibiotics.
- Specific working conditions that are associated with constant human contact with dust, fluff.
- Cystic fibrosis.
- Asthma.
- Ankylosing spondylitis.
- Smoking.
- Long hospital stay.
- Hereditary predisposition to this disease. That is, the pathology itself is not transmitted at the genetic level, however, weak immunity can be transmitted from parents to children.
As you can see, the infection can be caught anywhere, regardless of living conditions. The main risk factor in this case is a weakened immune system.
Symptoms of the disease
Any infectious disease has its manifestations. For example, if a person develops pulmonary aspergillosis, the symptoms may be:
1. Allergic form:
- Increase in overall body temperature.
- Coughing fits, sometimes accompanied by clots of mucus or blood.
- If the patient had bronchial asthma before, then its course worsens.
2. fungal mass. It is formed in the cavities of the lungs. This mass is a plexus of fungal mycelium, characterized by a dense structure. Such formations can appear due to tuberculosis (in advanced form), sarcoidosis, emphysema. If pulmonary aspergillosis is complicated by fungal masses, the symptoms may be as follows:
- Bouts of coughing up blood.
- Very heavy breathing accompanied bywhistle.
- Unexplained weight loss.
- Fatigue.
- Permanent general weakness.
3. With a systemic fungal infection, the pathological microflora spreads to all organs through the blood. In this case, the pathology manifests itself in the following symptoms:
- Very high temperature - 40 degrees or more.
- Shortness of breath.
- Intense pulmonary bleeding.
- Coughing with blood.
- Pain in the chest.
- Nosebleed.
- Skin rash.
The presented pathology can spread not only to the lungs, but also to other respiratory organs. If at first the disease begins as a banal tracheobronchitis, then over time it progresses and becomes chronic.
Disease types

Aspergillosis of the lungs (photos of the affected organs, to put it mildly, are unpleasant, so we will not publish them) should be classified as follows:
- Exogenous alveolitis (allergic).
- Non-invasive form.
- Bronchopulmonary allergic aspergillosis.
- Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. It also has three forms of development: acute, subacute and chronic.
- Aspergillus endocarditis.
- Disseminated aspergillosis.
- Other forms of pathology.
Each of these diseases is very serious and has its own symptoms.
Diagnosis of pathology

If there is a suspicion that a patient has pulmonary aspergillosis, the diagnosis should be comprehensive and thorough. It provides for the following studies:
- Clarifying the symptoms and complaints of the patient. The doctor should ask if the patient works in hazardous work, in what conditions he lives. In addition, you should find out what other diseases the patient has (for example, diabetes mellitus), what condition of the nasopharynx he has. It is advisable to find out if the patient is taking any medications, how long has he been treated with any antibiotics.
- Aspergillus sputum test.
- Serological testing.
- Biochemical blood test.
- PCR method, which will determine the presence of Aspergillus metabolic products or their nucleic acids.
- Histological examination and biopsy of a fragment of lung tissue.
- X-ray of respiratory organs. If doctors suspect that a patient has pulmonary aspergillosis, x-rays are one of the main tests that can show changes in lung tissue.
- Bronchoscopy, which provides a wash for culture and microbiology.
- CT or MRI.
If the doctor suspects that the patient has pulmonary aspergillosis, the diagnosis should be differential. The disease presented must be distinguished from tuberculosis, lung cancer, pneumonia, or pulmonary hemorrhage.
Drug therapy for aspergillosis

If a patient has advanced pulmonary aspergillosis, the treatment will be combined: an operation in combination with medication. Among the latter, one can single out:
- Multivitamin complexes. They help to saturate the body with essential vitamins, minerals and elements that have a positive effect on human immunity.
- Antifungals: Itraconazole, Voriconazole. The latter drug is relatively new and is considered more effective than Fluconazole. Presented drugs are used to combat systemic fungal infection. For example, if the lesion extends to the upper respiratory tract, then the drug "Amphotericin B" in the form of inhalations can be used.
- Topical antimycotic and anti-inflammatory drugs (if skin is affected).
- Corticosteroids. They are used to suppress an allergic reaction, as well as to prevent worsening of cystic fibrosis or asthma. These medicines are best taken by mouth.
Each drug of this type can cause a large number of side effects, so it is not recommended to take them on your own. If a patient is diagnosed with pulmonary aspergillosis, treatment of the disease with folk remedies or without consulting a doctor is undesirable. This can lead to a deterioration in the condition, as well as the transition of the disease to a chronic form. And in this case, it will be impossible to get rid of it.
The patient must be constantly monitoredspecialists. In most cases, periodic monitoring of the condition of the lungs with the help of CT is performed. All therapy is carried out under the supervision of a therapist, ENT and pulmonologist. The involvement of other specialists is not excluded.
Aspergillosis of the lungs (you already know the symptoms, treatment and causes of the development of pathology) is a rather complex disease, the duration of treatment of which may not be limited. The effect of therapy largely depends on other diseases that are present in the patient, the state of the body's defenses. Basically, the duration of therapy is from a week to a year.
Features of surgical treatment of pathology

Regardless of how pulmonary aspergillosis is diagnosed, treatment is difficult and lengthy. It will not be possible to simply and quickly get rid of a fungal infection. Even chemical therapy and the use of strong antibacterial agents may not give a good effect. That is why today, in most cases, surgical treatment is used.
The patient is offered resection of organs affected by a fungal infection. If the surgery was performed by a competent doctor, then complications should not arise. Surgery is suggested if the patient is at risk of developing pulmonary hemorrhage.
If a patient develops pulmonary aspergillosis, surgical treatment is performed as follows: a catheter is inserted into the vessel that leads to aspergilloma. Through it, it is injected into the cavity of the vessela special material that clogs it. In this case, the bleeding stops. However, the disadvantage of such an operation is that bleeding can resume.
In addition, it can be eliminated by making a temporary ligation of the bronchial artery. If the focus is removed, then the affected areas must be well scraped. Surgery is a last resort and is used only when the patient has severe hemoptysis, but lung function is still adequate.
Prognosis and complications of pathology

If a patient has pulmonary aspergillosis, the prognosis may be different. It all depends on the neglect of pathology, human immunity, the presence of concomitant diseases. In general, deaths are recorded in 20-35% of cases. If immunity is significantly reduced, as in people with HIV, then every second person dies.
When only the ENT organs or mucous membranes are infected, the prognosis is more favorable. The septic form of pathology is very dangerous and in most cases leads to death. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the symptoms as soon as possible and make an accurate diagnosis. Then it will be possible to prescribe adequate treatment.
As for complications, they can be:
- Destruction of the bones of the skull. This only happens if the infection has affected the sinuses. Moreover, with reduced immunity, a lethal outcome is not ruled out.
- Heavy bleeding that can be dangerous forlife. The fact is that the fungus can grow into the vessels, damaging their walls. That is why massive bleeding can form. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to stop him. In the absence of assistance or its untimely provision, the patient may die from blood loss or respiratory failure.
- Spread of systemic infection. This complication is the most dangerous. In this case, the fungus spreads through the blood vessels and blood throughout the body. Invasive aspergillosis can quickly lead to death if therapy is started late.
In any case, pulmonary aspergillosis (treatment with folk remedies will only accelerate the progression of the pathology) is not a simple disease that can be easily de alt with. During therapy, you must be patient and try to avoid those factors that can aggravate the patient's condition: stress, nervous tension, physical activity.
It is better not to use folk remedies on your own. Although their use in complex therapy is not excluded. For example, there are some herbal preparations that can increase the supporting forces of the body. However, their effectiveness in the treatment of the presented pathology has not been proven.
Prevention of pathology

When it comes to such a serious and severe disease as pulmonary aspergillosis, prevention is the main way to protect against future problems. Although it is impossible to completely avoid contact with pathological factors, it should be tried to do ifhuman weak immunity.
Prevention is primary and secondary. Primary should be observed by those people who have a strong deficiency of immunity. That is, they must carry out those activities that will help prevent the appearance of aspergillus in the air. For this, chambers providing laminar air flows can be used. In addition, special gateways between rooms or strong filtration systems should be used.
Since the causative agent of aspergillosis can easily live in the soil, the use of indoor plants is prohibited. If symptoms of the disease appear, then the patient must be isolated in another room, while checking the ventilation system and treating all surfaces with disinfectant solutions.
Secondary prevention involves avoiding any sources of fungal infection, mold, which include old buildings, wet forests, libraries with old books, granaries. It is also necessary to abandon all types of work on the ground, contact with animals. Expired or moldy foods (cheese) are strictly prohibited.
If a person's immunity is weakened too much, the doctor may recommend the use of a protective mask. In some cases, a respirator may be needed. In any case, preventive measures, if strictly followed, will help protect yourself from this dangerous and difficult to cure disease.
That's all the features of such a pathology as pulmonary aspergillosis. It must be remembered that this disease is very serious,therefore it is extremely important to try to protect yourself from it. Stay he althy!