Noise in the head: causes and treatment

Noise in the head: causes and treatment
Noise in the head: causes and treatment

In cases where noise in the head and other pathological effects appear, you can get rid of such discomfort by accurately determining the causes of such a sound. Doctors identify several main factors provoking this phenomenon:

  • Toxic damage to the body.
  • Food or drug poisoning.
  • Physical fatigue. The causes of noise in the head are very diverse.
  • Condition after hard work or sports activities.
  • Psychological and emotional stress.
  • Most often, people who are prone to frequent neuroses, as well as those who suffer from depression, complain about noises in their heads.
  • Injuries to the skull, concussions are also prerequisites for the occurrence of such discomfort.
  • Unpleasant sensations after impacts may not go away for a long time and intensify after various physical and mental stress.
  • Medication taking. Noise in the head may appear with prolonged use of "Citramon", "Aspirin" and someantibacterial agents.
  • Age-related changes. When noise occurs in older people, there are various reasons: wear and tear of the bones of the hearing aid, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, increased blood pressure.
  • Eating chocolate and coffee.
  • Smoking. Smokers often complain about the occurrence of noise in the head. At the same time, a specific pulsating noise appears in cases where a person gives up smoking for a long time and starts smoking again. This may cause dizziness and nausea.
noise in the ears and head
noise in the ears and head

Various pathologies

The causes of this phenomenon may be diseases that are accompanied by noise in the ears and head. People can describe the nature of such noise in different ways: hum, ringing, pulsation, rustling, and depending on what is the reason for the appearance of such discomfort, the intensity of this sound can change, it can be permanent or occur only after a certain load. Noise in the head most often indicates the occurrence of a certain disease, for example, damage to the vessels of the brain. Stenosis or narrowing of these vessels, anemia, atherosclerosis or increased blood viscosity sometimes lead to impaired blood flow in the head. At the same time, a person can hear turbulent blood flows, flow shocks, hissing and pulsing. The higher the pressure, the louder the noise in the head.

If the noise is caused by vegetovascular dystonia, the patient may complain of periodic whistling, ringing, squeaking. The attack is sometimes accompanied by sweating andpanic attacks. Momentary loss of consciousness may also occur. The causes of head noises in the elderly do not end there.

Disorders in the work of the heart

Head noise sometimes appears in patients who suffer from various types of arterial hypertension, as well as angina pectoris, arrhythmias. Noise is also observed after myocardial infarction. The nature of this noise is pulsating, it can give into the ears. Noise in the head can be one of the symptoms of vascular diseases and pathologies of the heart muscle. This type of disease is often diagnosed in older people.

Spine pathology

Another cause of noise in the head is the pathology of the spine and shoulder girdle. In cases of curvature of the spine, bone growths appear on the vertebral discs, osteochondrosis develops, which significantly disrupts blood circulation through the arteries. As a result, the blood supply to brain cells deteriorates. A person hears a monotonous, uniform constant hum in the head, to which he subsequently gets used and may not even notice it, paying attention to such discomfort only at night, with complete silence.

noise in the head causes
noise in the head causes

Ear diseases and injuries

Noise in the ears and head can occur due to foreign bodies entering the ear canal, as well as the formation of sulfur plugs. Insufficiency of blood circulation in the auditory canal causes inflammation of the nerve. This produces noise, sometimes accompanied by ringing and crackling.

There are frequent cases of acoustic ear injury if a person listens oftenloud music, as well as mechanical injuries - when cleaning the ears with cotton swabs. In this case, as a rule, monotonous noises appear, and sometimes ringing. The patient may complain of hearing loss, ear itching and pain. What else can cause noise in the head in older people?

Infectious and inflammatory diseases. For example, with colds and flu, noise is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Concomitant pathologies, such as rhinitis or otitis media, can increase such discomfort. People get stuffy in their ears, and when you tilt your head, you feel a strong pulsation.

Tinnitus can be one of the symptoms of encephalitis and meningitis. My head is buzzing, buzzing, ringing. With brain damage, the noise in the head in the elderly can be very loud, intrusive, unbearable.

Failures in the thyroid gland, as well as the urinary system. When the adrenal glands produce too much adrenaline, a throbbing noise can occur, accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the head. Extraneous sounds are also provoked by diabetes mellitus and some kidney diseases. Diabetics complain of monotonous hissing and crackling. This discomfort is often accompanied by hearing loss.

Mental illness

Sick people often complain about sounds in their heads. If a person is observed by a psychiatrist with mental disorders, such as paranoid states, he may notice such specific sounds as the ringing of bells, the creak of parquet, people's voices, and music. They are caused not by organic processes in the body, but exclusively by mental processes.problems. Such noise appears periodically, sometimes suddenly disappears or grows. The person becomes whiny, aggressive, or irritable.

noise in the head treatment
noise in the head treatment

Pathologies of the vestibular apparatus

Noise in the head accompanies two types of diseases that affect the vestibular apparatus - neurinoma and Meniere's disease. These conditions are accompanied by impaired coordination, frequent dizziness, hearing loss.

The development of brain tumors and hypoxia are also causes of noises in the head. Accompanying symptoms in this case are a breakdown, headache, drowsiness, nausea.

Diagnosis of a pathological phenomenon

If a person has a regular occurrence of noise in the head of a different nature, but in addition, there are other unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, dizziness, headache, you should consult a therapist.

After questioning the patient, examining this specialist can determine the cause immediately and prescribe treatment or recommend the patient to contact highly specialized specialists: a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, otolaryngologist.

Mandatory are also some laboratory tests, which include general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, determination of glucose and cholesterol levels. Causes and treatment of noise in the head are interrelated.

noise in the head causes and treatment
noise in the head causes and treatment

Additional examinations

Treatment can be prescribed only after an additional examination of the condition of the headbrain. The list of such events includes:

  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the spine in the cervical region (for signs of compression and impaired blood flow). This procedure allows you to determine the main pathology of the arteries and the narrowing of the vascular beds.
  • Angiography of blood vessels in the brain. Such a study in the early stages helps to identify a disease such as atherosclerosis.
  • Electroencephalography (EEG). This study is ordered in cases where noise in the head is accompanied by clonic seizures and convulsions.
  • Computed tomography, which helps to identify lesions in the brain, the appearance of neoplasms, including various cysts, to see the pathology of the ear, etc.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the head, which is one of the most popular methods for diagnosing brain pathologies and detecting defects in the functioning of the vegetative vascular system. This research method is the most reliable.
  • MRI of the spine in the cervical region. Such a study is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis of "osteochondrosis" and determine in which area the change in the vertebrae occurred, as well as examine the condition of the intervertebral discs.
  • Audiogram. In cases where there are various noises in the head, otolaryngologists often prescribe a special study that allows you to clarify how much the patient's hearing has decreased.
  • Hearing tests. If the noise prevents a person from perceiving speech, his hearing is deteriorating, a hearing test helps to establish how pronounced the decrease in the perception of sounds is. The specialist, as a rule, sets the threshold for speech perception, checks the auditory reaction of the trunk.
noise in the head in the elderly
noise in the head in the elderly

Treatment of pathology

It is almost impossible to cure noise in the head at home. If you experience such discomfort, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Obsessive crackling, hum, and pulsating sounds in the head significantly disrupt the quality and lifestyle. Sometimes they are a very alarming sign, indicating the occurrence of some serious pathologies in the brain and heart. The treatment of head noise in the elderly should be comprehensive.

The specialist, having determined the cause of these pathological sound phenomena, prescribes a treatment that helps to eliminate the noise. If nervous disorders are the main cause of discomfort, a psychiatrist is involved in the treatment of noise in the head. At the same time, it is recommended to undergo several courses of treatment with a psychologist.

What remedies are used to treat head noise?


For hypertension and heart disease, medications are prescribed, which should not only strengthen the heart muscle, but also normalize blood flow. These medicines include:

  1. Diuretics used to treat swelling.
  2. ACE inhibitors (Lisinopril, Captopril) used to normalize blood pressure.
  3. Sartans, which are medicines that help protect the brain from negative complicationshypertension and helping to quickly restore the body's activity after strokes and heart attacks.
  4. Beta-blockers, which are prescribed in cases where the patient is diagnosed not only with an increase in blood pressure, but also with coronary heart disease, as well as heart failure and arrhythmia. The choice of drugs for the treatment of noise in the head depends on the causes.
  5. Unpleasant symptoms caused by osteochondrosis, as a rule, disappear after the patient undergoes therapy with medicines to strengthen blood vessels.
  6. All experts also recommend taking several courses of general strengthening and relaxing muscle tone massage, and in cases of development of vertebral pathologies - manual therapy.
  7. If the cause of the noise in the head is vascular atherosclerosis, the patient needs to be prescribed drugs that normalize cholesterol levels and strengthen the vessels of the brain. Usually, neuropathologists prescribe the following drugs: Nifedipine, Diltiazem, Verapamil. Medicines of this group stimulate the metabolic process in vascular cells, make them more flexible, strengthen their walls, and increase elasticity.
  8. Medicines for the treatment of noise in the head based on natural components of medicinal plants, such as "Periwinkle", "Ginkgo Biloba", etc. Medications of this type improve blood circulation, provide nutrition to gray cells and prevent increased blood clotting.
  9. Nicotinoids, such as Enduratin or Nikoshpan, which have a tonic and vasodilating effect.
causes of noise in the head in the elderly
causes of noise in the head in the elderly

Hearing Aid Treatment

For example, when a wax plug forms in the ear, which also causes noise in the head, you need to directly solve this problem by removing the wax masses from the ear. Only an otolaryngologist can remove a cork or a foreign object.

Antibacterial drugs

With the development of inflammatory processes in the inner ear, antibacterial drops or tablets are prescribed. Antibiotics destroy the pathogens that caused the pathological condition, and inflammation is reduced, and as a result, the noise disappears.

Folk treatment for head noise is also effective.

noise in the head in the elderly
noise in the head in the elderly

Folk treatments

These techniques are not the main treatment for diseases that could cause the development of noise effects in the head, however, their use can significantly alleviate the patient's condition with the development of certain pathologies. This applies primarily to ear diseases. Traditional medicine in this case includes:

  1. Instilling onion juice into the ear.
  2. Tampons soaked in viburnum juice.
  3. Dandelion infusion.
  4. Compresses with beet or cabbage gruel.

We looked at the causes and treatment of head noise.
