How to reduce the shoulder: self-reduction and medical methods

How to reduce the shoulder: self-reduction and medical methods
How to reduce the shoulder: self-reduction and medical methods

It is possible to injure a hand and get a dislocation of the shoulder under various conditions. Learning to correct the situation and provide first aid to yourself or others is very important. Medical statistics indicate that shoulder dislocation accounts for more than 55% of all injuries, which is not surprising. The special structure of the shoulder joint made it the most vulnerable place for injury when compared with other joints. That's why the statistics are so high. If a similar situation happened, you should know how to set the shoulder.

Medics practice four main ways to put the joint in place:

  • according to Hippocrates-Cooper;
  • according to Kocher;
  • Dzhanelidze method;
  • Chaklin way.

From a practical point of view, each of them can be realized only with the help of one more person. Ideally, this should be a doctor or specialist familiar with such injuries. But there are situations when there are no strangers.

How tostraighten the shoulder - algorithm of actions

To correct the injury, you will have to resort to using your own shoulder. You need to act as follows:

  1. The injured person must sit on a hard surface (the ground, a bed, or something else), while leaving behind an empty seat.
  2. Next, you need to bend your knees (or one from the side of the dislocation) and press them as close to the body as possible. Now the arms are wrapped around the legs, interlocking the fingers into the castle, while the thumbs should be placed in the upward direction.
  3. When the patient is grouped, you need to carefully, without making sudden movements, begin to lean back. This should be done in such a way that all efforts fall on the injured shoulder.
  4. Continue until the joint is in place.
how to adjust a shoulder
how to adjust a shoulder

Even if you know how to set your shoulder, it's best not to do it yourself. Incorrect, abrupt actions can lead to an aggravation of the situation, for example, pinching, fracture or greater displacement of the bones.

In almost every case, the injury is accompanied by severe pain. To stop the sensations, you should take an analgesic. And only after that start the process described above. Now you know how to adjust the shoulder yourself, but it is better to seek qualified help.

Hippocratic-Cooper Method of Trauma Elimination

First of all, the patient should be laid on his back. The doctor or the one who will eliminate the dislocation is located facing the victim from the side of the injury and takes bothhands his brush.

how to straighten your shoulder
how to straighten your shoulder

Now, before adjusting the shoulder, you need to remove the shoes from the leg corresponding to the side of the dislocation. The foot is placed in the armpit, in the area of the head of the joint, and they begin to press, while stretching the patient's arm along the axis.

It is important to ensure that the movements are synchronous and simultaneous. This will avoid the risk of complications. As a result, you will be able to quickly and correctly put the joint in place.

Reduction of dislocation according to Chaklin

The patient is in a horizontal position on his back, and the reducer stands behind his head. With one hand, you need to take the injured person by the hand, and put the other on his shoulder in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head of the joint. After that, you need to begin to gently move the head of the shoulder to the side.

how to fix a dislocated shoulder
how to fix a dislocated shoulder

The presented technique is absolutely not suitable for independent use due to the fact that it is too painful. It is practiced by doctors only after the introduction of anesthesia to the patient. The method is most often used in cases where the dislocation resulted in a simple fracture.

Dzhanelidze reduction method

As in the previous case, the patient must be given anesthesia before the procedure. After that, it is laid on the table with the sore side. It is important to control the posture of the victim and ensure that the edge of the couch passes under the armpit, and the arm hangs down. After this, the patient is left to lie for about 20 minutes in thisposition.

how to straighten your shoulder
how to straighten your shoulder

Before adjusting the shoulder, the doctor should stand facing the patient, with one hand hold him firmly in the forearm, and start pressing in the area closer to the elbow. Along with this, it is necessary to press on the shoulder joint in a circular motion. As a result, you can quickly eliminate the injury.

After all the manipulations, a fixing bandage is applied to the injured arm and fastened to the chest. To control the correctness of all actions and to avoid complications, you need to take an x-ray.

After a week, the bandage is removed, and the patient is recommended to start rehabilitation exercises. Full performance is possible not earlier than in a month.

Kocher method

The presented method is prohibited for patients of the older age group and with osteoporosis. The patient is placed with his back on the couch so that the injured arm is outside it.

how to adjust a shoulder
how to adjust a shoulder

Further actions consist of four steps:

  1. The doctor takes the injured person by the arm in the area of the elbow and hand, while the elbow must be bent 90 degrees. Then it is taken to the body, and the arm is pulled along the axis. The assistant at this time fixes the forearm as tightly as possible.
  2. Now rotate the shoulder in a circular motion until it enters the frontal plane. Required to turn the head forward. After clicking, the shoulder is considered to be set.
  3. Now the doctor takes the patient's forearm up and directs to the right. It is necessary to ensure that the elbow remains pressed to the body. For some, the shoulder is reset only at this stage.
  4. Finally, with a sharp movement of the forearm, the doctor directs the joint into place. After the hand of the injured hand is placed on the other shoulder, and the forearm on the chest. Fix the hand.

It is not recommended to deal with the injury yourself. It is best to seek qualified help, where the doctor himself will determine how to set the dislocated shoulder in order to avoid complications.
