Bilateral pneumonia in an adult: symptoms and treatment

Bilateral pneumonia in an adult: symptoms and treatment
Bilateral pneumonia in an adult: symptoms and treatment

Bilateral pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases, which, if not treated in time, leads to an inevitable death. A disease appears due to the negative influence of pathogenic microorganisms that multiply in the tissues of the respiratory organs. The main factor in the development of pathogenic microflora is a decrease in overall immunity. If the pathology covers both organs, then it is characterized by a severe course. It can only be cured in a hospital setting.

What is pathology

Symptoms of bilateral pneumonia
Symptoms of bilateral pneumonia

The main danger of bilateral pneumonia is that the respiratory organs cannot fully cope with their function of gas exchange. In addition to the inflammatory process, oxygen starvation develops in the body. The risk of complications in the cardiovascular system increases.

At the initial stages of the development of pathology, a person rarely goes to the doctor, since he does not feel any special symptoms. The presented process is acute. Inflammation can be spontaneous or caused bysecondary reasons. Has an infectious nature.

The most common causative agent of pneumonia is pneumococcus, staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae or other viruses, bacteria. Since there are a huge number of pathogens, the selection of the right treatment depends on the accuracy of diagnosing the disease. It must be differential.

Reasons for appearance

Reasons for the development of bilateral pneumonia
Reasons for the development of bilateral pneumonia

Inflammatory process in the right and left lung occurs due to various reasons. But the main factor in its development is considered to be a decrease in the functionality of the immune system. Bilateral pneumonia is caused by:

  • Frequent pathologies of the respiratory organs, as a result of which the body's defenses are reduced.
  • Hypothermia. It helps to slow down blood circulation, so the normal nutrition of lung tissue is disrupted.
  • Failure to sleep. Insufficient rest is also considered the cause of a drop in immunity.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Congenital pathology of the respiratory system.
  • Irregular structure of the alveoli, resulting in impaired gas exchange.
  • Traumatic injury to the respiratory system.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Bad environmental situation.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Foreign body in the airways.
  • Chemical burn.

There are certain risk factors that increase a person's chances of getting submitteddisease. These include: congestive heart failure, smoking, lying down for a long time, a condition characterized by insufficient immune function, excessive alcohol consumption.


Community-acquired bilateral pneumonia
Community-acquired bilateral pneumonia

The symptoms of bilateral pneumonia are not easy to recognize. The fact is that they are similar to signs of other respiratory diseases. The main symptoms of inflammation in the lungs include:

  • A sharp rise in temperature to high levels, and it is impossible to bring it down with antipyretics.
  • Headache.
  • Increased breathlessness and sweating.
  • Chills.
  • Chest pain.
  • On examination, the doctor discovers that the patient's breathing is noisy, there are wheezing.
  • Sleep disorder.
  • Violation of the functionality of the stomach and intestines.
  • General malaise.
  • Pain in muscle tissue.
  • Frequent heartbeat.
  • Deterioration of appetite.
  • General intoxication of the body.
  • Cough, which produces sputum containing bloody impurities. This symptom does not appear in every patient.
  • Change in skin tone and rashes on the face.

Bilateral pneumonia is an acute pathology, so the first symptoms are observed within a few hours after the activation of the pathogen. But their intensity depends on the severity of the disease, as well as the stage of its development.

Varieties of pathology

Bilateral pneumonia of the lungs is characterized by damage to the lower lobes of the organs. In children, another type of pathology is more often observed - polysegmental. In general, the following types of disease can be distinguished:

  1. Total. It is considered the most dangerous, as it is the most difficult to treat. The inflammatory process spreads to all lungs. It is developing rapidly.
  2. Double-sided drain. There are several small foci of inflammation that merge into one. However, there are still he althy areas in the respiratory organs.
  3. Bilateral lower lobe. The inflammatory process covers only the lower lobe of the lung. The risk group includes bedridden patients, elderly patients, people with a high degree of obesity, diabetics, HIV-infected people.
  4. Polysegmental. In this case, several areas are affected, where a large number of alveoli are located. The main danger of this form is that it develops rapidly. It can be determined only with the help of an x-ray, and not at the first stage of development. The person needs to be hospitalized urgently.

As for the degree of severity, here we can distinguish heavy, medium and light. In addition, the inflammatory process can be acute, chronic or protracted. With improper treatment or late treatment of a person in a medical facility, pneumonia is complicated by the addition of other pathologies.

The following forms of the disease can be distinguished by the form of infection:

  • Community-acquired bilateral pneumonia.
  • Aspiration.
  • Inpatient.
  • Causeddue to the state of immunodeficiency.

A person can get sick not only at home, but also in hospital conditions (if he is in a lying position for a long time).

Development stages

Bilateral pneumonia in adults develops in several stages:

  1. The first stage is the tide. It lasts from 12 hours to 3 days. There is a rapid filling of the vessels of the lungs with blood. This forms a fibrous exudate.
  2. Second. The tissues of the organ become denser, and erythrocytes appear in the alveolar exudate. This stage lasts 1-3 days.
  3. Third. Over the next 2-6 days, the breakdown of red blood cells occurs, and a large number of white blood cells accumulate in the alveoli.
  4. Fourth. At this stage, the tissues of the respiratory organs begin to recover.

These stages are characteristic of pneumonia if it is uncomplicated.

Diagnostic features

Diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia
Diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia

If there are symptoms of bilateral pneumonia in an adult, this diagnosis must be confirmed. Diagnosis in this case is not difficult. It includes the following procedures:

  1. X-ray. Conducted to detect the disease, as well as to control the quality of treatment.
  2. Examination of the patient's sputum, which is expectorated (this is how the causative agent of the pathology is determined, as well as its sensitivity to antibacterial agents).
  3. Blood test. In this way, the form and severity of the inflammatory process can be identified.

The sooner will be delivereddiagnosis, the better the patient's prognosis.

Traditional Therapy

Drug treatment of bilateral pneumonia
Drug treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia in adults is carried out only in a hospital. First of all, it is required to eliminate the inflammatory process, restore the function of the respiratory organs, and also get rid of the intoxication of the body. During therapy, the patient is required to comply with bed rest.

Medicated treatment involves taking antibiotics. They are selected depending on which pathogen provoked the disease. Penicillins, macrolides or cephalosporins are used. They will have to be taken within 10 days.

In difficult situations, the patient is given drugs intramuscularly or intravenously. The entire prescribed course of antibiotics must be completed. During therapy, the patient needs to eat high-calorie foods, drink enough water. Immunity is also strengthened with the help of vitamin complexes. Often a specialist may prescribe oxygen inhalation.

Antihistamines, sputum thinners, antipyretics are also needed.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy treatment of bilateral pneumonia
Physiotherapy treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia is treated for a long time. After the acute period has passed, the doctors will prescribe the patient a course of restorative physiotherapy procedures. Useful is a massage in the lungs. It has an overall strengthening effect.

Additional procedures,that can speed up recovery are electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, as well as breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises.

You can't self-medicate. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will develop even more, and pathological changes will be irreversible.

Folk remedies

Unconventional recipes are good at helping to cope with the disease if they are used in combination with drugs. You should not use them on your own - it is better to consult a doctor first. The following tools will be useful:

  1. Liquid dry cough will help decoction based on licorice root.
  2. Radish juice promotes better expectoration.
  3. Butter and propolis strengthen the body's defenses, stimulating them to fight the disease and its pathogen.
  4. Eucalyptus decoction for inhalation. After them, the patient becomes easier to breathe, the whole body is strengthened.
  5. Mustard will help improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues of the respiratory organs. It should be rubbed on the back (dry powder is used). The tool is kept on the back for only 1 minute, and then removed from the skin. After the procedure, the patient should wear a warm sweater.
  6. Honey cakes. Mustard, alcohol and honey should be combined in equal proportions. To make a cake, flour is added to the mixture. A compress should be applied to the back for 2-3 hours.

Folk medicines can be used even after the patient's recovery in order to strengthen the body.

Complications,spreading to the respiratory organs

Bilateral pneumonia in an adult danger
Bilateral pneumonia in an adult danger

If the treatment of bilateral pneumonia was not carried out in time, then the patient develops complications. First of all, in the tissues of the respiratory organs, irreversible consequences occur in the tissues. The patient has the following complications:

  • Development of repeated pathological foci, which are more intense and difficult to treat.
  • Asthma.
  • Gangrene of the lungs.
  • Abscess that will have to be surgically removed.
  • An obstructive respiratory disease that cannot be completely cured.
  • Exudative pleurisy.

These complications only affect the respiratory system, but there may be other consequences.

Other consequences

Negatively, pneumonia also affects other body systems: the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system. The consequences of bilateral pneumonia are:

  • Psychosis, nervous breakdown.
  • Toxic shock due to intoxication of the body with bacterial waste products.
  • Anemia.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Inflammation of the membranes of the brain - meningitis.

During treatment, the body is exposed to strong antibiotics, so the defenses are weakened. This leads to the activation of fungi. Allergies also occur, the digestion process is disturbed. These complications can be managed, but this should only be done after the course of antibiotic therapy has ended.


The main danger of bilateral pneumonia in an adult is serious complications and the rapid development of the underlying pathology. It is better to prevent its occurrence altogether. For this, the following preventive measures should be observed:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Temper and strengthen the body with vitamin preparations.
  3. Eat well.
  4. Get a flu shot.
  5. Exercise regularly, get a good night's sleep, don't overwork.
  6. Give up bad habits, especially smoking.

Bilateral pneumonia can be fatal, so it must be de alt with as soon as the first symptoms appear. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited.
