Diseases and conditions 2024, October

How to identify bronchitis at home: symptoms and signs of the disease

How to identify bronchitis at home: symptoms and signs of the disease

Many are wondering how to determine bronchitis on their own at home. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of this disease, which will be described in this article. You can also find information about what are the causes of this disease, and how to treat it

Postthrombophlebitic disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Postthrombophlebitic disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Post-thrombophlebitic disease is characterized by chronic difficulty in the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities, which develops after deep vein thrombosis. Clinically, this pathological condition can manifest itself only a few years after acute thrombosis

Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications

Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications

Rhinitis, or runny nose, is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which occurs as a result of infection or allergic elements entering the body. In most cases, a prolonged runny nose in an adult or a child is an independent pathology, but sometimes it develops as a symptom of another disease, for example, measles, SARS, influenza

Why does the back of the head itch: causes and treatment

Why does the back of the head itch: causes and treatment

Itching of the scalp is an unpleasant phenomenon. Severe discomfort appears with burning and peeling on the back of the head. Often this is associated with allergies, skin ailments, infection with a fungus. Why the back of the head itches is described in the article

How to detect internal bleeding? Types of bleeding and ways to stop them

How to detect internal bleeding? Types of bleeding and ways to stop them

In the article, we will look at how to determine internal bleeding. This is a pathological condition in which there is an outpouring of blood either into the natural cavities of the body (bladder, stomach, lungs, uterus, joint cavity, etc.), or into the space artificially formed by this blood (intermuscular, retroperitoneal). Symptoms of internal bleeding depend on the degree of blood loss and its localization

Treatment of skin dermatitis: drug review. Ointments for skin dermatitis

Treatment of skin dermatitis: drug review. Ointments for skin dermatitis

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, which is directly related to the state of the endocrine and immune systems of the body. The disease can be both independent and complex, associated with other pathological processes

What is fatty liver? Symptoms, treatments and diet for the disease

What is fatty liver? Symptoms, treatments and diet for the disease

What is fatty liver? This is a degenerative disease. It is characterized by a violation of the metabolism of fats in hepatocytes with their gradual accumulation in the organ. The disease is most often diagnosed in women over 45 years of age. Men suffer from its manifestations much less frequently

What is extrasystole: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is extrasystole: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Extrasystole is a pathology, the course of which is characterized by the occurrence of unplanned contractions of the heart. The disease, depending on the localization of ectopic areas, has several types. The most dangerous and common is ventricular extrasystole. If you experience anxiety symptoms, you should contact a cardiologist. The doctor will issue a referral for a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of which he will draw up the most effective treatment regimen

Solodovnikova's solution: composition, how to prepare, feedback on the application

Solodovnikova's solution: composition, how to prepare, feedback on the application

Finding reliable and objective information about how to treat diseases with hydrogen peroxide is quite difficult. At the same time, today you can often hear about the so-called Solodovnikova solution. What is the peculiarity of this non-traditional remedy? What are the principles of its therapeutic action? For those who are interested in the composition of Solodovnikova's solution, the method of application and indications for use, this article is presented

Chronic cholangitis: symptoms and treatment, nutritional advice

Chronic cholangitis: symptoms and treatment, nutritional advice

What is chronic cholangitis? Basic information, statistical data. Causes of the disease. Symptoms in the first and late stages of the disease. Possible complications. Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. Medical and surgical therapy. Disease prognosis and prevention

What is apoplexy? Causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of the disease

What is apoplexy? Causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of the disease

In the article we will consider what apoplexy is. Pathology is a sudden rupture of the tissues of this organ, which provokes the development of bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Rupture of the ovary is accompanied by a powerful pain syndrome

Herpes on the thigh: photos, symptoms and treatment

Herpes on the thigh: photos, symptoms and treatment

Viruses causing herpes on the thigh. Causes of infection. risk factors. Symptoms are general and specific. How is the diagnosis carried out? Scheme of therapy, drug treatment and folk remedies. Complications. Infection prevention

Tip of tongue numb: causes and what to do? What diseases can cause numbness of the tip of the tongue

Tip of tongue numb: causes and what to do? What diseases can cause numbness of the tip of the tongue

In addition to the common symptoms of diseases, we can also feel strange, unusual. For example, a numb tip of the tongue. What can such a state say? How does it manifest itself? Why is the tip of the tongue numb? How dangerous can such a symptom be? What to do if it is found? We will answer these and other important questions on the topic in the course of the article

What causes protein in urine? Increased protein in the urine - causes. General urine analysis in adults - transcript

What causes protein in urine? Increased protein in the urine - causes. General urine analysis in adults - transcript

Protein (protein) is the main building material in the human body. It is present in all its organs, tissues and environments. Normally, protein in the urine is determined in very small quantities, since the kidneys carefully filter it out during reabsorption processes

Recurrent bronchitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Recurrent bronchitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Recurrent bronchitis is a re-evolving protracted inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which recurs up to 3 or more times during the year, but does not lead to irreversible impairment of the functional properties of the respiratory system. The disease in most cases is accompanied by subfebrile condition, rough wet cough, sometimes wheezing and bronchospasm

What are colon polyps? Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation period after removal

What are colon polyps? Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation period after removal

What are colon polyps? These are benign neoplasms formed from the glandular epithelium and having a wide base or leg. The disease is mostly asymptomatic. Signs appear with an increase in the volume of polyps. This pathology occurs quite often. Most neoplasms are detected in the rectum and colon. To date, there is no consensus on the nature of their origin

Alcohol overdose: symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences

Alcohol overdose: symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences

Long feast, protracted holidays, stress relief after busy working days, parties with friends - all this is often accompanied by the intake of alcoholic beverages. Many people lose control over the quantity and compatibility of the products they use. The result is an alcohol overdose

High fever and cough: what to do, how to treat

High fever and cough: what to do, how to treat

High fever and cough - evidence that an infectious inflammatory process is developing in the body. And do not be deceived about exactly where it develops: if there is a cough, then patients think that the cause of the ailment is the lungs. This is not always the case, coughing can only be an accompanying symptom

Bile regurgitation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Bile regurgitation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

When belching bile, it is not recommended to start treatment on your own and take any medications. All pathologies that exist today have certain characteristics, so their treatment will be different. If you do not like hospitals, but after a week after the start of treatment, the symptoms have not disappeared, then in this case it is better to consult a qualified specialist

Purulent cholangitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Purulent cholangitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The inflammatory process of the bile ducts caused by non-specific pathogens is called cholangitis. This is a fairly common ailment, and depending on the pathological changes that occur in the walls of the bile ducts, cholangitis is distinguished: purulent, necrotic, catarrhal and diphtheric. This article will focus on the purulent form of the disease

Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is psoriasis in the ears? What are the reasons for its occurrence? General and specific symptoms. Stages of development of the disease. Diagnosis, directions of treatment, basic medications and folk remedies. Features of ear care, possible complications, consequences

Heat in the head: causes, symptoms and what to do

Heat in the head: causes, symptoms and what to do

What is a fever in the head? Because of what it can occur? Emotional stress, allergies, improper diet, skin problems, bad habits, heat or sunstroke, hormonal disorders, vascular diseases and other causes. What to do if you feel such heat?

Complications of chickenpox, possible consequences of the disease

Complications of chickenpox, possible consequences of the disease

Many people consider chickenpox to be a harmless disease. However, this viral infection often leads to dangerous consequences. The older the person, the more severe this disease is. Adults are much more likely to develop complications of chickenpox than children. Why is windmill dangerous? And how to treat the consequences of infection? We will answer these questions in the article

Chronic pancreatitis: treatment and prevention

Chronic pancreatitis: treatment and prevention

This is a pathology that is a progressive damage to the pancreas, which is inflammatory in nature and provokes failures of intrasecretory and exocrine functions. During the period of exacerbation of the permanent form of the pathology, some painful sensations appear in the upper peritoneal part and in the hypochondrium on the left, various dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, gag reflex, heartburn and swelling, yellowing of the skin and sclera may also be observed

Foot massage for varicose veins at home: types, massage lines, indications and contraindications

Foot massage for varicose veins at home: types, massage lines, indications and contraindications

This pathology is the problem of the whole world today. Now it affects even young people in their 20s and 30s, while it used to occur much later in patients. The main symptoms of the early stages of the disease are heaviness in the legs, swelling, feeling of fatigue, severe discomfort

Symptoms and treatment of myositis

Symptoms and treatment of myositis

The article describes the causes of myositis development, indicates its main clinical symptoms and methods of treatment

Blown neck: symptoms and treatment

Blown neck: symptoms and treatment

Probably every person is familiar with the sensations that one has to experience if the neck is blown. Acute pain is not only unpleasant - it also limits mobility. Naturally, anyone wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. That is why now we will talk about what to do if your neck suddenly blew out, and also about the symptoms and signs

Treatment of the pancreas with pills. Tablets from the pancreas. Pancreatic disease: treatment

Treatment of the pancreas with pills. Tablets from the pancreas. Pancreatic disease: treatment

In the upper part of the abdominal cavity, there is an unpaired organ - the pancreas. It performs important tasks, participates in various processes of the body

Concussion: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, consequences

Concussion: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, consequences

Concussion treatment is implemented in several stages. Full rehabilitation takes at least one year. Experts recommend not to self-medicate, but be sure to contact the clinic for a complete diagnosis in order to exclude serious consequences of injury

Symptoms and treatment of pityriasis versicolor

Symptoms and treatment of pityriasis versicolor

The sun gives life to all living beings and plants, and you can't argue with that. But the life-giving rays in some cases cause significant harm: intense sunburn under the scorching sun can lead to the development of solar lichen in a person - a relatively serious skin disease and its change. The article describes the causes and course of the disease, its symptoms, treatment of pityriasis versicolor, as well as the use of preventive measures

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies: effective methods and reviews

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies: effective methods and reviews

The reason for the appearance of the fungus are pathogenic microorganisms. They can get on human skin when using someone else's shoes, towels, and other hygiene items. In other words, getting infected with onychomycosis and other types of mycosis is quite simple, but it will take much more time to fight it. Fortunately, there are a huge number of both drugs and all kinds of folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus, which will eliminate unpleasant symptoms and will not cause side effects

SARS in children: treatment, symptoms, complications, prevention

SARS in children: treatment, symptoms, complications, prevention

Treatment of SARS in children should be comprehensive and timely. Therapy implies the use of medications, strict adherence to bed rest, ensuring complete rest for the baby. In addition, it is important to provide sufficient warm drink, gentle nutrition

Treatment of foot fungus with effective drugs and folk methods

Treatment of foot fungus with effective drugs and folk methods

Foot fungus is a widespread dermatological disease. The essence of the disease lies in the damage to the tissues of the lower extremities by pathogenic spores. To catch an infection, contact with the infection in conditions of high humidity is enough. What are the effective ways to quickly treat foot fungus? The most effective pharmacological agents and folk recipes that will eliminate the trouble, I would like to consider in our publication

Obstructive bronchitis in children: treatment, symptoms, causes

Obstructive bronchitis in children: treatment, symptoms, causes

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children must be comprehensive and timely, as it is important to prevent complications. For therapy in a child, medications, traditional medicine, massage and inhalation are used

What causes warts and what to do about them

What causes warts and what to do about them

There are many different rumors about warts, for example, that they appear from frogs or unwashed hands. All this is complete nonsense. The reason why warts appear is completely different! Which? Read the article

The reason for the appearance of warts on the hands. How to avoid them?

The reason for the appearance of warts on the hands. How to avoid them?

Warts are a very common, rather ugly, but in most cases painless and harmless disease. The most prudent thing to do when they appear is to ignore them, at least until they grow larger or begin to change color. Although it's worth a visit to the doctor to be sure, to make sure that you have become the owner of a wart, and not something worse

There are bruises on my legs for no reason, what should I do?

There are bruises on my legs for no reason, what should I do?

Bruises on the legs can appear unexpectedly. And not necessarily due to strokes, when subcutaneous capillaries are damaged. Bruises sometimes appear on the legs, even if the person did not bruise about anything. And most often it is women who complain about such cases. Moreover, age and complexion do not play a role. Bruises on the legs for no reason in women primarily appear on thin and delicate skin

White lichen: causes, treatment, consequences

White lichen: causes, treatment, consequences

Many people associate the word "lichen" with a dangerous disease. In fact, this opinion is wrong. This term usually means a whole group of pathologies of the skin. From the materials of this article, you will learn what symptoms are accompanied by white lichen, whether this type of disease is contagious or not, how to deal with it correctly

Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?

Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?

Miliaria is considered a common occurrence in young children, which brings discomfort to babies. Irritation of the skin appears from the accumulation of sweat in some places. A secret accumulates in the sweat glands, which can form blisters, spots, itching, peeling. The causes and treatment of prickly heat in newborns are described in the article

Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment at home

During the autumn-winter period, adults and children often experience symptoms of laryngitis. Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis and classification of the disease. In the fight for he alth, medicines and recipes of traditional medicine are used