Obstructive bronchitis in children: treatment, symptoms, causes

Obstructive bronchitis in children: treatment, symptoms, causes
Obstructive bronchitis in children: treatment, symptoms, causes

Obstructive bronchitis in children can become a frequent complication of viral infections if the disease is not treated in a timely manner. This disease is characterized by the fact that during its course the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchial tree are affected. It can occur in acute and chronic form, and also eventually turn into bronchial asthma. Viral and bronchial infections provoke the onset of the disease.

It is important to treat obstructive bronchitis in children comprehensively and in a timely manner to prevent complications.

Causes of occurrence

Children are much more likely than adults to experience complications after a respiratory infection. This is due to certain physiological characteristics of the growing organism and some external factors. The following reasons for the frequent occurrence of acute obstructive bronchitis in children can be identified:

  • congestion in the bronchi;
  • unformed immunity;
  • narrow bronchi;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • complications of childbirth and intrauterine fetal pathologies;
  • vitamin deficiency in the body;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • adverse climatic conditions;
  • Smoking parents.
Obstructive bronchitis in a child
Obstructive bronchitis in a child

For these reasons, preschool children are much more likely to develop obstructive bronchitis than older children. The disease can begin with the course of a viral respiratory infection or with hypothermia of a weakened child. In a one-year-old baby, helminths can provoke the occurrence of this disease. There are also other causes of obstructive bronchitis in children, for example, poor heredity. If parents often suffer from this disease, then there is a high probability that the child will also be affected.

General symptoms

Signs of obstructive bronchitis in children are not always sufficiently pronounced, as many colds are accompanied by a cough. Unpleasant coughing should definitely alert parents. Among the main symptoms that appear in a child during the course of bronchitis, the following should be highlighted:

  • cough;
  • wheezing;
  • shortness of breath.

Cough mainly occurs during the day and becomes more severe in the morning, as well as during physical work. Coughing increases sharply in the presence of allergens that irritate the respiratory system. The intensity of the cough can be very strong, and it literally exhausts the child.

Wheezing may occur due to insufficientthe amount of oxygen. An unpleasant sound is mainly heard when inhaling. The child begins to wheeze, breathes very quickly and intermittently. However, he is not always able to cough up sputum. In this case, be sure to call the doctor.

Regarding obstructive bronchitis in children, Komarovsky says that they often experience shortness of breath, especially during sleep. In severe cases, hypoxia, fatigue, increased sweating and weakness may develop. A small temperature is also possible with obstructive bronchitis in children. Many doctors consider it not an independent disease, but a symptom that is observed in diseases with a high temperature, for example, with SARS or tonsillitis.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Features of the course of the disease in infants

Obstructive bronchitis in children under one year old is quite difficult to diagnose, since the baby cannot independently explain what exactly worries him. However, the course of the disease can be recognized by the following signs:

  • excruciating cough leading to vomiting;
  • excessive chest swelling;
  • wheezing;
  • hoarse cry;
  • temperature increase.
Bronchitis in babies
Bronchitis in babies

All these signs should alert parents very much, since it is very important for a baby to diagnose the course of the disease in a timely manner and carry out complex treatment.

Chronic form

Treatmentobstructive bronchitis in children must necessarily begin immediately when the first signs of the disease occur. Therapy for acute and chronic forms is somewhat different. The chronic form occurs as a result of the penetration of the infection and its multiplication in the respiratory tract.

The first manifestations resemble an attack of bronchial asthma, but there are no signs of allergy. The syndrome in a chronic form occurs, as a rule, when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract.


Recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children can lead to complications such as pneumonia and asthma, which is why timely and comprehensive diagnosis is required, as well as well-conducted treatment. Diagnosis is based on the following methods:

  • blood and urine test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • spirometry;
  • physical research;
  • bronchoscopy.

If you have bronchitis, your blood tests will show an elevated ESR. A chest x-ray can help identify possible damage to lung tissue, as well as the presence of comorbidities.

Diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis
Diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis

Spirometry indicates the characteristics of breathing, the severity of obstruction, as well as the magnitude of impaired ventilation. Physical examination helps determine the presence of a whistling sound and hard breathing. With the help of bronchoscopy, the condition of the bronchial mucosa is determined. However, the doctor often diagnoses the disease on the basis of an external examination andlistening to the bronchi with a phonendoscope.

Features of treatment

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children involves the creation of the most favorable conditions for the baby, which contribute to faster recovery and normalization of well-being. If the child has a fever and fever, then he must strictly observe bed rest. At normal temperatures, you can not adhere to this rule, but it is important to exclude significant physical exertion.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children involves a whole range of different activities. To get rid of the disease, you need to use:

  • drugs;
  • folk therapy;
  • inhalations.

In addition, physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics are shown, which will help eliminate inflammation and expel sputum more quickly.

Medicated treatment

Obstructive bronchitis in a child 2 years of age and older is treated with the use of bronchodilator drugs. For example, drugs such as Ventolin, Salbutamol or Salbuvent are used. They differ in the combined composition and longer action. Bronchodilators come in the form:

  • syrups;
  • pills;
  • powders for inhalation solution;
  • aerosols in cans.

Determine the choice of medications will help consult a doctor. In the presence of bronchial obstruction that has arisenagainst the background of SARS, anticholinergics will be quite effective. Most positive reviews deserved the drug "Atrovent". The result of using this drug is noticeable literally 20 minutes after its use.

Bronchitis treatment
Bronchitis treatment

If the child additionally has atopic dermatitis, as well as other concomitant manifestations of allergies, then antihistamines are prescribed. For babies, Zirtek drops and analogues of this medicine are well suited, and older children can take Claritin. In severe forms of the disease, glucocorticoids may be prescribed.

Antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis in children are prescribed only if the fever persists for more than 3 days, and the inflammatory process does not decrease. In this case, the use of macrolides, cephalosporins or penicillins is indicated.

In addition, the use of cough medicines is recommended. Among the wide range of such drugs, it is necessary to highlight drugs with ambroxol, for example, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Flavamed. The dosage is determined individually and depends on the weight and age of the child. After the course of treatment, when coughing attacks become less painful, expectorants are prescribed. Preference is best given to the following herbal medicines:

  • Bronchosan;
  • Gedelix;
  • Gerbion;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • "Prospan";
  • Tussin.

Depending on the characteristics of the flowdisease, the doctor may additionally prescribe other drugs at his discretion.


To be able to quickly and effectively cure acute obstructive bronchitis in children, reduce swelling and facilitate the passage of sputum, inhalations are prescribed using a nebulizer. To eliminate dry and painful cough, as well as sputum that is difficult to separate, mucolytics are used, which additionally have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Inhalations for bronchitis
Inhalations for bronchitis

Inhalations with medicinal herbs have a good effect. All medications for the nebulizer are selected taking into account the age and well-being of the child.

Massage and gymnastics

With obstructive bronchitis in a 2-year-old child, massage and breathing exercises are very useful, as they contribute to faster sputum discharge. You just need to lightly tap the edge of your palm on the back of the child. At an older age, children are encouraged to inhale while lightly tapping on the chest.

Special breathing exercises are also recommended, which stimulate the body and help get rid of accumulated sputum. For example, a child might blow up a balloon or blow out a candle.

Folk remedies

When obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in a child, folk remedies can be used only after consultation with the attending doctor, so as not to aggravate the baby's condition. Non-traditional methods have been used for a long time and have already managed to prove theirperformance.

Lingonberry tea
Lingonberry tea

Various warm compresses can be very helpful, but they should not be taken if the child has even a slight fever. For better sputum discharge, it is recommended to drink lingonberry syrup. You should not put jars, mustard plasters, and also do inhalations with essential oils, as such actions can provoke bronchospasm.

When is hospitalization required?

If the disease proceeds in a very severe stage, then obstructive bronchitis in children Komarovsky recommends treating exclusively in a hospital. Among the main indications for urgent hospitalization of a child, it is necessary to highlight:

  • baby's small age;
  • appearance of signs of poisoning of the body;
  • presence of respiratory failure.

If respiratory contractions become more frequent, then this is a serious reason for further observation in a hospital. With a lack of oxygen, a pronounced cyanosis of the lips is observed.

If a child is undergoing therapy at home, then do not neglect the recommendations of the attending doctor, as this can lead to very serious and dangerous consequences.

What are the complications?

The course of the disease is very difficult to predict in advance. As a rule, when carrying out the correct treatment, complications do not occur, only unpleasant symptoms can appear periodically, which disappear when a certain age is reached. However, with the progression of the inflammatory process, there may be a significantdecrease in local defense of the body. This leads to complications, among which it is necessary to highlight:

  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute respiratory failure.

Absolutely any pathological process that develops against the background of obstructive bronchitis can be dangerous in its own way. Some complications can persist even throughout life, significantly reducing its duration and bringing suffering. Acute conditions threaten that the recovery process slows down significantly, which seriously undermines the he alth of the child and threatens with a fatal outcome.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent the occurrence of obstructive bronchitis and subsequently prevent the development of dangerous complications, it is imperative to carry out certain preventive measures, which include:

  • vaccinations against childhood infectious diseases;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system;
  • eliminate contact with allergens;
  • prevent foreign bodies from entering the respiratory system;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • gradual hardening of the body.
Prevention of bronchitis
Prevention of bronchitis

If a child at least once fell ill with obstructive bronchitis, then there is a high probability of relapse. That is why it is important to have funds available that will help to quickly stop the first signs of the disease.
