Heat in the head: causes, symptoms and what to do

Heat in the head: causes, symptoms and what to do
Heat in the head: causes, symptoms and what to do

Appearing, some symptoms of diseases can disturb a person with their unusualness. For example, a fever in the head. This feeling can arise quite by accident and, it would seem, for no reason - at work, while traveling by transport, while walking or relaxing. Why is it felt? Is this manifestation dangerous? What can cause it? How to determine what happens to the body when there is a heat in the head? You will find answers to all these questions below.

What is this?

In fact, the heat in the head is a rather subjective sensation. But, nevertheless, indicating the real presence of pathology. Depending on the specific case, it can be very different:

  1. The head is thrown into heat, after which the burning sensation spreads to the neck, shoulders, back and spreads throughout the body.
  2. The feeling of discomfort is combined with a severe headache in the back of the head, crown, forehead or temporal zone.
  3. The symptom of heat in the head can manifest itself both with elevated body temperature and without it at all.
  4. Often a burning sensation is combined with increased sweating.
  5. In some casesthe skin of the face changes its color - turns pink, and even becomes red and even crimson.
  6. Along with the heat in the head, there is an increase in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate.

Of course, all these manifestations are of a different nature, although a person feels the same. Why does the feeling arise? The reasons are many. From malfunction of blood vessels to overstrain of the nervous system. The most common cause of fever in the head, doctors call it the ebb and flow of blood to it. Due to the expansion-constriction of blood vessels. This process is accompanied by an unpleasant feeling - it seems to you that this part of the body is burning or baking.

Let's get acquainted with the main causes of a fever in the head. Let's start with the simplest, most common, non-dangerous and end with serious, pathological conditions that are accompanied by a similar symptom.

fever in the head causes
fever in the head causes

Emotional overstrain

Rushing blood can cause various strong emotions and sensations - anger, fear, rage, annoyance, shame, despair and intense mental anguish. For some people, excessive intellectual overexertion, by the way, can also be accompanied by pain and heat in the head.

Additionally, there are symptoms such as reddening of the face. The condition is not dangerous for life and he alth. But this is a signal for you to put things off, calm down, pull yourself together. Try to abstract from the problem - both in thoughts and in space. Get out of the room, take a walk in the fresh air. As soon as you calm down, the headache and fever in the head will disappear on their own.yourself.

Wrong diet

It may seem unexpected, but unhe althy food is also one of the common causes of this manifestation. In particular, too spicy foods, products with an excess of monosodium glutamate can be a sufficient reason. Head gets hot for a short time.

This short-term feeling of high temperature, by the way, has its own name - "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome". There is a lot of fast food, literally supersaturated with monosodium glutamate. This substance excites the brain cells to such an extent that there is a feeling that the head is heating up, heating up. It goes away on its own over time.


If you feel not only heat, but also feel itchy skin, rashes, sores appear, then this sign indicates the beginning of an allergic reaction. He deserves attention! But what to do with the heat in the head in this case? You need to protect yourself from exposure to a factor that irritates the immune system.

If you already have a diagnosed allergy, you should take an antihistamine prescribed by your doctor. If you are experiencing a reaction for the first time, this is a good reason to urgently contact an allergist.

fever in the head
fever in the head

Skin problems

Another reason is the presence of diseases affecting the scalp. Many of them are accompanied by an unpleasant burning symptom. In particular, dermatitis. You may also find severe dandruff, rashes, excruciating itching.

As for the causes of the heat in the head in women, you can additionally highlight the wrongselection of cosmetics - shampoos, hair masks, coloring, brightening curls drugs. Influencing the skin, they can irritate it so much that there is a feeling of a strong incessant burning sensation, as if covering the entire head.

Bad habits

Addiction to alcohol and tobacco products can also be a sufficient reason for feeling hot in your head. Why? As for nicotine, under its influence blood vessels narrow. As a result, blood flow to the brain is hindered. It may feel like an unpleasant burning sensation. Also, for the same reason, tobacco smoking is accompanied by a headache for many people.

In people who abuse alcohol, this feeling of heat often appears. Due to the fact that the areas of the brain responsible for vascular tone, the autonomic, endocrine system are affected. The brain under the influence of alcohol begins to behave like an inept worker. Unexpectedly and for no reason, it "turns on" a rush of blood to the brain, which is why the person also feels a strange and incomprehensible sensation of heat.


Sufficiently serious cause of fever. This symptom can indicate both heatstroke and sunstroke. They lead to a rush of blood to the head, since under these conditions the vessels dilate.

Sunny, heatstroke can be recognized by additional symptoms:

  1. Vomiting.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Severe headache.
  4. Turnout or loss of consciousness.

Be sure to take the victim to a cool, shaded place. Give him enoughamount of water, offer cold compresses until qualified medical help arrives.

throws in the heat of the head the reasons
throws in the heat of the head the reasons

Hormonal disorders

We also note that a similar symptom can also indicate a period of hormonal changes in the body. For example, about menopause, premenstrual syndrome. During these periods, the proportion of the female hormone called estrogen, which is responsible for vascular tone, decreases in the body. Why its deficiency can lead to a violation of their regulation, which is displayed by periodic ebb and flow of blood to and from the head. It is felt by a person as heat, burning. A woman may also complain of increased sweating, a feeling of lack of air.

This problem is also typical for men. Only in the case of a decrease in the level of the male hormone - testosterone. This is observed during menopause, any pathologies, diseases, injuries that affect the testicles. The lack of sex hormone is displayed on the tone of the blood vessels. Their systematic expansions, spasms occur. As a result, it seems that the head is baked, the ears and face turn red.

Problems with the vascular system

If flushes to the head are not associated with menopause, menopause, we can talk about the presence of problems with the vascular system itself. In particular, the development of atherosclerosis and subsequent hypertension.

The very heat in the head may indicate a hypertensive crisis. Since it is in this case that the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. Along with the fever, you may feel a headache.

However, the dangerhypertensive crisis in that it cannot manifest itself as symptoms in any way. You continue to feel well while this serious pathological condition develops. You can notice it in time with regular measurements of blood pressure with a tonometer. If the pressure rises above your "working" level, you must urgently take the medicine prescribed by your doctor.

throws his head on fire
throws his head on fire


This symptom can be felt by people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia. In particular, it indicates the onset of a vagoinsular crisis (attack during VVD). The reason for this is the "unbalance" of the body, a violation of both its thermoregulation and control over vascular tone.

A vagoinsular attack, in addition to baking in the head, can also be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness or, conversely, strange excitement.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Panic mood.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Dry mouth.
  6. Unreasonable rumbling in the stomach.
  7. Presyncope.


Heat in the head speaks of endocrine problems. In particular, about hyperthyroidism - an increased function of the thyroid gland. In this pathological condition, it produces a little more thyroid hormones than the body needs. They, in turn, speed up the metabolism.

In this condition, there is an increase in body temperature, and a sensation of heat, baking in the head. Moreover, the patient is in an excited state, he has a rapid heartbeat,trembling limbs, increased sweating.

fever in the head what to do
fever in the head what to do


A common "popular" name is "dropsy of the brain". This disease is accompanied by increased intracranial pressure. Because of this, patients may feel fever, unpleasant burning sensation in the head, pain.

Most often these unpleasant sensations haunt a person in the morning. However, in the case of a neglected disease, the symptoms continue to torment all day. In addition to them, the following is noted:

  1. Vomiting.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Disorder of visual function.
  4. Difficulty breathing.
  5. Drowsy.

Gastrointestinal surgery

It would seem, what is the connection? But everything is explained simply: digestion is largely regulated by the hormonal system of the intestine. Substances it produces include dilating blood vessels and activating the vagus nerve.

During the operation, the hormonal system can be affected, damaged, which turns into a violation of its functioning. One of the consequences is a rush of blood to the head due to vasodilation, which is felt by a person as a fever.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system

Here it must be said about cervical osteochondrosis and spinal injury. Under such conditions, excessive irritation of the nerve endings occurs. Consequences of what:

  1. Feeling hot in the head.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Headache.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the muscles.

If the cause of neuralgialies precisely in osteochondrosis, burning, baking appears in the crown of the head, and then spreads towards the back of the head.

pain and fever in the head
pain and fever in the head


This symptom may indicate the presence of a tumor in the brain. The fact is that the neoplasm compresses both neighboring tissues and the blood vessels adjacent to them. This makes the patient feel hot, pain in the head. Growing, tumors compress blood vessels more and more, which leads to aggravation of symptoms.

What to do?

If you feel an unreasonable heat in your head, if the symptom torments you periodically, you need to make an urgent visit to the therapist! To find out the cause of this manifestation, you will be assigned diagnostic procedures:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Hormonal blood test.
  3. Drawing up a graph of changes in blood pressure.
  4. MRI.
  5. Cardiogram.
  6. Electroencephalogram.
  7. X-ray.
  8. Echoencephaloscopy.

Based on this, the doctor will make a presumptive diagnosis, redirect you to a narrower specialist - a neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and others. The doctor, based on the results of the diagnosis, on the basis of an accurate diagnosis, will already draw up an individual treatment regimen, which, among other things, will save you from a fever in your head.

symptom of fever in the head
symptom of fever in the head

The symptom we are familiar with is pretty universal. Can talk about a variety of conditions, diseases, serious pathologies. Its true cause can only be established by a specialist onbased on the results of complex diagnostics.
