Sometimes the most harmless diseases and infections can cause serious complications. These include ureaplasma in women, the consequences of which often lead to infertility. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the risks to the body.
What is ureaplasma?
Ureaplasma - microorganisms that do not have a shell and their own DNA. They are able to live only at the expense of other organisms.
To date, there are two subspecies of this bacterium - ureaplasma urealiticum and ureaplasma parvum. Both species inhabit the mucous membranes of the genitals and urinary tract of humans. Sometimes they live in the human body all his life, without causing any discomfort. But it also happens that under certain conditions, bacteria begin to multiply and can cause a variety of inflammations of the reproductive system. Ureaplasma in men and women causes cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the prostate gland, inflammation of the vagina and appendages, endometritis, pyelonephritis and other ailments.

The bacterium is transmitted sexually orin utero. Therefore, the choice of a sexual partner should be approached with caution.
Causes of ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasma is an opportunistic bacterium that every person has, and only under certain conditions does it become dangerous.
"Ureaplasma in women, causes and methods of its treatment" is a topic that everyone should be familiar with. After all, timely diagnosis will help to avoid many complications.
So, the reasons for the growth of pathogenic bacteria:
- Experienced stress and depression.
- Chronic diseases that reduce the protective functions of the body.
- Changes in hormonal levels.
- Abortion and other mechanical interventions.
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Poor personal hygiene.
As mentioned above, this microorganism can live in every person. It is absolutely harmless when it does not exceed its norm. In this regard, some American doctors do not even diagnose it as the causative agent of the disease.

However, when ureaplasma in women (the norm is 103) exceeds the allowable threshold, a variety of he alth problems begin.
Symptoms of disease
The ureaplasma bacterium itself is not terrible. However, it can cause the appearance of other, more dangerous microorganisms - chlamydia, gardnerella, Trichomonas, fungi.
The insidiousness of ureaplasmosis is that the symptoms of the disease do not appear clearly, and sometimes they do not appear at all. The disease passesadvanced stage, and treatment becomes difficult.
When the ureaplasma bacterium in women, the norm of which is 103, begins to exceed its quantity, the following symptoms are observed:
- Elevated body temperature, even slightly.
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
- Vaginal discharge.
- Itching, burning, discomfort when urinating.
- Weakness, chills, feeling unwell.
- Rash, erosion.
Often these symptoms are perceived as a cold. As a result, the visit to a specialist is delayed, and self-treatment does not bring the expected results.

Therefore, the main thing to pay attention to is the selection. Any change should be cause for concern.
Since ureaplasma in women may have different causes, the treatment will be different.
How to treat an ailment?
First of all, you should contact a specialist. Along with ureaplasma, other pathogenic bacteria can also develop. Therefore, the treatment will be complex.
To choose the right medicine, you need to be tested for the causative agent of the disease. This is a sowing of the vaginal flora, as well as a PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction). PCR is the best diagnosis in cases where there are no obvious signs of the disease.

When, after all tests, ureaplasma is found in women, treatment methods will always include antimicrobials, immunostimulants, probiotics, vitamins, as well as medicines fortopical application (suppositories, gels, creams). The patient should be on a diet. It is necessary to exclude everything s alty, spicy, smoked and fatty. Sour-milk products should prevail in the daily diet.
It should be remembered that if the bacterium is detected in a woman, then her partner should also be examined. After all, one of the causes of infertility is ureaplasma in women. The consequences for men are exactly the same.
Ureaplasma in men: symptoms and consequences
Ureaplasmosis is a disease more female than male. Pathogen bacteria are in every he althy body.
Unlike women, men can heal themselves from an illness. But, on the other hand, regardless of whether or not pathogens are found in the representatives of the stronger sex, couples need joint therapy.

As in women, the ureaplasma bacterium can cause inflammation of a different nature in the male body. Infectious agents slow down sperm motility, resulting in asthenospermia (male infertility). In addition, the development of urethritis, epididymitis, and prostatitis is possible.
Timely diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the risk to the body. So, the symptoms of ureaplasmosis in men:
- White discharge from the urethra.
- Itching.
- Discomfort when urinating.
Advanced forms of the disease are the cause of prostatitis and have the following symptoms:
- Increased body temperature.
- Pain in the groin, in the perineum.
- Easyurination.
- Purulent discharge.
Often, advanced forms of the disease lead to sepsis and resuscitation. Therefore, you should be responsible for your he alth.
Ureaplasma during pregnancy: treatment, symptoms and consequences
During pregnancy, a woman's body becomes very vulnerable and susceptible to various infections and diseases. Against this background, the growth of pathogenic bacteria, including ureaplasma, is possible.
Weakened immunity is the main reason why ureaplasma appears in women. The consequences of the disease can be very different - from miscarriages in the early stages to premature birth and fetal pathologies in the later.

The baby becomes infected through the placenta or during childbirth, when it passes through the mother's birth canal. As a result, he may develop infections such as conjunctivitis, pyelonephritis, meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis.
Therefore, women who are planning a pregnancy must undergo all examinations and pass routine tests before it occurs. If the growth of ureaplasma was detected only during pregnancy, do not immediately panic. There are effective treatments that can be used in the second and third trimester. The therapy includes a course of antibiotics, and it is better to take them no earlier than 18-20 weeks, when all the organs of the crumbs have already formed.
It is worth remembering that the untreated infection will have a much more serious effect on the baby than antibiotic therapy. Of course during pregnancyrefrain from any medication, but in the case of ureaplasma, medication is the lesser of two evils.
Every expectant mother should know what harm ureaplasma causes during pregnancy. The consequences and complications of the disease should alert the couple and become a pretext for a radical solution to the problem. Early diagnosis and treatment will save the child from terrible ailments.
So, the symptoms of illness during pregnancy:
- Painful urination.
- Burning and itching in the perineum.
- Discharge, pain in the lower abdomen.
- Increased body temperature, general weakness of the body.
It should be remembered that ureaplasmosis can occur in the body without the slightest symptoms. Therefore, you should not neglect the tests at all stages of pregnancy, and you should also visit your obstetrician-gynecologist on time.
Ureaplasmosis: complications
The ureaplasma bacterium itself is harmless. However, it is the cause of diseases such as colpitis, endometritis, adnexitis, inflammation of the prostate, cervical erosion and others.

The severity of the disease is that 70% of women have absolutely no symptoms. Thus, the disease becomes chronic and difficult to treat. The therapy is carried out in several courses, and there is no guarantee that the cure has occurred completely. Therefore, in order to avoid many he alth problems, you should undergo a medical examination and take tests at least once a year. Early diagnosis is the keysuccessful recovery.
The best prevention of the disease is a constant and proven sexual partner. All random connections should be excluded. As a last resort, you should use a condom. Also, do not forget about a he althy lifestyle and personal hygiene.
Ureaplasma in children
The causative agent of the disease is transmitted sexually or in utero - from mother to child. The baby can become infected through the placenta or during passage through the birth canal. In such cases, the newborn may be diagnosed with severe respiratory diseases, meningitis, conjunctivitis and other diseases.
The disease may not appear immediately, but only after a few years. Symptoms of the disease are completely absent or uncharacteristic for this kind of infection. Since infection occurs during childbirth, bacteria enter the child in two ways - through the genitals and through the nasopharynx. As a result, the lungs suffer from ureaplasma. That is why some children have frequent sore throats and coughs. The genitourinary system suffers less often. For most boys, the infection clears up without any intervention from doctors.
Symptoms of ureaplasma in children:
- Strong and lingering cough.
- Slightly elevated temperature.
- Lack of appetite, weight loss.
- Nausea and headache, rarely vomiting.
Ureaplasmosis in a child is detected in the diagnosis of other diseases. Unlike adults, treatment is carried out permanently. Sometimes the disease leads to irreversible consequences. Therefore, women who are planning a pregnancy,be sure to take an analysis for ureaplasma.
Everyone should be responsible for their he alth. This is especially true for expectant mothers. After all, ureaplasma in women can cause the most unpredictable consequences. For the purpose of prevention, you should undergo an annual medical examination and take all the necessary tests. Timely treatment will save you from many troubles.