Finding reliable and objective information about how to treat diseases with hydrogen peroxide is quite difficult. At the same time, today you can often hear about the so-called Solodovnikova solution. What is the peculiarity of this non-traditional remedy? What are the principles of its therapeutic action? For those who are interested in the composition of Solodovnikova's solution, the method of application and indications for use, this article is presented.
Method author
The creator of the method of treatment, which will be discussed today, is the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Elena Sergeevna Solodovnikova. An infusion drug named after her was patented in 1999 by the Russian Patent and Trademark Agency. Research on the effectiveness of Solodovnikova's solution has been ongoing for the past twenty years.

Drug for detoxification of the body
Based on the tool under discussionlies the simplest medical component - hydrogen peroxide. Using Solodovnikova's solution for a long time, according to doctors, it will be possible to achieve a pronounced detoxification effect. The composition of the drug allows you to accelerate the natural processes of oxidation and quickly remove harmful compounds and toxins from the body (urea, creatinine, ammonia).
Toxic metabolic products are formed in the body of every adult in negligible amounts and do not pose any threat to life and he alth if their amount is within the normal range. In case of ischemia, renal and hepatic insufficiency, destructive-purulent diseases of soft tissues, burns, poisoning, the concentration of nitrogenous deposits may exceed the permissible values, which directly affects the person's well-being in the future.
Against viruses and bacteria
The main advantage of this solution lies in its independent bactericidal properties. Antimicrobial action is against representatives of pathogenic microflora of any type - protozoa, fungi, bacteria, some viruses. When it is used, a certain part of lymphocytes also dies, but after a day the immune system is updated and fully restored due to active modulation.
At home, Solodovnikova's solution is easy to prepare, but we will pay attention to this issue a little later. The infusion preparation contains the simplest components that help in the treatment of viral diseases (various types of herpes, adenovirus and rotavirus infections, Coxsackie,cytomegalovirus, malaria, Epstein-Barr, influenza, hepatitis, rubella, toxoplasmosis and others). As for bacterial infections, the drug is used in the fight against pathogens such as enterococcus, salmonella, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, chlamydia, ureaplasma, trichomonas.

What's in the product
Solodovnikova's solution is positioned as a remedy for correcting the internal state of the body. The drug contains two main components, the first of which is the aforementioned hydrogen peroxide. For the preparation of therapeutic infusion, a 0.15–0.18% solution is used. The second element is a decoction of licorice root 0.5-1%. The complex, which contains inorganic and organic substances, has passed the standard certification procedure. The plant extract is mixed with peroxide, then the resulting sterile liquid is poured into vials of various volumes (250 and 500 ml).
Can I cook at home
How to prepare Solodovnikova's solution yourself? In fact, such a medicine can only be made in a special laboratory, in production. In addition to the proportions that must be observed during the manufacturing process, absolute sterility and impeccable cleanliness of the equipment also play a huge role. Therefore, the author of the patented drug herself does not recommend preparing the treatment solution on her own, however, as well as using it.
What diseases are used for
Composition studies that have been conducted over a multi-year trial period onbase of the Ural Medical Academy, were able to confirm its complete safety. While this tool is not sold freely in the pharmacy network. You can buy it on specialized sites. The drug is suitable for the treatment of patients with purulent-destructive processes, blood poisoning, anaerobic infection.

Solodovnikova's solution has high detoxification, antiseptic, anti-ischemic, analgesic and immunocorrective properties. Among the most popular diseases, in the therapy of which peroxide infusions are used, it is worth noting bronchial asthma, fungal infections, reproductive disorders, and cardiovascular pathologies. However, it is undesirable to use this remedy without prior agreement with the doctor. Like any other drug, the solution has contraindications and side effects.
Asthma and Allergy Treatment Reviews
Patients with a history aggravated by allergies or chronic pathologies of the respiratory system have repeatedly commented on the results of treatment with Solodovnikova's solution. According to reviews, not all patients feel better after taking the drug, but every year there are more and more of those who note a positive trend in the course of their chronic ailments. In the pathological process at an early stage, the use of the solution gives excellent results, which is explained by the active effect of the components on protozoa, bacteria, viruses, fungi.
Often folk therapies and alternative medicinesdirections are used in combination with standard medicines prescribed for specific diseases. In particular, with bronchial asthma, Solodovnikov's solution alone is not enough. In the reviews, patients confirm that in order to achieve the expected effect, they have to take antibiotics, hormonal, anti-inflammatory, and pain medications at the same time.
Hydrogen peroxide-based infusions stop bronchial asthma syndrome quite well. If you believe the responses, then many patients with this diagnosis feel better after 2-3 doses. To negate the frequency of coughing and shortness of breath, it is important to restore the alveoli, and this will require at least 7-8 infusions. For advanced asthma, about 10-15 treatments are recommended.

Heart attacks and strokes: what is Solodovnikova's solution for?
The drug helps even with such serious and dangerous diseases. Today it is often used in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disorders. At the same time, many do not understand why Solodovnikova's solution should be used for strokes, heart attacks, arterial hypertension? To answer this question, you will have to delve into the features of the functioning of the circulatory and cardiac systems.
As you know, high blood pressure is the main characteristic sign of dangerous diseases. If the tonometer reading exceeds the norm, it is urgent to eliminate the causes of hypertension and take measures to maintain normal blood circulation. Due to lack of oxygenorgan cells are not able to perform their functions as needed. From the moment, as soon as oxygen ceases to fully flow, cells begin to die. According to this principle, a heart attack or ischemic stroke can develop. All internal organs also suffer from hypoxia.
Hydrogen peroxide infusions are not able to prevent a stroke or heart attack, but at the same time, the use of this remedy is a necessary condition for restoring blood flow in tissues and organs, improving blood supply and normalizing blood pressure. In some reviews on the use of Solodovnikova's solution, one can find descriptions of the complete restoration of motor and speech functions a few months after a stroke.
Other pathologies
The remedy is also used in the treatment of other diseases. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the solution in combating the consequences of epidemic encephalitis. There is an opinion that the drug provides a positive dynamics of change in patients with hyperkinetic syndrome, spastic torticollis, tremor of the muscular apparatus of the neck.

Severe chronic diseases are not amenable to a final cure, but Solodovnikova's drug makes her feel better. For example, with pathologies such as lymphogranulomatosis, which belongs to the group of malignant diseases. Patients note the return of appetite, stabilization of weight, temperature. The duration of the course of treatment and the number of infusions is determined by the stage and severity of the symptoms of the disease. Average therapyconsists of 15-20 sessions.
Using a solution based on hydrogen peroxide, they strengthen the immune system, which is especially important for carriers of various types of herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, etc. Most of the common pathologies of this type do not require long-term treatment, but when weakened immunity, the infection is activated and causes complications, which may take several months to resolve.
Women's and men's he alth
The creator of the recipe herself claims that the drug can also be used in the treatment of diseases of the urogenital area. Solodovnikova's solution shows good results in patients with pyelonephritis, cystitis in women, prostatitis, adenoma in the stronger sex. The composition of peroxide and licorice has a devastating effect on kidney stones, crushing and removing them from the body in the form of fine sand. Urates and oxalates are eliminated first, followed by phosphates.
Little is known about such a disease as the Kuru virus in Russia. This disease is especially dangerous for men, as it leads to the suppression of reproductive function. The peroxide solution destroys the structure of the virus itself and inhibits its activity in the body.
Among patients with a history of cytomegalovirus infection and using the drug, the percentage of pregnant women has increased. According to Solodovnikova, infertility and miscarriage against the background of toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus are a very common problem. Hydrogen peroxide and licorice help the body resist infections. Before a planned pregnancy for a womanit is recommended to take a course of preparatory therapy of 3-10 infusions under medical supervision.
In old age
According to some reviews, Solodovnikova's drug helps even those who, in the recent past, doctors made incurable diagnoses. The solution helps to increase physical endurance, normalize bioregulation processes, improve quality and increase life expectancy. The practical use of the drug makes it possible to verify not only its versatility, but also its availability, so the solution is used by elderly patients.

What doctors say
The idea to treat various pathologies with the help of hydrogen peroxide was repeatedly voiced, but only Elena Sergeevna, who created Solodovnikova's solution, managed to realize it. Why not just use this tool! She herself recommends using the drug primarily for the treatment of patients with pathologies accompanied by destructive-purulent processes.
Over the past years, the detoxification and antiseptic properties of the solution have become the subject of more detailed and in-depth study for specialists. It is also worth noting that physicians have not yet come to a consensus on the effectiveness and expediency of using the solution. Each clinical case is individual, so it is better to leave the thought of self-treatment and consult a doctor first.
Not without conventional medicine
Treatment of oncology, various infectious diseases and other serious diseases shouldbe based on the principles of consistency and consistency. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect pathologies at an early stage, however, traditional therapeutic agents (hormonal, chemical, immunosuppressive drugs, etc.) do not always give the expected result, since they act only superficially. In treatment, it is important to adhere to a thorough approach. The key role here is played by the effectiveness and regularity of measures to strengthen immunity. At the same time, the need to use auxiliary techniques (manual therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, etc.) cannot be ruled out.

A lot is known about the use of Solodovnikova's solution. But it is impossible to achieve a noticeable improvement in the patient's well-being with hydrogen peroxide alone. A solution with licorice root will be effective only if it is used in combination with medications prescribed for the treatment of a specific disease. This drug improves blood circulation and blood supply to internal organs, which is of great importance for the prevention of ischemia. During treatment with Solodovnikova's solution, monitoring of changes in blood counts is mandatory.