Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Adenoids in children: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Adenoids in children: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Adenoids in children are a common condition that often occurs between the ages of three and ten. A constant increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil leads to frequent colds, discomfort and chronic runny nose. You can read about the symptoms of adenoids in a child, their causes and methods of treatment in this article

Patau syndrome: patient's karyotype, photo, diagnosis, causes, symptoms

Patau syndrome: patient's karyotype, photo, diagnosis, causes, symptoms

The number of chromosomal diseases is huge, and one of them is Patau syndrome. The karyotype of a patient with a similar diagnosis is changed, which is reflected in the work of the whole organism. Pathology affects the structure of the skeleton, the work of the nervous, excretory, reproductive and cardiovascular systems

Petrificates in the lungs: description, causes, treatment

Petrificates in the lungs: description, causes, treatment

Every year, every person who is not indifferent to the state of his he alth should visit the radiologist's office in order to conduct a routine fluorography. Sometimes in the conclusion you can read unfamiliar words that the patient has petrificates in the lungs. A person who is not initiated into medical terminology immediately wants to know what it is, and also begins to worry about whether such a diagnosis is life-threatening

Gastric endoscopy: indications and results

Gastric endoscopy: indications and results

Endoscopy of the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract (EGD of the stomach, or gastroscopy) is most often performed to determine the causes of heartburn and refers to outpatient procedures. Endoscopic examination of the stomach allows you to perform other procedures, including tissue biopsy

Esophageal polyp: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Esophageal polyp: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Exposure to negative environmental factors and hereditary predisposition can lead to the appearance of pathologies in various parts of the digestive system. For example, polyps in the esophagus

If your fingers are cramped, you need to establish the reasons

If your fingers are cramped, you need to establish the reasons

Sometimes adults and children are faced with the question of what to do if the fingers are cramped. This is a rather unpleasant situation, but there is a way out

Sanitary microbiology: types, basics, goals and objectives

Sanitary microbiology: types, basics, goals and objectives

Objects of sanitary microbiology - the microscopic flora of this world and its ability to influence human he alth and population. Research in this area gives scientists an idea of the factors that correct the incidence and epidemiological situation

Conn Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Conn Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Conn's Syndrome is a fairly rare disease that is associated with excessive production of aldosterone in the adrenal glands. The result of an increase in the level of this hormone is a disturbance in the work of the circulatory, excretory, muscular and nervous systems

Why does he cramp his toe?

Why does he cramp his toe?

Quite often, people are faced with the problem of what reduces the toe. Agree, it is not only painful, but also very uncomfortable. By the way, patient surveys have confirmed that quite often this condition is observed at night, interfering with normal and he althy sleep

How dangerous is horsehair parasite?

How dangerous is horsehair parasite?

Horse hair (parasite, see photo below) has caused people downright mystical horror since ancient times. Around him there are always a lot of rumors and conjectures

Vertebrogenic lumbodynia: symptoms and treatment

Vertebrogenic lumbodynia: symptoms and treatment

Vertebrogenic lumbalgia is a disease localized in the lumbar region of the spine. The ICD-10 code for this disease is M54.5. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. In an acute course, unexpected sharp pain is observed. In this case, the focus of the disease can often be localized in the tissues that are adjacent to the spinal column

Monocytes: the norm in the blood of women and children

Monocytes: the norm in the blood of women and children

Starting from birth, and then at any age, a simple general blood test is an informative research method. In the course of a blood test, one of the indicators reveals the level of one of the types of leukocytes - monocytes

Larsen syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Larsen syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Our genetic code is so complex that almost any serious damage can cause a chain reaction and affect a person not from the best side. Scientists are constantly discovering new diseases, but, in their own words, ninety percent of the genome remains unexplored

Kidney nephrosclerosis ("wrinkled kidney"): causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney nephrosclerosis ("wrinkled kidney"): causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment

Renal nephrosclerosis is a process of successive replacement of the kidney parenchyma with connective tissue, which leads to a decrease (shrinkage) in the size of the organ and a decrease in its functionality. If left untreated, there may be a complete cessation of performance

Ornithosis: symptoms of disease in humans and birds

Ornithosis: symptoms of disease in humans and birds

The article provides a general description of ornithosis, and also describes the clinical picture of this disease in humans and birds

Iron deficiency anemia: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Iron deficiency anemia: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Iron deficiency anemia is a hematological syndrome characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood. In most cases, iron deficiency anemia, the symptoms of which differ depending on the individual case, is one of the manifestations of the underlying disease. It is a fairly common disease, and doctors call its main causes blood loss, insufficiently rapid formation of red blood cells or their destruction

Sick thyroid gland: treatment, causes, symptoms

Sick thyroid gland: treatment, causes, symptoms

The thyroid gland is the largest gland in our body, responsible for metabolic processes, heat transfer, energy, it also regulates the functional activity of the cardiovascular system, skin. The correct functioning of this organ is necessary for the coordination of all processes occurring in the human body

My knees hurt. Psychosomatics

My knees hurt. Psychosomatics

If your knees hurt, then psychosomatics is often the cause of this pathology. A visit to a psychotherapist can help resolve psychological problems, and the pain will go away on its own

Where does snot come from? The reason for the appearance of snot

Where does snot come from? The reason for the appearance of snot

A person encounters a runny nose more than once in his life, and this causes a lot of inconvenience. It is not very common in society to discuss what snot is and where they come from, but it is necessary to know about this in order to develop the right approach to treatment. In this article, we examined these issues, as well as the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment

Bruising is Treatment and symptoms of bruising

Bruising is Treatment and symptoms of bruising

When closed damage to tissues or organs that did not violate their structure, doctors talk about a bruise. What constitutes such an injury, how its symptoms appear and first aid is provided, we will describe later in the article

Treatment of heel spurs by various methods

Treatment of heel spurs by various methods

The spur is a bony outgrowth on the heel, shaped like a spike. This neoplasm occurs at the site of attachment of the Achilles tendon. We will talk about the causes of spurs, as well as the methods of their treatment in this article

How to treat a heel spur? Basic Methods

How to treat a heel spur? Basic Methods

If you feel pain in your feet in the heel area for a long period, which only intensifies over time, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. After all, you can have such a dangerous disease as plantar fasciitis. In its neglected form, it can cause unbearable pain, some of them cannot even walk without the help of crutches

Prevention and treatment of heel spurs at home

Prevention and treatment of heel spurs at home

A heel spur is an acquired orthopedic disease that occurs against the background of already existing problems, such as injuries, inflammations or infectious processes. Treating a heel spur at home is quite effective if done in the early stages

Cold urticaria: causes, symptoms, photos, treatment methods

Cold urticaria: causes, symptoms, photos, treatment methods

Today, allergies in various forms are observed in 80% of people around the world. They can occur for various reasons, which must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. One of the varieties of allergic reactions is cold urticaria, which currently occurs in one person in a thousand

Intoxication of the body: signs and treatment

Intoxication of the body: signs and treatment

This article will discuss what is intoxication of the body. Signs of intoxication, the main symptoms, the cause of this problem and ways to get rid of it - all this can be read in the text below

Pulls the lower back and lower abdomen: causes, treatment. Drawing aching pain in the abdomen

Pulls the lower back and lower abdomen: causes, treatment. Drawing aching pain in the abdomen

Throughout his life, a person has to deal with pain of varying intensity more than once. As for pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, women of reproductive age most often suffer from it. Despite this, such an ailment can visit a man

Chronic thyroiditis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Chronic thyroiditis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Chronic thyroiditis is a disease (in most cases very severe) of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by its inflammation. In this process, the body's own antibodies damage or completely destroy gland cells

Colloid scars: causes, symptoms and treatment

Colloid scars: causes, symptoms and treatment

A colloid scar (another name is keloid) is a defect in the epidermis, in which the proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of a convex tight scar are manifested. Keloids, as a rule, appear after a certain period of time after injuries of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. They gradually increase in size and may extend beyond the damaged area

Why am I always cold? The reason why a person is cold all the time

Why am I always cold? The reason why a person is cold all the time

Every person can get cold from time to time, even in a relatively warm room. But if this happens with enviable regularity, then you need to think about the reasons. Today we will talk about the most popular of them so that you can find yours among them

Gonorrhea in men: treatment and symptoms of different forms of the disease

Gonorrhea in men: treatment and symptoms of different forms of the disease

An infectious disease caused by gonococcus and transmitted mainly during sexual contact is gonorrhea. Gonococci primarily affect the genitourinary tract and its accessory organs. That is why the first symptoms of infection are slight burning and itching in the urethra

Furuncle in a child: treatment, causes, tips and reviews

Furuncle in a child: treatment, causes, tips and reviews

Causes of a boil on the face of a child. How to distinguish education from a simple pimple? Treatment of a boil with the help of drugs and traditional medicine. Possible complications of the disease

Furunculosis in a child: causes, methods of treatment, consequences

Furunculosis in a child: causes, methods of treatment, consequences

Often, parents of young children have anxiety because of a purulent boil that has appeared on the baby's body. This is a rather serious and at the same time painful inflammation, sometimes requiring the placement of a child in a hospital. And it doesn’t matter what the location of the boil is and what size it has reached. In any case, for a small child, this is an immediate threat to life, to eliminate which they sometimes resort to surgical intervention

Neurosis of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Neurosis of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Neurosis of the stomach causes a lot of discomfort, but doctors do not consider it a critical disease. It responds well to treatment

Why do boils appear under the armpit?

Why do boils appear under the armpit?

Suddenly jumping furuncle under the arm is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. About why they appear and how to deal with this scourge, read this article

Armpit fungus: causes and routes of infection, symptoms, treatment options, review of drugs, photos

Armpit fungus: causes and routes of infection, symptoms, treatment options, review of drugs, photos

Most mycotic (fungal) spores are constantly and in sufficient quantity present on the surface of human skin. And only if the immune forces fail for some reason, the fungi under the armpits or on another part of the body are activated, causing discomfort to the patient. Therapy in this case is selected by a dermatologist. However, it is necessary first of all to increase and strengthen general immunity

Papillomas under the armpits: causes and consequences

Papillomas under the armpits: causes and consequences

Quite often people are faced with such a problem as armpit papillomas. Such neoplasms are small growths that can grow over time and cause a lot of trouble to their owner. In this article, we will talk about what causes these neoplasms, as well as how to get rid of them, and what they can lead to

Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

A person may suddenly have an arrhythmia attack. That is why you need to know the procedure for heart failure. You should, first of all, call an ambulance. Then a cold compress is applied to the head or neck area. With a rapid heartbeat, you can slow down the rhythm by pressing on the root of the tongue. Doctors advise to relax, breathe deeply and not make sudden movements if the heart beats intermittently

Arteriovenous malformation: varieties, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Arteriovenous malformation: varieties, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Arteriovenous malformation is a vascular pathology of abnormal development of the vessels of the nervous system. To be more precise, we are talking about a congenital anomaly of the vascular structure of the brain or spinal cord. The term "malformation" itself, translated from Latin, means "poor formation", that is, any deviation from he althy physical development with a gross change in the structure and functions of an organ or tissue is implied

Meningitis in newborns: causes, symptoms, how to treat, consequences

Meningitis in newborns: causes, symptoms, how to treat, consequences

Meningitis is an inflammatory process in the lining of the brain, provoked by an infection entering the body. Due to the fact that this disease can occur in patients of absolutely all age categories, meningitis can also affect newly born babies

Shrapnel fracture: causes, diagnosis, treatment, complications

Shrapnel fracture: causes, diagnosis, treatment, complications

A comminuted or fragmental fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone with the formation of three or more fragments. This is the most difficult type of fracture and is usually accompanied by displacement. The cause of its occurrence is usually the action along the axis of the bone. Injury is also possible with a perpendicular force application