Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Thrombocytopenia in children can be triggered by various reasons. Effective and timely therapy will help to cope with the disease
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Respiratory gymnastics helps to strengthen the respiratory muscles, provide the lungs with a constant supply of oxygen, cure bronchitis and pneumonia. Sessions of breathing exercises should take place in accordance with age and doctor's recommendations
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Herpetic pharyngitis (also called herpes pharyngitis) is one of the forms of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. This pathology is considered one of the most common manifestations of pharyngitis and can occur among patients of various age categories. In our article, we will talk in detail about this disease, find out what are its main causes, how it manifests itself in children and adults
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Sore throat - this symptom is common at any time of the year, and especially in the off-season in people of all ages. Appears perspiration, hoarseness, dryness and burning sensation, it becomes painful to swallow and speak
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Every year, as soon as the wet and cold autumn sets in, along with inclement weather, most of us are overtaken by the flu, or influenza. This is a viral disease that, despite all the efforts made by people, "steals" from us a whole year from our whole life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The question of how thrush is treated - with drugs or folk remedies, is asked by almost everyone who is struck by this disease. Let's see which are really good
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Chronic or dry cough during a protracted illness exhausts the body. Especially small children who do not understand what is happening to them suffer from it. Cough is a marker that indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Without treatment, it can develop into a chronic disease
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Every woman knows what thrush is, also called vaginal candidiasis. This is a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa, which is manifested by extremely unpleasant symptoms and causes maximum discomfort. Now it’s worth briefly talking about the causes of this disease and the signs indicating its presence, and most of the attention should be paid to the topic of how to get rid of thrush
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Almost everyone is familiar with the signs of capillary bleeding. Most often, this symptom stops on its own. Nevertheless, everyone needs to know how to stop bleeding at home
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Spastic diplegia is the most commonly diagnosed form of cerebral palsy. Another name for the pathology is Little's disease. The disease is characterized by spastic tetraparesis, which is most pronounced in the lower extremities. In addition, patients have disorders in the work of the cranial nerves, speech disorders. In isolated cases, mild mental retardation is diagnosed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The term "ovarian cyst" refers to a neoplasm of a benign nature, formed directly in the tissues of the organ. It is a cavity filled with liquid. In some cases, a cyst on the ovary does not pose a he alth hazard, it goes away on its own without any intervention. If it does not disappear, the doctor draws up an individual treatment regimen, which may include both conservative and surgical methods
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Every person starts to worry if neoplasms of any origin, indurations or tumors appear on his body. The dermoid cyst is no exception, which has a thick-walled capsule, inside which there is a liquid with various inclusions, for example, epithelium, hair, bone tissue, teeth, and so on
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The knee joint is one of the largest in our body, any physical activity causes a huge load on it. Accordingly, a disease such as arthritis of the knee joint is very common. Arthritis is an inflammatory process that affects the surface of the joint and nearby tissues
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Pyelonephritis accounts for 2/3 of all urological diseases. Why it occurs and what symptoms it may have, we will consider in this article
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Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is an operation prescribed in case of coronary heart disease. The narrowing of the lumen of the arteries supplying the heart with blood (stenosis), resulting from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in them, is fraught with serious consequences for the patient. During the operation, shunts are created in those vessels where the blood flow is disturbed - bypasses
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Chickenpox is considered an acute viral disease, which is manifested by moderate intoxication, fever and the formation of transparent small blisters on the mucous membranes and skin. The disease is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, and the peak incidence occurs in the spring and winter periods
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
One of the most common ENT pathologies in preschool children are grade 2 adenoids. If the disease is not detected and treated in a timely manner, it can lead to serious consequences. The most radical method of treatment is surgical, but drug treatment will also help, especially in the early stages
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The acquisition of a cyanotic hue by the skin of the extremities indicates malfunctions in the body. Quite often, hypothermia of the body is a prerequisite for the occurrence of the effect. However, not always. What explains the phenomenon? How to fix the problem? We will talk about this in our article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Intestinal flu is called a rotovirus infection. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that at the beginning of its manifestation it behaves like a cold, and then it is replaced by intoxication of the body with an increase in temperature and the appearance of a gastrointestinal disorder. Children are more susceptible to the disease, although adults can also suffer
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Treatment of rotavirus is carried out with the help of symptomatic therapy, which helps to eliminate the main signs of the disease, as well as remove bacteria from the body. In addition, diet is required to alleviate the condition
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Mastopathy is a fairly common diagnosis that women hear. What is it, what are the symptoms and causes of this disease? Find the answers in the article
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Tularemia is a rather dangerous infectious disease. Pathogenic microorganisms primarily affect the lymphatic system and skin, less often the lungs and mucous membranes of the eyes suffer. Since this is a highly contagious disease, questions about how tularemia is transmitted, what it is and how dangerous such a condition is are becoming more relevant
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What are the symptoms of overheating in the sun? First of all, it is weakness, darkening in the eyes and slight dizziness. In this state, an adult can become aware of the fact of overheating and take precautions. If we are dealing with children, then it is much more difficult to detect overheating of a child in the sun. You can, of course, regularly inquire about the well-being of the baby, but most often mothers pay attention to the symptoms of overheating in the sun when they are already taking on a more severe form
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Why can a person have blue sclera? Such an unusual color of the whites of the eyes should always be alarming. After all, this often indicates serious he alth problems. Such coloring of the sclera in children should be of particular concern. This may be a symptom of severe congenital diseases. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, especially if this manifestation is accompanied by other deviations in well-being
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Inflammatory diseases of the tonsils often lead to swelling in the neck. A more dangerous cause of this symptom is benign and malignant formations of organs included in this anatomical region
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Frederick's syndrome is a rather serious deviation in the work of the heart, first diagnosed by the Belgian physiologist Leon Frederick in 1904. And although few have heard of this disease, it is quite common
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Phlebothrombosis of the lower extremities is a rather dangerous pathology in which a blood clot can break off. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to alarming symptoms in a timely manner and resort to treatment
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Over the last century, medicine has made a huge step forward, the times when pathogenic bacteria could destroy entire cities are far behind. Currently, the use of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action can effectively stop the manifestations of the infection or cure it completely. Nevertheless, even today, no one is completely immune from diseases that, if not properly and timely treated, can cause disability or death
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
When wen appear on the human body, it is necessary to determine the complexity of the neoplasm. If it is insignificant, then you can get by with the methods of traditional medicine. Let's consider them in more detail, and also find out how specialists remove lipomas
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Wen are benign neoplasms that can form under the skin on any part of the body. Despite the safe nature, such outgrowths cause considerable discomfort due to an unattractive appearance. There are a wide range of methods for removing wen
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Wen on the body is an unpleasant phenomenon that many men and women are forced to face. Someone sees in this benign neoplasm only a cosmetic defect, while someone fears its rebirth. What are wen, what are the reasons for their appearance and how to get rid of them? The answers to these questions are offered in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
According to the latest scientific data, the main role in the mechanism of development of peritonitis is played by disorders of immune homeostasis, aggravated by anesthesia and surgical trauma
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This is a benign formation formed from the connective tissue, which gradually grows more and more and is able to penetrate even to the periosteum. Such a tumor captures the entire space between the muscles and vascular plexuses. Many patients become very worried when they see a bump on their head. How dangerous is it and how is it treated? Is it always necessary to remove a wen on the head?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Every person, and especially the fairer sex, wants the skin on the face to look young, he althy, not shiny from fat and, of course, be free of acne, blackheads and other cosmetic defects. Those who take care of their skin, as a rule, achieve such results. But it also happens that, despite all efforts, small whitish formations appear on the face, similar to millet grains. They call them milia. How to get rid of them forever?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Coccyx dislocation is understood as a complete displacement of the surfaces of the joints located on the coccyx, as well as on the sacrum, relative to each other. With a dislocation, the coccyx shifts, while the sacrum is in its place. The surfaces of the coccyx and sacrum lose their points of contact. There are many reasons for the development of such injuries
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Consider what intestinal peritonitis is. The abdominal cavity contains important organs, among which the intestines play a special role. The inner lining of the abdominal cavity forms a sterile closed system that can negatively affect pathogens, neutralizing them. In case of violation of the integrity of the intestine or the sterility of the peritoneum, favorable conditions are created for the development of the inflammatory process
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
As it turns out, cerebral ischemic stroke in the elderly, as well as in young patients, is not a disease, but a clinical syndrome. In plain language, we can say that this is a combination of certain signs and symptoms with a common etiology. Let's find out what this condition is, how it is characterized and how therapy is carried out
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If enlarged lymph nodes appeared on the right side of the neck, then there are a lot of reasons that could provoke such a condition. Consider the main ones, as well as what diagnostic measures need to be performed. Can pathology be cured?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If the palms are constantly itchy and have a red tint, then the person may be suffering from allergies or other pathologies. Consider the most common of them. Why can palms itch and blush?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Jade is an inflammatory disease in which there is dysfunction of the kidneys. The severity of the violation of the work of the body depends on the type of pathological process, the cause and severity. The acute form causes temporary dysfunction. The chronic course of the disease is fraught with irreversible soft tissue damage and scarring. This, in turn, leads to the development of a life-threatening condition - renal failure