Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, which is directly related to the state of the endocrine and immune systems of the body. The disease can be both independent and complex, associated with other pathological processes.
The symptoms and treatment of dermatitis in adults and children are interrelated. Symptoms of the disease vary significantly depending on the forms of the disease, but the main one is the appearance of various inflammatory elements on the skin: papules, rashes, pustules, exfoliating scales, erythema, etc. Often the appearance of such elements is accompanied by severe itching, sometimes quite painful. Soreness occurs less frequently.

The most common symptoms of dermatitis also include a violation of the sensitivity of damaged areas of the skin. It can be elevated or, conversely, reduced, up to its absence. Dermatitis on the body and face tends to occur seasonally - remission in the summer and exacerbations in the cold season. Toxic forms of the disease may be accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being: the appearance of headache andmuscle and joint pain, fever, loss of strength. However, in most cases, the symptoms of dermatitis are limited to local manifestations on the skin.
Often, dermatitis develops in children, due to age-related imperfection of immunity and susceptibility to allergies. The most common form of dermatitis in children is exudative diathesis of an allergic nature. In childhood, dermatitis proceeds quite rapidly, but rarely have a long-term character and are well cured after the elimination of the causative factor.

With atopic dermatitis in children, most often there is a burdened family history of allergic pathologies (bronchial asthma, food allergies, hay fever, etc.). At risk are formula-fed babies who have food, drug, pollen or household allergies, frequent infectious and viral diseases, gastrointestinal pathologies, immunodeficiency.
Diaper dermatitis develops due to poor or improper baby care. It provokes prolonged skin contact with mechanical (diaper or diaper fabric), physical (humidity and temperature), chemical (ammonia, bile s alts, digestive enzymes) and microbial (opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, yeast fungi of the Candida genus) factors.
Treatment of skin dermatitis
The treatment of this pathology depends on its form and is distinguished by the individuality of the selected therapeutic methods. It is necessary to start therapy with the diagnosis and identification of causes. You need to installirritant (toxic substance, allergen, microbe) and eliminate it. If it is not defined, as is often the case with neuro-allergic skin dermatitis, treatment will be symptomatic, that is, aimed at eliminating symptoms and maintaining the remission stage. The therapy of this disease is conservative, consists of general and local therapy. Acute dermatitis in children, as a rule, is treated only with the use of local remedies, and chronic types of pathology require complex treatment.
Local therapy is the treatment of affected skin areas. Rashes are treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents in the form of solutions, ointments, powders - depending on the type of inflammatory element and the stage of its development. Dermatitis on the face (seborrheic type) is treated with antifungal ointments. Chronic dermatitis - with the use of anti-inflammatory corticosteroid drugs, treated with aniline dyes. Ulcerative lesions are subject to treatment in a hospital.

The general treatment of skin dermatitis is to take antihistamines, immunomodulators, sedatives, depending on the cause that provoked this disease. It is also necessary to eliminate all sources of chronic infection, for example, carious processes in the teeth, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.
Review of drugs for dermatitis with flowing and weeping surface
Whatever the causes of dermatitis in children and adults, topical therapy consists in applying compresses with weaksolutions of potassium permanganate or boric acid. Talkers prepared in a pharmacy are also used. After compresses, gels are applied to the inflamed area, based on an antihistamine substance, for example, "Psilobalm" or "Fenistil-gel".
When the inflamed skin stops getting wet, to accelerate the regeneration processes, you can apply the Bepanten (D-panthenol) dermatitis cream, which, penetrating the skin, is converted into a vitamin and takes part in the metabolism of skin cells. Instead of dexpanthenol medicines, Solcoseryl or Actovegin gels can be used. These non-hormonal agents improve the nutrition of skin tissues. Levosin ointment also helps, from what it is, we will tell below.

Hormonal Review
If a patient has allergic dermatitis, it usually affects large areas of the skin. If local antihistamine drugs do not have the desired effect (this excludes the effect of the allergen), steroid ointments are prescribed that contain laboratory-prepared glucocorticosteroid hormones. These local drugs have a pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activity.
Corticosteroid (hormonal) ointments used for allergic forms of dermatitis are divided according to the severity of their therapeutic effect:

- Weak: "Prednisolone" and "Hydrocortisone" ointments.
- Medium effect: "Afloderm",Flixotide, Dermatotop, Lokoid.
- Strong: Flucinar, Cutiveit, Advantan, Triamcinolone, Celestoderm-B and Elokom.
- Very strong: "Chalciderm" and "Dermovate".
These medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor as they may have some contraindications and side effects.
Let's take a closer look at exactly what drugs are used in the treatment of skin dermatitis.
Review of drugs for infected lesions in dermatitis
If pus began to stand out from the inflamed skin area, or the contents of the blisters became whitish, this means that an infection has entered the wound. In the treatment of such pathologies, creams and ointments for allergic dermatitis with an associated infection are used. Such funds are also prescribed by a doctor. They are of three types:
- Medicines containing only an antibiotic ("Tetracycline", "Erythromycin" ointment).
- Local combined preparations consisting of an antiseptic or antibiotic and a certain non-hormonal substance, for example, Levomekol (antibiotic + tissue regeneration element), Oflokain (anesthetic + antibiotic) and others.
- Combined products based on an antibacterial, antifungal component and hormonal substances, for example, Pimafukort or Triderm.

Review of drugs for the treatment of atopic dermatitis
So, the cause of dermatitis in children is often an allergy. For the treatment of the disease are usedmedicines prescribed by a doctor. Among them are hormonal, and antiseptic, and antihistamines that are gentle on the skin. With an exacerbation of the pathological process, when the foci of inflammation are small and are observed only on the extremities, the list of ointments for dermatitis is rather narrow: mostly weak drugs are used, such as Prednisolone ointment or Hydrocortisone cream. If the affected area does not get wet, children use Lokoid or Afloderm. Otherwise, the drugs "Afloderm" or "Flixotide" are prescribed.
If exacerbations of skin disease of dermatitis in a child are severe, and its foci are localized on the trunk, face and limbs, therapy should be started with such agents as Advantan, Elocom, Celestoderm B, Polcortolon, "Triamcinolone", "Mometasone furoate".
Medicines such as Galcinonide, Dermovate, Diflucortolone Valerate, Halciderm, which have a long-term pronounced effect and deep penetration, are allowed to be used only in adulthood.
Such drugs are contraindicated for acne, bacterial and fungal skin diseases, herpes, scabies, skin tuberculosis and shingles. They should not be used if atopic dermatitis has developed after vaccination. During pregnancy and children under one year of age, such funds are not prescribed.
The skin of the face is not treated with hormonal medications. The use of moisturizers and calcineurin inhibitors is recommended.
If the doctor suspects a bacterial or fungal infectionflora to areas of atopic dermatitis, then the patient is prescribed an ointment with an antibiotic and an antifungal element, for example, Pimafukort, Triderm.

Moisturizers for skin with dermatitis
In case of skin dermatitis in a child under 7 years of age, hormonal ointments are applied to the dermis, previously treated with emollient. This substance has sufficient fat content, which is necessary for the formation of a protective film. Good drugs from this series include Emolium, La Roche-Posay, Topicrem.
These products are emulsions of natural ingredients that are easily distributed over the child's skin and dry up in a few minutes. They can be used not only as a "basis" for a hormonal drug, but also in the intervals between the use of topical steroids, as well as before going outside. Such emollients are considered the best drugs for dermatitis during pregnancy. This is a great alternative to hormonal ointment therapy.
What else can cure skin rashes with dermatitis?
Review of drugs for seborrheic skin lesions
The main remedy for seborrheic dermatitis is any antifungal ointment. She may have drugs such as Nizoral, Ketoconazole, Nizorex, Sebozol, Mycozoral. In addition, it is desirable to treat the affected areas with keratoregulatory substances ("Mustela Stelaker"). In especially severe cases, hydrocortisone ointment is used, but preference is given to the treatment of this type of disease.physiotherapy techniques.
Other non-hormonal drugs
With dermatitis in children and adults, in addition to the categories of medicines considered, the following medicines can be used:
- "Eplan" - a remedy with bactericidal, wound healing and analgesic properties.
- Ointments for dermatitis with zinc ("Desitin", "Zinc ointment", "Zinocap"), which have good antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
- Calcineurin inhibitors ("Protopic", "Elidel"), suppressing the release of substances that cause allergic reactions on the skin. These drugs reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. They are used to treat folds, skin of the neck and face. Such drugs are not used for herpetic rash, the presence of warts or genital warts, with ultraviolet irradiation.
- "Radevit" is a fortified drug that has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates itching.

- What helps Levosin ointment? This is a combination drug with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anesthetic, regenerating properties. The composition of the drug contains such substances: chloramphenicol, sulfadimethoxine, trimecaine, methyluracil. The basis of the ointment is water-soluble polyethylene glycol. This medication is active against meningococci, streptococci, the causative agent of gonorrhea, Escherichia and Haemophilus influenzae, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Shigella, Serrations, Proteus, Yersinia, Spirochetes. Methyluracil from the composition of this remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates regeneration processes.
- Furacilin ointment and analogues ("Lifuzol", "Furacilin") - antimicrobial drugs based on nitrofural. Used in the symptomatic treatment of various forms of dermatitis, in the treatment of secondarily infected skin lesions.
- "Gistan" - a product belonging to the class of biological additives and prepared on the basis of extracts of medicinal herbs, betulin and dimethicone.
- In infected forms of dermatitis and for prophylactic purposes for children from 3 months old, the drug "Dermazin" is widely used in the treatment, which is based on a sulfanilamide antiseptic - silver sulfadiazine. This element is effective against a large number of microbes, eliminates weeping lesions.
How harmful are hormonal ointments for dermatitis?
They are produced on the basis of glucocorticoids, which greatly affect the protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Such drugs help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but are considered very unhe althy. Long-term use of such ointments from skin dermatitis, especially in large doses, causes such negative consequences:
- development of acne;
- slow healing of cuts and wounds;
- alopecia or hypertrichosis;
- subcutaneous hemorrhages;
- appearance of spider veins;
- hyperpigmentation;
- atrophy;
- development of a fungal or bacterial infection at the site of useointments;
- decrease in local immunity;
- withdrawal.
Today, pharmacies can buy a whole range of drugs for dermatitis. Despite this, not every remedy is suitable in one case or another, that is, there is no universal cure for this disease. This means that when choosing a drug, you need to consult a doctor, especially when it comes to treating a child.