Cryotherapy is a high-tech hardening, during which the whole body is rebooted and rejuvenated. According to reviews, cryosauna is an excellent help in the fight against excess weight, and is also indicated for use in other diseases. Consider what is the peculiarity of the procedure, how it goes, what benefits and harm it brings to the body.
What is cryotherapy?

Before you study the indications and contraindications for cryosauna, reviews of which are very diverse, you should know what the essence of this procedure is.
Cryotherapy lasts only a few minutes, during which the human body is in a nitrogen-filled unit and cooled to a temperature of -140C. At the same time, the head is outside so that it does not interfere with the person's breathing. Since the stay of a person in this capsule is short, the body does not have time to freeze, but the internal resources of the body are activated.
Thus, according to doctors' reviews of the cryosauna, there is a "reboot"organism, protective functions, endurance increase, metabolism is accelerated and rejuvenation occurs. Experts and users, in most cases, note that the procedure is fast, effective and pleasant, while improving well-being and mood, increasing efficiency and hardening the body.
How is the procedure?

Not all users note the useful properties of the procedure. In addition, some people found such exposure to cold, although short, very uncomfortable.
According to reviews, a cryosauna for weight loss is an excellent way to eliminate stretch marks, narrow pores and get rid of hated cellulite, but there will be no miracles if you do not play sports and do not adhere to a certain dietary diet. To achieve maximum results, you need to approach the solution of the problem in a complex way.
How is liquid nitrogen and low temperature therapy going?
- a bathing suit is put on the body, gloves on the upper limbs, socks on the lower limbs to prevent hypothermia of the hands and feet;
- next, the person is placed in a special vat or booth with liquid nitrogen
- the first procedure is the shortest in time (about 2 minutes), then the time increases with each session;
- treatment is carried out every other day for a month, the only way to achieve a result.
Users note that after the first procedure, sleep patterns improve, well-being improves and mood improves, because duringduring cryotherapy, the body produces endorphin, the hormone of happiness, in large quantities.

Only after studying the reviews of doctors, indications and contraindications of cryosauna, you can start the procedure.
Therapy of exposure to the body with liquid nitrogen and low temperature is used in various fields of medicine:
- cardiology (lymphostasis, chronic venous insufficiency and coronary heart disease);
- rheumatology (arthritis and polyarthritis) - in this case, cryotherapy has an analgesic effect that lasts up to five hours;
- dermatology (psoriasis, acne, ulcers, allergic rashes, seborrhea and dermatitis) - the anti-inflammatory effect, together with the cosmetic effect, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as noted by doctors and users of the procedure;
- neurology (chronic fatigue, stress, depression, neurosis, osteochondrosis);
- pulmonology (bronchitis and asthma);
- gynecology (inflammatory processes and menopause);
- Cosmetology (slow down the aging process and restore skin cells).
Also, the cryosauna procedure is actively used by athletes, which significantly improves their physical capabilities. It is possible to carry out therapy to improve male function, in violation of metabolic processes, and even to be treated for alcohol and nicotine addiction.
Cryosauna for beauty and weight loss

Many women, judging by the reviews, spend cryosauna in the fight against extra pounds and improve the condition of the skin.
What is the benefit of cryotherapy for improving appearance and does it help to lose weight?
- During the procedure, blood circulation improves, as a result of which the skin receives nourishment. It becomes smoother and more beautiful as the pores shrink. Women note that after completing the full course, wrinkles noticeably smooth out, the complexion evens out and the skin really looks younger.
- During liquid nitrogen therapy, only 100 calories are burned, so without exercise and diet, you will not be able to lose weight. But if you approach this in a complex way, then you can get rid of extra pounds much faster, while the reduced weight will last longer.
- Since the cryosauna accelerates the production of melanin, you can go to the solarium after the session to get a beautiful and even tan.
How to choose?

After reading the reviews about the cryosauna in Moscow (or any other city) and choosing a suitable clinic with such therapy, you should pay attention to the following factors:
- You need to choose the cryotherapy course that suits the individual characteristics of the skin, depending on its condition, gender and age.
- A good liquid nitrogen booth should be single, with the temperature initially set at -130C, reaching a maximum within half a minute.
- Checking certificates forequipment cannot be redundant, as the result can be the opposite effect.
- The procedure is accompanied by a specialist who also has a certain qualification.
Users note that the procedure may be ineffective due to the presence of low-quality equipment or the lack of skills of the specialist who conducts the session.

After studying the user and medical reviews of the cryosauna, it can be noted that the procedure effectively copes with many problems.
So, users and experts note that during cryotherapy:
- calories are burned, albeit slightly, blood circulation and metabolism are improved, cells receive more nutrients, endorphins are produced and well-being improves;
- the result after completing the course is long, as there is a complete "reboot" of the body;
- can be used as a therapy and prevention;
- positively affects the psyche and emotional state of a person;
- due to the production of melanin, the skin becomes more protected from ultraviolet radiation;
- as a result of the procedure, according to statistics, immunity increases and a person suffers from SARS many times less;
- he alth, strengthening and rejuvenation of the skin and internal organs at the same time;
- an excellent cosmetic product, according to many women, which in a short time helps to "return youth".
To achieve sustainable andlong-term result, experts recommend taking a full course, which on average consists of 15 sessions.
Harm and contraindications

Reviews on the contraindications of cryosauna and the dangers of the procedure are also available. Before you decide on such therapy, you should be examined by your doctor, especially in the presence of chronic diseases. Some users note the inefficiency of completing even the full course.
Cryotherapy is contraindicated in the following cases:
- blood diseases (thrombosis or rosacea);
- paralysis;
- malignant neoplasms;
- under five;
- high blood pressure;
- inflammatory processes;
- increased body temperature.
If you perform the procedure often, then there is an additional load on the adrenal glands due to increased production of hormones.
Expert reviews
Cryosauna, according to experts, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. But doctors note that such therapy cannot be the main treatment, only an additional one. Therefore, it is not worth abandoning drugs that are prescribed for certain ailments. Sessions are not conducted without examination.
Doctors also insist that the duration of the procedure should be increased gradually to avoid hypothermia. If a person feels bad, he should immediately tell the specialist who conducts the session.
Having studied the reviews about the cryosauna, which in most cases are positive, we can note the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedure. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of each organism. It is also important to remember that courses are taken only after a comprehensive examination and not often, because in this case it is easy to harm.