Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications

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Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications
Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications

Video: Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications

Video: Why doesn't a runny nose go away for a long time? Varieties of chronic rhinitis. Cold medications
Video: Dzung Nguyễn | Nhà máy sản xuất Evalar vùng Altai Siberia, Liên Bang Nga 2025, January

Many people are concerned about the question - why does a runny nose not go away for a long time? The answer to this question is ambiguous - there can be many reasons for this condition.

Rhinitis, or runny nose, is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which occurs as a result of infection or allergic elements entering the body. In most cases, a prolonged runny nose in an adult or a child is an independent pathology, but sometimes it develops as a symptom of another disease, for example, measles, SARS, influenza. A runny nose can be a sign of another disease, and in view of this, in the event of a long-term persistence of symptoms, you should contact an ENT doctor who will select the most effective treatment regimen and tell you how to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child and an adult.

how to treat a chronic runny nose in a child
how to treat a chronic runny nose in a child

Depending on the cause, rhinitis is divided into sever altypes:

  1. Infectious: chronic, acute, catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic.
  2. Vasomotor (non-infectious type): allergic and neurovegetative.

Chronic rhinitis

Why a runny nose does not go away for a long time is a topical question today. This is a chronic inflammation that occurs in the nasal mucosa. Often recurrent or untreated acute rhinitis is the most common cause of the transition of the disease to the chronic form. A large number of vessels are located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

When chronic rhinitis occurs, the circulatory processes of this area are disturbed, blood stagnation occurs. Due to inflammation, the mucosa swells, the nasal passages narrow, and nasal breathing becomes difficult. The main manifestation of the inflammatory process is exudate - a pathological discharge. Its nature varies depending on the type of pathology.

Varieties of chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis can take the following forms:

  • hypertrophic;
  • allergic (year-round or seasonal);
  • atrophic;
  • non-allergic;
  • vasomotor;
  • professional.

Chronic allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for asthma. In accordance with the generally accepted classification, the disease is divided into types:

  • catarrhal;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, in turn, is dividedinto two types: diffuse and limited. Atrophic chronic rhinitis is also divided into subspecies: fetid runny nose (ozena) and simple.

nose drops for children from the common cold
nose drops for children from the common cold

Reason for development

The main factors in the development of chronic rhinitis include:

  • frequently recurrent or untreated acute rhinitis;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • allergic diseases;
  • infectious processes in the respiratory tract;
  • metabolic disorder (impaired metabolism of arachidonic acid);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • breathing too hot, cold, dry, dusty air;
  • violations of the structure of the nose (deviation of the nasal septum);
  • surgical interventions in the nasal cavity;
  • foreign body in the nasal cavity;
  • often use of topical vasoconstrictor drugs (sprays, drops);
  • bad habits.

Of course, there may be other reasons. It is important to install them in a timely manner.


Symptoms of the disease, regardless of its form, include:

  • abnormal nasal discharge;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane in the nose;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • Itching feeling in the nose;
  • nasive voice;
  • sore throat;
  • reflex cough;
  • sneezing (most often in the morning);
  • snoring;
  • persistent headaches.

Indicated symptoms inpatients with chronic rhinitis can have varying degrees of severity and manifest themselves in different combinations. In the chronic type of rhinitis, nasal breathing is significantly difficult. The most common sign of chronic rhinitis is the presence of postnasal syndrome, which is characterized by the accumulation of pathological secretions in the nasopharynx, which causes the patient a constant feeling of discomfort.

Post Nasal Syndrome often causes chronic sore throats or prolonged unproductive coughing. Chronic rhinitis of allergic genesis is expressed, as a rule, in a sensation of itching in the throat and nose, watery eyes, redness of the eyes, difficulty or complete absence of nasal breathing, excessive fatigue.

prolonged runny nose in an adult
prolonged runny nose in an adult

Signs of catarrhal form

In chronic catarrhal rhinitis, nasal congestion is observed, which is most often expressed only on one side. Discharge from the nose is moderate, mucopurulent, but may become purulent and profuse. Against the background of chronic rhinitis, some complications can also develop, for example, oxygen starvation, rhinitis with eosinophilic syndrome, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

For hypertrophied rhinitis

In hypertrophic rhinitis, hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa is noted, which makes breathing much more difficult. In addition, there is compression of the lacrimal canals, which can cause the development of dacryocystitis and conjunctivitis. in chronic atrophicrun viscous mucus from your nose.

Crusts form in the nose, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, nosebleeds often occur, a secondary infection is possible. When infected with Klebsiella mucosa, ozena or a fetid runny nose may develop. This causes gray crusts to form in the nose, causing an unpleasant pungent odor.

It is important not only to understand why a runny nose does not go away for a long time, but also to start treating it correctly.


Despite the fact that there are a lot of medicines for the common cold, in order to choose the right remedy, you need to diagnose the disease and consult a doctor. All drugs for rhinitis, including chronic ones, can be divided into several categories.

These are vasoconstrictors, and anti-allergic, drugs with a hormonal component, antibacterial, etc. All of them have different indications for use, a list of restrictions, dosage forms, children's or adult dosages, etc. treat a prolonged runny nose in a child and an adult.

Vasoconstrictive drops

This category of drugs for the common cold is prescribed for the expansion of blood vessels located in the nasal passages, and this phenomenon is accompanied by severe swelling of the tissues. With a runny nose of less than a week and in the absence of allergic or bacterial forms of pathology, adult patients can use such drugs on their own.

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what is Cameton aerosol used for?

Vasoconstrictor drugs affecting adrenaline prescriptions andperipheral capillaries, contributing to their narrowing:

  • Oxymetazoline;
  • "Nafazoline";
  • "Phenylephrine";
  • Xylometazoline.

Such drugs are prescribed for both adults and children, but they have different concentrations of the main substance. The most popular vasoconstrictors can be considered:

  1. "Otrivin" is a Swiss-made anti-rhinitis drug, which is highly effective due to its vasoconstrictive effect. The use of this remedy helps to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, but does not help to eliminate the cause of rhinitis. The drug "Otrivin" can be used for any type of rhinitis, including allergic rhinitis. It can be used by people of all ages, including children. It is unacceptable to use the medication for more than 10 days (risk of addiction).
  2. Xilen is a Russian drug with a vasoconstrictor effect. Has anti-edematous action. With narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, edema and hyperemia are eliminated, and the respiratory process is restored. Can be given even to infants.

Antibacterial drugs

Drugs in this category work due to the content of the antibiotic. They have a detrimental effect on the infection, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane, restoring the balance of the natural flora and eliminating the cause of the pathological process. These drugs include:

  1. "Isofra" is an antibacterial moisturizer for the common coldFrench production. The drug is widely used for sinusitis, has a contraindication for use under the age of one year.
  2. "Polydex" - a French medicine for rhinitis with antibacterial action. The composition of this drug contains a number of potent substances - an antibiotic, hormonal and vasoconstrictor elements. The use of the product helps to get rid of a runny nose, nasal congestion and prevent the development of sinusitis.
  3. how to cure rhinitis at home
    how to cure rhinitis at home
  4. Aerosol "Kameton" what is it used for? This is an antiseptic combined remedy against the common cold. The composition of this drug contains such components - chlorobutanol hemihydrate, synthetic camphor, levomenthol and eucalyptus oil. The drug has an antiseptic, analgesic, antipruritic effect, and its local effects are accompanied by a feeling of coolness and slight tingling. What the Kameton aerosol is used for is described in detail in the instructions.

Antihistamines for the common cold

Such a pathological phenomenon as allergic rhinitis often causes atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Therefore, such a disease must be de alt with immediately, without waiting for the occurrence of complications.

  1. Allergodil is an Italian antihistamine for the common cold. The medication is used for allergic reactions of any origin. It eliminates only the symptoms of the disease, but does not affect the cause of its occurrence. May be given to children over six years of age.
  2. "Kromoheksal" -This is an antihistamine German medicine in the form of a spray. It is allowed to take it within a month. It is recommended to use it for drug addiction. Appointed from the age of 5 years.

How else to treat a runny nose that does not go away for a long time in an adult and a child? Consider other medications.

Moisturizers for colds

This group of medicines is used for rhinitis caused by atrophy of the nasal mucosa, if the disease is accompanied by severe dryness in the nose. Such drugs moisturize the mucous membrane, restore its structure, and facilitate breathing. These include:

  1. "Aqua Maris" - a saline solution designed to wash the nose with a runny nose. Indications for its use are acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. With regular use, the medication prevents the development of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, moisturizes the mucous membrane with increased dryness of the air in the room.
  2. "Aqualor" - drops, which include sea s alt. The solution is designed to reduce the amount of discharge from the nose, remove mucus and soften the crusts. This remedy can be used even in newborn babies.
  3. "Marimer" - a solution of sea s alt, which is available in the form of drops. This drug is prescribed when signs of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis appear. In addition, the remedy effectively eliminates the symptoms of viral and allergic rhinitis.

Drugs for children

Which nasal drops for children from a cold are the most effective?

how to get rid of chronic rhinitis forever
how to get rid of chronic rhinitis forever

Rhinitis causes a lot of trouble not only for the child, but also for his parents. The kid is constantly naughty, he has difficulty breathing, the nasopharynx becomes inflamed. A prolonged runny nose can provoke many complications, since infection of the mucous membrane can occur, which is fraught with diseases of bacterial etiology. Medicines that are used to treat a runny nose in a child:

  1. "Naphthyzin" - drops based on naphazoline. The drug, upon contact with the mucous membrane, quickly removes tissue swelling and inflammation. With a cold, this remedy affects the capillary vessels, increasing the volume of air entering through the nose. Please note that this medication should be used with caution as it can cause nosebleeds in children.
  2. "Vibrocil" is a medication that is often prescribed for chronic rhinitis in children from 1 to 6 years old. The main substance of the drug is phenylephrine. The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect and can be used for rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. Contraindications - intolerance to the substance and atrophic form of rhinitis.
  3. "Nazol Baby" - a drug for the smallest patients with a runny nose - for children under 1 year old. It has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, but it cannot be used for long courses. These drops are recommended to bury the child's nose just before bedtime.

Therapy with folk methods

How to cure rhinitis at home? From chronic protracteda runny nose can be eliminated by washing the nose with this solution: for 1 glass of water - 1 tsp. s alt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 5 drops of iodine. Mustard is also widely used: you can put mustard plasters on your feet or pour dry mustard into your socks. You can do foot baths: at night, hold your feet in hot water with mustard added.

types of chronic rhinitis
types of chronic rhinitis

How to get rid of chronic rhinitis forever? Effectively treat a runny nose at home with onions. Onion gruel is wrapped in a damp cloth, put on the wings of the nose, covered with a dry cloth on top, lie with this compress for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Aloe and Kalanchoe are wonderful folk remedies for the common cold. It is necessary to drip into the nose 3-4 times a day the juice of Kalanchoe pinnate or aloe 3-5 drops.

We looked at why a runny nose does not go away for a long time, as well as effective methods of dealing with it.
