Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment at home
Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The disease can be an independent pathology or a complication of a cold, viral lesions. The patient has a sharp cough (“barking”), whistling can be heard when breathing, sometimes the voice disappears.


The disease occurs in adults and children for a number of reasons, namely:

  • Infection. The mucous surface of the larynx is directly affected. The most common causes of viral laryngitis are influenza, adenoviruses, Coxsackievirus, streptococci, staphylococci, fungal infections, etc.
  • Physical damage. The group of factors includes - cold drink and food, hypothermia, mouth breathing, work in harmful conditions, excessive stress on the vocal cords.
  • Allergy. Washing powders, intolerance to certain products, smoke, etc. become a provoking factor. In this case, an additional symptom will be swelling of the larynx.
  • The autoimmune nature of the disease is extremely rare and is most often part of the general damage to the body in such diseases - amyloidosis,systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener's granulomatosis, etc.

Also, pathology can appear as a result of stomach contents entering the larynx, which occurs due to the weakening of the gastric sphincter. Predisposition to laryngitis appears in certain conditions and diseases. For example, smokers and people addicted to alcohol are more likely to suffer from sore throats. Contribute to the appearance of pathology chronic diseases of internal organs, metabolic disorders, weakening of the immune system, dry air and many other reasons.

laryngitis symptoms and treatment reviews
laryngitis symptoms and treatment reviews

General symptoms

The disease is divided into several types, each of them has specific symptoms. Treatment is differentiated. But there are also general signs indicating the development of the disease:

  • Dryness, itching, lump in the throat.
  • Swelling of the larynx may appear.
  • The voice loses its normal timbre, it may disappear, the patient will only be able to speak in a whisper.
  • Cough dry, tearing bronchial tubes.
  • The body temperature does not fluctuate significantly, but chills often appear.

Chronic laryngitis - symptoms

Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of disease. The chronic form is a sluggish long-term inflammation of the larynx. It is diagnosed in patients of all age groups, but more often men suffer from this form of laryngitis, which is associated with professional activities, bad habits.

Factors that provoke laryngitis include untreated respiratory diseasessystems, harmful working conditions, increased stress on the vocal cords, bad habits, etc. Chronic laryngitis has the following types:

  • Atrophic. The patient experiences constant dryness in the throat, a strong cough. Voice formation and breathing are difficult, the larynx becomes inflamed. A long pathological process leads to thinning of the vocal cords, in the larynx there is an accumulation of a viscous secret, crusts that cause coughing fits. Chronic atrophic laryngitis is the most difficult to treat.
  • Hypertrophic. With this form of the disease, some areas of the mucous membrane of the larynx thicken, visually they look whitish or colorless growths. Increasing in size, the hypertrophied tissue interferes with the closure of the ligaments, their deformation occurs, and voice formation is disturbed. Breathing becomes difficult.
  • Catarrhal. With catarrhal (ordinary) laryngitis, breathing is not difficult, there is a cough with sputum, the voice is disturbed (hoarseness, hoarseness), sometimes the patient can only speak in a whisper. On visual examination, redness, swelling and slight hardening of the larynx are noticeable.
laryngitis pharyngitis symptoms treatment
laryngitis pharyngitis symptoms treatment

Each type of disease has its own characteristics, but there are common symptoms that are the same for all types of manifestations of the disease. The chronic form of the disease has the following general symptoms:

  • Voice disruption for a long time. There is hoarseness, loss of normal sound, volume and fullness. Throughout the day, the voice changes - sometimes the patient mayspeak only in a whisper, experiencing difficulty with the tension of the vocal cords.
  • Frequent bouts of coughing, with phlegm or suffocating dryness, morning attacks especially distressing.
  • There is a lump in the throat, burning of the back wall of the larynx, pain when swallowing.
  • The patient considers his general condition as normal.

Hyperplastic laryngitis. Emergence factors

The treatment of this type of pathology depends on the reasons why it appeared. Hypertrophic changes in the vocal cords with inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa most often affect singers, lecturers, teachers, announcers. Constant load on the ligaments causes thickening and compaction of tissues, a change in the timbre of the voice. This type of disease has two varieties - diffuse and localized laryngitis.

The development of pathology is due to such factors:

  • Weakening, deformity of ligaments (congenital, acquired).
  • Complications after allergies.
  • Age changes.
  • Surgical operations, injuries.
  • Decrease in the protective functions of the body, impaired circulation.

Hypertrophic (hyperplastic) laryngitis is common in smokers. The disease may be accompanied by bronchitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis. The diagnosis is established on the basis of an examination, instrumental diagnostics, a series of laboratory tests, taking into account the symptoms.

Treatment of this form of laryngitis involves eliminating the cause of the pathology, reducing the voice load, quitting smoking and alcohol. Sanitation requiredchronic throat infections. The complex of therapy includes inhalations with soda, corticosteroid, oil preparations that relieve swelling. This type of laryngitis cannot be cured with conservative methods, and in most cases, surgery is necessary to remove areas of overgrown mucous membrane.

allergic laryngitis symptoms treatment
allergic laryngitis symptoms treatment

Symptoms of Allergic Laryngitis

Treatment of laryngitis of an allergic nature begins with the exclusion of contact with the causative agent of irritation. The course of the disease has the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing. The patient may experience suffocation, shortness of breath.
  • Frequent cough.
  • Sore throat. Feeling of a foreign body in the larynx, burning on the back of the throat.

The symptoms of allergic laryngitis are very similar in their manifestations to the chronic form of the disease, but the nature of its origin is different. Particles of substances, falling on the mucous membrane of the larynx, gradually irritate it and cause swelling. Sometimes there is a rapid reaction to irritation, so experts distinguish between two types of pathology - chronic and acute.

In the acute form of the course of allergy, the patient needs emergency care, since swelling of the larynx can occur almost instantly, which will lead to suffocation with a threat to human life. Chronic allergic laryngitis does not have bright manifestations. The patient feels constant sore throat, cough, change in voice timbre. All symptoms of this form of the disease disappear as soon as contact with the allergen is eliminated.

Basic Therapy in Children

Under 6 years of age, symptoms of laryngitis in children often appear. Treatment Komarovsky E. O. recommends the following:

  • Plentiful warm drink.
  • Clean air.

According to statistics, in 99 cases out of 100 children's laryngitis will be of a viral nature. Parents just need to survive this period, giving the child's body the opportunity to cope with the disease. Do not use antibiotics, antiviral or antiallergic drugs.

When symptoms of laryngitis are detected in children, Komarovsky recommends only symptomatic treatment. You can bring down the temperature with drugs with ibuprofen or paracetamol, and give the child oral rehydration drugs as a drink.

how to treat laryngitis
how to treat laryngitis

How the disease manifests

During the preschool period, symptoms of laryngitis in a child often appear. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery, otherwise severe complications will occur. Boys are more susceptible to pathology. During this period, the child's body continues to develop rapidly, the immune system is still vulnerable.

Features of the course of the disease:

  • Appears against the background of influenza, SARS, staphylococcus, adenovirus, etc.
  • Swelling of the larynx.
  • Risk of developing spasm of the respiratory system (shortness of breath, respiratory failure).
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Attacks of suffocation, often sudden, during the night's rest. May be accompanied by blue lips, severe cough. Seizures may recurevery 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Acute form of the disease requires hospitalization.

Don't panic if you find symptoms of laryngitis in children. Treatment must be entrusted to the pediatrician. The doctor will conduct a thorough diagnosis and give recommendations on therapeutic measures, including folk recipes.

Parents often confuse the symptoms of laryngitis and pharyngitis. The treatment of these two diseases has similar manifestations, but in the case of laryngitis, the larynx is affected, and in case of pharyngitis, inflammation affects the mucous membranes of the pharynx.

From infancy to a year

Each age has its own characteristics of the course of the disease. Having found the symptoms of laryngitis in a child under one year old, parents should begin treatment immediately. The best thing to do is see a doctor.

Symptoms in a baby are no different from signs of illness in an older child, but there are many more dangers. The baby has a narrow lumen of the larynx, there is a tendency to rapid swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords, and immunity is also imperfect.

laryngitis in children symptoms and treatment Komarovsky
laryngitis in children symptoms and treatment Komarovsky

Laryngitis at this age develops rapidly, more often during a night's sleep, which is fraught with rapid narrowing of the larynx and suffocation.

What to do before the emergency arrives:

  • Calm the crying baby, release the body from tight clothes.
  • Keep the baby upright, after reaching six months you can sit in the crib (lean on pillows).
  • Hold the child near the jet of hot water, givinghim the opportunity to breathe warm moist air. Such a measure will relieve spasm of the airways.
  • To stop suffocation, induce a gag reflex by touching the larynx with a spoon handle, spatula.
  • Give a child 1 month of life to drink 1-2 teaspoons of mineral water, older children 1 tbsp. spoonful of warm water every 15 minutes.

Approximately these symptoms of laryngitis in a child of 1 year. The treatment is sparing - plentiful drink, clean air. A good addition would be to humidify the air in the room where the baby spends most of the time. This is achieved with the help of special humidifiers, and if the technique is not available, then it is enough to hang wet towels in the room.


There are few age differences in the symptoms of laryngitis in children 2 years old. Treatment in general tactics involves drinking, rest and clean, moist air. The drinking regimen must be strictly observed, in addition to warm water, the child can already be given compotes from fruits and dried fruits, tea with honey, if there is no allergy to bee products.

If a child has an allergy, there will be corresponding symptoms in laryngitis in children 2 years old. Treatment for the chronic form of the disease requires the elimination of contact with the irritant and further rehabilitation therapy. In the case of an acute course of allergic laryngitis, an ambulance is immediately called. Swelling of the larynx can cause airway obstruction.

The usual manifestation is the symptoms of laryngitis in children 3 years old. Treatment involves symptomatic medication for increasedtemperature and the traditional set of therapy methods - drinking plenty of water, humidifying the air.

In addition to the standard set of procedures for the appearance of symptoms of laryngitis in children 3 years old, treatment is supplemented by inhalations with herbs, medications. It is imperative to contact a pediatrician for an accurate diagnosis.

laryngitis symptoms in children 3 years old
laryngitis symptoms in children 3 years old

Treatment at home

Patients are not always able to distinguish between the symptoms of tracheitis and laryngitis. Treatment in both cases is aimed at relieving inflammation. But with tracheitis, the mucous membrane of the trachea is damaged. Among the causative agents of the disease of the trachea, in addition to the same factors that accompany laryngitis, there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system.

Chronic laryngitis is treated at home, most often the doctor recommends the following activities:

  • Voice mode. The patient needs some time to reduce conversations to a minimum, and it is better to be completely silent until the mucous membrane is restored.
  • Microclimate. In the room where the patient is located, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 26 degrees Celsius, air humidity of at least 50%. The room should be well ventilated in the absence of the patient. A warm scarf is wrapped around the throat, walks are postponed until the moment of recovery.
  • Drinking mode. The patient needs a warm drink. It dilutes and removes phlegm, maintains the necessary moisture in the mucosa.
  • Diet. Cold or hot dishes and drinks, as well as spicy, s alty foods are not allowed. Atallergic laryngitis, foods that weaken immunity are excluded - smoked meats, chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods, etc.
  • Hot baths for the lower extremities. The procedure reduces swelling of the larynx by redistributing blood and draining it to the lower body. The same effect is achieved when applying mustard plasters to the calf muscles.
  • Alcohol and smoking are excluded as factors that dry the mucous membrane of the larynx.
tracheitis laryngitis symptoms treatment
tracheitis laryngitis symptoms treatment

Folk recipes

In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes that eliminate the symptoms of laryngitis. Treatment with folk remedies is an addition to drug therapy, and in mild cases can replace all other methods.

Recipes for gargling:

  • Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, linden inflorescences, raspberry leaves and stems, calamus root, etc.). Dry raw materials are brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of boiling water. The composition must be cooled and filtered. Designed for regular gargles.
  • Raw root vegetable juice (carrots, potatoes) - dilute with water 1:1 and use for throat sanitation.
  • Sea s alt solution - 0.5 liters of warm water + 1.5 teaspoons of s alt.

These recipes can be used if there are symptoms of laryngitis in children 4 years old. Treatment with folk methods will be successful for a child of any age, provided there is no allergy.

Recipes for inhalation:

  • Heated mineral water ("Borjomi", "Essentuki", etc.).
  • Decoctions of herbs with antiseptic action– chamomile, sage, calamus root, thyme, etc.
  • Essential oils - they are added to hot water for inhalation, herbal decoctions - to enhance the therapeutic effect.
laryngitis symptoms and treatment reviews
laryngitis symptoms and treatment reviews

Traditional medicine treatment is indicated for adults and children with symptoms of laryngitis. Treatment Komarovsky E. O. (pediatrician) recommends starting at the first signs of the disease. He considers the best methods to be voice rest, warm drinks in large quantities, a positive mood and fresh, but warm and humid air in the room where the sick child is. All of these recommendations apply to adults as well.

Strengthening immunity:

  • Boil 2 cloves of peeled garlic in one glass of cow's milk. The elixir should be consumed chilled to room temperature. One portion is drunk slowly, about 30 minutes. In total, you can consume no more than 3 glasses of the drink per day.
  • Boil anise seeds (1/2 cup) in water (1 cup) for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Add bee honey (2 tablespoons) and cognac (1 tablespoon) to the broth. Take 1 teaspoon every hour.


Adults and children experience symptoms of laryngitis from time to time. Reviews about the treatment of folk remedies are mostly positive. It is important that a thorough diagnosis is carried out in the clinic where you have to go. Therapy for most patients is prescribed depending on the type of laryngitis.

Most of the patients came to the conclusion that it is necessary to treat the disease after settingdiagnosis, because few non-specialists can understand what ailment struck the body. If you blindly follow the advice of friends and acquaintances about the treatment of laryngitis, then you can be left without a voice. The only reasonable way is to see an otolaryngologist.

Parents noted that folk methods effectively cope with the task of therapy, but a mandatory visit to the doctor is required. There are frequent cases of a sharp deterioration in the condition of the child. Many had to call an ambulance and treat the exacerbation in the hospital. Mothers with such experience later tried at the first signs of laryngitis to follow the advice of Dr. Komarovsky - plentiful warm drinking, airing the room and moistening the air. They also insist that a visit to the doctor should be made immediately to make sure the measures taken are correct.

laryngitis treatment in children 2 years
laryngitis treatment in children 2 years

The general opinion is the desire to always listen to the body's reactions, monitor the child's condition and not tempt fate if there are signs of deterioration, but contact a qualified specialist for medical help.
