Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?

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Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?
Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?

Video: Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?

Video: Miliaria in newborns: how to treat?
Video: TOP 5 products for MILIA REMOVAL| Dr Dray 2024, July

Miliaria is considered a common occurrence in young children, which adds to the discomfort of babies. Irritation of the skin appears from the accumulation of sweat in certain parts of the baby's body. A secret accumulates in the sweat glands, which can cause the formation of blisters, spots, itching, peeling. The causes and treatment of prickly heat in newborns are described in the article.

Why appears

This phenomenon occurs more often in the warm period. In the heat, it is difficult to achieve the optimal temperature for the baby. His sweat glands are not yet fully functional due to age. Under the influence of their secretions, irritation appears. This phenomenon occurs in different areas of the skin, although prickly heat in newborns on the face is considered a rare occurrence. In any case, this discomfort must be eliminated.

prickly heat in newborns causes
prickly heat in newborns causes

In addition, causes of prickly heat in newborns can be as follows:

  1. Baby overheating through the fault of the parents. Some mothers wrap up the child, swaddle tightly.
  2. Structure featuresnewborn skin. Sweating often occurs due to the diffuse location of the sweat glands, the many capillaries, the delicate, thin top layer of the skin.
  3. Insufficient skin hygiene. This factor, combined with elevated ambient temperature, leads to severe symptoms. Often this causes serious infection, cracks, purulent wounds.
  4. Staying in diapers all day long. The skin of babies practically does not breathe, diaper rash, vesicles, red spots appear. There is a feeling of itching, the child is naughty.
  5. Synthetic clothing. Pediatricians advise using things made from natural materials for children: cotton clothes, soft knitwear sliders. Synthetics are the cause of problems with the skin of the child. Often prickly heat occurs in winter due to poorly breathable materials.
  6. Incorrect use of hygiene products. Some parents treat the skin under diapers with a thick cream, rather than powdering. This can also cause skin irritation.
  7. Overuse of baby skin care products. The use of powders, creams, sanitary napkins after a bowel movement and urination instead of washing the baby is harmful.

If diapers are not changed for a long time, irritation occurs, especially in hot weather. The risk category includes:

  • Newborns, children under 1 year old.
  • Premature babies.
  • Children who are prone to obesity.
  • Babies with diabetes.
  • Little children behindnot cared for.

Whatever the cause of prickly heat, effective treatment is needed. It is also important to follow preventive measures in order not to bring the child to this state.

how to get rid of prickly heat in a newborn
how to get rid of prickly heat in a newborn


What does prickly heat look like in newborns? Depending on the type of disease, the manifestations may be different. But there are the same symptoms that appear in all forms. As you can see from the photo, prickly heat in newborns leads to the fact that the skin loses its he althy appearance. Usually noticeable presence:

  • Red spots (bubbles).
  • Itchy.
  • Peeling.
  • Tissue infection, inflammation if not treated.

Photo of prickly heat in newborns allows you to understand how it might look. Do not ignore them, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner.

Difference from allergies

Many parents confuse prickly heat with allergies. In fact, these are two different phenomena. To differentiate these diseases, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The nature of the rashes. It is necessary to carefully stretch the stain with blisters. With a sweatshirt, this part peels off.
  2. Localization. Prickly heat usually occurs not only on the face, but also on the neck, in the folds of the skin, on the back, in areas of contact with the diaper. It also appears on the head if the cap is too warm.

As you can see from the photo above, prickly heat in newborns on the face looks about the same as allergies. But these are two different ailments, so their treatment is significantlydifferent.

prickly heat in newborns on the face
prickly heat in newborns on the face


There are several types of prickly heat in newborns:

  1. Red. It is presented in the form of small nodules, bubbles. Solid spots do not appear, but there is itching. Touching such skin leads to soreness, and in a hot room the condition may worsen.
  2. Crystal. With this type of ailment, tiny bubbles appear, which may have a white or mother-of-pearl hue. Damaged areas peel off. This problem usually occurs in the upper torso.
  3. Yellow and white. This is an infectious disease. In the vesicles there is a cloudy white or yellow purulent liquid. Some children can tolerate the disease calmly, while others experience severe discomfort. If there is no therapy, secondary infection is likely.
  4. Deep. Flesh-colored bubbles appear, their diameter is 1-3 mm.


Miliaria in newborns appears in areas of strong sweating, in the folds. Usually spots appear on the back, buttocks, neck, head. By the location of the blisters, you can determine the provoking factor:

  1. Upper back. This phenomenon is caused by hot clothes made of synthetic materials.
  2. Head - on the crown and back of the head. Occurs when wearing a hat when there is no need for it. The body overheats, so the baby sweats. Newborn prickly heat on the head leads to discomfort for the baby.
  3. Ass. This phenomenon occurs when using the wrong cream instead of powder, wheninadequate hygiene. Also, the skin "does not breathe" from being in a diaper for a long time

Sweating in newborns on the face is considered a rare occurrence. Sometimes reddish spots appear due to the localization of bubbles on the neck. A rash on the cheeks often signals the presence of diathesis, allergies.


How to get rid of prickly heat in a newborn? It is necessary to contact the pediatrician, as the diagnosis should be clarified. During secondary infection (in addition to visual inspection), a number of tests are needed:

  • Scraping for fungal infection.
  • Bacposit for microflora.

Parents who first encountered prickly heat can not immediately determine what led to irritation of the baby's delicate skin. Gradually, they begin to understand how to prevent the phenomenon, how to treat it. But an initial consultation with a pediatrician is required without fail. Only a doctor should give recommendations on how to treat prickly heat in newborns. In most cases, this is done in the following way:

  • Removing the provoking factor.
  • Drying of the skin.
  • Prevention of spread to the rest of the body.
  • Relief of symptoms, relief of the condition.

This is the sequence that doctors follow when prescribing treatment. This allows you to eliminate the pathology in a short time.

prickly heat in newborns treatment
prickly heat in newborns treatment

Effective help

One of the therapeutic techniques is shown in the above photo. Treatment of sweating in newborns at homeperforms in the following ways:

  1. Baths with decoctions or herbal infusions. It is necessary to prepare a useful remedy: chamomile, string, calendula are added to boiling water (1 liter). Herbs are taken in equal amounts, mixed. To prepare the product, you need to measure 2 tablespoons. After 40 minutes, the infusion is ready. It needs to be filtered and added to the bath while bathing. Yarrow, St. John's wort has a drying effect.
  2. Bathing the baby 2-3 times a day. If the rash is significant, inflammation has appeared on the skin, then potassium permanganate should be used. The water should be light pink. At higher concentrations, the child may get a burn of the skin.
  3. Air baths help. These are effective procedures. It is necessary to remove clothes from the child, as well as a diaper. Let the baby lie down naked for 10-20 minutes. Air access to problem areas speeds up recovery.
  4. If prickly heat on the pope appears due to the constant wearing of a diaper, then this item should be discarded for the duration of treatment. It should be worn only for a walk and while sleeping, and it is better not to use it during wakefulness.


prickly heat in newborns symptoms
prickly heat in newborns symptoms

To know how to get rid of prickly heat in a newborn, you need to read the simple tips:

  1. After water procedures, dry the body. Problem areas should not be rubbed, they should be gently blotted with a towel. Then they must be treated with a layer of powder or healing powder with anti-inflammatory action.
  2. Not worth ituse soap often, as it leads to overdrying of the skin and irritation.
  3. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, and also control that the child does not overheat. High humidity is also harmful.
  4. You can’t swaddle your baby tightly, and freedom will allow you to ventilate the folds.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the child's body, bathe him regularly. Particular attention should be paid to the area where the genitals are located. Sweating occurs when there is a lack of care for this particular part.
  6. The use of antibacterial wipes should be limited. Although many advertisements talk about their naturalness, they all include synthetic components. Chemicals irritate the epidermis. Often, mothers do not wash the child, but wipe it with a damp cloth. This should only be done on the road or on the street.
  7. Don't buy synthetic clothes for your baby. Clothing made from natural materials easily absorbs sweat and does not cause a "greenhouse effect".

Baby powder

How to treat prickly heat in newborns? Often, baby powder is used for this. It allows you to eliminate irritation, improve skin condition in a short time. It is advisable to choose a composition that includes drying, anti-inflammatory components.

It is important that the following substances are present in the powder:

  • Zinc.
  • Panthenol.
  • Anestezin.

It is necessary to treat rashes with antiseptic, drying effect. Chlorophyllipt, salicylic / boric alcohol is suitable for this.

prickly heat in newborns how to treat
prickly heat in newborns how to treat


Miliaria in newborns can be treated with effective ointments and creams:

  1. "Bepanthen". The tool moisturizes damaged skin, accelerates tissue repair. The anti-inflammatory effect is weakly expressed.
  2. Zinc ointment. The medicine dries up the rashes, protects against tissue infection. If there is enough air, there is no high humidity, then the ointment can quickly eliminate the symptoms. If after 2-3 days the rash does not decrease, then the drug needs to be replaced.
  3. "Sudokrem". The drug is antiseptic. Drying action. It is advisable to use it if the area of the rash is small.

If a newborn has prickly heat on the neck or other parts of the body, parents need to remember the following nuances:

  1. With infection of irritated tissues, fungal, bacterial lesions, pediatricians prescribe drugs that inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Antifungal gels and ointments, antibiotics should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  3. Don't take drugs based on someone else's advice, because every child is different.

If left untreated, it can lead to diaper dermatitis. In the absence of constant and high-quality care in the genital area, inflammation begins in the inguinal folds.

When medical attention is needed

Treatment does not work if the following symptoms appear:

  • Eruptions over 5 days.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Cloudy liquid bubbles.
  • Itchy redness.
  • Bubbles become white, yellowish, gray.
  • Suppuration occurs.
  • Appear "weeping" areas of the skin.
  • Signs of secondary infection.

In these cases, you need to see a doctor to prevent deterioration.

what does prickly heat look like in newborns
what does prickly heat look like in newborns

Folk remedies

There are many recipes of traditional healers to combat prickly heat. Decoctions based on birch buds, oak bark help. With their help, the work of the sweat glands is restored, inflammation is eliminated.

The following recipes help eliminate prickly heat:

  1. Add diluted starch (1 cup) to a bath of water. After bathing, the child's body should not be rinsed, you just need to wipe it dry. Then a healing cream is applied.
  2. Laundry soap helps. They need to wash the affected areas.
  3. Effective baking soda. Powder (1 tsp) must be mixed in water (1 cup). In the solution, moisten the gauze and wipe the inflamed areas.
  4. A decoction based on laurel is used. A glass of water requires 3-4 leaves. They need to be boiled for 5-10 minutes, and after the product has cooled, you need to moisten the affected areas with it.


There are effective measures to prevent prickly heat:

  1. Bath your baby regularly: 2-3 times a day in summer and daily in winter.
  2. Diapers should only be used for sleeping and inwalk period.
  3. It is better to use powder, not a greasy cream.
  4. Air baths are helpful.
  5. Children need things made from natural fabrics.
  6. In the children's room, keep the temperature at 20 degrees.
  7. Use antibacterial wipes only if you can't wash your baby.
  8. Use special powders for washing baby clothes.

Compliance with simple preventive measures will prevent the appearance of prickly heat in newborns. But if it arose, then the funds should be used after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.
