Human he alth is priceless. Only an attentive attitude to oneself will help prolong life and delight loved ones and relatives with good he alth. Any problems in the body should be reported to a specialist. Moscow polyclinic 107 on Dekabristov Street is always glad to offer high-quality medical services. Assistance will be provided not only to Muscovites with registration, but also to nonresident citizens.
Where is it and how to get there?
Capital Polyclinic 107 is located along Dekabristov Street, 24. The easiest way to get to a medical facility is by metro. You will have to get up at the Otradnoye station. If you travel from the center of the capital, then it is better to sit closer to the last carriage. Before visiting the clinic, it is advisable to clarify how the right specialist works. You can do this by calling the hotline number (499) 907-63-81. The clinic is open daily. From Monday to Friday, visiting specialists is possible from 7:00 to 20:00. On weekends, the institution is open from 9:00 to 16:00.

Patients who, at the place of registration, belong to polyclinic 107, can receive consultations from doctors absolutely free of charge. Assistance for an additional feecan also be provided to other residents or guests of the capital. Patients admitted by ambulance will not be charged upfront.
Hospital leadership
107 Krasnogvardeisky district polyclinic mostly has good feedback from patients. This is primarily due to the high qualification of specialists who work here. Since 2012, the duties of the chief physician of the polyclinic have been performed by Bolshakova Elena Viktorovna. This is a medical specialist with 14 years of experience who really knows his stuff. The level of professional training of a doctor meets all modern requirements. This allows you to perform the duties of the chief specialist of a medical institution at a high level.
The duties of the Deputy Chief Physician are performed by Marina Sergeevna Denisova, who has been working in the medical field for over 30 years. Over the past few years, polyclinic 107 ("Otradnoye") has become a home for a general practitioner with a huge work experience. Initially, Marina Sergeevna was an ordinary specialist in a medical institution. Today, the doctor is part of the management team and copes with his duties without any problems.
Rzhevskaya Nadezhda Viktorovna has been performing the duties of the head nurse for several years now. She devoted more than 25 years of her life to this area. For the last three years, the specialist has been a member of the management team for the “organization of nursing”. Under the strict guidance of the medical staff, they give injections and droppers to patients in a timely manner, and also monitor the condition of seriously ill patients.
Procedure for renderingcare for the sick
Every citizen who has a compulsory medical insurance policy can count on quality assistance from the staff of the institution. First of all, pre-medical services are provided. 107 city polyclinic can help not only Muscovites, but also guests of the capital. Laboratory diagnostics are carried out here, first medical aid can be provided. A dental office is at the service of patients, in which not only dental treatment can be performed, but also extraction, and further prosthetics.

The medical institution also provides outpatient care. Patients are treated both in a day hospital and at home. A nurse is attached to the seriously ill, who comes at certain hours. In addition, it is possible to call a doctor at home. It does not matter how old the patient is. 107 children's polyclinic gives quality care to little patients from the first days of life. Help can be provided by a family therapist who will gladly come to the call of both the baby and the sick elderly person.
District polyclinic No. 107 also provides an opportunity to undergo an examination of temporary disability after injuries or illnesses. Specialists assess the patient's condition and determine his degree of disability. The correct examination is of great importance for the further receipt of social benefits by a person who has temporarily lostthe opportunity to earn independently.
List of structural units
107 Polyclinic ("Otradnoe") is a place where assistance can be provided to the patient in any direction. There are such divisions as the first department of prevention, surgical, urological, therapeutic, dental departments, endocrinology room, functional diagnostics department, as well as a neurological room.

Each patient can undergo a complete examination of the body in order to identify a particular disease at an early stage. Polyclinic No. 107 offers to undergo ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity, prostate, breast, and thyroid gland. In addition, it is possible to undergo an X-ray examination of the stomach, chest, pelvis and skull bones, large and small joints. Women can get mammograms and be registered in a timely manner if any neoplasms are detected.
The polyclinic laboratory performs such types of analyzes as microbiological, biochemical, cytological, clinical, immunological. The study helps not only to make an accurate diagnosis, but also to identify which microorganism caused the disease. Additionally, research is being conducted in the field of allergology. Timely identification of the object to which a negative reaction of the body occurs helps to avoid many problems in the future.
Paid services
107 The city polyclinic is a public institution. itmeans that for a certain category of the population, assistance is provided free of charge in the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy. But visitors can also get advice from the specialists of the institution for an additional fee. The provision of paid services by a medical institution allows you to fully meet the needs of patients. For financial reward, the patient receives maximum attention from specialists. The money is used to purchase new medical equipment and pay the staff of the clinic.

The basis for the provision of paid medical services is a contract, which is drawn up directly at the clinic and agreed with the Department of He alth of the city of Moscow. Patient service is by appointment. You just need to call the clinic's hotline number. In order to conclude a contract for the provision of medical services, the patient must submit an identity document. It could be a passport or driver's license. Parents must also bring their child's birth certificate with them.
Paid medical services are provided in various directions. These are medical massage, obstetrics and gynecology, radiology, reflexology, neurology, infectious diseases, cardiology, physiotherapy, manual therapy, endocrinology, surgery and much more.
The medical institution serves patients from the first days of life. If the birth takes place in a department thatbelongs to the 107 city polyclinic, after discharge, a specialist is sent to the baby. The pediatrician is assigned to the child for the entire period of his growing up (up to 16 years). The chief physician of the children's department is Pronko Nikolai Aleksandrovich. Reception of the population on issues not related to the he alth of babies is carried out every Monday from 15:00 to 20:00.

107 Children's polyclinic provides services to patients aged 0 to 15 years. Cards for children over 16 years old are transferred to the adult department. Parents can turn to a specialist for help at any time. The children who are enrolled in educational institutions belonging to the children's department regularly undergo medical examinations. This allows you to identify this or that disease at an early stage and prevent its development in the future. Babies who are registered in another region of Moscow can be served on a paid basis. To do this, parents must first conclude an agreement with the management of the medical institution.
Live queues of patients are considered the problem of most clinics. Sometimes you have to wait for hours to get to the right specialist. Parents know how difficult it is to make a child sit quietly in the hallway. 107 children's polyclinic (Moscow) is an exception. In order to get to the doctor and not stand in long lines, you just need to make an appointment in advance by phone or on the website of the clinic. Toddlers with a high fever or severe pain are served without an appointment.
Very importanttake proper care of the oral cavity in order to avoid the development of dental diseases. But even the most thorough hygiene cannot protect against caries. Polyclinic No. 107 (Dekabristov St.) offers patients an office with new equipment. Here, not only the treatment of simple ailments, such as caries and pulpitis, but also high-quality prosthetics are performed. For a small fee, you can get a truly radiant smile. The head of the dental department of the polyclinic is Smirnov Alexey Sergeevich. This is a highly qualified specialist who has been working in the medical field for over 15 years. Extensive work experience does not prevent him from improving his knowledge and skills. Every year, new technologies for the treatment and prosthetics of teeth appear, which are used in practice in the polyclinic 107 of the city of Moscow.
Patients with acute pain are served without a queue. Otherwise, you must first make an appointment with a specialist. Treatment of complex diseases takes place in several stages. Dental specialists use the latest pain relief techniques. This allows you to overcome the fear of the drill and treat caries of any complexity without any problems. With special trepidation, doctors treat small patients. After all, the fear of the dental office for many originates precisely in childhood. If there are problems with milk teeth, polyclinic No. 107 is at the service of the kids. Parental reviews show that three-year-old children tolerate the filling procedure quite easily. Real professionals work with children.
Women's consultationat the clinic
Women who are registered in the Moscow region, assigned to the 107th polyclinic, have the opportunity to get advice from qualified gynecologists or register for pregnancy. The head of the antenatal clinic is Budyak Irina Valentinovna. This is an obstetrician-gynecologist with ten years of experience. During the work of the doctor, more than 1000 he althy babies were born. The antenatal clinic has a family planning office. Here, future parents can be examined and pass all the tests in order to conceive a child.

The department has a room for ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs. Here, not only pregnant women are examined, but also patients with various pathologies. Only after passing all the procedures, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis of the fair sex. Women who are registered in another region can also visit polyclinic No. 107. Doctors are admitted for them after concluding an agreement with the management of the medical institution.
Pregnant women in the antenatal clinic are treated with special attention by the staff. Polyclinic 107 is equipped with comfortable sofas. Doctors accept patients by appointment, so you don’t have to languish in a long wait for your turn. But even if you need to spend some time in the hallway, you can sit back and read brochures with useful information.
Calling a doctor at home
It often happens that the diseasecomes unexpectedly. At the same time, there is neither strength nor desire to get to a specialist. The problem is easily solved if there is 107 polyclinic nearby. A doctor's call can be made by phone. The specialist will come to the patient after he has finished visiting hours in the department. Patients with acute pain or elevated body temperature, who are assigned to the 107th polyclinic of the city of Moscow, have the right to call a specialist home. Calls are recorded until 12:00. All requests received after lunch are transferred to the next day. Assistance can also be provided on weekends. The department always has a doctor on duty who can make a preliminary examination of the patient and make an appointment.
Calling a doctor is carried out by calling the registry (499) 204-60-11. And by the number (499) 907-63-77 consultation can be carried out over the phone. You can call from 7:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekends.
Reviews of patients about the work of the medical institution
Like any other institution, 107 polyclinics have a wide variety of patient responses. The address of the main building is known to almost everyone who lives nearby. Many patients note that the clinic is located in an area with a developed infrastructure. You can easily get here by public transport or your own car. The medical institution has its own parking.

Work in the clinic is automated. The patient can make an appointment with a specialist through the website or by phone. AtAt the same time, a reminder message will be sent to your mobile phone a few hours before the scheduled time. But, unfortunately, not everything always goes according to plan. Patients note that even with a preliminary appointment with a particular specialist, sometimes you have to wait in line for up to 20-30 minutes. But such incidents happen quite rarely.