Myositis - inflammation of any striated muscle. This lesion occurs during the action of toxins and infections, after injuries, severe stress, as a result of hypothermia and sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Myositis of the neck muscles most often develops due to exposure to drafts, and inflammation of the back muscles in most cases is provoked by chronic infections or metabolic disorders.

The main clinical manifestation of myositis is swelling and reflex spasm of the affected muscles, which causes pain. With this disease, asymmetric nerve damage is also observed. The disease proceeds with a pronounced inflammatory process. The patient cannot turn his head. With a significant spread of pathological changes, pain can reach the fingers.
Treatment of myositis should be carried out at the first manifestations of the disease. With untimely therapy, the pain can become prolonged, dull in nature. In addition, a herniated disc or subluxation of the intervertebral joints in the neck may develop, due to prolonged spasm of the affected muscle fibers.
It is worth noting that the correct treatment of myositis in 70% of cases ensures the complete absence of complaints after a few days. Among the basic principlestherapy of this pathology, the following should be noted:

• The affected muscles should be given complete rest;
• apply a warming ointment to areas of inflammation;
• take one of the anti-inflammatory drugs by mouth;
• highly effective are novocaine blockades with the addition of corticosteroids;
• The treatment of myositis in patients who have contraindications to the use of certain drugs occurs by prescribing post-isometric relaxation (manual therapy method).
It must be said that the therapy of muscle inflammation should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since the volume of therapeutic measures depends on the etiology of this disease. So that the patient's condition does not become more complicated, he should avoid hypothermia and excessive physical exertion.
Treatment of myositis can be carried out using folk methods:

1. A leaf of white cabbage should be lathered with laundry soap, sprinkled with soda, applied to the affected areas in the form of a compress, fixed with a handkerchief.
2. When cervical myositis develops, treatment may include horsetail compresses, which are excellent for pain relief.
3. Therapy should also include appropriate dietary nutrition. So, you can not smoke and drink alcohol. You should limit the number of spicy, fatty and s alty foods. Useful porridge on the water from sprouted grains of wheat, oats or barley.
4. For the preparation of ointments in traditional medicineoften used are peppermint, birch leaves, celandine, plantain, chamomile, pine buds, eucalyptus leaves, St. John's wort.
5. For muscle inflammation, an alcohol tincture is made from barberry bark, which is used orally, 20-30 drops daily.
It is worth remembering that when neck myositis develops, treatment should be carried out after consulting a specialist. This is especially true for muscle inflammation in children. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, since severe allergic reactions to herbal remedies often occur in childhood, which greatly complicates the course of myositis.